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Prevalence and Prognosis of Epilepsy in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
An analysis of 599 clinically definite multiple sclerosis (MS) patients including all known cases of the southern province of Finland in January 1, 1979 revealed epileptic seizures in 21 (3.5%) patients. On that date, 12 patients needed treatment (2.0%). The age-adjusted prevalence of active epilepsy was significantly higher than that in the general population. The percentage of partial seizures (67%) was significantly increased in proportion to a series of 100 adult epilepsy patients, with a comparable age distribution. In 10 patients (including three patients with symptomatic epilepsy), the attacks appeared before the MS symptoms. The mean follow-up after the first seizures was 19.3 years. In 10 patients, the seizures disappeared totally during the surveillance until September 1985. Our results show an increased comorbidity between MS and epilepsy. In most cases, however, the prognosis of epilepsy was good and there seemed not to be any clear correlation between the severity of MS and epilepsy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Several clinical series reported an association between multiple sclerosis (MS) and epilepsy. We conducted a total population study in Iceland to determine the risk for developing epilepsy in patients with MS compared with that expected in the general population. METHODS: Medical records of the 188 incidence cases of clinically definite MS first diagnosed in Iceland during the 25-year study period (1965-1989) were reviewed. The cases were followed up through 1994 or until death to identify those developing seizures or epilepsy. The expected number of cases with epilepsy in the MS-incidence cohort were calculated based on the age-specific incidence for epilepsy in Iceland and the age-specific person years of follow-up in the MS cohort. RESULTS: During the 2,771 person years of observation after diagnosis of clinically definite MS, three MS patients developed epilepsy. One additional case developed epilepsy after onset of MS symptoms but before diagnosis of MS. The cumulative incidence of epilepsy by 10 years after diagnosis of MS was 1.9%. Given the age-specific person years of follow-up after diagnosis of MS, only one case of epilepsy would have been expected; standardized incidence ratio (SIR), 3.0 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.6-8.8). CONCLUSIONS: MS is a risk factor for developing epilepsy. Patients with MS have a threefold increase in risk for developing epilepsy when compared with that expected in the general population. The reason for this increased risk is unclear and needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Epilepsy with Multiple Sclerosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. TROUILLAS  J. COURJON 《Epilepsia》1972,13(2):325-333

Summary: Purpose: In patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy, studies have suggested volume deficits measured by MRI of brain structures outside the epileptogenic hippocampus. Hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is a frequent, but not obligate, finding in such patients. The present study examines the influence of the presence of HS on quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements.
Methods: We analyzed 47 patients and 30 controls by quantitative MRI, including intracranial volume (ICV), hemicranial volume, hippocampal volume (HCV), and T2relaxometry. MRI results were compared with histological findings in the resected temporal lobe.
Results: Histology documented HS in 35 patients (HS group) and other findings in 12 patients (no-HS group). In both groups, the hemicranial volume ipsilateral to the epileptogenic focus was significantly smaller than on the contralateral side (p <0.004). The HCV on both sides was smaller in the HS group compared with patients without HS (p ≥ 0.004). Unilateral hippocampal atrophy and increased T, value were found in 71% of patients with HS, and bilaterally normal HCV and T, value were found in 67% of patients without HS.
Conclusions: The smaller hemicranial volume on the focus side, irrespective of the presence or absence of HS suggests a different pathogenic mechanism for the additional hemicranial volume deficit, compared to HS itself. The contralateral HCV deficit depends on the presence of HS, indicating a pathogenic connection between damage to both hippocampi.  相似文献   

Imaging Spinal Cord Damage in Multiple Sclerosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the past 2 decades, the considerable improvement of magnetic resonance (MR) technology and the development of new MR strategies capable of providing an in vivo overall assessment of multiple sclerosis (MS) pathology have allowed us to obtain important novel pieces of information on disease evolution in the brain. However, despite this, the correlation between brain MR imaging metrics and clinical disability are still suboptimal. A reason for this discrepancy might be the involvement of clinically eloquent structures, such as the spinal cord, which owing to technical challenges have not been extensively studied using MR imaging until very recently. An objective and accurate estimate of the presence and extent of spinal cord damage might indeed contribute to increasing the strength of the correlations between clinical and MRI metrics. This review summarizes the main results obtained from the application of conventional and modern MR-based techniques for the evaluation of spinal cord damage in MS.  相似文献   

Data regarding effectiveness and safety of ocrelizumab in the post-marking setting are lacking. The aim of our study was to provide effectiveness and safety data of ocrelizumab treatment in patients with relapsing–remitting (RR-) and progressive multiple sclerosis (PMS) and to evaluate clinical and immunological predictors of early treatment response. In this single-center prospective observational study, we investigated effectiveness outcomes (time-to-confirmed disability worsening, time-to-first relapse, time-to-first evidence of MRI activity and time-to-first evidence of disease activity), clinical and immunological predictors of early treatment response, and incidence of adverse events (AEs). One hundred and fifty-three subjects were included (93 RRMS; 84 females). Median follow-up was 1.9 (1.3–2.7). At 2-year follow-up (FU), disability worsening-free survival were 90.5%, 64.7%, and 68.8% for RRMS, primary-progressive MS (PPMS), and secondary-progressive MS (SPMS) patients, respectively. At 2-year FU, 67.1%, 72.7%, and 81.3% of patients with RRMS, PPMS, and SPMS were free of MRI activity, with NEDA-3 percentages of 62.1%, 54.6%, and 55.1%, respectively. Lower baseline EDSS was independently associated with a reduced risk of disability worsening (HR(95%CI) = 1.45(1.05–2.00), p = 0.024) and previous treatment exposure was independently associated with increased probability of radiological activity (HR = 2.53(1.05–6.10), p = 0.039). At 6-month FU, CD8 + cell decrease was less pronounced in patients with inflammatory activity (p = 0.022). Six patients (3.9%) discontinued ocrelizumab due to severe AEs. Our findings suggest that ocrelizumab is an effective treatment in real-world patients with RRMS and PMS, with a manageable safety profile. Better outcomes were observed in treatment-naïve patients and in patients with a low baseline disability level. Depletion of CD8 + cells could underlie early therapeutic effects of ocrelizumab.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13311-021-01104-8.  相似文献   

Multiple Subpial Transection in Patients with Extratemporal Epilepsy   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
Michael C. Smith 《Epilepsia》1998,39(S4):S81-S89
Summary: Multiple subpial transection (MST) was developed to permit the treatment of partial epilepsies that reside in or encroach on eloquent cortex (language and sensorimotor cortex). It was conceived after the discoveries of the columnar organization of neocortex and that expression and spread of seizures utilize the transverse fiber network. Although the technique is simple in principle, it takes a skilled and practiced hand to avoid damage to the neocortical columns and vascular supply. The efficacy in controlling seizures with MST in extra-temporal epilepsy is similar to that of resective surgery. Activities of daily living are not adversely impacted by MST. MST is a viable alternative to resection in extratemporal epilepsy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can reliably identify lateralized cortical dysfunction in patients with suspected occipital lobe epilepsy. METHODS: We compared visual cortical function of 10 patients with intractable occipital lobe epilepsy with nine control subjects' fMRI. Visual stimulation by using an alternating checkerboard pattern results in transient increases in the intensity of the proton magnetic resonance signal of water in the occipital lobes during echo-planar imaging. We used these stimulus-dependent changes in signal intensity to construct functional activation maps, which we registered onto anatomic images. RESULTS: After full-field stimulation, none of the patients with occipital lobe epilepsy had normal activation patterns, whereas eight of the nine control subjects had normal patterns (p = 0.001). Abnormalities consisted of either a markedly asymmetric activation pattern in six of 10 patients (p = 0.04), or a complete absence of activation in four of 10 patients (p = 0.05). The abnormal side of activation was concordant with the side of seizure onset in all six patients with asymmetric activation maps. Half-field stimulation produced less reliable results. Although more patients had abnormal activation maps than did controls with half-field stimulation (p = 0.04), the abnormal side was discordant with the side of seizure onset in three of the five patients who had markedly asymmetric activation patterns. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that fMRI with full-field stimulation is a reliable, noninvasive method for identifying areas of abnormal visual cortical function ipsilateral to the epileptogenic region in patients with occipital lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was studied in patients with mild-to-moderate temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), well controlled by pharmacotherapy, and with normal computed tomographic (CT) scans. Magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities were found in 19 patients; of these, nine had abnormalities in temporomesial regions and four in temporobasal regions. Six patients had white matter MRI lesions of nonspecific significance. The temporomesial MRI lesions were compatible with sclerosis of Ammonis cornu. Patients with this MRI finding had more severe and longer lasting TLE than those without MRI abnormalities. The temporobasal lesions were interpreted as potentially developing brain lesions. Correlation between EEG and MRI findings was good. We conclude that MRI is more useful than CT for diagnosis of patients with mild-to-moderate TLE.  相似文献   

A series of 34 children with confirmed tuberous sclerosis (TS) were studied prospectively by both EEG and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at ages ranging from 5 months to 18 years. Size and topography of the cortical tubers were analyzed on axial and coronal views, in T2 sequences, and the large tubers greater than 10 mm were studied. In addition, EEG follow-up data were reviewed retrospectively. Twenty-six patients (76%) had both MRI large cortical tubers and EEG foci, 3 had normal EEG, 2 had normal MRI, and the remaining 3 had only small tubers. The number of large tubers was significantly related to EEG foci. A topographic MRI/EEG correspondence was observed for at least one tuber in 25 of the 26 patients, and correspondence was complete in 10 patients. Large cortical tubers without corresponding EEG foci were observed in 11 patients; these tubers mainly involved the frontal regions and were found before the patients were 2 years old. EEG foci without corresponding tubers were observed in 4 patients. In addition, secondary bilateral synchrony was preferentially observed in patients with frontal lesions and after the age of 2 years. These data confirm that the cortical tubers are epileptogenic and that their expression may be influenced by regional cortical maturation.  相似文献   

目的总结多发性硬化(MS)患者的临床特点(精神情感障碍)以及脑脊液、诱发电位、影像学改变进行分析。方法回顾分析65例MS患者的有关临床和实验室资料。结果65例中,男17例,女48例;年龄16~68岁,平均(36.5±14.1)岁,男女比为1∶2.8。MS首发及常见症状为感觉异常、肢体无力、视力减退及括约肌功能障碍,病变部位以脊髓受累最多见,部分患者存在精神情感障碍。结论出现感觉异常有助于MS早期诊断,诱发电位及MRI有助于发现亚临床病变;括约肌功能异常多见,可能与脊髓受累较多有关;MS患者的精神情感应受人们关注。  相似文献   

22例多发性硬化病例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步分析22例多发性硬化患者的临床、实验室及辅助检查。结果22例多发性硬化患者临床表现多样,以肢体瘫痪、锥体束征、浅感觉障碍、括约肌功能障碍较多发;以脊髓病变为主者11例,以颅内病变为主者8例,两者共存者2例。根据本组病例资料统计,辅助检查敏感程度依次为MRI、VEP、BAEP、SEP、EEG、头颅CT、Ig指数。  相似文献   

目的:探讨多发性硬化(MS)伴癫癎发作患者的临床特点与MRI所示病灶的相关性。方法:回顾性分析121例确诊为MS住院患者中10例(8.29%)伴癫癎发作的临床特点及MRI表现。结果:癫癎在MS其他症状或体征之前出现2例;癫癎发作为MS复发时唯一症状的1例;癫癎发作时已伴MS其他症状或体征者7例。10例患者头颅MRI均示双侧半球的深部白质、侧脑室旁数个斑块病灶,其中5例伴皮质-皮质下斑块病灶,2例伴局灶性皮质萎缩。5例癫发作与皮质-皮质下斑块病灶有相关性。结论:癫癎可以是MS的首发症状或复发时唯一临床表现,MS患者癫癎发作与皮质-皮质下斑块病灶相关。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between epilepsy and the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in patients with spastic cerebral palsy at five years of age. We studied 14 patients with congenital anomaly and 116 with perinatal injury. The patients with perinatal injury were subdivided into two groups; those with preterm type injury alone (group P), and those with term type injury with or without preterm type injury (group T). Epilepsy was found in 37 of the 130 patients. The initial type of seizures was partial in 12 patients, infantile spasms in 20 and generalized in five. Kaplan–Meier analysis demonstrated that patients with congenital anomaly had a higher incidence and an earlier onset of epilepsy than those with perinatal injury. Of the patients with perinatal injury, group T patients showed a higher incidence and a later onset of epilepsy than group P patients.  相似文献   

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