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内外环境的硒含量提高与大骨节病病区病情下降有密切关系,本文从内外环境的硒含量角度对 X 线患病率与主食,人发、饮水中硒含量及病区经济状况,农田用肥等方面的关系进行讨论。结果表明:1、该病区 X 线患病率与硒含量呈负相关关系(r=-0.6953,r=-0.879粮硒、发硒)。2、农村群众主食小麦中的硒含量接近非病区,内外环境中的硒含量明显提高。3、该病区病情下降与改革后经济收入增加,生活水平提高,施用化肥量增加有直接相关关系。  相似文献   

西藏大骨节病病区硒含量检测结果分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 全面了解西藏大骨节病病区的硒含量水平。方法 从西藏5地(市)的病区中采集各种样品,通过荧光法检测硒含量。结果 西藏大骨节病病区硒含量明显偏低。结论 西藏处于全国低硒地带,应加强大骨节病病区碘硒盐的使用。  相似文献   

生产高硒鸡蛋和肉的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验是选用非大骨节病区生长白产蛋母鸡120只。用大骨节病区、非病区和非病区加不同浓度硒的饲料分别进行喂养。结果:加硒饲料喂养母鸡所产的蛋,其硒含量明显高于不加硒组,并随硒浓度的增加而升高。鸡肉及内脏的硒含量亦有不同程度的增加。此可给与缺硒有关的疾病提供一种新的防治方法,并对纠正低硒地区人群的缺硒状态亦有一定意义。  相似文献   

内外环境硒水平上升与病情下降有密切关系,本文从X线患病率与主食、人发。饮水中的硒含量及病区经济状况,农田用肥等方面的关系进行了调查。结果表明:(1)X线患病率下降,硒水平上升,二者为负相关关系。(2)农村主食小麦中的硒含量接近非病区,内外环境中的硒水平明显升高。(3)病情下降与改革后经济收入增加,生活水平提高,施用化肥量增加有直接关系。  相似文献   

目的 观察陕西省旬邑县大骨节病病区7~12岁儿童采用补硒及主食粮干燥措施预防大骨节病的效果。方法 在病区采用补硒及主食粮干燥措施,并分别在预防措施实施前后的2014年和2016年对病区儿童拍右手X线片,采集头发、小麦和水样,以西安市健康体检儿童为非病区对照,采用双道原子荧光和ELISA法等测定硒和T-2毒素含量及粮食含水率。结果 2014年旬邑县7~12岁儿童大骨节病X线检出率为9.9%,为大骨节病轻病区,小麦硒含量为7.03±5.94 ng/g,发硒含量为0.24±0.07μg/g,水硒含量为0.51±0.27 ng/mL。非病区对照小麦硒含量为22.43±6.38 ng/g,发硒含量为0.62±0.13μg/g,水硒含量为0.75±0.11 ng/mL。病区小麦T-2毒素含量为206μg/g,小麦含水率为16%。结果表明,旬邑县7~12岁儿童发硒含量显著低于西安地区儿童,小麦硒含量显著低于西安地区,采用补硒及主食粮干燥后,2016年预防组儿童发硒含量显著增加,粮食T-2毒素含量为96 ng/g,含水率为12%,均达到国家标准。结论 旬邑县大骨节病病区外环境处于低硒状态,大骨节病X线...  相似文献   

内、外环境硒营养水平与克山病发病关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨克山病病区内、外环境硒水平以及与克山病发病的关系。方法 分别采集病区、非病区水,以及居民食用粮和病区、非病区人群头发、血清及尿样,用荧光法测定样品硒含量;并观察全省40年克山病病情动态变化,观察硒水平与克山病发病的关系。结果 克山病病区水硒、土壤硒含量低于非病区;居民食用粮(小麦、玉米、瓜干)硒含量显著低于非病区(P〈0.01);克山病病区水、土中硒含量与当地粮食中硒含量成正相关关系。克山病患者发硒、血清硒、尿硒含量均显著低于病区健康人和非病区健康人(P〈0.01),病区健康人的血清硒、尿硒水平低于非病区健康人,发硒也有降低趋势。从1976~2004年克山病病区居民食用小麦、玉米硒含量逐渐增高,克山病患者头发、血清及尿液硒含量逐渐增高,克山病患病率逐渐降低。结论 克山病发生于低硒地区,病区居民机体硒营养水平与克山病患病率之间呈一定的负相关关系。缺硒可能是克山病发生的地区性条件致病因素。  相似文献   

用2,3-二氨基萘荧光法测定了云南昭通市克山病病区的土壤、粮食、儿童头发中硒含量并与其它病区和非病区的同类品种作了对比分析。其结果为:云南昭通市克山病病区的土壤、粮食、儿童头发中平均硒含量成倍地高于其它病区同类品种的硒含量,接近或高于现有非病区同类品种的平均硒含量。 昭通市克山病病区的土壤、粮食、儿童头发中硒含量处于现有非病区硒水平的环境中。  相似文献   

大骨节病病区儿童硒代谢平衡的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了一个大骨节病病区14例12—14岁儿童三天自然进食条件下的硒代谢平衡,以16例非病区儿童作为对照,结果表明:病区组平均硒摄入量12.44μg/日(范围7.69—16.23),明显低于非病区组的96.63μg/日(范围18.90—226.35μg/日)仅为杨氏提出的最低生理需要量40μg/日的31%。病区组硒表面吸收率为27%,不足非病区组的一半(55%)。病区组血硒含量和尿、粪硒排泄量分别为11ng/ml,1.91和9.04μg/日,明显低于非病区组的68ng/ml,25.40和32.94μg/日。两组尿硒均与硒摄入呈明显正相关。但回归方程不同(病区组 r=0.63 (?)=5.6480 3.6540X;非病区组 r=0.72,(?)=32.0757 2.5414X)。病区组硒平衡为 1.43μg/日、与零比较无显著性差异,非病区组 37.88μg/日,与零比较有非常显著性差异。病区有5例(36%),非病区有3例(19%)处于硒负平衡状态,两组比较无显著性差异。硒平衡数据与硒摄入在病区组无显著性正相关而非病区组相关很好(病区组 r=0.1,非病区组 r=0.88)根据回归方程,非病区组需摄入52μg/日的硒维持硒的平衡状态。  相似文献   

本文用低硒的克山病病区粮喂养大鼠,证明其心肌中心钠素含量明显增高,而在补充硒,维生素后均可使其含量下降,并且具有一定的量效关系,尤其是硒和VE的联合补使心肌中ANP含量明显降低,接近饲非病区粮和常规食水平,表明二者对心脏内产生和释放ANP具有明显影响,据此推论硒和VE的联合缺乏可能就是造成病区粮饲养动物心肌内ANP含量增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

云南省克山病的某些流行特点与硒的内外环境调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对云南省82个县的522份粮食样品和2519份人发样品的硒含量测定结果表明:克山病病区粮食和人发硒含量明显低于非病区;人群发硒和主粮硒水平显著相关,人群硒水平的高低基本上与病区和非病区的分布相一致,符合克山病的地区性分布和人群选择性的流行特点。缺硒可能是克山病病区的一个基本致病水土因素,但并非是构成克山病流行的唯一因素。  相似文献   

Although trace minerals are necessary constituents of enzymes, dietary requirements of these nutrients for the elderly are unknown. This study measured selenium balance in six dependent elderly men before and after five weeks daily administration of 200 micrograms organically-bound selenium; dietary selenium intake averaged 62.1 +/- 7 micrograms/day during both study periods. Selenium status was assessed not only chemically but also biologically as red cell and platelet glutathione peroxidase activities. Plasma selenium averaged 8.8 +/- 0.8 micrograms% (normal: 10 +/- 2 micrograms %) when intake derived from dietary sources alone and increased during medicinal supplementation to an average of 12.8 +/- 1.9 micrograms %. The rise in plasma selenium was not associated with an increase in red cell or platelet glutathione peroxidase activity. The effect of selenium supplementation on in vivo platelet aggregability was studied by measuring plasma levels of beta-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4, two proteins secreted concomitant with aggregation. beta-thromboglobulin diminished 7.5 +/- 11.0 ng/ml and platelet factor 7.6 +/- 11.0 ng/ml during selenium supplementation despite no change in platelet glutathione peroxidase activity. These data support the concept that selenium nutritional status should be assessed not only by blood selenium content but also by selenium-dependent enzyme activity or selenium-dependent biologic effect.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE Severe selenlum deficiency has been documented In northern Zaïre, already known as one of the most Iodine deficient regions In the world and characterized by a predominance of the myxoedematous form of cretinism. This has been attributed to the double deficiency of essential trace elements. A short selenium supplementation programme was conducted In this area to evaluate the effects of a selenium supplementation on thyroid diseases. DESIGN Placebo or selenium 50 ?g as selenomethionine was administered once dally for 2 months. Blood and urine samples were collected before and after supplementation. PATIENTS Fifty-two healthy schoolchildren from northern Zaire. MEASUREMENT Selenium status, thyroid function and urinary Iodide were determined. RESULTS After 2 months of selenium supplementation, mean±SD serum T4 decreased from 73.1 ± 45.4 to 48.3 ± 23.7 nmol/l (P <0.001), serum FT4 from to 8.4.41 pmol/l (P, 0.01), and serum rT3 from 124.115 to 90.72 pmol/l (P < 0.05), without significant change In serum T3 and serum TSH. CONCLUSION Delodinase type I which has been shown to be a seleno-enzyme could account for the changes in thyroid hormones In our subjects. Our data show that selenium plays a definite role in thyroid hormone metabolism In humans. Selenium could be an Important cofactor in the clinical picture of Iodine deficiency In Central Africa could be Involved In the aetiology of both forms of cretinism.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Selenium deficiency has been associated with cancer risk in several organs. This association was investigated in neoplasia of the colorectum. DESIGN: A case-control study is reported with two patient series, colorectal cancer and colorectal adenomatous polyps, and a control group found to be free of colorectal neoplasia. Diagnosis was determined by colonoscopy and histologic review of suspected neoplasms. Serum drawn at the time of colonoscopy was subsequently assayed for selenium content, and quartiles based on selenium were defined. Crude and adjusted odds ratios with 95 percent confidence intervals for adenoma related to selenium were calculated, controlling for known or suspected risk factors including gender, age, race, body mass index, family history, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, serum beta carotene, serum alpha tocopherol, and serum ferritin. RESULTS: There were 138 controls who had no neoplastic disease, 139 adenoma patients, and 25 cancer patients. For adenoma,comparing higher quartiles of selenium to the first (lowest selenium), the adjusted odds ratio for the second quartile was 1.7 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.8–3.7), the third quartile was 1.4 (0.7–3.2), and the fourth (highest selenium) quartile was 1.8 (0.9–4). The odds ratios for cancer patients were 0.8 for the second quartile, 1 for the third quartile, and 1.7 for the fourth quartile. CONCLUSION: No trend could be detected toward a protective effect of higher levels of serum selenium for colonic benign or malignant tumors.Supported by grants from The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Research Foundation, the Department of Clinical Investigation of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and Public Health Service Grant CA 36978.Address reprint requests to Dr. Nelson: 1740 West Taylor, Room 2204, M/C 957, Chicago, Illinois 60612.  相似文献   

Summary The concentration of selenium in serum (S-Se) was studied in 20 patients and glutathione in erythrocytes (E-GSH) in 16 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at onset and after 3 and 6 months of antirheumatic therapy with aurothiomalate (19 cases) or with D-penicillamine (one case). The values were compared to those of age and sex matched healthy controls. S-Se was significantly (p<0.01) lower in RA patients at the onset of the trial, but increased to the level of the controls during the follow-up. On the other hand, there was no difference in E-GSH between the patients and their controls before the onset of antirheumatic medication but the increase in E-GSH of RA patients during the trial was highly significant (p<0.001). Nevertheless, neither S-Se nor E-GSH correlated to changes in clinical or laboratory indicators of disease activity or to the development of new erosions in X-ray. It is concluded that changes in rheumatoid activity or disease progress occur independently of changes in S-Se or E-GSH.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a torula diet or wheat diets containing 4 levels of Se partially supplemented (24-402 ppb) for 120 days. Selenium content and glutathione-peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in plasma and erythrocytes were measured every 20 days. In rats fed torula diet or basal wheat diet, plasma Se (P-Se) increased for up to 60 days, then remained constant, while erythrocytes Se (E-Se) and E-GSH-Px decreased in basal-diet rats during the first 40-60 days, then increased. In rats fed supplemented diets, P-Se and P-GSH-Px increased more rapidly than E-Se and E-GSH-Px, plateauing at 60-80 days. The best correlation was found between P-GSH-Px and dietary Se indicating that this index is the most sensitive for evaluating changes resulting from different Se intakes. In addition, correlations became more significant with time. The results from rats fed a low Se diet suggest the existence of regulatory mechanisms working in different ways and at different times in plasma and erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Metabolic pathways and toxic effects of long-term selenium exposure in animal models and humans have both similarities and significant differences. In animal models the target organ is the liver, in which chronic cirrhosis develops. In man the target organ appears to be the lung, which manifests acute "rose cold," or, as in our patient, a chronic granulomatous hypersensitivity. Our data indicate not only a different target organ than would have been predicted from animal models, but also a difference in the distribution of selenium in human tissues. Long-term use of selenium favors production of dimethylselenide, which is excreted by the lungs and should be considered a pulmonary toxin. The ramifications of these findings may require a change in the monitoring techniques of long-term industrial exposure and mandate a close follow-up of selenium as a health fad.  相似文献   

Patients with previous myocardial infarction were tested for antithrombin-III (AT-III) activity and selenium levels in their plasma and compared with sex- and age-matched healthy control individuals. Patients and controls showed a positive correlation between AT-III and selenium levels (r = 0.27, p = 0.015). After calculatory adjustment for this correlation, selenium was found to be significantly negatively correlated with disease. Multivariate analysis of differences between patients and controls indicated that triglyceride levels in serum had the greatest discriminatory ability (r2 = 0.169), followed by AT-III (r2 = 0.072) and selenium (r2 = 0.056). The increased AT-III levels were correlated with the use of warfarin and beta blockers in the patients, but these drugs could not explain the comparatively low selenium levels in the patients. Serum total cholesterol and plasma fatty acid composition had no discriminatory power in multivariate testing. The various fatty acids did not show co-variation with the selenium levels. The clinical significance of these observations is not clear, but they are consistent with the hypothesis that selenium is an important determinant in cardiovascular disease. The relation between AT-III and selenium should be further evaluated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Selenium is a fundamental nutrient to human health that might have anticarcinogenic effects. Previous studies have assessed the possible relationship of selenium status to colorectal adenomas with controversial results. We primarily aimed to assess the relationship of serum selenium status with the presence of large size colorectal adenomas in subjects living in a poor selenium region. The serum selenium status in colorectal cancer was also evaluated. METHODS: Serum selenium levels were measured in 28 patients with large size sporadic adenomatous polyps, 24 patients with colorectal adenocarcinomas, and 35 age-matched healthy individuals. A logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the relationship of serum selenium to colorectal adenomatous polyps after adjusting for confounding variables (age, sex, smoking habit, and alcohol drinking). RESULTS: Among subjects aged < or = 60 yr, mean serum selenium levels were significantly lower in both patient groups (adenoma, 57.9 +/- 4.3 microg/L; cancer, 43.7 +/- 6.6 microg/L) than in healthy controls (88.9 +/- 8 microg/L) (p = 0.0001). There were no difference among subjects > 60 yr old. A significant inverse association between selenium status and the diagnosis of large size adenomatous polyps after adjusting for confounding variables was found (adjusted p = 0.029). Subjects with higher selenium status (> or = 75th percentile value of 82.11 microg/L) had a lower probability (OR = 0.17, 95% CI = 0.03-0.84) to be in the adenoma group than subjects with lower selenium status (< 82.11 microg/L). This association was more marked in subjects aged < or = 60 yr (adjusted p value = 0.04, OR = 0.08, 95% CI = 0.007-0.91), and was not significant in older subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that high selenium status may decrease the risk of large size adenomas in a low selenium region, and that this preventive effect seems to be exclusive to subjects < or = 60 yr. These results will need to be confirmed in additional epidemiological studies before recommending selenium supplementation in patients with colon adenomas.  相似文献   

Four groups of rats of a normal selenium status were given different selenium compounds during a long-term feeding experiment (28 days). The selenium supplementations (per kg diet) were sodium selenite (1 mg), selenocystine (2 mg), and two different concentration levels of selenium from fish (0.1 and 1 mg). Differential pelleting of liver homogenates demonstrated that selenium was present in all the subcellular fractions, with a recovery of 55-60% in the cytosols. Gel permeation high-performance liquid chromatography of the cytosol fractions demonstrated the presence of protein-bound selenium at a molecular weight of 70,000 daltons. The subcellular distributions as well as the protein binding of selenium in the cytosols were identical in all dietary groups. This indicates a similar long-term liver metabolism of the four selenium compounds tested in the rat.  相似文献   

硒、维生素E、锌与低硒、富锰引起大鼠心肌损伤的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨硒、维生素E(VE)、锌单因素及复合因素对低硒、富锰心肌损伤的影响。方法用低硒、富锰人工半合成饲料喂饲大白鼠8周。补充硒(0.3mg/kg)或VE(250mg/kg)或锌(200mg/kg)。结果单因素硒、VE、锌及复合因素均可使血清谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH—Px)活性提高,使心肌组织脂质过氧化物(LPO)值明显降低,心肌坏死检出率有降低的趋势。结论复合因素好于单因素,3因素明显好于双因素。  相似文献   

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