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在胃肠道肿瘤的治疗中,外科医生“独挡天下”的时代已经过去了,现代胃肠道肿瘤的诊疗更加依靠包括内科、放疗科、病理科、影像科等多个专业组成的工作团队共同完成。多学科专家组(multidisciplinaryteam,MDT)是由多个学科的专家针对某一疾病进行会审和讨论.从而提出诊疗意见的临床诊治模式。2009年.北京地区众多相关专家学者利用该地区汇集了为数众多的诊疗专家和该地区病例病种资源丰富的优势.成立了“北京地区消化肿瘤MDT协作组”,并定期举行会议,组织开展了MDT疑难病例诊治讨论。极大地推动了MDT诊治模式的开展,提高了临床上对胃肠道肿瘤的诊疗水平.真正体现了个体化的诊疗理念。本刊近期特收集了“北京地区消化肿瘤MDT协作组”的MDT病例讨论资料,于本期开始新辟“MDT病例讨论”专栏.准备分期先后刊出该协作组讨论的病例.倡导和推广这一新兴临床工作模式.进一步为患者造福.  相似文献   

随着医疗水平的不断提高,肿瘤的诊疗方式日趋多样化.单学科、单项技术处理单因素疾病的传统医学,已经无法满足肿瘤这样复杂疾病的诊疗需求,多学科协作已经成为了肿瘤诊治的必由之路,因此多学科专家组(multidiscipli-nary team,MDT)诊疗模式应运而生.MDT 是指临床两个以上的相关学科组成固定的工作组,针对某种疾病进行定期定时的临床讨论,提出临床诊治方案并对入组患者进行规律的随访.它把具有各专业知识、技能和经验的专家聚集在一起,以患者为中心,为患者提供高质量的诊断、循证医学决策和最佳治疗模式.近十年来,欧美和澳洲等国家的癌症医疗体系广泛实施了 MDT 诊疗模式,包括武汉同济医院在内的国内多家综合医院也在积极尝试 MDT 诊疗模式。  相似文献   

胰腺癌是一种高致死性、难治性消化道肿瘤,起病隐匿、有效治疗手段少、早期复发转移为其主要临床特征。随着现代诊疗技术及生物医学工程的不断发展,各种治疗方案、诊疗模式不断更新。多学科综合治疗(multi-disciplinary treatment, MDT)的治疗模式广泛应用于临床,为病人制定出规范化、系统化、个体化治疗方案,延长了病人的生存时间,提高了生活质量,取得了不错的临床疗效。该文根据重庆市人民医院肝胆胰腺外科的MDT诊疗经验,对如何改善胰腺癌MDT诊疗模式提出建议,并结合作者单位的经验,对在胰腺癌MDT诊疗中的关键点做出阐述,以期提高胰腺癌病人的临床获益。  相似文献   

随着复杂疑难的甲状腺癌患者不断增加,传统的医疗模式难以满意地解决患者的诊疗问题。近年来,随着多学科综合治疗协作组(multidisciplinary team,MDT)模式在临床中的应用。对于复杂疑难的甲状腺癌疾病,该模式可发挥多学科优势,为患者提供更加个体化、精准化的诊疗方案。复杂甲状腺癌诊疗过程涉及甲状腺外科、耳鼻...  相似文献   

通过对多学科诊疗(MDT)门诊模式的研究,探讨MDT门诊模式运作的成效、存在的问题并提出相应的对策。公立医院开展MDT门诊模式,有利于改善就诊流程,简化就诊手续,缩短患者候诊时间;可显著提高诊疗效率和治疗效果,使患者的收益最大化,值得进一步完善和推广。  相似文献   

结直肠癌肝转移的发病率及死亡率逐年升高,多学科综合治疗团队(multidisciplinary team,MDT)对提高病人存活率、改善预后起着重要作用。较传统单一学科诊疗模式,MDT为病人提供了全方位个体化的高质量诊疗。此外,MDT对于医学教育与科研同样有所帮助。MDT在国外已广泛开展,但在国内尚处于起步阶段,缺乏相应的标准。因此,需要重视并规范化开展结直肠癌肝转移的多学科综合治疗。  相似文献   

目的 探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠肺炎)疫情防控常态化下肝胆胰疾病多学科团队(multi-disciplinary team, MDT)的运行模式。分析“多会场、多中心、局域网共享”的线上MDT运行效果和实践价值。方法 回顾性分析新冠肺炎疫情暴发前后武汉大学中南医院肝胆胰疾病诊疗MDT运行模式的转变及效果。收集MDT诊疗病人和肝胆胰外科转科病人的临床信息,总结新形势下新模式MDT常态化运行、多中心参与的经验。分析纳入MDT诊疗病人的人口学数据及疾病谱,评价新模式MDT运行效果。结果 肝胆胰疾病MDT已开展168期,共讨论675例病人。该中心自2020年5月起探索新冠肺炎疫情形势下的MDT开展模式,逐步由线下会议模式,优化过渡至“多会场运行+多中心参与+局域网共享”的线上MDT运行新模式,并常态化开展。展示了所有MDT诊疗病人的疾病谱,并单独呈现分中心远程MDT诊疗病人的疾病谱。长江大学附属仙桃市第一人民医院和黄梅县人民医院两家分中心提交MDT诊疗的病人187例,占总例数的27.7%(187/675)。MDT诊疗新模式对肝胆胰外科病人转科无明显影响(P>0.05)。疫情暴发后远程...  相似文献   

急性肠系膜缺血性疾病(AMI)是一种危重的外科急腹症。由于其初始症状的隐匿性及不典型性, 一旦延误诊断, AMI患者的致死率则会明显增高。AMI的诊治流程往往涉及到多个学科及科室的密切协作沟通, 本团队深刻体会多学科综合治疗(MDT)诊疗模式在AMI的规范应用, 能够显著提高疾病诊断的效率, 延缓疾病进展, 及时处理疾病并改善患者的不良预后, 降低患者的死亡率。因此, 笔者结合所在中心在治疗AMI患者时实施MDT诊疗模式的经验, 阐述在AMI中规范应用MDT诊疗模式的关键步骤及质量控制要点, 以期为业内同行提供理论基础和经验参考。  相似文献   

规范化与个体化诊治在全球范围内已是大势所趋,多学科团队(MDT)的诊疗模式是其实现的主要方式。随着我国MDT诊疗模式的不断推广和深化,影像与内镜的地位日益凸显。因此,本期将重点放在胃肠道疾病的影像与内镜诊治,以期胃肠外科医师能更加重视MDT这一诊疗模式,以及影像与内镜在MDT诊治中的作用。  相似文献   

由于结直肠癌的新发病例数不断上升和结直肠癌治疗的复杂性不断增加,结肠癌的规范化诊疗显得尤为重要,多学科团队(multidisciplinary team,MDT)的诊疗模式可以使临床诊断更加准确,促进建立合理的治疗流程,促进不同学科专家更好地进行沟通和信息共享,并监督结直肠癌病人治疗的连贯性,保证治疗方案如期实施;而且能提高医院效率及质量,降低医院费用及成本,减少浪费;为年轻医生提供学习的机会。用 MDT 模式推动结直肠癌规范化诊治,能够给病人带来更多获益。  相似文献   

肿瘤的治疗原则已经由单一的外科治疗演变为多学科共同参与的综合治疗。多学科团队协作(MDT)的诊治模式已经在包括乳腺癌、结直肠癌、胃癌等疾病中得到了应用并取得了成功。胃肠间质瘤(GIST)是胃肠道最常见的间叶源性肿瘤,随着分子靶向治疗时代的到来.GIST的诊断治疗也越来越专业化和个体化.MDT模式在GIST的诊断和治疗上尤其显得更加重要和必要.  相似文献   

结肠癌是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,发病率在男性肿瘤患者中占第三位,在女性中占第四位,呈逐年上升趋势,这种现象在大中城市更加明显.结肠癌的传统治疗以手术为主,不能手术的结肠癌患者以化疗为主,尽管近年来外科手术水平不断提高,化疗以及靶向等药物有所创新,但是患者五年生存率仍无明显提高.分析其原因,肿瘤治疗不规范是重要因素.多学科综合治疗协作组的成立大大改善了患者求医过程中由于首诊科室选择不正确、诊断到治疗时间过长而延误最佳治疗时机等问题,达到规范治疗、确立选择最佳方案的目的,从而延长生存期,减轻治疗不良反应,改善患者生存质量.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To look at the national coverage, composition and discussion of breast cancer multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) in England. DESIGN AND DATA SOURCE: All breast units in England both symptomatic and screening were sent a questionnaire. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Attendance of core members at MDT meetings; Percentage of patients discussed with a treatment plan; Private patients discussed; Reconstructive surgery. RESULTS: The majority of core members of the breast MDT attend weekly meetings to discuss the multidisciplinary management of patients with breast cancer, although attendance by medical oncologists and reconstructive breast surgeons is limited. Three MDTs never had a radiologist present and 3 never had a pathologist present at the MDT meeting. Most breast MDTs have a meeting coordinator to collect case-notes, radiographs and pathology reports to facilitate the meeting. Seventy-nine out of 134 teams discuss every cancer patient and 118 also discuss private patients. Twenty-seven teams record the outcome of the MDT meeting electronically, 32 teams book surgery, 16 radiotherapy and 15 book chemotherapy direct from the MDT meeting.  相似文献   

??Pay attention to multidisciplinary team (MDT) for diagnosis and treatment of the malignant tumor in general surgery YE Ying-jiang, WANG Shan. Department of Gastroenterology Surgery, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China. Corresponding author: WANG Shan, E-mail: shwang60@sina.com Abstract The continual and rapid expanding range of potential efficacious treatment options introduces therapeutic dilemmas about optimum management plans and how those should be presented to patients. Coordination, communication, and decision-making between healthcare team members and patients are aspects of cancer cares and can be improved by multidisciplinary team (MDT) working, which is named as MDT modality. MDT modality is different from traditional modality, which is patient-oriented and supported by multidisciplinary experts group and improves the communication and comprehension each other among disciplinarys. In China, there has been an increasing focus on MDT modality in the medical field in recent years. However, it is just in the primary stage. Promoting and applying MDT modality contributes to sharing of medical resources, decreasing the misdiagnosis and mistreatment, and improving the prognosis and the survival rate.  相似文献   

▪  Abstract: The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer have changed in response to not only new technologies but also cultural and social aspects of the disease. While breast-conserving surgery and adjuvant therapy are the preferred treatments for many breast cancers, neoadjuvant therapy is often used in advanced disease. In this review we examine the treatment options that are influenced by pathologic and clinical factors. Invasive breast cancer is a potentially curable disease if it is regarded and managed by a multidisciplinary approach from the outset.  ▪  相似文献   

BackgroundCancer has been the leading cause of death in the past decade in Taiwan, with breast cancer being the most common type of cancer in females. Very few studies looked at the risk of recurrence in patients who received multidisciplinary team (MDT) care. We analyzed the influence of MDT on the risk of recurrence and death in breast cancer patients.MethodIn this retrospective study, we included newly diagnosed patients from 2004 to 2010. The study included 9,266 breast cancer patients who were enrolled in MDT care and 9,266 patients who were not. The study used log-rank test to analyze patients’ characteristics, hospital characteristics, cancer staging, and treatment methods to compare the recurrence rates in MDT care and non-MDT care participants. We used Cox proportional hazards model to examine the effect of MDT and associated factors on the risk of recurrence and mortality of breast cancer patients.ResultsRelative risk of recurrence was lower for patients who received MDT care than for patients who did not (HR, 0.84; 95%CI: 0.70–0.99) after matching. The mortality risk for breast cancer patients with relapse was 8.48 times (95%CI: 7.53–9.54) than that for patients without relapse.ConclusionsThe relative risk of recurrence and death was significantly lower for breast cancer patients who received MDT care than for those who did not. We suggest that MDT care be implanted in the National Health Policy settings of breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

Objective  At diagnosis, 14–27% of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) have distant metastases (stage IV) and a poor prognosis. Today, treatment decisions for CRC patients are often made at multidisciplinary team (MDT) conferences. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of development and implementation of MDT assessment and treatment in patients with stage IV colon cancer (CC) and rectal cancer (RC) in a large population.
Method  All 1449 patients who had stage IV CRC at the time of diagnosis and were registered in the regional quality registry of Stockholm from 1995 to 2004 were included. Patients with CC and RC were grouped according to treatment and their characteristics were analysed separately.
Results  In total, 1000 patients with CC and 449 patients with RC had stage IV disease. Of these, 689 (68.9%) CC patients and 352 (78.4%) RC patients were assessed by a MDT and the proportion increased over the study period ( P  < 0.001). Surgery for metastases was undertaken on 39 (3.9%) CC patients and 38 (8.5%) RC patients ( P  < 0.001). CRC patients selected for metastasis surgery had 37% 5-year survival when compared with 2% in patients who were not selected for metastasis surgery ( P  < 0.001).
Conclusion  Patients with CC were less often assessed by a MDT and less often had metastasis surgery than RC patients. The proportion of patients with CC and RC assessed by a MDT increased during the study period, as did the proportion who had surgery for metastases. MDT assessment opens up the opportunity for more aggressive treatment with better outcomes.  相似文献   

【摘要】〓乳腺癌是女性常见的恶性肿瘤。随着医学技术的发展以及乳腺癌早期诊断率的提高,乳腺癌的治疗由最早的乳腺癌根治术(包括全乳切除)发展为以保乳手术为主的手术治疗,同时辅助以化疗、内分泌治疗、放疗、靶向治疗及免疫治疗等综合治疗。本文将对乳腺癌的治疗进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Fournier''s Gangrene is a fulminating necrotizing fasciitis of the perineum and genitalia. Standard treatment involves immediate excision of all necrotic tissue, aggressive antibiotic coverage, and supportive medical care. Still, the infection is commonly fatal or disfiguring. Wound treatment with disinfected blowfly larvae (maggot debridement therapy or MDT) has been shown to be highly effective, with multiple studies demonstrating effective debridement, disinfection, and promotion of granulation tissue. MDT also has been associated with preservation of viable tissue and minimised blood loss. This report describes a prospective clinical study of MDT for Fournier''s gangrene aimed to test the hypothesis that early use of maggots could decrease the number of surgical treatments required to treat Fournier''s gangrene. Subjects were provided with one initial surgical excision, followed by debridement using only medical grade Lucilia sericata larvae. Only two subjects were enrolled, both diabetic men. Intensive care and culture‐directed antimicrobial coverage were administered as usual. Maggot debridement was associated with the disappearance of necrotic tissue, control of infection and granulation tissue growth. In both subjects, wounds healed without requiring further surgical resection or anatomical reconstruction. Maggot therapy decreased the number of surgical procedures that otherwise would have been necessary, and led to favourable outcomes.  相似文献   

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