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目的探讨常规脑电图(REEG)、视频脑电图(VEEG)、MRI、SPECT检查对癫病人术前综合评估致灶定位的意义。方法对40例顽固性癫病人进行REEG、VEEG、MRI及SPECT检查,其中32例行手术治疗,术中行皮质电极(ECoG)和深部电极监测,同时对REEG、VEEG、MRI、SPECT定位致灶的情况进行对比研究。结果REEG异常40例,局灶棘波17例(42.5%);VEEG异常40例,局灶棘波35例(87.5%),两组局灶棘波检出率有显著性差异(P <0.01)。SPECT异常32例(80%),MRI异常31例(77.5%)。在32例手术病人中,VEEG与ECoG病灶一致者30例(93.7%),MRI与ECoG一致者27例(84.3%)。结论VEEG、MRI、EEG、SPECT检查结合临床表现,对顽固性癫病人术前致灶的定位和指导手术治疗有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

Intracerebral masses in patients with intractable partial epilepsy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
One hundred ninety patients were considered for surgical treatment of uncontrolled partial seizures. Twenty-seven (15%) had intracranial mass lesions detected during preoperative evaluation. Seizures were present for a mean of 10 years. Sixty percent of the patients had prior negative radiologic studies. The lesions included 19 neoplasms and 8 non-neoplastic structural (non-atrophic) lesions. Refractory simple partial seizures and a changing neurologic examination were more commonly associated with neoplasms. Treatment included biopsy and radiation, mass resection, or subtotal lobectomy. Although any form of treatment gave better seizure control, patients undergoing subtotal lobectomy had more than 95% reduction in seizures.  相似文献   

Conceptual advantages, together with advances in both technique and technology, have considerably altered the approach to intractable epilepsy over the past two decades. Appropriate utilization of these advances allows our evaluation of patients with intractable seizures to be much more precise and specific than was once the case and allows us to improve considerably our ability to treat patients with intractable epilepsy. We propose an algorithm for the evaluation and treatment of patients with intractable complex partial seizures. Other forms of intractable epilepsy may benefit from similar diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Parry Romberg's syndrome is an uncommon disorder characterized by atrophy of skin and subcutaneous tissue of one side of face. It has neurologic sequel. The commonest of which is epilepsy. Here, we present a 17-year old girl with features of Parry Romberg's disease with intractable epilepsy. Her seizures have stopped with systemic corticosteroids. This treatment response, together with previous reports is suggestive of an autoimmune basis to this disorder. Thus the epilepsy in some such cases may be steroid responsive.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The association between headache (HA) and epilepsy is well known. However, few previous studies characterized HA types and head sensations (HSens) in large populations of individuals with well-defined forms of epilepsy. METHODS: To analyze the incidence of HA in such a group, we compare HA and non-HA patients to identify special predictive factors for HAs or migraine. We also investigate the pathologically verified group for possible correlations with HAs or migraine. One hundred consecutive patients undergoing presurgical evaluation for pharmacologically intractable partial epilepsy were interviewed. For each HA type, we inquired about lateralization, localization, quality of HA, and results of treatment. RESULTS: Periictal HAs were reported by 47 patients. Of those, 11 had preictal HA (PIHA), and 44 had postictal HA (PostHA). Eight patients had both PIHA and PostHA. Interictal HAs (InterHAs) were reported by 31 patients. Twenty-nine (62%) of 47 patients had frontotemporal HAs. Twenty-five patients had migraine-like HA without aura: 18 (60%) of 30 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and seven (41%) of 17 with extratemporal epilepsy (ETE). No correlation between pathology and presence of HA was found in 59 pathologically verified patients, except in four who had arteriovenous malformations (AVMs): three had and one did not have HAs. Eighteen patients had, in addition, poorly localized and ill-described HSens other than HAs. CONCLUSIONS: We confirm an association between focal epilepsy and HAs, including migraine without aura. This is true for both TLE and ETE. PIHA and even prodromal HA may be related to the epileptic discharge and may have lateralizing value. This association is not recognized by the current International Headache Society (IHS) classification. The presence of HA and migraine is not related to the underlying epileptogenic pathology except in patients with AVMs.  相似文献   

When considering surgery for intractable partial seizures, evenwith high resolution MRI, some patients do not show structural abnormalities. The aim was to consider whether these patients werelikely to proceed to surgical treatment after scalp video-EEG telemetry. All patients undergoing presurgical evaluation at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery between 1995and 1997 were reviewed and 40 were identified without definite MRIabnormalities. None of 40 disclosed a well localised epileptogenic zoneconcordant with other tests that would have allowed the patient toproceed directly to surgery. In five of the 40, evaluation led to ahypothesis that could be tested by intracranial studies; threeproceeded to surgery. It is suggested that high quality MRI isperformed first when surgical evaluation is undertaken and if negativethe patient carefully counselled before proceeding with anyinvestigations, as successful resective surgery is an unlikely outcomein such MRI negative cases.


Aim:   Dedicated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol can diagnose epileptogenic abnormalities in patients with intractable epilepsy. However, it is not sufficiently sensitive to detect small calcified lesions that may result from infections, tumors, or vascular malformations. This study aims to study the impact of the addition of T2*gradient echo/susceptibility weighted imaging (T2*GRE/SWI) sequence to a dedicated MRI protocol.
Method:   One hundred thirty-seven patients with intractable epilepsy underwent MRI using conventional epilepsy protocol with addition of T2*GRE/SWI sequence. Comparison of the images with and without these sequences was done for detection of calcified abnormalities/vascular abnormalities. In patients with calcified lesions, MRI findings were correlated either with histopathology or computerized tomography (CT) to confirm the presence of calcification.
Results:   In 16 patients the sequence gave additional information compared to conventional imaging protocol. The sequence helped in better characterization of lesions in all patients . In three patients it helped in detecting the lesion and in another three it appeared useful as it best characterized the lesions. Additional lesions were detected in two patients with old calcified granulomas. Important additional information was supplied in four patients, whereas in the remaining patients lesion conspicuity was increased.
Conclusion:   T2*GRE/SWI sequence should form part of routine epilepsy protocol as it increases sensitivity by detecting occult calcified lesions or vascular malformations that may be responsible for the patient's seizures. This is especially important in patients from developing countries who have post-infective calcified lesions responsible for seizures and who undergo only MRI as the imaging modality for intractable seizures.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Depression sometimes occurs after surgical treatment for medically intractable partial epilepsy. The risk of pre- and postsurgical depression may vary by laterality of seizure focus. We reviewed the pre- and postsurgical psychological assessments and clinical courses of patients to identify those at highest risk for postsurgical mood disorders. METHODS: Depression status was assessed in a consecutive series of epilepsy patients before and 1 year after epilepsy surgery with the use of Scale 2 of the MMPI-2 and a clinical depression index (CDI) scoring the occurrence of depressive symptoms, psychiatric referral, or attempted/completed suicide. Outcome at 1 year was modeled by regression techniques as functions of preoperative mood measurements, side of epilepsy surgery, and preoperative verbal intelligence. RESULTS: The CDI and Scale 2 MMPI-2 correlated significantly (r = 0.341; p < or = 0.01). Left (n = 54 subjects) and right (n = 53) surgery groups did not differ by sex, seizure outcome, age, education, age at first seizure, duration of epilepsy, or intellect. Higher presurgical depressive morbidity (p = 0.0037) and right-sided surgery (p = 0.0003) predicted higher postoperative CDI. Higher preoperative Scale 2 scores, indicating worse depressive traits, predicted worse postoperative Scale 2 scores (p < 0.0001). Although side of surgery did not predict Scale 2 scores, Scale 2 scores of patients with preoperative right-sided foci tended to have worse postsurgical Scale 2 scores (p = 0.08). Findings for the temporal lobectomy subgroup (n = 90) were similar to those of the overall sample. CONCLUSIONS: Patients undergoing right hemispheric epilepsy surgery, especially those with high presurgical depression-related morbidity, may be particularly susceptible to clinical depression. Our findings support other studies that show an interhemispheric modulation of depressive traits and symptoms.  相似文献   

婴幼儿期灾难性癫痫的术前评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨婴幼儿灾难性癫痫的术前评估及其与手术方式的选择和预后的关系。方法对我院癫痫中心2000年以来收治的28例婴幼儿期灾难性癫痫患者进行临床资料回顾性分析和评估,患儿术前均接受了长程视频脑电图和影像学等各项评估检查。结果按照Engel分级和常规神经外科分级对手术效果进行评价。本组无手术死亡病例,随访3个月至3年,90%以上经手术治疗的患儿术后疗效满意或症状显著改善。而拒绝手术的患儿药物治疗效果不佳。结论对于婴幼儿灾难性癫痫,完善的术前评估是决定手术方式和手术治疗效果的关键。  相似文献   

Sheth RD 《Neurologic Clinics》2002,20(4):1195-1215
The presurgical evaluation should result in a clear understanding of whether surgery can be undertaken and its associated risks and potential for benefit. The results of surgery are best when there is congruence in the seizure semiology, the irritative zone on interictal EEG, and the ictal onset zone with the epileptogenic lesion as defined on MRI and PET, and when there is a clear understanding of the ictal onset zone's relationship to eloquent cortex as defined by neuropsychologic evaluation, the intracarotid amobarbital test, and cortical functional mapping.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We evaluated the results of cortical resection of epileptogenic tissue for treatment of intractable porencephaly-related epilepsy. METHODS: We examined clinical features, electrophysiological data, surgical findings, and seizure outcomes after cortical resection in eight patients with intractable epilepsy related to porencephalic cysts. RESULTS: All eight patients had hemiparesis. Five retained motor function in the hemiparetic extremities; six retained visual fields. All had partial seizures, six with secondary generalization. Seven patients had simple and three had complex partial seizures (CPSs); two also had drop attacks. Four patients had multiple seizure types. Long-term scalp video-EEG (LVEEG) localized interictal epileptic abnormalities that anatomically corresponded to the cyst location in three patients. LVEEG recorded ictal-onset zones in five; these anatomically corresponded to the cyst location in three of the five. EEG recorded generalized seizures in two patients, hemispheric in one, and multifocal in two. Intraoperative electrocorticography (ECoG) revealed interictal epileptic areas extending beyond the margins of the cyst in seven patients. We resected ECoG-localized interictal epileptic areas completely in five patients and partially in two. Cortical resection was based on seizure semiology and LVEEG in one patient whose ECoG showed no epileptiform discharges. After a minimum follow-up of 1 year, six patients had excellent seizure outcome (Engel class I), and two had a >90% seizure reduction (Engel class III) without complications. CONCLUSIONS: Cortical resection guided by ECoG allows preservation of motor function and visual field and provides an effective surgical procedure for treatment of intractable epilepsy secondary to porencephaly.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to evaluate the outcome and the factors predictive for a good prognosis of resective surgery for intractable partial epilepsy guided by subdural electrode arrays (SEA's) and operative electrocorticography. Sixty-four patients, aged 8–52 years, were evaluated with chronic SEAs in order to record interictal and ictal activity and delineate speech and motor areas by functionally mapping. Resection were individualized to each patient's SEA recorded electrocorticogram and operative electrocorticogram and functional mapping results (tailored resection). The follow-up time was a minimum of one year. Good seizure outcome was defined as seizure free from complex partial and secondary generalized seizures. After one year 70% of the patients with a temporal ictal focus was seizure free compared to 55% of the patients with an extratemporal focus. Complete resection of interictal or ictal fields as mapped with SEAs, gave better prognosis than partial resection. Patients with no postresection spikes had a better prognosis than patients with residual postresection spikes evaluated with operative electrocorticography. Sex, age, duration of epilepsy prior to surgery, extent of temporal lobe resection and structural abnormalities determined by MRI were not associated with a favorable seizure outcome after surgery. We conclude that complete resection of the interictal and ictal field mapped with SEA's and absence of postresection spikes on operative electrocorticography are associated with an excellent seizure outcome.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-three patients with medically refractory partial epilepsy underwent chronic stereotactic depth-electrode EEG (SEEG) evaluations after being studied by positron emission tomography (PET) with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and scalp-sphenoidal EEG telemetry. We carried out retrospective standardized reviews of local cerebral metabolism and scalp-sphenoidal ictal onsets to determine when SEEG recordings revealed additional useful information. FDG-PET localization was misleading in only 3 patients with temporal lobe SEEG ictal onsets for whom extratemporal or contralateral hypometabolism could be attributed to obvious nonepileptic structural defects. Two patients with predominantly temporal hypometabolism may have had frontal epileptogenic regions, but ultimate localization remains uncertain. Scalp-sphenoidal ictal onsets were misleading in 5 patients. For 37 patients with congruent focal scalp-sphenoidal ictal onsets and temporal hypometabolic zones, SEEG recordings never demonstrated extratemporal or contralateral epileptogenic regions; however, 3 of these patients had nondiagnostic SEEG evaluations. The results of subsequent subdural grid recordings indicated that at least 1 of these patients may have been denied beneficial surgery as a result of an equivocal SEEG evaluation. Weighing risks and benefits, it is concluded that anterior temporal lobectomy is justified without chronic intracranial recording when specific criteria for focal scalp-sphenoidal ictal EEG onsets are met, localized hypometabolism predominantly involves the same temporal lobe, and no other conflicting information has been obtained from additional tests of focal functional deficit, structural imaging, or seizure semiology.  相似文献   

The intractable partial epilepsy outcome information is important in determining not only when epilepsy surgery evaluation should begin but also in deciding who would benefit and what is the likelihood of any benefit from surgery. Medical records of 50 children diagnosed with nontumor-related partial seizures, confirmed by video-electroencephalography (video-EEG), had at least one seizure per week and were followed for at least 2 consecutive years after video-EEGs were reviewed. There were 30 patients who continued with antiepileptic drug treatment after video-EEG. The seizure outcome analysis revealed a significant improvement of seizure control in the first year of follow-up but no difference between the first year and the following 3 years. Only 30% had excellent long-term outcome (seizure free or less than one seizure per 6 months). The presence of focal lesions on neuroimaging was the only risk factor of poor outcome. The other 20 patients underwent epilepsy surgery after video-EEG; 60% attained excellent outcome despite the fact that 90% had focal neuroimaging abnormality. Children whose partial epilepsy remained intractable after 1 year of antiepileptic drug treatment should be evaluated for candidacy of epilepsy surgery, particularly those who have focal lesions on neuroimaging.  相似文献   

Presurgical evaluation and surgical outcome of temporal lobe epilepsy   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The authors analyzed 22 patients younger than 18 years of age with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) treated surgically. Patients underwent a comprehensive presurgical evaluation, including video-electroencephalogram. Fifty-five percent had a history of febrile seizures. Eighty-two percent had auraes and most exhibited oroalimentary and gestural automatisms. Contralateral dystonic posturing was present in 36% and postictal dysphasia in 54% of patients with left-sided resections. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was abnormal in 59% of patients. MRI revealed changes consistent with mesial temporal sclerosis in 8 (47%) of 17 patients without lesions. Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (PET) scans revealed ipsilateral temporal hypometabolism (PET-TH) in 12 (85.7%) of 14 patients. The intracarotid amobarbital procedure revealed impaired memory of the epileptogenic side in 59% of patients. Seventeen patients underwent en-bloc resections and five lesionectomies and resection of the epileptogenic area. There was no surgical morbidity or mortality. Forty-three percent had hippocampal sclerosis, 28.5% gliosis, 14% low-grade tumors, 9.5% cavernous angiomas, and 5% had no pathologic findings. Follow-up (6 months to 12 years) was available for 21 patients; 76% became seizure free, 19% had rare seizures, and 5% had a worthwhile improvement. TLE can be safely treated surgically in younger patients with excellent results. The clinical manifestations were similar to adult patients. PET-TH was present even at a younger age, suggesting that the focal functional deficits appear early in patients with medically refractory TLE, which may help in the early identification of these patients.  相似文献   

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