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目的:观察种植牙修复牙列缺损的临床效果。方法:本样本回顾分析2008-09-2010-08门诊治疗246例患者植入种植牙500颗的临床资料。结果:246例手术适应症患者,植入500枚种植体全部行义齿修复。术后3月随访,患者无不适感,咀嚼良好,无牙龈出血,X线牙片结果骨吸收均〈0.2 mm,种植体周围无透视区,与骨结合均较好。仅2例种植体脱落,成功率高达99.6%。结论:应用骨内牙种植体修复方法修复不同部位牙列缺损,能达到稳定、舒适、美观、咀嚼功能良好的效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨牙列缺失/缺损老年患者种植固定修复的可行性和诊疗流程.方法 选择3例因牙周病导致牙列缺失/缺损患者,根据检查评估医患交流,其中2例保留了经过牙周系统治疗的少数患牙,1例拔除全部余留牙;分别植入6~8枚植体,3~6个月重建咬合关系,行种植固定义齿修复.种植外科及修复过程中注意颌位关系、垂直距离.结果 修复即刻及...  相似文献   

目的 分析研究慢性局限性牙周炎行牙种植修复的临床效果.方法 共接诊30例慢性局限性牙周炎患者,均给予牙种植修复(植入75颗种植体),并给予二期修复,负载进行随访3年.结果 负载一年后,成功率为96.00%,负载3年后成功率为88.0%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).其中延期种植、非GBR患者的成功率均分别高于即刻种植组、GBR患者(P<0.05).负载1年后的吸收量为(0.78±0.24)mm,明显低于负载3年后吸收量(1.29±0.31)mm(P <0.05).且延期种植、非GBR患者的吸收量分别显著低于即刻种植、GBR患者(P<0.05).结论 对慢性局限性牙周炎进行较完善的治疗,在其病情得到控制后进行牙种植修复,在早期及长期均可取得比较满意的疗效.  相似文献   

周童辉 《西南军医》2016,(3):230-232
目的:探讨登腾种植系统在牙列缺损缺失修复中的临床应用效果。方法对80例牙列缺损缺失的患者采用100枚韩国登腾种植体进行种植修复。种植修复后1周、1个月、3个月、6个月和1年时随访,通过X线检查对比修复前后的种植体周围骨组织情况和种植体周围软组织状态变化等指标作出客观的临床评价。结果100枚种植体均未发生种植体周围炎,无1枚松动脱落,无1例患者基台松动、中央螺丝折断;除有3例牙周炎患者出现轻度水平状食物嵌塞外,其余患者修复效果均较为满意。结论登腾种植系统临床适应证广泛,在牙列缺损缺失修复中的临床效果确切。  相似文献   

目的探讨牙列缺损患者行后牙种植单冠修复后的远期局部咬牙合趋势变化。方法回顾性分析唐山市协和医院自2014年1月至2016年1月收治的66例行后牙种植单冠修复的牙列缺损患者的临床资料。比较不同随访时间点(依次为修复后2周、12周、24周、1年、2年、3年、4年)下对照牙、种植单冠、近中邻牙的咬牙合力百分率,不同修复牙位的咬牙合力百分率,种植单冠的咬牙合时间比和骨吸收量,并记录邻接触丧失情况。结果对照牙、近中邻牙各随访时间点的咬牙合力百分率两两比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。修复后12周、24周、3年、4年的种植单冠咬牙合力百分率均显著高于前一随访时间点,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。修复后2周,种植单冠的咬牙合力百分率低于对照牙和近中邻牙,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);修复后3年、4年,种植单冠的咬牙合力百分率高于对照牙和近中邻牙,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。除修复后2年外,随着随访时间的延长,不同修复牙位各相邻随访时间点的咬牙合力百分率均呈逐渐增大趋势,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同修复牙位在相同随访时间点的咬牙合力百分率两...  相似文献   

目的回顾分析骨内牙种植体的适应证及临床应用效果。方法对94例患者的157个骨内牙种植体进行4个月~8年的临床观察,根据种植体的分布情况了解种植牙适应证的变化。通过对种植体周软组织状况、种植体动度、种植体周骨吸收情况及抗旋转扭力的检查,评价其骨整合成功率和修复成功率。结果有7.6%和25.5%的骨内牙种植体分别用于修复全颌缺失和游离端缺失,66.9%用于修复非游离端缺失。种植后初期骨整合成功率达98.1%,修复后5年种植成功率为93.8%。种植体初期稳定性<10N.cm者与≥10N.cm者相比种植成功率明显降低(P<0.05)。结论骨内牙种植体是临床上修复各种类型缺牙的理想手段之一,成功率高,初期稳定性对于提高种植成功率有重要意义。  相似文献   

CDIC(China Dental Implantology Cen-ter)种植义齿技术是经过近二十年从基础研究到临床应用,目前对于牙列缺损的修复,特别是牙列缺损的固定修复提供了一种安全可靠,简捷有效的临床修复手段。这一技术目前已广泛地用于口腔临床的缺牙修复。本文通过使用CDIC种植体系统,特别是CDIC组合式柱状,抗旋转种植体的使用,为15例单牙或多牙缺失的患者,实施了种植义齿修复,共植入31枚CDIC种植体,进行了12~30个月的近期临床观察。现将其临床效果及应用体会报道如下。  相似文献   

刘大军  田瑛  王文红 《人民军医》2008,51(4):197-198
牙列缺损和缺失是军队老干部口腔多发病。自2000年12月以来,我们对军队老干部失牙469例情况进行了调查。现分析报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般情况 469例中,男386例,女83例;年龄60~88岁,平均76.9岁。其中失牙379例(687颌),占80.8%。经综合治疗后,活动义齿修复366例,占96.6%。  相似文献   

随着牙髓治疗技术的进展,人造冠修复技术的提高与材料的改进,使许多严重牙体缺损的患牙得以修复而免于拔除[1]。对磨牙严重牙体缺损进行保存修复、维持牙列完整,已日益受到广大学者及医务人员的重视。我科自2002年6月~2004年6月对118例(120颗)严重牙体缺损的磨牙,经过完善的根管治疗后,在根管内拧入螺旋状根管钛钉,用后牙光敏树脂恢复缺损牙体并形成树脂核,常规制作全冠,恢复牙体的解剖形态,取得了满意的临床效果。1对象和方法1.1对象选择我科修复门诊2002年6月~2004年6月磨牙严重牙体缺损的患者,共118例(120颗),其中男65例(66颗),女53例(…  相似文献   

目的观察全瓷冠联合牙槽突磨削治疗上前牙前突伴轻中度上颌骨骨性前突的临床治疗效果。方法选取我科门诊收治的56例上前牙前突伴轻中度上颌骨骨性前突的病例,共412颗牙,对牙槽突进行定量磨削,切除部分牙龈,作全瓷冠内收上前牙。术后1、3、6个月和1年随访。结果全瓷冠的临床效果评价:边缘完整性、解剖外形、表面光滑度、颜色均为A。牙龈临床评价:第1个月都是A,3个月有2个B,6个月有5个B和1个C,1年有3个B。修复后1年患者满意度评价:“非常满意”43例,“基本满意”13例,无“不满意”,满意度77%。专业医师评价优良率:纠正上前牙前突98.5%,减轻深覆颌深覆盖84.5%,与邻牙匹配度97.5%,整体轮廓96.6%。结论采用全瓷冠联合牙槽突磨削是治疗上前牙前突伴轻中度上颌骨骨性前突的有效方法,其远期效果有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的 探讨运用改良式固定型马里兰桥修复老年患者前牙缺失的可行性,并对修复的方法设计、修复体制作过程及适应证进行总结.方法 选择个别前牙缺失,存在不同程度邻牙松动、牙龈萎缩、牙根暴露等体征的老年患者24例,运用改良式固定型马里兰桥修复缺失牙,并对完成修复的病例随访3~5年.结果 修复成功率为87.5%.24例患者有3例修复体脱落,需重新粘接;其余修复体未见明显松动.基牙无松动,桥体下方牙龈无明显红肿,患者对修复体的使用与外观效果均感满意.12例患者存在不同程度牙结石;2例患者存在舌侧轻度异物感,经过对症处理后效果满意.结论 改良式固定型马里兰桥修复老年前牙缺失具有磨牙少、效果美观,并能同时固定松动牙邻牙等优点,修复效果可靠.但其远期效果有待进一步观察.  相似文献   

目的探讨影响再植牙成功的相关因素。方法对175颗再植牙的类型、治疗方法及临床疗效进行分析。结果再植牙成功率为84%;根管治疗后移植组与未进行根管治疗再植组的成功率分别为:90.4%、74.3%,两组相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。活髓牙再植后牙髓血管再生,根尖完全形成,3年后复查牙髓存活率为8.0%。结论牙髓血管再生是牙再植术成功的关键,而根管治疗是再植牙治疗的重要手段,早期根管治疗可预防或减少再植牙的牙根吸收。  相似文献   

目的观察玻璃纤维桩+全瓷冠修复前牙残根残冠的效果。方法选择我科进行前牙残根、残冠修复治疗患者76例82颗患牙,采用玻璃纤维桩+全瓷冠修复,完成后6—12个月对患者进行随访,观察有无冠桩脱落、折断、松动以及牙龈、牙冠的色泽改变情况。结果82颗患牙中,有1颗出现冠脱落,1例出现根尖叩痛。全部82颗患牙均未出现根折、桩核脱落,无继发龋坏,冠及龈边缘无变色,色泽美观。结论玻璃纤维桩+全瓷冠修复前牙残根残冠临床效果良好。  相似文献   

目的评价采用固定-活动联合修复前牙重度磨耗伴游离端牙列缺损重建咬合关系的临床效果。方法对28例前牙重度磨耗伴游离端牙列缺损的患者,前牙进行完善根管治疗,后牙先以活动可摘局部义齿重建后牙咬合关系和牙合间距离,经过不断调整、观察2~3个月后,采用前牙桩核烤瓷连冠修复,后牙根据最后确定的垂直高度采用附着体义齿修复。结果 28例前牙重度磨耗伴游离端牙列缺损经过咬合重建序列治疗,采用固定-活动联合修复后,患者面下1/3高度均得到恢复,面部丰满美观,关节无疼痛和弹响,前牙烤瓷冠牢固、美观,游离端附着体义齿固位良好,咀嚼效能高,无卡环,义齿美观舒适,恢复了垂直距离,确定了咬合关系。结论固定-活动联合修复是治疗前牙重度磨耗伴游离牙列缺损患者的一种有效可行的修复方法。  相似文献   

In a study in the Aegean city of Izmir, Turkey, during the summer of 2002, 2101 patients (1046 boys and 1055 girls) were examined. The examination occurred within the framework of a dental check-up performed at two schools and one pre-school unit. The age span ranged from 3.98 to 24.91 years. Sex, age and present permanent teeth were recorded. Wisdom teeth were excluded. The sequence of tooth eruptions differs significantly in the lower and upper jaw, whereas no significant differences existed when comparing the sides of each jaw. The times of tooth eruption is earlier in females than in males. The entire tooth eruption process of the second dentition occurs in females earlier than in males. The tooth eruption in the lower and upper jaw of male and female probands is symmetrical. In comparing the upper and the lower jaw of both genders, it becomes evident that there is a tendency for earlier tooth eruptions in the lower jaw. In respect to the tooth eruption sequence, a change was noted in the upper jaw. Contrary to the reports of other authors, the second premolar has changed places with the canine and erupts prior to this tooth. Otherwise no major differences concerning the sequence of tooth eruptions, when compared to the results gained from other populations, were observed. Concerning the entire dentition, no acceleration of the tooth eruption could be noted. The computed differences of teeth eruption as a mean value calculated over all teeth, was +/- 1 year at maximum, compared to studies from different continents. Oral examination of teeth is a simple tool to calculate tooth eruption intervals. This first investigation on a population of Izmir revealed a change in the eruption sequence of permanent teeth. These findings are relevant for dental treatment planning and forensic odontology and should be reconfirmed at certain intervals.  相似文献   

The numerical topographical dental findings of 29,862 adult patients from several German dental practices were evaluated. Taking into account the age-dependent loos of teeth the various decades were investigated separately for increased incidences of identical findings. The total number of teeth comprising the dental findings in the form of tooth number classes was a first-line criterion aiding classification. In accordance with an underlying binominal distribution, a raised incidence of identical dental findings was found both in patients edentulous jaws or few residual teeth and in patients with largly complete dentition. The raised incidence was confined to a few standard findings in each of these high or low tooth number classes. However, more than 50% of all cases were either in the intermediate tooth number classes, in which raised incidences of ≥ 0.2% generally do not occur, or showed correspondingly rare constellations of findings in the high or low tooth number classes. In more than half of all cases, there was therefore a numerical topographical dental status which can be used in identification with a matching probability of ≥ 99.8%. Dental findings which occur less frequently can be arranged clearly according to tooth number classes.  相似文献   

目的通过矫治前后对比,观察T4K矫治器对于儿童替牙早期安氏Ⅱ类错合畸形的治疗效果。方法抽取正畸门诊替牙早期安氏Ⅱ类错合畸形患者20例(男女各10例),年龄6~10岁,在2012年11月~2013年3月戴用澳大利亚Myofunctional Research公司的T4K功能矫治器,治疗前后制取工作模型进行模型测量分析。结果 T4K矫治5个月后,20例患者的磨牙关系均由安氏Ⅱ类转为安氏Ⅰ类;前牙覆合平均减小3.00 mm,前牙覆盖平均减小2.25 mm;上牙弓后段宽度平均增加1.50 mm,下牙弓后段宽度平均增加2.50 mm;上前牙拥挤度平均减小2.75 mm,下前牙拥挤度平均减小3.00 mm。结论T4K矫治器用于儿童替牙早期安氏Ⅱ类错合畸形,能明显改善患者咬合关系,达到预期治疗目标,且易于被患者接受,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

Odontometric sex assessment is considered a useful adjunct to more robust predictors such as pelvic and cranial bones, and discriminant function analysis (DA) has been widely applied in dental sex assessment. Logistic regression analysis (LRA) is considered a better alternative, although still untested in odontometric sex prediction. This study examines the use of LRA in dental sex assessment and compares its success to DA. Mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions of all teeth, except third molars, were obtained on dental stone casts of 105 young adults (52 females, 53 males) using digital caliper. Application of LRA to teeth of both jaws combined and to maxillary and mandibular teeth separately yielded correct sex allocation rates ranging from 76% to 100%, which proved superior to sex assessment using DA (∼52–71%). LRA enabled optimal sex prediction (100%) when all teeth in both the jaws were included. Results were not as accurate when only maxillary (76.2%) or mandibular (84.8%) teeth were used. To assess and compare the use of these multivariate techniques in practical forensic casework, >25% of tooth variables were randomly deleted. LRA still performed better (∼91% sex allocation accuracy vs. 62.9% for DA), indicating that LRA may be superior in its ability to predict sex irrespective of the presence of complete or incomplete sets of dentitions and should be preferred in dental sex assessment. The 100% success rate of LRA in correctly assigning sex is also noteworthy considering that, in general, tooth measurements have yielded sub-optimal sex prediction levels. However, unambiguous sex assessment is possible only when the entire dentition is available and correct sex allocation levels decreases when teeth are missing.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine radiographically the relationship between the deciduous tooth and dentigerous cyst of the permanent successor during the transitional dentition. METHODS: From a retrospective review of all patients who visited our institution from April 1988 to August 2001, 70 patients under 16 years of age who had histologically confirmed dentigerous cysts that had developed from the central incisor to the second premolar were identified. These 70 patients were investigated using panoramic and periapical radiographs. RESULTS: In most cases (54 cases; 77.1%) the cyst was in the premolar region. Of the 54 premolars with dentigerous cysts, the overlying deciduous tooth had already been lost in 7 cases. Of the 47 remaining premolars with associated deciduous tooth, 35 (74.5%) had bone resorption of the periapical or bifurcation region, or irregular resorption of the associated deciduous tooth. Of the remaining 12 deciduous teeth with no periapical lesions, 9 had been treated with root canal therapy. Thus, 44 of these 47 cases (93.6%) had the possibility of inflammation at the deciduous tooth associated with the dentigerous cyst. Evidence from one case in the present study suggesting the process by which cyst development occurs is also given. CONCLUSION: Inflammatory change at the apex of the deciduous tooth may bring on a dentigerous cyst of the permanent successor.  相似文献   

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