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刘元明  刘欢 《医疗卫生装备》2011,32(11):127-128,132
目的:实现以精益化管理理念深化后勤医疗设备保障精益管理的目标。方法:以十堰太和医院后勤的精益改善为实例,阐述了医院医疗设备保障实施精益管理的变革思路。结果:精益思维的转变带来了后勤管理的创新,医疗设备保障从常规管理转向精益管理。结论:精益管理提升了医院后勤医疗设备保障的核心竞争力,良好的精益成效,保证了医疗设备为患者提供更精益化的服务。  相似文献   

目的:调查本地区医疗质量管理现状,研究提高医疗质量的对策。方法:采用分层抽样调查方法,对本区域24所不同级别医院的医疗质量进行全面调查。结果:各医院在门(急)诊管理、医技、临床医疗、感染控制、护理管理等方面都不同程度地存在医疗质量缺陷。结论:落实各项规章制度,强化医疗服务,提高医护质量,确保医疗安全。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的快速发展和医疗卫生事业改革的不断深入,对医院的传统管理体制、方式带来了严峻的挑战,如何适应并参与激烈的医疗市场竞争,使医院在新形势下继往开来、与时俱进,不断地加强医疗服务质量管理是医院管理年的核心内容。医院应以市场需求为导向,通过落实医院分级管理中的各项指标,加强基础质量管理、建立动态环节质量控制体系,强化终末质量;使医院在质量中求效益,在质量中求生存,以“优质、高效、低耗”为目的推动其可持续发展,才能在竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

“精益生产方式”是由日本首创,在世界各国较广泛应用的现代工业生产管理模式,该院表“精益生产方式”改进、移植到医院管理中来,试行“精益服务方式”,促进了医疗服务主医院管理模式的转变和水平提高。以病人为中心,以病人需求拉动医疗服务工作,以准时、准确、便捷的服务,赢得病人信赖,增强了医院面向社会主义市场经济的适应能力。  相似文献   

追踪检查法是从患者角度评价医疗机构服务质量的有效方法。从医院实际出发,将追踪检查法与精益管理相结合,应用于医疗服务质量管理持续改进。以出院流程、中心手术室、医院环境为例,介绍了追踪检查法的具体实践。  相似文献   

作为医疗管理的核心,医疗服务质量正成为提高医院声誉,提高竞争力的重要途径。本文在该概述疗服务质量的基础上,论述了医疗服务质量优化的相关对策,强调了提高医疗服务质量对提高医院社会效益和经济效益的重要作用。  相似文献   

在新时期医改政策下,基层县级公立医院在医疗卫生服务中承担的比重越来越大,医院管理中医疗质量与医疗安全管理的重要性日益增大,在县级医院管理的实践中,如何进一步加强医疗质量与医疗安全管理,提高县级医院医疗风险防范意识成了新时期医院管理工作的重点。对县级医院中医疗质量与医疗安全管理实践的分析,探讨适用于县级医院的管理经验,对县级医院管理水平的提高有着重要意义。  相似文献   

抓医疗质量环节管理促进医疗规范化建设   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
环节质量管理是医院全面质量控制中最为复杂、难度最大的一环,但它是质量管理最重要环节。本文根据“医院管理年”及《医院管理评价指南》的要求,结合多年医院的实际工作体会,探讨三级医疗质量监控模式在质量管理中的应用。同时与常用的二级模式比较,了解二者对医院医疗质量控制的效果。  相似文献   

为患者提供有价值的医疗服务是医院战略发展的核心.本文重点介绍基于精益医疗理念的公立医院精益绩效管理体系构建与实践的经验.通过明晰公益性组织战略,建立价值导向型的指标体系,全员参与、自我修正的精益运营绩效过程管理,强化运营指标的实时评估反馈与快速响应,健全绩效管理配套的制度机制和智慧化信息支撑等6项具体举措,强调赋能职工...  相似文献   

某省三级医院医疗质量管理现状分析及思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对某省15所三级医院医疗质量管理现状进行分析,发现该省三级医院比较重视医疗质量管理工作,同时在某些方面也不同程度地存在一些问题,并就进一步加强医院的医疗质量管理工作提出建议。  相似文献   

目的:探讨健康管理改进途径,有效利用有限资源预防疾病、维护健康,提高健康管理水平。方法通过梳理国内外健康管理发展现状,分析我国健康管理特点与问题。结果我国健康管理水平逐渐提高,有社区卫生中心、医疗机构和体检中心模式,但健康管理产业仍需改进。结论加速健康管理产业三个转变;完善学科教育体系;加快健康管理信息服务平台建设;开展健康危险度评估。  相似文献   

高端医疗服务既是社会资本办医的主要方面,也是健康服务业鼓励发展的产业之一,是我国"十三五"时期医疗卫生发展的重要内容。文献研究表明,目前国内对高端医疗服务的内涵缺乏明确的阐述,而这是开展高端医疗服务相关研究的基础和前提。本研究通过系统综述、现场调查和关键知情人访谈等方法,明确了当前我国社会经济环境下高端医疗服务的概念、内涵,结合上海市工作实践,借鉴国际先进经验,建议应优先发展健康管理、医疗养老、移动医疗等领域。  相似文献   

随着欧洲一体化进程的深入,如何有序管理公民在各成员国之间跨境就医成为欧盟一项重要议题。多年来欧盟社会医疗保险在保障患者跨境就医上已建立一套较为完善的管理模式并受到全世界关注,其社会保障的实践对我国跨省异地就医管理具有借鉴意义。本研究通过系统梳理欧盟跨境就医管理模式,并着重比较欧盟与中国在异地就医对象、异地就医授权、服务机构、就医服务类型、异地医保报销五个方面的异同,为进一步完善我国跨省异地就医管理提供经验借鉴。本研究建议,各省应同步推进跨省就医政策,加快相关工作的落实;增强参保地医保管理机构的审核权限和能力以构建有序就医秩序;同时,在严格审核下拓宽更加合理的跨省就医服务机构网络;最后,鉴于医保对异地就医机构行为缺乏了解,应通过国家异地就医网络,加强医疗机构提供异地就医服务中的监管。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ultimate intent of healthcare performance measures is to improve health status by stimulating improvements to healthcare quality. This report evaluates how well current performance measurement sets address the leading causes of illness and death in the United States, using the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) as an example. METHODS: We assessed whether HEDIS measures exist for the leading causes of illness and death according to five commonly used indices: physiologic cause of death, underlying cause of death, disability-adjusted life years, healthcare expenditures, and missed work days. RESULTS: Fewer than one half of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality are addressed by current measures. CONCLUSIONS: The opportunities for using accurate and meaningful measurement for disease prevention and health promotion are substantial, yet this potential remains only partly realized and depends on further expansion of performance measurement efforts.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore factors influencing the utilization of primary and secondary healthcare in Greece. Methods: A national, geographically stratified sample was randomly selected. From November 2001 to March 2002, 5000 questionnaires were mailed, 4427 were actually received, and 1819 were completed and returned (response rate 41%). The questionnaire investigated respondents’ characteristics and their health services utilization. A number of potential utilization determinants were explored, such as region, gender, age, education, income, insurance coverage, number of family members, self-rated health status, country of birth, and parents’ country of birth. Results: The utilization of primary healthcare services depended on self-rated health status, age, income, gender, and region. Individuals with moderate and poor self-rated health, older people, women, and residents of the region of Epirus showed increased utilization of primary healthcare services. Income was a factor affecting the utilization of primary healthcare only at lower income levels. The frequency of visits for primary healthcare was negatively correlated with self-rated health status and increased as self-evaluation of health status worsened. Hospitalization was associated with self-rated health and insurance coverage for primary healthcare. Individuals with better self-rated health status, as well as those who were covered by health insurance for primary care, showed decreased hospital care utilization. The frequency of hospitalization depended on region and lower evaluations of health status.

Conclusion: The findings of our research are encouraging, since they suggest that the utilization of health services in Greece is mostly determined by health status rather than other socioeconomic factors. It is believed that similar studies should be conducted in the country, since they can improve health service planning and reinforce decision-making towards healthcare resource allocation according to healthcare needs.  相似文献   

ObjectiveIn the COVID-19 era, the importance of and need for digital health services, such as telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices, are increasing. Although these services are treasured by older adults, their acceptance rates remain low. Thus, we attempted to find ways to enhance the acceptance rates of these services by investigating factors that influence the digital health acceptance of baby boomers. Based on the behavioral model of health service use and a multi-dimensional value perspective, we developed a research model to compare the factors influencing telemedicine and wearable healthcare device acceptance.MethodsTo examine the research model, we conducted face-to-face surveys with 300 baby boomers. The survey consisted of two sections: telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices. We used measurement instruments that had been validated in previous studies.ResultsEach research model's measurement model and structural model were evaluated. The reliability and validity of the measurement items of each model were satisfactory. The structural model test illustrates that three beliefs (usefulness, information, and cost saving) are important for the acceptance of telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices. Reassurance and convenience only significantly influence telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices, respectively. Among need and enabling factors, subjective health and income affect the intention to accept telemedicine and wearable healthcare devices. Conclusions: This study has theoretical implications in that it applied multidisciplinary theories by reflecting on the convergence characteristics of digital health, which are health and digital. In addition, it provides managerial implications to promote baby boomers' acceptance of digital health services.  相似文献   

军队保健工作是集医疗、心理、预防、保健、急救、康复等综合性保障服务,军队保健医生作为保健工作的“主力军”,工作性质与临床医生有很大差别。在大保健、大健康观的统领下,保健学科日趋发展,保健模式创新改革,军队保健队伍必须符合新时代强军卫生战略要求。构建军队保健医生能力素质指标体系,为各级单位客观、准确评聘保健医生人才提供标准,数据化指标作为军队保健医生业绩考核主要评估途径,激励军队保健医生综合能力提升。文章将主要就军队保健医生评估体系进行系统性概括。  相似文献   

Healthcare costs in the U.S. are the highest in the world and are increasing rapidly. With increasing costs, employers and health insurance companies are trying to contain the cost of healthcare. This study aims at developing a predictive model relating enrollees' healthcare insurance claims to their health risks while controlling for gender, age, and their previous year's claims. Our study findings suggest that age, gender, and a previous year's healthcare expenditure are strong predictors of healthcare cost and that none of the six biomarkers was a significant predictor. Even though these biomarkers failed to contribute to the predictive model, they are, nonetheless, important predictors of future chronic diseases, many of which are leading causes of death in the U.S.  相似文献   

[目的]了解克拉玛依市2009年妇幼卫生保健实际状况,评估2010年“两纲”指标完成情况,为卫生管理决策提供依据。[方法]对克拉玛依市2006~2009年妇幼卫生年报常住人口主要数据进行分析。[结果]2006~2009年合计,常住人口7岁以下儿童保健管理率为95.24%,3岁以下儿童系统管理率为76.14%,新生儿访视率为89.03%,4~6个月母乳喂养率为78.99%;新生儿死亡率为5.44%o。,婴儿死亡率为8.03‰,5岁以下儿童死亡率为9.19%o;低出生体重发生率为2.76%,5岁以下儿童中重度营养不良患病率为0.19%;孕产妇保健管理率、孕产妇住院分娩率、高危孕产妇住院分娩率分别为93.86%、99.79%、100.00%,系统管理率为62.33%,早孕建卡率为65.41%;围产儿死亡率为9.79‰,孕产妇死亡率为0.00%;中重度贫血患病率2008年与2009年分别为1.42%、1.49%;婚前医学检查率为3.63%,总疾病检出率为6.29%。[结论]克拉玛依市妇幼卫生保健工作成绩显著,产前筛查及产前诊断水平有待提高。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市某区基层医疗机构合理用药水平,为促进基层合理用药提供参考.方法 提取北京市某区7家社区卫生服务中心和58家社区卫生服务站2016年的全部门诊处方数据共204.3万张,根据世界卫生组织与国际合理用药网络(WHO/INRUD)合理用药指标进行统计分析,采用秩和检验对中心和站间差异进行比较.结果 2016年某...  相似文献   

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