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Lactogenic transmission plays an important role in the biology of lentiviruses such as HIV and SIV or the small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV). In this work we analyzed the characteristics of viruses that goats, naturally infected with two strains of SRLV, transmitted to their kids. The spectrum of viral genotypes transmitted was broader and the efficiency of transmission greater compared to their human and simian counterparts. The newly described A10 subgroup of SRLV was more efficiently transmitted than the B1 genotype. The analysis of a particular stretch of the envelope glycoprotein encompassing a potential neutralizing epitope revealed that, as in SIV, the transmitted viruses were positively charged in this region, but, in contrast to SIV, they tended to lack a glycosylation site that might protect against antibody neutralization. We conclude that the physiology of the ruminant neonatal intestine, which permits the adsorption of infected maternal cells, shaped the evolution of these particular lentiviruses that represent a valid model of lactogenic lentivirus transmission. 相似文献
Summary. We have recently shown that French small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) from sheep are more similar to Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis
Virus (CAEV) than to visna maedi virus (VMV) in a conserved region of the pol gene. To extend these results, we have examined sequences from a variable region of the env gene in French SRLV. We found that they were nearly equally distant from both CAEV and VMV strains, suggesting a considerable
divergence since the initial introduction of the virus. Analysis of separate clones from individual animals showed that some
carry a population of variant viruses. The study of further pol gene sequences from both goats and sheep suggests that viral variants show little or no host species specificity. A phylogenetic
tree of pol gene sequences confirmed the presence of a novel genotype of SRLV in France.
Accepted January 10, 1997 Received August 12, 1996 相似文献
The first lentivirus isolated from sheep in Brazil was analysed phylogenetically. Evolutionary trees of the proviral 597 nucleotide gag and 432 nucleotide pol sequences obtained by the maximum likelihood method demonstrated that the sheep isolate clustered with prototype Maedi Visna virus whereas three lentiviruses isolated from goats in the same geographic region were close to caprine arthritis encephalitis prototypes. A subsequent comparison of sequence data of these viruses with those contained in the EMBL sequence database revealed that, in contrast to caprine prototypic viruses, all prototypic Maedi Visna viruses contain a deletion of six nucleotides in the gag gene resulting in the deletion of two residues in the central region of capsid protein. This deletion may be a useful marker in the analysis of small ruminant lentiviruses, especially when considering possible transmission of lentiviruses between sheep and goats. 相似文献
Little sequence information exists on the matrix-protein (MA) encoding region of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV). Fifty-two novel sequences were established and permitted a first phylogenetic analysis of this region of the SRLV genome. The variability of the MA encoding region is higher compared to the gag region encoding the capsid protein and surprisingly close to that reported for the env gene. In contrast to primate lentiviruses, the deduced amino acid sequences of the N- and C-terminal domains of MA are variable. This permitted to pinpoint a basic domain in the N-terminal domain that is conserved in all lentiviruses and likely to play an important functional role. Additionally, a seven amino acid insertion was detected in all MVV strains, which may be used to differentiate CAEV and MVV isolates. A molecular epidemiology analysis based on these sequences indicates that the Italian lentivirus strains are closely related to each other and to the CAEV-CO strain, a prototypic strain isolated three decades ago in the US. This suggests a common origin of the SRLV circulating in the monitored flocks, possibly related to the introduction of infected goats in a negative population. Finally, this study shows that the MA region is suitable for phylogenetic studies and may be applied to monitor SRLV eradication programs. 相似文献
The infections caused by small ruminant lentiviruses include diseases, such as Maedi-Visna (MV) and caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE). According to phylogenetic findings and their common origination, small ruminant lentiviruses were divided into Groups A, B, C, D, and E. Cultivation of the lentiviruses displayed the cytopathic effect of the CAE virus strain 75 G-63 in the primary culture of goatling synovial membrane cells, which was shown by monolayer destruction and polynuclear cell formation; this was uncharacteristic for M-88, K-796, and Tverskoy strains. A high homology was found for the Tverskoy strain with Group B small ruminant lentiviruses and the M-88 and K-796 strains with their Group A. 相似文献
Small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infections are widespread in Poland, but the genetic features of sheep viruses are still lacking and limited to partial gag sequences for goat viruses. In this study, segments from the gag and env genes of Polish SRLV strains screened by heteroduplex mobility assay were subjected to genetic analyses. Subtype A1 was found in both sheep and goats, while subtypes B1 and B2 were found in goats and sheep, respectively. In addition, two novel subtypes (named A12 and A13) were found in sheep. Their close phylogenetic relatedness with SRLV strains previously isolated from Polish goats indicated that these new subtypes are predominant and circulate in both species. The antigenic relationships of subtypes A12 and A13 with other SRLV subtypes were tested in an ELISA assay based on recombinant antigens carrying the immunodominant domains of structural proteins (MA, CA and SU). Antigenic cross-reactivity in the Gag epitopes was evident among genotype A subtypes and, to a lower extent, between genotypes A and B. In contrast, a subtype-specific immunoresponse was detected in the SU epitopes. These results emphasize the broad genetic and antigenic diversity of SRLV strains circulating in Europe and confirmed the need to consider all viral genotypes to choose the antigens in serological tests in order to avoid misdiagnosis in control and eradication programs. 相似文献
Sequence similarity has been previously described in the transmembrane domain unit of envelope glycoproteins of primate and non-primate lentiviruses but similarity between the surface unit (SU) glycoprotein of these viruses is less clear or absent. Here we describe a consistent and significant sequence-similarity between the ovine/caprine lentivirus surface glycoprotein gp135 and the primate lentivirus gp120 in the region between variable loops V2 and V3. The biological relevance of this sequence similarity was indicated by clustering of conserved motifs in regions of structural importance in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120, conservation of cysteine residue pairs forming disulfide bonds and similar patterns of sequence variation in gp135 and gp120 between strains. The results indicate that SU glycoproteins from primate and small ruminant lentiviruses have structurally related domains. 相似文献
The pol and gag gene fragments of small ruminant lentivirus field isolates collected in the last decade in Italy were amplified, sequenced, and analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the majority of ovine isolates form a distinct cluster more similar to caprine lentivirus prototypes than to the visna virus prototype. These findings confirm and extend those reported by Leroux et al. (Arch. Virol., 142:1125-1137, 1997). Moreover, we observed that a variable region of Gag, included in the fragment analyzed, corresponded to one of the three major capsid antigen epitopes, which suggests that the antibody response to this epitope may be type specific. To test this hypothesis, two recombinant peptides, derived from the Icelandic prototype K1514 and this novel genotype, were expressed and used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to screen a panel of ovine and caprine sera collected from different geographical locations in Italy. Several sera reacted in a type-specific manner, indicating that in a diagnostic setting the combination of at least these two type-specific peptides is necessary to cover a wide range of infections. Additionally, these results support the hypothesis of cross-species transmission based on the phylogenetic analysis described above. This has implications for the control and eradication of small ruminant lentivirus infections. 相似文献
Small ruminants lentiviruses (SRLV) nucleotide sequences spanning the V1V2 variable regions of the env gene were amplified by nested-PCR from 38 blood samples collected from 16 naturally infected sheep flocks in France. For the rapid SRLV group determination of field isolates, the PCR-amplified fragments were subjected to a SRLV-adapted heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA). All viral sequences were clearly assignable to the SRLV group B by HMA analysis. Twenty-seven SRLV isolates were selected for DNA sequence analysis. In each case, nucleotide comparison and phylogenetic analyses confirmed the genetic relationships inferred by HMA. Six SRLV isolates belonged to subtype B1, and 21 pertained to subtype B2, one flock being infected with both subtypes. Subtypes B1 and B2 were found with different frequencies and geographic spread, but exhibited similar genetic diversities. These results give a more complete picture of the distribution and heterogeneity of SRLV env subtypes in sheep and confirmed that multiple interspecies transmission occurred in the past. Furthermore, HMA appeared to be a rapid and reliable method to differentiate caprine arthritis encephalitis virus from maedi-visna virus. 相似文献
In the framework of the Dutch control program for small ruminant lentiviral (SRLV) infections, too many drawbacks were encountered with respect to serological testing. To improve the quality of testing, five enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and an agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGIDT) were evaluated. The focus was on the sensitivity, specificity, and variances of the commercially available tests. Clear differences were found among the tests in analytical and diagnostic sensitivity and overall diagnostic performance, whereas no significant differences in specificity were found. For serodiagnosis of sheep with clinical symptoms of maedi-visna virus (MVV) (histopathologically confirmed), one ELISA was significantly more sensitive than the other ELISAs and than the AGIDT, while for asymptomatic sheep originating from infected flocks, three ELISAs and the AGIDT demonstrated similar performance. The diagnostic performance appeared to be related to animal species and virus infection (MVV or caprine arthritis encephalitis virus [CAEV]) as well as the phase of infection/progression of disease. Receiver operating characteristic analysis, demonstrating the diagnostic potential of tests irrespective of defined cutoffs, again revealed clear differences between tests with respect to diagnostic performance for detection of antibodies against CAEV or MVV. An indirect ELISA, of which the solid phase is sensitized with a combination of the core protein p27 of MVV produced in Escherichia coli and a peptide derived from the transmembrane protein gp46, appeared to be the test of choice for serodiagnosis of SRLV infections in sheep and goats. 相似文献
Primary goat synovial membrane (GSM) cells are widely used to study small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV), i.e. maedi visna virus (MVV) and caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), but their limited life-span of 15-20 passages in vitro is problematic. Here, we report that ectopic expression of the catalytic subunit of human telomerase (hTERT) was sufficient to immortalize primary GSM cells. Cultures of hTERT-transfected GSM cells have been passaged for 2 years without showing any phenotypic difference from the original primary GSM cells. The hTERT-transfected cells continued to grow beyond a population doubling number of 250, while no net telomere lengthening was observed for these cells. Moreover, the immortalized GSM cells were susceptible to infection by both CAEV and MVV and were able to propagate theses viruses. Such cell line provides a useful source of standard and robust cells for both research and veterinary purposes. 相似文献
Eight dairy flocks, comprising a total of 323 indigenous Passirian goats from northern Italy, were examined to determine the seroprevalence and clinical incidence of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) infections and to identify the SRLV subtypes. The seroprevalence was 81.5% (55-95%). The clinical incidence was 2.5% (0-8.3%) and was apparently low due to the practice of culling clinically affected animals. Phylogenetic analysis of eight PCR fragments (one sample from each flock) revealed that all proviruses belonged to the SRLV subtype B1, which suggests a common source of infection. Subtype B1 being the only circulating SRLV, coupled with the fact that mixed herd systems are very rare in South Tyrol, gives hope that an eradication programme in goats can be successful even without including sheep as long as sheep are kept strictly and permanently isolated. 相似文献
The ovine maedi-visna (MVV) and caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAEV) small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) exhibit differential species tropism and cytopathic effects in vitro. Icelandic MVV-K1514 is a lytic SRLV which can infect cells from many species in addition to ruminants, whereas a lytic North American MVV strain (85/34) as well as nonlytic MVV strain S93 and CAEV can infect only ruminant cells. In the present study, we determined if differential receptor usage in sheep and goat cells is the basis of differential species tropism or cytopathic phenotype of SRLV. Infection interference assays in sheep and goat synovial membrane cells using pseudotyped CAEV vectors showed that North American MVV strains 85/34 and S93 and CAEV use a common receptor (SRLV receptor A), whereas MVV-K1514 uses a different receptor (SRLV receptor B). In addition, human 293T cells expressing CAEV but not MVV-K1514 envelope glycoproteins fused with a goat cell line persistently infected with MVV-K1514, indicating that MVV-K1514 does not use SRLV receptor A for cell-to-cell fusion. Therefore, our results indicate that the differential species tropism of SRLV is determined by receptor usage. However, receptor usage is unrelated to cytopathic phenotype. 相似文献
1. The goat, sheep and calf have gustatory chemoreceptors which respond to salt, sweet, sour and bitter solutions, from which the afferent fibres pass centrally in the chorda tympani and glossopharyngeal nerves.2. Action potentials in the afferent gustatory nerves can also be detected when the tongue is irrigated with sodium bicarbonate, ethylene glycol, glycerine, and saccharine.3. Distilled water reduces the background activity in the isolated gustatory nerves, thus demonstrating the absence of fibres in ruminant ungulates of receptors which respond to stimulation by distilled water.4. The responses from the chemoreceptors, associated especially with the circumvallate papillae, are enhanced if the papillae are gently moved at the time of irrigation with sapid solutions.5. The chorda tympani is most responsive to salt and acid solutions while the glossopharyngeal is more responsive to sugars, quinine and acid. 相似文献
1. The pattern and control of sweating in one breed of goat and six breeds of sheep have been studied. 2. Heat exposure of both sheep and goats resulted in periodic discharges of moisture on to the surface of the skin of the shorn mid-side. The frequency of discharge showed considerable variation between individual animals, varying from less than 1/hr to 14/hr. Approximate counts of the number of active sweat glands suggested that the same glands were involved at each discharge. 3. The amount of moisture produced at each discharge declined upon continued heat exposure. The rate of decline was independent of the frequency of discharge. 4. Adreno-medullary denervation had no effect on the pattern of sweating in either the sheep or the goat. 5. Intravenous adrenaline administration (5 μg/kg body wt.) caused the sweat glands to discharge, but noradrenaline had no effect at the same dose. 6. Thermal sweating was inhibited by bethanidine and phenoxybenzamine but not by propranolol. Sweating induced by intravenous adrenaline administration was blocked by phenoxybenzamine but not by bethanidine or propranolol. 7. It is concluded that sweating on the mid-side of the sheep and goat is controlled by an adrenergic mechanism, that secretion from the adrenal medulla under conditions of mild heat stress does not stimulate the glands and that sweating is mediated by adrenergic α-receptors. 相似文献
目的了解自然早产与干预性早产的病因及高危因素;探讨干预性早产的最佳分娩时机;对比不同分娩方式及不同孕周分娩对早产儿预后的影响。方法回顾性分析我院2008年1月至2008年12月收治的136例早产病例的临床资料,对相关资料进行统计描述及统计分析。结果本次调查早产病例136例,其中自然早产90例,干预性早产46例。①自然早产的主要病因顺位是胎膜早破、多胎、瘢痕子宫、羊水过少、臀位;干预性早产的主要病因顺位是妊娠期高血压疾病、前置胎盘、羊水过少、胎儿窘迫、瘢痕子宫。②不明原因的自然早产仍占较大比例(20%)。③既往流产史、早产史及孕期生殖道感染史等是自然早产的高危因素;辅助生殖技术引起的多胎可能成为自然早产新的高危因素;妊娠合并症及并发症是干预性早产的主要高危因素;④自然早产的分娩方式主要是阴道分娩(63.3%),干预性早产的主要分娩方式是剖宫产(95.7%);⑤不同分娩方式早产儿预后无显著差异,剖宫产并不能改善早产儿预后;不同孕周分娩的早产儿出生时情况及预后差异有显著性,分娩时间34周较34周预后好(P0.05)。结论及早发现并防治早产高危因素可减少早产的发生,尽可能将胎龄延长至妊娠34周及以后终止妊娠可有效改善早产儿预后。 相似文献