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[目的]探讨非骨水泥假体在髋关节翻修术中的临床效果.[方法]对本科1997年11月~2007年8月行非骨水泥人工全髋关节翻修术36例(41髋)患者进行了随访,其中29髋行全髋关节翻修,8髋仅翻修髋臼,4髋仅更换股骨柄.随访X线片上的假体变化情况,分析AAOS、Paprosky骨缺损分类对翻修时假体选择的指导作用,对髋关节行Harris功能评定并分析假体生存率.[结果]24例28髋获得随访,平均随访4.6年(1~11年),患者平均Harris评分由术前的38分(11~76分)增加到末次随访时的88分(60~99分).21髋(75%)假体获得良好稳定性;1髋股骨1区形成2 mm宽的透亮线,临床检查无松动迹象;4髋发生骨溶解并假体移位(股骨1髋,髋臼3髋)而需要再翻修,失败率为12.5 %;8髋发生异位骨化;聚乙烯衬垫年平均磨损量为0.08 mm(0~0.25 mm),磨损率仅与外展角变化存在相关.AAOS分类术前、术中的一致性较Parprosky分类高.分别以任何原因进行了再翻修和影像学证明假体松动作为失败标准,利用Kaplan-Meier生存分析计算假体4.6年存活率分别为89%、81%.[结论]非骨水泥型假体可用于初次髋关节置换术失败的翻修.术中对骨缺损进行细致的评估并选择合适的假体固定,能达到令人较满意的临床效果.  相似文献   

采用抗生素骨水泥假体二期翻修治疗人工髋关节感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wei W  Kou BL  Ju RS  Lü HS 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(4):246-248
目的探讨采用抗生素骨水泥假体二期翻修治疗人工髋关节感染的疗效。方法自1999年6月至2004年10月,14例初次髋关节置换术后感染患者行二期手术。术前Harris评分平均23分。一期手术中将取出的假体彻底清洗,骨水泥垫临时旷置,关节内引流管引流,术后静脉输入抗生素3周后,改为口服抗生素1个月。二期手术于6个月后进行,植入带抗生素骨水泥型假体。结果14例患者均获得随访,随访时间7~26个月,平均18个月。14例患者术后均无感染复发。术后Harris评分平均70分。结论彻底清创、足够间隔期以及二期手术采用抗生素骨水泥假体是有效控制感染复发的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析非骨水泥全涂层长柄假体在全髋关节翻修术中应用的临床疗效。方法对2006年1月至2011年1月四川大学华西医院收治的采用全涂层长柄假体全髋关节翻修术的53例患者(53髋)进行随访、分析。其中男26例,女27例;年龄49—78岁,平均62岁。股骨假体采用强生(Depuy)公司全涂层长度为165mm的直柄AML假体10例、全涂层165mm的Solution假体19例和203mm带弧度分左右侧的Solution假体24例。比较髋关节术前术后的Harris评分,x线片评价假体柄有无松动下沉及应力遮挡情况。结果53例患者均获随访,随访时间1.8~6.8年,平均4.7年。术前平均Harris评分为37分,最后随访时增加至86分。所有患者均在术后3个月后完全负重,原有髋关节疼痛缓解。在最后随访时,有45例股骨柄假体获得骨长人固定。并发症:术后脱位1例,手法复位后未再发生脱位,术后感染1例,假体柄明显下沉1例,后两例患者行再次翻修术,末次随访假体柄稳定。随访X线片显示多数患者骨质改建,密度增加,未发现假体周围有连续亮带及假体柄下沉的患者。结论复杂的股骨侧翻修手术,应尽可能选择非骨水泥长柄假体。特别是股骨干骺端骨质条件差,中段有骨缺损,近端不能获得牢固固定的病例。术中结合同种异体颗粒骨打压植骨处理股骨中上段中重度骨缺损,中期临床疗效良好,远期效果有待随访。  相似文献   

非骨水泥型髋假体进行髋关节翻修的四年随访研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kou BL  Lin JH  Guan ZP  Sun TZ  Wei W  Li H  Lü HS 《中华外科杂志》2005,43(8):499-501
目的 评价非骨水泥型髋关节系统治疗人工全髋关节翻修术的术后中期临床随访效果。方法 自1996年11月至2001年1月,对55例56髋关节行翻修术,采用了Zweymüller非骨水泥人工髋关节系统,年龄30~80岁,平均59岁。均有至少两年以上的临床和放射学追踪资料,平均随访时间4年。结果 32例32髋得到随访, 23例24髋失访。有3例出现围手术期并发症: 1例为假体取出时大转子骨折, 1例为术后2d脱位并成功闭合复位, 1例为伤口深部感染需要再次清创。无髋臼及股骨柄假体需要再度翻修。Harris评分由术前平均40 6分提高到最末次随访平均80 4分。X线片示髋臼和股骨柄假体位置满意,无松动和感染征象,周围骨质内向长入。结论 中期临床结果显示,初次用骨水泥和非骨水泥固定人工髋关节置换失败的病例,若髋臼环完整,使用非骨水泥型髋关节假体可以获得良好的临床效果。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨Metasul非骨水泥金属对金属全髋关节假体在人工全髋关节置换术中的应用效果.[方法]对本科于2003年8月-2005年12月行Metasul非骨水泥金属对金属人工全髋关节置换术25例(30髋)患者进行了随访.包括临床评估和放射学评估,并检测血铬浓度和肾功能情况.[结果]23例28髋获得随访,平均随访3.6年(2.5~4.8年).患者的平均Harris评分由术前的49.5分提高到末次随访时的93.4分.3髋(11.5%)形成透亮带;1髋股骨形成局灶性骨溶解.1例术中坐骨神经受损,2.5年后除趾背伸肌力较弱外其他均完全恢复.1例糖尿病患者血糖未控制理想,术后4年发生假体周围感染但X线检查未见松动迹象.无一术后发生脱位、股骨骨折等并发症.末次随访时平均血铬浓度为0.82 μg/L(0.020~0.140 μg/L),较正常参考值(0.007、0.109)无明显升高,未发现因血铬浓度升高导致的肾功能损害和癌症、白血病等恶性疾病.[结论]Metasul非骨水泥金属对金属全髋关节假体在人工全髋关节置换术中的效果令人满意,但有必要做进一步随访,以了解与金属对金属关节置换有关的任何不良反应.  相似文献   

目的 总结二期翻修重建治疗人工髋关节置换术后感染患者的经验,为临床应用提供参考.方法 1997年2月~2004年11月采用二期翻修共治疗15例(16髋)人工髋关节置换术后感染患者,男9 例(髋),女6 例( 髋).原发疾病:股骨头坏死9 例,股骨颈骨折3例,类风湿性关节炎1例(髋),髋臼发育不良1例,同侧髋膝关节感染治愈后关节强1例.所有患者一期彻底清创,平均间隔6.7个月(6月~21个月)二期重建.术后定期随访.结果均无感染复发,感染控制率为100%.Harris评分平均85.1分(57~98分),较治疗前改善54.9分.优7例,良6 例,可1例,差1例,优良率为86.7% .3例患者的3髋(包括双髋感染患者的1髋)在清创术中发生股骨干穿孔, 1例患者重建时股骨假体柄穿出股骨干, 2例患者的2髋!包括(双髋感染患者的1髋)发生脱位.结论 二期翻修在感染控制和功能结果方面均较满意,应作为人工髋关节置换术后感染的常用治疗方法.  相似文献   

非骨水泥假体在髋关节翻修术中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:分析人工关节置换术后翻修的原因。探讨非骨水泥假体在髋关节翻修术中的应用效果。方法:人工髋关节置换术后患者36例42侧髋关节。其中男26例。女10例,年龄35-78岁。平均50岁。人工关节置换术后3个月-16年,平均6年3个月。翻修的原因;髋关节疼痛不伴假体明显松动11例11髋,感染2髋,无菌性松动27髋,假体柄位置异常2例。42个髋臼中无髋臼骨缺损者10髋,GustilloⅠ,Ⅱ型髋臼松动14髋,Ⅲ型髋臼松动10髋,对上述患者直接用纯钛螺旋臼成型或髋臼底加用颗粒植骨,Ⅳ型松动骨缺损8髋。采用颗粒植骨,钛网重建髋臼,骨水泥髋臼假体成型。40侧股骨进行了翻修术。其中假体无松动12髋。GustilloⅠ型,Ⅱ型,Ⅲ型及Ⅳ型假体柄松动分别为6,8,13和1个髋关节,取出假体柄后视情况植入非骨水泥普通假体柄或加长柄,视骨缺损情况进行假体周围植骨,必要时捆绑带固定。结果:髋臼侧进行了钛网重建植骨的8例患者术后3d可以下地非负重柱拐行走,其余患翥 均可于术后3d下地负重行功能练习,术后随访6-66(平均22)个月。无假体自欺欺人多位下沉等不稳迹象,无需要再重新翻修的病例。Harris评分由翻修前的5-54分(平均32.6分)增加到术后的56-98分(平均88.1分)。随访X线片显示部分患者骨质改建,密度增加,未发现假体周围有新出现透亮带的患者。结论:最常见翻修的原因为无菌性松动。其次为股骨头或双动头置换术后金属与髋臼之间摩擦产生的疼痛,采用非骨水泥型假体对髋关节进行翻修术后中,近期可取得良好的手术效果。远期效果有待随访。  相似文献   

目的总结评估Ⅰ期清创后采用自制抗生素骨水泥股骨头假体控制感染,Ⅱ期翻修重建治疗人工髋关节置换术后感染的临床效果。方法自2006年1月至2010年11月共收治11例(12髋)髋关节置换术后感染患者,均采用Ⅱ期翻修。其中男7例8髋,女4例4髋。年龄29~80岁,平均60岁,术前Harris评分17~45分,平均(32±7.63)分。所有患者采用Ⅰ期取出假体,彻底清创,置入自制抗生素骨水泥股骨头假体,间隔4~20个月(平均12个月),待血沉、C反应蛋白、血白细胞计数正常,伤口局部无感染表现后,行Ⅱ期翻修重建。结果本组患者切口均I期愈合,无伤口并发症发生。所有患者均获得随访,随访时间6~40个月,平均20个月。所有病例在随访时感染均没有复发,感染控制率100%。。患者髋关节疼痛和关节功能均有明显改善。随访时Harris评分65~96分,平均(87±7.72)分,与术前比较有统计学差异(t=38.81,P〈0.01)。结论Ⅰ期清创后用抗生素骨水泥股骨头假体可有效控制髋关节置换术后感染,减少肢体短缩;Ⅱ期翻修重建手术可根据患者的情况选择骨水泥或非骨水泥假体,均可取得良好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

强直性脊柱炎非骨水泥型全髋关节置换术后中期随访   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的观察强直性脊柱炎非骨水泥型全髋关节置换术后中期的随访结果.方法对37例(52髋)强直性脊柱炎非骨水泥型全髋关节置换术后患者进行了24~172个月,平均69个月的随访.临床随访根据Harris的评分方法进行评分,X线随访根据Gruen等和 DeLee and Charnley分区法分别进行股骨柄和臼杯X线分析,根据Brooker等0~4级分级法进行异位骨化分级.结果患者髋关节屈伸、收展、内外旋总活动度由术前的平均27°提高到术后平均152°.术后无脱位、感染等并发症发生.Harris评分术前平均为32(8~64)分,术后平均为82(64~96)分,其中优38髋,良8髋,可6髋,优良率88.5%.X线片分析未见假体松动, 11髋(21.2%)发生异位骨化. 结论人工全髋关节置换术治疗强直性脊柱炎髋关节病变,中期可取得满意的临床效果.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨采用非骨水泥型股骨假体进行髋关节翻修时术中骨折的发生率、发生原因及相关危险因素.[方法]回顾性研究北京积水潭医院矫形骨科2011年1 ~12月采用非骨水泥型股骨假体进行翻修的72例患者临床资料,其中男33例,女39例;均为单侧病变.患者翻修时的平均年龄61.7岁(32 ~ 82岁),距初次关节置换的时间平均为7.2年(1个月~ 20年).分析非骨水泥股骨假体进行髋关节翻修时术中骨折的发生率及发生原因,并将未发生骨折的病例作为对照组,分析术中骨折发生的相关危险因素.[结果] 72例翻修患者中有17例(23.6%)发生术中骨折.其中大转子劈裂骨折3例(13.3%)、股骨干部皮质穿孔3例(13.3%)、股骨干部螺旋形骨折8例(47.1%)、股骨干骨折合并股骨远端骨折3例(13.3%).术中骨折最多见于取骨水泥时(41.2%),其次为开髓及扩髓过程中(29.4%).[结论]采用非骨水泥股骨假体进行翻修时术中骨折的发生率较高.术中骨折的危险因素包括:术前严重的股骨骨缺损、较低的髓腔-皮质指数、术前假体力线不良及未采用大转子延长截骨的骨水泥型假体翻修.对于骨水泥型假体进行翻修时,大粗隆延长截骨可以有效避免术中骨折的发生.  相似文献   

We retrospectively reviewed all patients at one center with an infected total hip arthroplasty treated with 2-stage revision using cementless components for the second stage and the PROSTALAC articulated spacer at the first stage. Twenty-nine patients were reviewed and followed for at least 2 years postoperatively. An isolated Staphylococcus species was cultured in 76% (22/29) of patients. Three (10.3%) of 29 patients had recurrent infection at the site of the prosthesis. One of the 3 patients ultimately underwent a Girdlestone arthroplasty. Another patient was managed with irrigation and debridement, whereas the final patient was treated with intravenous antibiotics alone. Treatment of infection at the site of a hip arthroplasty with 2-stage revision using cementless components and an articulated spacer yields recurrence rates similar to revisions where at least one of the components at the second stage is fixed with antibiotic-loaded cement.  相似文献   

A total of 87 femoral exchange revision procedures were performed in 80 patients. Mean follow-up time was 3.6 years. Patients were followed prospectively. At follow-up, 5 patients had died, and 74 (93 %) completed follow-up. Results were evaluated on the basis of incidence of re-revisions and other complications, patient satisfaction, and preoperative and postoperative Harris hip score. Radiographic evaluation included preoperative femoral bone status evaluated according to Endo-Klinik and Mallory, incidence of subsidence, bone-graft incorporation, and signs of loosening. Three patients were re-revised, 2 patients suffered postoperative femoral fractures, 5 patients had hip dislocations, and 1 patient suffered deep infection. Of patients, 90% expressed satisfaction with the result. Harris hip score improved from 39 to 82 (P <.001). Radiographically, only 2 patients showed subsidence of >5 mm. Of patients, 88% showed signs of graft incorporation, and only 1 patient showed signs of loosening. Intermediate follow-up evaluation of the exchange femoral revision technique showed good clinical and radiographic results. With a re-revision rate of 3.5% and incidence of >5 mm subsidence of 2.5%, we did not observe the problems of subsidence and femoral fractures that previous studies have described.  相似文献   

Durable fixation of the femoral component to the bone in femoral revision arthroplasty of the hip is the main ingredient to a successful reconstruction. Because of poor durability of cemented fixation in revision, in 1984, one author began to use cementless fixation with extensively porous-coated chrome cobalt stems. The current authors report the durability of that fixation technique in 137 hips (134 patients) followed up 5 to 16 years. With a mean followup of 9.3 years, 10 (7%) of the stems have been removed. Five (4%) were removed for fixation problems and five (4%) were removed for infection. Using the radiographic criteria of Engh et al, 83% of the stems achieved bony ingrowth. No late failure of fixation was observed. Canal-filling prostheses were more likely to have bone ingrowth as were stems placed in femurs with lesser degrees of bone stock deficiency. Significant thigh pain was seen in 7% of bone ingrown stems, 16% of stable fibrous fixated stems, and 75% of unstable stems. Significant thigh pain in bone ingrown stems was observed more commonly in osteoporotic femurs and bone stock deficient femurs. Severe stress shielding correlated with preoperative osteoporosis and larger diameter stems but has not caused failure. Excellent durability of this fixation technique is evident.  相似文献   



Dislocation is a frequent complication in total hip arthroplasty (THA) revision. Cup fixation is the second concern. In order to know outcomes at two years, we prospectively followed a continuous series of 78 patients to demonstrate that cementless dual-mobility cup (DMC) used in revision THA is safe as regards dislocation risk and bone fixation.


We enrolled 78 consecutive patients (79 cases) in a prospective study. Mean interval between index surgery and revision was 12.9 years. Mean age at revision was 75.5 years. Two types of cementless DMC were used: a standard DMC in 68 cases with low-grade bone defect (Paprosky grade 1 and 2), and a specific design reconstruction DMC in 11 cases with severe bone loss (Paprosky grade 3).


At two years of follow-up, 68 patients were reviewed; four were lost to follow-up., and six patients were deceased. We identified three types of situations at risk:standard risk (33 cases), Paprosky grade 1 or 2; medium risk (37 cases), revision for recurrent instability (21), periprosthetic fractures (14) or severe loosening Paprosky grade 3 without femorotomy (2); high risk (nine cases), revision for severe loosening with a femorotomy. One (1.3 %) patient dislocated her hip at one month without recurrence. Revision rate for dislocation was 0 %; two (2.7 %) early mechanical failures occurred.


Considering outcomes of this series, cementless DMC can be suggested in THA revision surgery.  相似文献   

Cementless acetabular reconstruction in revision total hip arthroplasty   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Reconstruction of the failed acetabular component in total hip arthroplasty (THA) can be challenging. Although there are multiple reconstructive options available, a cementless acetabular component inserted with screws has been shown to have good intermediate-term results and is the reconstructive method of choice for the majority of acetabular revisions. We reviewed the results of 138 consecutive acetabular revisions done with a hemispheric, cementless acetabular component that is sintered with Ti fiber metal mesh and was inserted with line-to-line reaming and multiple screws for fixation. At a mean of 15 years, 19 acetabular components had been revised (13.8%); seven were revised for recurrent instability, six were revised for deep periprosthetic infection, five well-fixed cups were removed at the time of femoral revision, and one cup was fixed by fibrous tissue only at the time of femoral revision and was removed. One acetabular component was radiographically loose. Survivorship of the component was 81% at 15 years when revision for any reason was considered as an end point and 96% when revision for loosening or radiographic evidence of loosening was considered as a second end point. Cementless acetabular revision provides durable results at 15 years with a low rate of failure for loosening.  相似文献   

This study is a 5- to 11-year retrospective followup of 40 hips in 33 patients with cementless acetabular revision for aseptic failure of a cemented total hip arthroplasty. A porous coated, Harris-Galante acetabular component was used in all revisions. Thirty-eight of the 40 hips received acetabular bone grafting at revision. The mean Harris Hip Score improved from 51 points just before the index cementless revision to 87 points at the most recent followup. Twenty-nine of 40 (73%) hips were classified as having a good or excellent result. Radiolucencies were observed in seven of the 40 (18%) hips at the most recent followup, but none of these radiolucencies were complete or progressive. Five of the 40 (13%) hips were rated as failures and required repeat revision. Two (5%) of these failures were caused by aseptic loosening, with both hips having severe acetabular bone damage at the time of the index revision. This failure rate for aseptic loosening was less than that reported for cemented acetabular revision, thereby confirming the efficacy of cementless acetabular components in revision hip surgery in the intermediate term.  相似文献   

Sixty-seven patients (78 hips) who were younger than 50 years underwent cementless total hip arthroplasty using a porous-coated acetabular cup, an alumina liner, a 28-mm alumina head, and a proximally porous-coated femoral stem. One patient (1 hip) died and 2 patients (3 hips) were lost to follow-up. The remaining 64 patients (74 hips) were followed for 5 to 6 years. Their mean age at the index operation was 37 years. The mean Harris hip score was 94 points at the time of final follow-up. Four patients (4 hips) had mild thigh pain. All acetabular and femoral components were bone-ingrown, and neither pelvic nor femoral osteolysis was identified. No fracture of the ceramic liner or head was identified. Wear of the ceramic components was undetectable in 27 hips in which measurement was possible.  相似文献   

The hybrid method for fixation of total hip arthroplasty (THA) has shown excellent results during the first decade in primary operations. To investigate its role in revision surgery, data on 48 revision THAs in 45 patients that met the inclusion criteria were gathered prospectively, using HGP cementless acetabular components and precoated cemented femoral components inserted with so-called second generation femoral cementing technique in each case. For the 48 hips during an average follow-up period of 7.4 years, no acetabular components was loose or had pelvic lysis. One acetabular component was revised for recurrent dislocation; 1 of 48 femoral components was revised for aseptic loosening and 1 for periprosthetic fracture. Three additional femoral stems (6%) were loose. In this small series, the hybrid concept for revision of failed nonseptic THAs has shown excellent results.  相似文献   

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