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飞行员由于其职业要求的复杂性和其工作环境不容疏忽的特性,可能遇到不幸事件,从而延误其飞行事业。这些不幸事件发生后,为了继续飞行,可能需要进行医学评定,包括神经心理学评定。现在,因为缺乏基线的神经心理学数据妨碍对飞行员作出航空医学特许飞行的评定。此外,在压缩军费开支的年代,飞行员的  相似文献   

按心理学的原则和方法,制定了一套飞行人员心理训练方案:双重任务训练作为心理模拟训练;生物反馈放松训练作为情绪一行为控制训练;表象训练作为飞行程序和知觉一运动的认知训练。以声像教材和仪器训练形式在军事飞行员中试用。83名飞行员分为三个实验组和一个对照组。实验组每天接受30min训练,共15次。心理训练结束半年以后,四个组的飞行成绩有显著性差异(P<0.01),其中生物反馈放松训练+表象训练组的成绩与其它二组(生物反馈放松圳练组、双重任务训练组)及对照组相比有显著性差异;放松训练达标人数与飞行成绩的点双列相关系数为0.6;放格趋势一周后逐渐平稳。此结果为军事飞行员的心理训练提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

目的 通过文献综合分析我国民航飞行员心理选拔研究的现状及前景. 资料来源与选择 国内外该领域及相关领域的研究论文和专著. 资料引用 国内外公开发表的文献26篇.资料综合 飞行员心理选拔是通过飞行专家和心理学研究者从心理品质和心理特征等方面挑选出那些既能通过飞行训练又能成为优秀机长的候选者,这不仅能有效地节省飞行训练成本,同时能很好地维护飞行安全质量.在航空心理学研究中,基本能力/智力、心理运动能力和人格特征等心理因素一直是选拔飞行员的关键指标. 结论 我国民航飞行员心理选拔过程中存在内容陈旧、缺乏效度、测验手段单一、选拔与训练脱节以及缺乏统一的选拔系统等问题.未来研究应以安全为导向,结合能力特征和心理状态、人格特质和情境状态,以机组资源管理技能为效标构建适用于中国民航飞行员的心理选拔系统,为从根本上确保民航飞行员安全作业的可靠性奠定良好的工作基础.  相似文献   

飞行员临时停飞心理学指征研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 综述和分析与飞行员临时停飞相关的心理学指征的研究概况. 资料来源与选择该领域的研究论文、综述、研究报告和专著. 资料引用相关文献41篇.资料综合从飞行事故中的心理因素、飞行员临时停飞心理学指征的国内外研究现状及研究展望3个方面进行综合.结论 实施飞行员心理学临时停飞对保障飞行安全具有重要意义,研究制定适合我军飞行员的临时停飞心理学指征是一个亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

飞行员是一个特殊的群体,飞行职业具有高空、高速、高紧张、高危险的特性。近几年的研究结果显示,我军飞行员尚存在较多与飞行不相适应的心理卫生问题。提示对飞行员开展广泛深入的心理学研究、心理治疗和咨询势在必行。而空军疗养院的工作环境以及工作性质则决定了它在飞行员心理卫生保障工作中的重要地位。  相似文献   

随着空军向攻防一体化作战方向发展,现代航空技术高科技化要求飞行员必须在极短时间内处理大量信息,迅速作出判断。尤其是高性能战斗机具有持续高加速度(+Gz)、高加速度增长率(△Gz)、高角加速度和高认知负荷等特点,使飞行员的身体和心理负荷增加,对飞行员心理要求越来越高。这就要求对飞行学员的选拔必须从单一的医学筛选模式,向医学一心理.技术相结合的筛选-控制模式转变。  相似文献   

认知特征与飞行错觉水平关系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以现代认知心理学的理论、方法和大脑半球认知功能分化理论为基础,从空间认知角度探讨飞行员认知功能特点同飞行错觉水平(或飞行空间定向能力)之间的关系。研究结果表明:轻度错觉组飞行员的规空间认知分数明显优于重度错觉组的飞行员(F=5.502,P<0.05);尽管轻、重错觉组的飞行员在认知侧化商数上并无显著性差异(F=0.735,P>0.05),但前者的认知特点更倾向于以空间认知为主;两组飞行员在认知功能的总体水平上构成显著性差异(F=5.825,P<0.05),但构成这种显著性差异的主要原因是空间认知水平上的差异。因此,空间认知能力对于飞行员形成良好的飞行空间定向能力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨飞行人员中枢神经系统免疫性疾病的诊治和航空医学鉴定原则,为此类疾病的航空卫生保障提供参考。方法回顾性分析3例患中枢神经系统免疫性疾病的飞行员的临床资料并复习相关文献。结果3例患者中1例患多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis ,MS),1例患重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis ,MG),1例患急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病(acute inflammatory de‐myelinating polyneuropathy ,AIDP)。本组病例临床特点为起病隐袭,症状、体征不明显,不容易被发现。航空医学鉴定结果:患MS、MG的飞行员飞行不合格,患AIDP的飞行员飞行合格。结论对患此类疾病的飞行人员要仔细观察,避免误诊、漏诊。要根据飞行人员病情轻重、飞行经验、个人意向、部队意见及相关标准综合评定后作出飞行结论。  相似文献   

刘正 《民航医学》2006,16(3):30-30
阿拉斯加州的飞行事故率与美国其他地方相比明显较高。除去1986~1994年之间的年份,其它每年阿拉斯加州每10万飞行小时的事故率都比较高。2003~2004年,在美国有18%的商业航空事故发生在阿拉斯加(NTSB,2005)。这些事故中有很多其诱因是驾驶员技术性决策出现错误而发生的(NTSB,1995)。尤其是当飞行员据推测用目视飞行方式飞人了需要仪表飞行技能的气象条件时(从VFR飞人IMC),常常就会发生事故。开展了一项研究,调查飞行员的决策方式和尝试性飞行。与Klein联合会合作开发了一个危急事件调查程序。调查由经过训练的调查员开展。通用航空(91部)和空中出租车(135部)的27名飞行员被要求描述在阿拉斯加飞行时他们曾遭遇过的与气象有关的问题,他们如何应对这些问题,以及他们是否还有其他不同的应对方法。  相似文献   

目的 回顾分析国外通用航空飞行事故的概况,及其与飞行员性别、年龄、飞行经验等有关的人的因素在飞行事故中所起的相关作用,为我国通用航空飞行安全提供建设性意见. 资料来源与选择 国内外通用航空的飞行安全与人的因素研究领域相关文献. 资料引用 公开发表的文献38篇. 资料综合 介绍美国通用航空飞行事故概况和该领域开展的针对性预防研究工作,分析飞行员性别、年龄、飞行经验和综合因素在通用航空飞行事故发生中的作用,为我国通用航空飞行安全提出建议.通用航空飞行事故中人的因素占首位.男性飞行员的冒险本性,使其发生的致命事故要多于女性飞行员;年龄大的飞行员积累的飞行经验可部分补偿因生理、心理引起的工作能力降低的影响,但其所从事危险飞行任务增加,在飞行管理上需进行完善.此外,气象条件、事故环境、飞行员有酒精、药物滥用史等因素易诱发通用航空飞行事故. 结论 我国通用航空即将迎来飞速发展的阶段,充分借鉴国内外航空医学已有的研究成果和经验,规范通用航空飞行员的医学检查标准和机制,加强对通用航空飞行员的教育和培训,建立完善的事故报告分析体系,将有助于减少我国未来通用航空发展中由于人的因素所导致的飞行事故,提高飞行安全水平.  相似文献   

1017例就诊飞行人员的心理干预及疗效分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 研究心理干预对就诊飞行人员心理问题及应激反应症状的疗效。方法 采用PLES MHI,SMSE,SCL-90,EPIQ量表,对1017名来心理科就诊的飞行人员在心理干预前后进行评定,并比较心理教育,生物反馈疗法,个别心理治疗和团体心理咨询4种心理干预方法的疗效。结果 SCL-90测评显示心理干预前后SCL-90得分比干预前显著降低;4种方法中以个别心理治疗效果为最佳(P<0.05)。结论 在疗养院对就诊的飞行员实施心理干预是一种缓解和消除心理问题及应激症状的有效途径。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Information processing and stress tolerance are necessary features for instrument flying (IFR), especially among student pilots. Psychological workload of IFR flight may lead to stress reactions such as neuroendocrine activity. METHODS: Neuroendocrine responses to an IFR flight with Vinka piston-engined primary trainer were studied in 35 male volunteers who participated in the basic military flying course of the Finnish Air Force (FAF). The student pilots performed a 40-min IFR flight mission and a control session on land in randomized order between 11.00 h and 15.00 h. The IFR flight included 3 NDB approaches and was evaluated by flight instructors. Blood samples were collected 15 min before, 5 min and 60 min after the flight as well as control session, and. Plasma ACTH, beta3-endorphin (BE), cortisol, prolactin, adrenaline (A) and noradrenaline (NA) were measured. Psychological evaluations included psychomotor test (Wiener), Multi Coordination and Attention Test, ability tests and personality tests (CMPS and 16 PF). The overall psychological evaluation was made by an aviation psychologist. RESULTS: Plasma ACTH was significantly higher before and 5 min after the flight compared with control levels, but plasma BE increased significantly only before the flight. Plasma cortisol was significantly elevated before and 5 min after the flight. Plasma prolactin, NA and A increases were significant 5 min after the flight. High A levels after the flight correlated significantly with poor IFR flight performance as well as with poor psychomotor test results. CONCLUSIONS: The plasma prolactin and NA increases after the flight represented a direct type of stress reaction to the flight situation. The plasma BE response to IFR flight was an anticipatory stress reaction, but plasma ACTH, cortisol and A responses included both anticipatory and direct types of stress reactions. Psychological factors, flight performance and neuroendocrine responses to IFR flight appear to be associated with each other. Therefore, neuroendocrine reactions as a response to the psychological workload of military flying could be used for identifying stress tolerance in military pilots.  相似文献   

At 5 yr after MRI of the cervical spine, for evaluation concerning degenerative lesions, follow-up MRI was performed on asymptomatic experienced military high performance aircraft pilots (mean age 47 yr; mean accumulated flying time 3,100 h) and on age-matched controls without military flying experience. Young military high performance aircraft pilots (mean age 28 yr, mean accumulated flying time 915 h) were also re-examined. Compared with baseline MRI 5 yr earlier, there was significant increase in disk protrusions in all groups, in osteophytes in controls, and in foraminal stenoses in experienced pilots, and a significant reduction in disk signal intensity in young pilots. The difference between experienced pilots and controls was markedly reduced compared with that at baseline MRI. Thus, military high performance aircraft pilots seem to be at increased risk of premature development of degenerative lesions of the same type as are seen in an aging population. With increasing age the difference between pilots and controls diminishes.  相似文献   

Cancer incidence in airline and military pilots in Sweden 1961-1996   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Aircraft pilots are exposed to several agents that may be associated with an increased risk of cancer. Previous studies regarding cancer incidence and mortality in aircraft pilots have not shown a consistent pattern. The aim of this study was to describe the cancer incidence in male Swedish airline and military pilots considering flight hours and aircraft type. HYPOTHESIS: Aircraft pilots have an increased risk of certain types of cancer. METHODS: Male aircraft pilots with the Swedish Scandinavian Airline System (SAS) (n = 1,490) and military pilots and navigators in the Swedish Air Force (n = 2,808) employed during 1957-1994 were studied regarding cancer incidence during 1961-1996 using the Swedish National Cancer Register. The cancer incidence was compared with that of the general male Swedish population. RESULTS: The standardized incidence ratio (SIR) for cancer overall was 1.00 (95% CI 0.80-1.22) for airline pilots, 0.97 (95% CI 0.83-1.10) for military pilots and 0.98 (95% CI 0.87-1.09) for all pilots. Airline pilots had an increased incidence of malignant melanoma of the skin (SIR 2.54) and military pilots of other skin cancer (SIR 2.10). For airline pilots with > 10,000 block hours or high-altitude long-distance duty results were similar concerning cancer overall and skin cancers. CONCLUSIONS: Swedish pilots had an overall cancer incidence similar to the male general population. An increased incidence of malignant melanoma in airline pilots and of other skin cancer in military pilots could be associated with exposure to UV radiation either at work or outside work.  相似文献   

MRI cervical spine findings in asymptomatic fighter pilots   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
MRI of the cervical spine for evaluation concerning degenerative lesions was performed on asymptomatic experienced military high performance aircraft pilots (mean age 42 yr with mean accumulated flying time of 2600 h), and for comparison on age-matched controls without military flying experience. Young military high performance aircraft pilots (mean age 23 yr with 220 h of flying per person) were also examined. There were significantly more osteophytes, disk protrusions, compressions of the spinal cord and foraminal stenoses in the experienced pilots than in the age-matched controls. Low frequency of low grade degenerative lesions was found in the young and inexperienced pilots.  相似文献   

目的了解军事飞行员心理健康与社会支持和自我和谐的关系。方法采用心理卫生症状自评量表(SCL-90)、社会支持评定量表和自我和谐量表对504名军事飞行员进行测试、统计、分析。结果 (1)军事飞行员心理健康与社会支持和自我和谐成正相关。(2)心理健康水平高的军事飞行员社会支持、自我和谐程度明显高于心理健康水平低的军事飞行员。结论加强自我和谐、获得更多的社会支持有助于提高军事飞行员的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

目的 了解战斗机飞行人员颈椎退变情况。方法对5年前作过MRI检查的战斗机飞行员(甲组,平均年龄47岁,平均累计飞行时间2100h,乙组,平均年龄27岁,平均累计飞行时间830h)。和无飞行经验年龄相仿的对照组人员(丙组)进行复查。结果与5年前MRI结果比较,每组的椎间盘突出数增加,但丙组的骨赘、老飞行员的椎管狭窄数明显增加。与5年前比较,老飞行人员与丙组间的MRI差别降低。结论战斗机飞行员的椎间盘退行性病变的发展可能较早。但是,随着年龄的增加,与对照组的差别逐渐缩小。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Contrast sensitivity testing can be a useful supplement to standard visual acuity tests. Currently there are no standards for contrast sensitivity in military aviation. Student naval pilots, who often have better-than-average visual acuity, could be expected to have better-than-average contrast sensitivity. Any attempt to establish contrast sensitivity standards for military aviation should begin with establishing normative data, particularly data gathered from the military aviation community. HYPOTHESIS: Student naval pilots differ from the general military population on Small Letter Contrast Test measurements. METHODS: Contrast sensitivity was measured in a group of student naval pilots (n = 107) and compared with results from aviation and non-aviation personnel. The Small Letter Contrast Test (SLCT) was used (19). Other subjects consisted of student naval flight officers (n = 40), experienced naval pilots and flight officers (n = 35 and 86, respectively), enlisted aircrew (n = 175), and other military personnel tested before undergoing photorefractive keratectomy (n = 185). RESULTS: Data collected provide large-group demographic characteristics and normative values for contrast sensitivity measured with the SLCT. Of the non-aviation controls, 95% scored at least 0.62 (read at least 7 lines plus 2 of 10 letters on the 8th line of the chart), and 95% of the student pilots scored at least 0.81, (read at least 9 lines plus 1 letter on the 10th line). CONCLUSION: Student naval pilots scored significantly better on the SLCT than the military control population. The SLCT shows potential as a screening device during induction physical examinations of military pilots.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Injuries sustained in off-duty activities are a major cause of mortality and morbidity among military personnel. Reducing these off-duty fatalities is a continuing priority of the military. METHODS: General aviation crashes recorded by the National Transportation Safety Board between 1983 and 1998 were analyzed for military pilots (n = 205) and other military personnel (n = 185), and compared with all other general aviation crashes (n = 32,807) to identify differences in the crash circumstances and sustained injury severities. RESULTS: During the 16-yr study period, a total of 45 military pilots and 52 other military personnel were fatally injured while flying general aviation flights. Military pilots who were involved in general aviation crashes were more likely to have advanced licenses and higher total flight times when compared with other military personnel and civilian pilots (p < 0.05). Among the three groups of pilots, other military personnel had the least flying time and the largest percentage of student/private licenses. Military personnel had significantly less time in type in the 90-d and 30-d periods preceding the crash compared with civilians (p < 0.05). Shoulder restraint usage was associated with less severe injuries for all groups. We estimate that general aviation deaths have cost the military at least $405 million since 1983. CONCLUSIONS: General aviation crashes are a costly source of mortality and morbidity for military personnel, particularly military pilots. Interventions aimed at improving safety of military personnel in the general aviation setting warrant special consideration.  相似文献   

目的:调查分析空军新毕业飞行员的心理状况,为提高飞行员的心理健康水平、完善相应的心理卫生保障措施提供依据。方法采用卡特尔十六种个性因素量表(16PF)和症状自评量表(SCL-90),对24名空军新毕业飞行员,在分配到部队前进行心理测评,测评结果进行统计学分析。结果空军新毕业飞行员16PF基本人格因素中的乐群性、聪慧性、敏感性、幻想性、世故性、忧虑性和紧张性七个因子与中国军人16PF总体常模相比有显著差异。其中乐群性、聪慧性得分显著高于军人常模;敏感性、幻想性、世故性、忧虑性和紧张性得分显著低于军人常模,SCL-90各症状因子得分均低于中国军人常模、军校学员常模。结论空军新毕业飞行员具有较好的心理素质,基本符合飞行员人格结构要求。  相似文献   

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