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BACKGROUND: Epidemiological findings show a continued presence of exertional heat injury during military basic recruit training. Current guidelines do not consider the carry-over effects of prior exercise or exposure to high ambient temperatures on the risk of succumbing to heat illness. HYPOTHESIS: From the epidemiological evidence we hypothesized that both prior exercise and exposure to hot environments on the day before would increase the core temperature response during exercise the next day. METHODS: Seven sedentary and non heat-acclimated men and women each performed eight randomized exposures involving treadmill walking for a maximum of 2 h every 2 wk. Two separate control trials at a wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) of 22.5 degrees C and 26.5 degrees C consisted of exercise during the morning only. Six experimental trials involved successive days of exercise with trials on the second day at either a WBGT of 22.5 degrees C or 26.5 degrees C. All of the experimental trials involved walking during the first morning at a WBGT of 22.5 degrees C. Further, four of these trials included additional exercise in the afternoon at either a WBGT of 22.5 degrees C (two trials) or 29.5 degrees C (two trials). RESULTS: There was no impact of prior exercise on the day preceding the tests at either WBGT for any of the dependent measures. Rectal temperatures increased to 38.0 degrees C at the WBGT of 22.5 degrees C and to 38.5 degrees C for trials at 26.5 degrees C. There were also no carry-over effects from exercise conducted during the preceding afternoon. CONCLUSIONS: Under situations where individuals are well hydrated, rested, and free of injury, illness, and drug use, repeated exercise bouts on successive days do not alter the thermoregulatory response to exercise.  相似文献   

《Science & Sports》2004,19(5):239-244
Prolonged heavy exercise, whether as part or training or competition, can only be continued when there is an adequate amount of carbohydrate available to fuel muscles and the brain. Fatigue is closely associated with depletion of the limited stores of carbohydrate in the muscle and in the liver. Therefore, it is not surprising that strategies have been developed to ensure that not only are the carbohydrate stores well stocked before exercise but that they are also restored as soon as possible after exercise. Consuming carbohydrate immediately after exercise increases the rate of muscle glycogen resynthesis and also results in greater endurance capacity during subsequent exercise. A recovery diet that is high in carbohydrate (~10 g kg–1 body mass/day) will allow athletes to restore their exercise capacity on the following day, which is not the case when they eat a mixed diet with matching energy content. The type of carbohydrate in the recovery diet also has an influence on endurance capacity the following day. A recovery diet that contains low glycaemic index carbohydrates result in a higher rates of fat oxidation and greater endurance running capacity than diets that are contain mainly high glycaemic index carbohydrate foods. Although consuming carbohydrate–protein mixtures during recovery from exercise increases the insulin response, and possibly glycogen resynthesis rate, there appears to be no greater recovery of endurance capacity than following the consumption of carbohydrate alone.  相似文献   

ObjectivesSome athletes train/compete multiple times in a single day and rapid restoration of muscle and hepatic glycogen stores is therefore important for athletic performance.DesignRandomised, counterbalanced, crossover, single blinded study investigated the effects of low/high glycaemic index (GI) meals on the physiological responses to a 3-h recovery period and subsequent 5-km cycling time trial (TT).MethodsSeven male cyclists completed glycogen-depleting exercise followed by a 3-h recovery period, when participants consumed either a high or low GI meal providing 2 g kg?1 BM of carbohydrate. Participants then performed a 5-km cycling TT. Blood samples were analysed for glucose insulin, free fatty acid (FFA) and triglyceride.ResultsThere was no significant difference between the median (IQR) cycling TT time of 8.5 (3.0) min in the LGI condition and 8.4 (1.8) min in the HGI condition (p = 0.45). Serum insulin was significantly higher in the HGI condition throughout the 3-h recovery period (p = 0.025), FFA concentrations were higher in the HGI condition only at 30 min into recovery (p = 0.008). The respiratory exchange ratio (p = 0.028) and carbohydrate oxidation rate (p = 0.015) increased over time in the HGI condition, whereas the rate of fat oxidation demonstrated the opposite response (p = 0.001). No significant differences between conditions were observed for any physiological variables at the end of the 5-km TT.ConclusionsAlthough the GI of the two meals indicated important metabolic differences during the recovery period, there was no evidence suggesting these differences influenced subsequent 5-km TT performance.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate administration during exercise diminishes stress hormone release, but the relationship of these hormones with oxidative stress has not been examined. Fifteen subjects functioned as their own controls and ingested carbohydrate (6 %) or placebo in a randomized design while cycling for 2.5-h ( approximately 75 % V.O (2peak)). Blood and skeletal muscle samples were collected 30 min pre-exercise, immediately post-exercise, and 12-h post-exercise and analyzed for F (2)-isoprostanes, ferric reducing ability of plasma, glucose, insulin, cortisol, epinephrine, and muscle glycogen, respectively. Statistical design was a 2 (treatment) x 3 (time) repeated measures analysis of variance. Glucose, insulin, and ferric reducing ability of plasma were significantly higher and F (2)-isoprostanes, cortisol, and epinephrine significantly lower in carbohydrate versus placebo. The decrease in muscle glycogen was not different. During cycling exercise, oxidative stress appears to be heavily influenced by carbohydrate ingestion and increased stress hormones.  相似文献   

Intense exercise (i.e.; above 60% VO2max) can be maintained for prolonged periods provided sufficient carbohydrate is available for energy and the heat generated from muscle metabolism does not cause excessive hyperthermia and/or dehydration due to sweating. It is clear that people should ingest carbohydrate during prolonged exercise (i.e.; longer than 1-2 h), which causes fatigue because of an inadequate supply of blood glucose and that fluids should also be ingested in an attempt to offset dehydration and reduce hyperthermia. Ingestion of approximately 30-60 g of carbohydrate (i.e.; glucose, sucrose, or starch) during each hour of exercise will generally be sufficient to maintain blood glucose oxidation late in exercise and delay fatigue. Since the average rates of gastric emptying and intestinal absorption can reach 1 l.h-1 for water and solutions containing up to 8% carbohydrate, exercising people can be supplemented with both carbohydrate and fluids at relatively high rates (over 60 g.h-1 of carbohydrate and 1 l.h-1 of fluid). Therefore, when sweat rate is not high (i.e.; less than 1 l.h-1), the addition of carbohydrate to fluids, and vice versa, does not prevent adequate supplementation of each, especially if large volumes are consumed to keep the stomach somewhat full and thus increase gastric emptying. Therefore, in most situations there are no trade-offs between fluid and carbohydrate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Acute carbohydrate supplementation decreases effort perception and increases endurance exercise capacity at sea level. It also improves laboratory-based endurance performance at altitude. However, the effect of chronic carbohydrate supplementation at altitude, when acclimatization may attenuate carbohydrate effects, achieved doses are lower and metabolic effects may be different, is unknown and was therefore focused on in the present study. Forty-one members of a 22-day high altitude expedition were randomized in a double-blind design to receive either placebo or carbohydrate supplementation. Diet was manipulated with commercially available energy drinks consumed ad libitum throughout the expedition. Participants performed a mountaineering time trial at 5192?m, completed submaximal incremental exercise step tests to assess cardiovascular parameters before, during, and after the expedition, and recorded spontaneous physical activity by accelerometer on rest days. Compared to placebo, compliant individuals of the carbohydrate-supplemented group received daily an additional 3.5±1.4?g carbohydrate·kg body mass(-1). Compliant individuals of the carbohydrate supplemented group reported 18% lower ratings of perceived exertion during the time trial at altitude, and completed it 17% faster than the placebo group (both p<0.05 by t-test). However, cardiovascular parameters obtained during submaximal exercise and spontaneous physical activity on rest days were similar between the two groups (all p>0.05 by analysis of variance). This study utilized testing protocols of specific relevance to high altitude sojourners, including the highest mountaineering time trial completed to date at altitude. Chronic carbohydrate supplementation reduced ratings of perceived exertion and improved physical performance, especially during prolonged and higher intensity exercise tasks.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of pre-exercise food on different glycemic indexes (GI) on exercise metabolism and endurance running capacity. 9 subjects performed 3 exercise trials on different days 15 min after ingesting: lentils, (LGI), potatoes, (HGI), and placebo. Each subject ingested an equal amount of each food (1 g/kg body mass) and ran on a level treadmill for 5 min at 60%, 45 min at 70% and then at 80% of VO (2max) until exhaustion. Serum glucose concentrations were higher ( P<0.01) 15 min after the HGI trial compared to the LGI and placebo trials. In addition, serum glucose levels were higher ( P<0.05) during the LGI trial at the time of exhaustion compared to the HGI and placebo trials. Plasma insulin levels, 15 min after ingestion, were higher ( P<0.001) in the HGI trial as compared to the LGI and placebo trials. Exercise time was longer during the LGI trial ( P<0.05) compared to the placebo, but the time to exhaustion in the HGI condition did not differ from the placebo (LGI: 90.0 ± 7.9; HGI: 81.8 ± 5; placebo: 73.0 ± 6.4 min). These results suggest that lentils, the LGI food, ingested 15 min before prolonged exercise maintained euglycemia during exercise and enhanced endurance running capacity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of 3 wk of L-carnitine L-tartrate (LCLT) supplementation and post-resistance-exercise (RE) feeding on hormonal and androgen receptor (AR) responses. METHODS: Ten resistance-trained men (mean+/-SD: age, 22+/-1 yr; mass, 86.3+/-15.3 kg; height, 181+/-11 cm) supplemented with LCLT (equivalent to 2 g of L-carnitine per day) or placebo (PL) for 21 d, provided muscle biopsies for AR determinations, then performed two RE protocols: one followed by water intake, and one followed by feeding (8 kcal.kg body mass, consisting of 56% carbohydrate, 16% protein, and 28% fat). RE protocols were randomized and included serial blood draws and a 1-h post-RE biopsy. After a 7-d washout period, subjects crossed over, and all experimental procedures were repeated. RESULTS: LCLT supplementation upregulated (P<0.05) preexercise AR content compared with PL (12.9+/-5.9 vs 11.2+/-4.0 au, respectively). RE increased (P<0.05) AR content compared with pre-RE values in the PL trial only. Post-RE feeding significantly increased AR content compared with baseline and water trials for both LCLT and PL. Serum total testosterone concentrations were suppressed (P<0.05) during feeding trials with respect to corresponding water and pre-RE values. Luteinizing hormone demonstrated subtle, yet significant changes in response to feeding and LCLT. CONCLUSION: In summary, these data demonstrated that: 1) feeding after RE increased AR content, which may result in increased testosterone uptake, and thus enhanced luteinizing hormone secretion via feedback mechanisms; and 2) LCLT supplementation upregulated AR content, which may promote recovery from RE.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of research on the influence of ingesting carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions immediately prior to and during prolonged intermittent, high-intensity exercise (team games exercise) designed to replicate field-based team games. This review presents the current body of knowledge in this area, and identifies avenues of further research. Almost all early work supported the ingestion of carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions during prolonged intermittent exercise, but was subject to methodological limitations. A key concern was the use of exercise protocols characterized by prolonged periods at the same exercise intensity, the lack of maximal- or high-intensity work components and long periods of seated recovery, which failed to replicate the activity pattern or physiological demand of team games exercise. The advent of protocols specifically designed to replicate the demands of field-based team games enabled a more externally valid assessment of the influence of carbohydrate ingestion during this form of exercise. Once again, the research overwhelmingly supports carbohydrate ingestion immediately prior to and during team games exercise for improving time to exhaustion during intermittent running. While the external validity of exhaustive exercise at fixed prescribed intensities as an assessment of exercise capacity during team games may appear questionable, these assessments should perhaps not be viewed as exhaustive exercise tests per se, but as indicators of the ability to maintain high-intensity exercise, which is a recognized marker of performance and fatigue during field-based team games. Possible mechanisms of exercise capacity enhancement include sparing of muscle glycogen, glycogen resynthesis during low-intensity exercise periods and attenuated effort perception during exercise. Most research fails to show improvements in sprint performance during team games exercise with carbohydrate ingestion, perhaps due to the lack of influence of carbohydrate on sprint performance when endogenous muscle glycogen concentration remains above a critical threshold of ~200 mmol/kg dry weight. Despite the increasing number of publications in this area, few studies have attempted to drive the research base forward by investigating potential modulators of carbohydrate efficacy during team games exercise, preventing the formulation of optimal carbohydrate intake guidelines. Potential modulators may be different from those during prolonged steady-state exercise due to the constantly changing exercise intensity and frequency, duration and intensity of rest intervals, potential for team games exercise to slow the rate of gastric emptying and the restricted access to carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions during many team games. This review highlights fluid volume, carbohydrate concentration, carbohydrate composition and solution osmolality; the glycaemic index of pre-exercise meals; fluid and carbohydrate ingestion patterns; fluid temperature; carbohydrate mouthwashes; carbohydrate supplementation in different ambient temperatures; and investigation of all of these areas in different subject populations as important avenues for future research to enable a more comprehensive understanding of carbohydrate ingestion during team games exercise.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effects of ingesting a carbohydrate (CHO) solution on affective states and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during prolonged intermittent high-intensity exercise. Seventeen male soccer players completed a prolonged intermittent high-intensity exercise protocol for 90 min on two occasions, separated by at least 7 days. Participants consumed either a 6.4% CHO (0.6 g/kg body mass (BM)/h) or an artificially sweetened placebo (PLA) solution immediately before (8 mL/kg BM) and every 15 min (3 mL/kg BM) during exercise in a double-blind, counterbalanced design. Pleasure-displeasure, perceived activation, RPE and plasma glucose concentration was assessed. The results showed that compared with the CHO trial, perceived activation were lower in the placebo trial during the last 30 min of exercise and this was accompanied by lowered plasma glucose concentrations. In the CHO trial, RPE was maintained in the last 30 min of exercise but carried on increasing in the PLA trial. Therefore, CHO ingestion during prolonged high-intensity exercise appears to elicit an enhanced perceived activation profile that may impact upon task persistence and performance. This finding is in addition to the physiological and metabolic benefits of the exogenous energy supply.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether eating a breakfast cereal with a moderate glycemic index could alter substrate utilization and improve exercise duration. METHODS: Six active women (age, 24 +/- 2 yr; weight, 62.2 +/- 2.6 kg; VO(2peak), 46.6 +/- 3.8 mL x kg(-1) x min(-1)) ate 75 g of available carbohydrate in the form of regular whole grain rolled oats (RO) mixed with 300 mL of water or water alone (CON). The trials were performed in random order and the meal or water was ingested 45 min before performing cycling exercise to exhaustion (60% of VO(2peak)). Blood samples were drawn for glucose, glucose kinetics, free fatty acids (FFA), glycerol, insulin, epinephrine (EPI), and norepinephrine (NE) determination. A muscle biopsy was obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle before the trial and immediately after exercise for glycogen determination. Glucose kinetics (Ra) were determined using a [6,6-(2)H] glucose tracer. RESULTS: Compared with CON, plasma FFA and glycerol levels were suppressed (P < 0.05) during the first 120 min of exercise for the RO trial. Respiratory exchange ratios (RER) were also higher (P < 0.05) for the first 120 min of exercise for the RO trial. At exhaustion, glucose, insulin, FFA, glycerol, EPI, NE, RER, and muscle glycogen were not different between trials. Glucose Ra was greater (P < 0.05) during the RO trial compared with CON (2.36 +/- 0.22 and 1.92 +/- 0.27 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1), respectively). Exercise duration was 5% longer during RO, but the mean times were not significantly different (253.6 +/- 6 and 242.0 +/- 15 min, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Increased hepatic glucose output before fatigue provides some evidence of glucose sparing after the breakfast cereal trial. However, exercise duration was not significantly altered, possibly because of the sustained suppression of lipid metabolism and increased carbohydrate utilization throughout much of the exercise period.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Beta-adrenergic blockade increases blood ammonia concentration during exercise. The purpose of this study was to assess the role of decreased carbohydrate availability in this process. METHODS: Wistar rats (N = 47) were injected intravenously with a selective beta 2-adrenoceptor blocker (ICI 118,551), placebo, or beta 2-blocker + glucose 1 h before a treadmill exercise test. Blood samples were taken to measure the concentration of ammonia, glucose, lactic acid, free fatty acids (FFA), glycerol, branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), and muscle samples for determination of glycogen content. RESULTS: Beta 2-adrenergic blockade shortened running time to exhaustion (23 +/- 4.3 min compared to 44 +/- 5.2 min with placebo), increased blood ammonia levels (146.7 +/- 16.21 micromol x L(-1) compared to 47.5 +/- 0.92 micromol x L(-1) with placebo) and prevented exercise-induced glycogen breakdown in soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. Pre-exercise supplementation of glucose during beta 2-blockade restored exercise-induced glycogen breakdown and reduced blood ammonia concentration during exercise (66.5 +/- 5.65 mmol x L(-1)) but did not improve exercise capacity (26 +/- 3.2 min) when compared with beta2-blockade alone. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the enhanced rise in blood ammonia concentration during exercise after beta-blockade is caused by impaired carbohydrate availability.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was designed to examine the effect of carbohydrate (CHO) feedings on physical and central nervous system (CNS) function during intermittent high-intensity exercise with physical demands similar to those of team sports such as basketball. METHODS: Twenty active men (N = 10) and women (N = 10), with experience competing in team sports, performed three practice sessions before two experimental trials during which they were fed either a 6% CHO solution or a flavored placebo (PBO). Experimental trials consisted of four 15-min quarters of shuttle running with variable intensities ranging from walking (30% VO(2max)), to running (120% VO(2max)), to maximal sprinting, and 40 jumps at a target hanging at 80% of their maximum vertical jump height. Subjects received 5 mL.kg(-1) of fluid before exercise and 3 mL.kg(-1) after exercise, in addition to 3 mL.kg(-1) over a 5-min span after the first and third quarters, and 8 mL.kg(-1) during a 20-min halftime. During each break, the subjects performed a battery of tests measuring peripheral and CNS function, including 20-m sprints, a 60-s maximal jumping test, internal and external mood evaluation, cognitive function, force sensation, tests of motor skills, and target-jumping accuracy. RESULTS: Compared with PBO, CHO feedings during exercise resulted in faster 20-m sprint times and higher average jump height in the fourth quarter (P < 0.05). CHO feedings also reduced force sensation, enhanced motor skills, and improved mood late in exercise versus PBO (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that CHO feedings during intermittent high-intensity exercise similar to that of team sports benefited both peripheral and CNS function late in exercise compared with a flavored placebo.  相似文献   

Muscle glycogen synthesis before and after exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of carbohydrates as a fuel source during endurance exercise has been known for 60 years. With the advent of the muscle biopsy needle in the 1960s, it was determined that the major source of carbohydrate during exercise was the muscle glycogen stores. It was demonstrated that the capacity to exercise at intensities between 65 to 75% VO2max was related to the pre-exercise level of muscle glycogen, i.e. the greater the muscle glycogen stores, the longer the exercise time to exhaustion. Because of the paramount importance of muscle glycogen during prolonged, intense exercise, a considerable amount of research has been conducted in an attempt to design the best regimen to elevate the muscle's glycogen stores prior to competition and to determine the most effective means of rapidly replenishing the muscle glycogen stores after exercise. The rate-limiting step in glycogen synthesis is the transfer of glucose from uridine diphosphate-glucose to an amylose chain. This reaction is catalysed by the enzyme glycogen synthase which can exist in a glucose-6-phosphate-dependent, inactive form (D-form) and a glucose-6-phosphate-independent, active form (I-form). The conversion of glycogen synthase from one form to the other is controlled by phosphorylation-dephosphorylation reactions. The muscle glycogen concentration can vary greatly depending on training status, exercise routines and diet. The pattern of muscle glycogen resynthesis following exercise-induced depletion is biphasic. Following the cessation of exercise and with adequate carbohydrate consumption, muscle glycogen is rapidly resynthesised to near pre-exercise levels within 24 hours. Muscle glycogen then increases very gradually to above-normal levels over the next few days. Contributing to the rapid phase of glycogen resynthesis is an increase in the percentage of glycogen synthase I, an increase in the muscle cell membrane permeability to glucose, and an increase in the muscle's sensitivity to insulin. The slow phase of glycogen synthesis appears to be under the control of an intermediate form of glycogen synthase that is highly sensitive to glucose-6-phosphate activation. Conversion of the enzyme to this intermediate form may be due to the muscle tissue being constantly exposed to an elevated plasma insulin concentration subsequent to several days of high carbohydrate consumption. For optimal training performance, muscle glycogen stores must be replenished on a daily basis. For the average endurance athlete, a daily carbohydrate consumption of 500 to 600g is required. This results in a maximum glycogen storage of 80 to 100 mumol/g wet weight.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cardiac function time intervals are known to change with aerobic fitness. Recently, the Tei index of cardiac function [defined as the sum of the isovolumetric contraction (ICI) and isovolumetric relaxation intervals (IRI) divided by the left ventricular ejection time (LVET)] has been proposed to be a very sensitive determinant of cardiac function in patients with cardiomyopathy, i.e. the index is greater in patients with cardiomyopathy than it is in normal subjects. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the Tei index and aerobic endurance in healthy volunteers. METHODS: The relatively new noninvasive method of seismocardiography was used to measure following resting left ventricular (LV) cardiac function time intervals in 51 subjects (18 males and 33 females); Tei index, R-R interval, LV ICI, LV IRI, LVET, LV systole and LV diastole. Designated on the basis of peak treadmill time (Bruce protocol), the following three groups were assigned: Group 1; treadmill time > or = 900 seconds; Group 2: treadmill time ranging from 721 to 899 seconds; and Group 3; treadmill time < 720 seconds. RESULTS: The Tei index value was lower as exercise capacity increased (p < 0.05) primarily due to a reduction in LV IRI (p < 0.05). LVET tended to be longer with increased treadmill time (p < 0.05) but this effect appeared to be secondary to a greater R-R interval in more fit subjects. When adjusted for the R-R interval, a reduced Tei index and LV IRI were still observed in more fit subjects, despite a similar LVET between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Peak treadmill time is inversely related to the Tei index. A reduction of LV IRI appears to be the primary factor in establishing these differences. These data support the important role of LV diastolic function in aerobic fitness.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of high and low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrate (CHO) pre-exercise meals on endurance running capacity. METHODS: Eight active subjects (five male and three female) ran on a treadmill at approximately 70% VO2max to exhaustion on two occasions separated by 7 d. Three hours before the run after an overnight fast, each subject was given in a single-blind, random order, isoenergetic meal of 850+/-21 kcal (mean+/-SEM; 67% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 3% fat) containing either high (HGI) or low (LGI) GI carbohydrate foods providing 2.0 g CHO.kg(-1) body weight. RESULTS: Ingestion of the HGI meal resulted in a 580% and 330% greater incremental area under the 3-h blood glucose and serum insulin response curves, respectively. Performance times were not different between the HGI and LGI trials (113+/-4 min and 111+/-5 min, respectively). During the first 80 min of exercise in the LGI trial, CHO oxidation was 12% lower and fat oxidation was 118% higher than in the HGI trial. Although serum insulin concentrations did not differ between trials, blood glucose at 20 min into exercise in the HGI trial was lower than that during the LGI trial at the same time (3.6+/-0.3 mmol.L(-1) vs 4.3+/-0.3 mmol.L(-1); P < 0.05). During exercise, plasma glycerol and serum free fatty acid concentrations were lower in the HGI trial than in the LGI trial. CONCLUSIONS: This results demonstrate that although there is a relative shift in substrate utilization from CHO to fat when a low GI meal is ingested before exercise compared with that for a high GI meal, there is no difference in endurance running capacity.  相似文献   

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