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《Endoscopy》是欧洲胃肠内镜协会的官方杂志,2012年的SCI影响因子达5.21,其在国际上的地位相当于《中华消化内镜》在国内的地位,是消化内镜领域最具权威性的杂志之一。《Endoscopy》刊登胃肠内镜方面最新的技术和研究进展,所有文献均经过严格地同行评议,具有较高的学术价值和临  相似文献   

目的探析国内老年体育领域的研究现状、热点、前沿问题。方法采用知识图谱的计量学方法对中国学术期刊网络版总库(CNKI)库中收录的核心期刊和CSSCI期刊中老年体育相关文献进行统计和可视化分析。结果通过对老年体育相关的352篇文献的年代分布特征、期刊载文量、作者和研究机构及合作现状进行统计分析,了解目前中国老年体育研究呈波浪式稳步增长发展态势,文献多刊载在体育学、老年学等期刊,高产作者形成几个研究团队,研究机构之间的合作相对较分散。通过绘制高频关键词的共现图谱和时区图谱得出:人口老龄化背景下如何开展老年体育,以实现健康老龄化的国家战略任务;老年人体育健身活动;健康中国背景下老年人公共体育服务研究为目前研究热点。健康中国背景下如何实现健康老龄化目标将是未来研究的前沿问题。结论中国老年体育研究趋势呈现由浅入深、由面到点、由整体到局部,从相关理论与运动实践研究延伸到社会体育范畴。  相似文献   

<正>作为一种促进养老服务供需平衡和提高养老服务质量的新型养老模式,智慧养老近年来在我国各地区被积极推广应用,成为养老服务领域十分活跃的创新实践,得到学术界广泛关注。智慧养老是指老年人可以不受时间和空间约束,享受高品质的养老服务。随着全国各地区探索智慧养老实践进程的推进,智慧养老的社会理性、政治理性、技术理性催生出越来越多的思考,智慧养老的体系构建、信息安  相似文献   

目的:基于CiteSpace知识图谱探讨近10年脓毒症心肌病(SICM)的研究现状和研究热点。方法:通过Web of Science检索2012—2022年6月SICM相关文献,应用文献计量学研究方法和CiteSpace软件对SICM文献的产出数量、国家/地区、研究机构、发文作者和共被引作者及双图叠加共被引期刊网络、关键词时间线网络和共被引文献网络进行文献计量学分析和可视化展示,探讨SICM研究现状和研究热点。结果:共纳入3 814篇文献,近10年SICM相关文献逐年增长,2016年开始文献产出激增。从国家/地区、研究机构和作者发文频次角度,中国与欧美国家齐头并进,但是从论文影响力和共被引作者角度看,我国与欧美国家仍差距明显。近2年和近10年期刊共被引频次排名前10位的杂志相同,包括Crit Care Med、Crit Care等。SICM研究热点包括急性肾损伤、脓毒症心肌损伤、脓毒症休克、心源性休克、心肌梗死,涉及SICM的病因、病理机制、评估、治疗、并发症和预后。频次排名前10位的高被引文献主要为脓毒症的指南共识和随机对照试验及SICM研究综述。结论:基于CiteSpace对SIC...  相似文献   

目的:借助CiteSpace软件,通过可视化分析探究2010年—2022年冠心病与面部识别领域的研究现状、研究趋势及热点。方法:检索Web of Science核心合集数据库中2010年—2022年相关文献,应用CiteSpace 5.8.R3对相关文献的研究国家、机构、作者、关键词、期刊进行分析。结果:纳入SCI文献258篇。关于冠心病的面部识别相关研究较多的国家是美国、中国、英国、加拿大及荷兰,主要研究机构是悉尼大学、香港大学、法国国家健康与医学研究院。发文量最高的作者是Bo Xu,被引频次最高的作者是Yusuf S。Circulation,Lancent及New Engl J Med是冠心病的面部识别领域发文量最高的期刊。该领域主要的前沿研究是心脏康复、Meta分析、冠心病的危险因素、预防及流行病学。结论:冠心病与面部识别关系的可视化总结可为该领域的进一步研究提供有价值的检索信息和新的研究思路。  相似文献   

马欢欢  梁志金  万玫  朱建妹 《内科》2023,(5):442-448+455
目的 了解近二十年糖尿病缓解领域的研究现状、热点与趋势。方法 检索自建库至2022年4月1日Web of Science核心数据库中糖尿病缓解主题相关文章,运用CiteSpace 5.8.R3软件对主题相关文章的发文国家、发文机构、发文作者、被引情况、关键词等进行可视化分析。结果 糖尿病缓解相关文章共2 233篇,发文量整体呈稳步上升趋势。其中,发文量排名前5的国家分别是美国、中国、英国、意大利和印度;发文量排名前5的机构分别是哈佛大学、台湾敏盛综合医院、克里夫兰诊所、上海交通大学和华盛顿大学医院;发文量排名前5的作者分别是Weijei Lee(55篇)、Yichih Lee(31篇)、Shuchun Chen(30篇)、Konghan Ser(28篇)、Keong Chong(27篇),形成以Weijei Lee、Josep Vidal、Andres Sanchezpernaute、David E Cummings、Anita Courcoulas等学者为核心的团队,其中以Weijei Lee为核心的团队发文量最高,团队内作者合作较为紧密,团队间的交流合作较少。文献共被引分析结果示:...  相似文献   

目的探索中药治疗心房颤动领域的研究热点及研究趋势。方法检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)中已发表的中药治疗心房颤动相关文献,以Refworks格式导出,通过CiteSpaceⅤ生成中药治疗心房颤动的知识图谱,并进行文献关键词共现分析和聚类分析。结果关键词聚类图谱包含111个节点,290条连线,目前国内中药治疗心房颤动的相关文献关键词共现网络共形成6个聚类,研究频次较高的关键词是心悸、中西医结合、稳心颗粒及胺碘酮,最近几年的主要研究领域是中医或中西医结合治疗心房颤动的临床研究或疗效观察。结论中西医结合治疗心房颤动的临床观察研究是研究的热点趋势,但关于中西医结合治疗心房颤动临床效果的评价指标需要进一步探究。  相似文献   

胰腺癌研究的热点与难点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胰腺癌恶性程度高,预后差,严重威胁着人类健康。近几年,随着分子生物学的迅猛发展,胰腺癌研究在多方面取得重要进展,此文就其流行病学、病因、发病机制、诊断和治疗等各方面的研究热点与难点作一综述。  相似文献   

胰腺癌恶性程度高,预后差,严重威胁着人类健康。近几年,随着分子生物学的迅猛发展,胰腺癌研究在多方面取得重要进展,此文就其流行病学、病因、发病机制、诊断和治疗等各方面的研究热点与难点作一综述。  相似文献   

It is not economically feasible to sequence all study subjects in a large cohort. A cost-effective strategy is to sequence only the subjects with the extreme values of a quantitative trait. In the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Exome Sequencing Project, subjects with the highest or lowest values of body mass index, LDL, or blood pressure were selected for whole-exome sequencing. Failure to account for such trait-dependent sampling can cause severe inflation of type I error and substantial loss of power in quantitative trait analysis, especially when combining results from multiple studies with different selection criteria. We present valid and efficient statistical methods for association analysis of sequencing data under trait-dependent sampling. We pay special attention to gene-based analysis of rare variants. Our methods can be used to perform quantitative trait analysis not only for the trait that is used to select subjects for sequencing but for any other traits that are measured. For a particular trait of interest, our approach properly combines the association results from all studies with measurements of that trait. This meta-analysis is substantially more powerful than the analysis of any single study. By contrast, meta-analysis of standard linear regression results (ignoring trait-dependent sampling) can be less powerful than the analysis of a single study. The advantages of the proposed methods are demonstrated through simulation studies and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Exome Sequencing Project data. The methods are applicable to other types of genetic association studies and nongenetic studies.Recent technological advances have made it possible to sequence genomic regions for association studies. At the present time, it is prohibitively expensive to perform large-scale whole-exome sequencing. In the near future, whole-exome sequencing on thousands of subjects will be economically feasible, but not whole-genome sequencing. If a quantitative trait is of primary interest in a large cohort study, a cost-effective strategy is to sequence those subjects with the extreme trait values preferentially. This strategy can substantially increase statistical power (relative to sequencing a random sample with the same number of subjects), as suggested by research in various contexts (19). Indeed, such trait-dependent sampling has been adopted in many sequencing projects, including the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) and the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) resequencing project. The NHLBI ESP consists of multiple studies, each of which is focused on one trait. For the body mass index (BMI) study, 267 subjects with BMI values >40 and 178 subjects with BMI values <25 were selected for sequencing out of a total of 11,468 subjects from Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). Similar designs were used for the LDL and blood pressure (BP) studies, although the sampling was based on residuals (to adjust for age, sex, race, and medication) rather than raw measurements.Case–control testing is a valid option for comparing the two extremes of a quantitative trait. If the underlying association is quantitative, however, case–control analysis will not be optimal for three major reasons. First, it is less powerful than quantitative trait analysis. Second, it does not estimate the quantitative relationship. Third, its results cannot be efficiently combined with those of other studies with different selection criteria.In the absence of genetic association, the genetic variant is independent of the quantitative trait in the extremes (Fig. 1, Upper); therefore, standard linear regression, which ignores trait-dependent sampling, has correct type I error. In the presence of genetic association, however, standard linear regression will yield biased estimates of genetic effects (Fig. 1, Lower). Standard linear regression also yields biased estimates of the effects of confounders, such as ancestry variables for capturing population stratification (whether or not there is genetic association). Consequently, the type I error for testing genetic association will be inflated when there is population stratification (because the effects of ancestry variables are estimated with bias, and thus not correctly adjusted for).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Density functions of a quantitative trait in the absence (Upper) and the presence (Lower) of genetic association. In the absence of genetic association, there is no relationship between the trait value and the genetic mutation in each of the two tails. When the mutation tends to increase the trait value, most of the subjects in the right tail have the mutation, whereas most of the subjects in the left tail do not have the mutation; therefore, the difference in the trait distribution between the subjects with and without the mutation is larger in the two tails than in the general population.Most sequencing projects, especially those derived from well-designed cohort studies, collect data on a variety of secondary quantitative traits (i.e., quantitative traits other than the one used to select subjects for sequencing). In the NHLBI ESP, a large number of secondary quantitative traits are available in each study. In particular, BMI and BP are available as secondary traits in the LDL study. Association analysis with available data on secondary traits is essentially a “free lunch.” By combining the data on a particular trait that is the primary trait in one study and a secondary trait in another, we will have a larger sample size and higher statistical power. This is extremely important because there is little power to detect association with rare variants in small samples.If the secondary trait is correlated with the primary trait, as is often the case, the genetic effects on the secondary trait may be distorted among the subjects with the extreme values of the primary trait. Thus, standard linear regression may yield biased estimates of the genetic effects on the secondary trait and cause inflation of the type I error. The directions and magnitudes of the bias may be different between the primary and secondary traits. Consequently, combining the results on a particular trait that is the primary trait in one study and a secondary trait in another study may actually reduce instead of increase power (as opposed to analyzing the data on the primary trait alone).We propose valid and efficient likelihood-based methods for analyzing both primary and secondary quantitative traits and for combining data on a particular trait that is primary in one study and secondary in another under trait-dependent sampling. The newly developed approach, which is referred to as maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), preserves the type I error while achieving the highest power among all valid tests and yields unbiased and efficient estimates of genetic effects. We investigate the theoretical properties of the naive approach, namely, standard linear regression, under trait-dependent sampling. We compare the MLE and naive methods through extensive simulation studies. We provide applications to the NHLBI ESP data.Trait-dependent sampling without covariates was previously studied (18). It is important to accommodate covariates because population stratification is expected to be a severe issue and can be adjusted for through the use of ancestry covariates. The likelihood function reflecting trait-dependent sampling involves the distribution of covariates, which is high-dimensional in the presence of continuous covariates, and thus entails considerable theoretical and computational challenges. We establish the desired theoretical properties of the MLE through modern asymptotic techniques and develop the corresponding score statistics, which are computationally fast and numerically stable. We develop three types of gene-based tests for rare variants in sequencing studies. In addition, we theoretically investigate the efficiency of trait-dependent sampling and quantify the bias of standard linear regression as a function of the extremity of sampling and as a function of the effects of confounders. No such theoretical results were previously available (even without covariates).The problem of analyzing secondary traits when the sampling is based on a quantitative trait has not been studied in the literature. We develop statistically efficient and numerically stable methods that properly account for the sampling in the analysis of secondary quantitative traits, paying special attention to testing rare variants in sequencing studies. We theoretically quantify the bias of standard linear regression as a function of the correlation between the primary and secondary traits and as a function of the genetic effect on the primary trait. We provide a meta-analysis method that efficiently combines the results on a quantitative trait that is the primary trait in one study and a secondary trait in another study. We demonstrate that our method is substantially more powerful than the meta-analysis based on standard linear regression.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on industrial problem-solving in design and simulation processes, especially in the automotive and aerospace fields. In these fields, engineers handle a large range of expert models such as computed aided design (CAD) and computed aided engineering (CAE) models which encapsulate parameters and design rules, which are considered as knowledge. This knowledge has to be shared by different users and must remain coherent through the design and simulation activities. This means maintaining consistent parameter values, following design rules, etc.) during product development and especially in the early design stages. Nowadays, faced with the diversity and the increasing number of expert models used at the same time, there is a lack of parameters and design-rule management to keep the knowledge contained within them coherent throughout several design activities. To improve expert model inter-operability there are numerous product models (in UML language) which support the product lifecycle management approach through data and information management throughout the entire product lifecycle. However, these models are not focused on the management of knowledge embedded in CAD and CAE models. In this context we propose a model called the KCModel in UML, to manage the knowledge encapsulated and ensure the coherence, e.g. the same parameter value used in several expert models, through several product design activities in a collaborative engineering context. The KCModel is based on the MDA/MDE (model driven architecture/model driven engineering) approach to managing knowledge in configurations synchronized with CAD and CAE models. This research work and the KCModel come within the scope of a French national project called ADN: “Alliance des Données Numériques” led by the company DPS (specialized in digital product simulation) with the participation of the following companies, amongst others: PSA-Peugeot Citro?n, EADS and FAURECIA.  相似文献   

A method of analyzing epidemiological case-control studies in which the factor under study may take more than two values and in which there is stratified matching of controls to cases is presented. Maximum likelihood estimates of the relative risks between factor levels and tests of statistical significance for their heterogeneity across strata, for their departure from unity, and for trend are derived. The method is illustrated with two examples: in one, breast X-ray patterns are compared in breast cancer patients and in controls and, in the other, contraceptive pill usage is compared in patients with liver adenomas and in control women. The latter example illustrates a situation in which it is essential to preserve matched patient-control sets in the analysis. Alternative methods of analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychosocial correlates and psychometric properties of the Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale (SAWS). Seventy-three men and 98 women ranging in age from 17-92 years (Mean age = 42.77) completed an expanded, 40-item version of the SAWS, the Loyola Generativity Scale, and the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale. A new definition of wisdom is provided which is operationalized with the SAWS. Results indicated that the SAWS has excellent reliability (test-retest = .838; Cronbach's Alpha = .904). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor analyses confirmed the five hypothesized dimensions of wisdom and the total SAWS score correlated in predicted directions with generativity (r(169) = .448; p < .01) and attachment avoidance (r(169) = -.239, p < .01) demonstrating construct validity.  相似文献   

Recognition of changes in the nature and extent of problem drug taking in the early 1980s led to changes in service provision and to an increased interest in help-seeking. The advent of AIDS accelerated these changes. This paper introduces concepts from the wider field of help-seeking and compliance with preventive health measures. It reviews the major conclusions of studies of help-seeking by problem drug takers, and identifies areas for further research. These include the need to ‘unpack’ the concept of ‘drug problems’ and to differentiate dimensions of needs in different individuals and populations; to evaluate attempts to make services attractive and accessible and to contact out-of-treatment groups; to assess the role of ‘significant others’; to understand the demands that changing service roles place on agency staff; and to give greater prominence to studies of the process of help-seeking in terms of drug users' perceptions of their drug use, of problems, of risks and of services within the wider context of their lifestyles.  相似文献   

Objectives: Asthma education is a key component of asthma management. Asthma education around the management of a person who is having an acute exacerbation of asthma (often referred to as asthma first aid (AFA) training) is important, particularly in a school setting. There is no gold standard assessment of asthma knowledge and also there is no specific tool to measure the knowledge of AFA. Our aim was to identify asthma knowledge questionnaires and perform a content analysis. We were interested in evaluating the number, the type and the format of AFA questions. Method: A literature search was performed to identify the instruments which were able to assess asthma knowledge of people with asthma and/or caregivers of people with asthma. An electronic database search was performed in EMBASE, IPA, MEDLINE and PUBMED. Articles which described the development or psychometric testing of an asthma knowledge questionnaire were included. The content of questions in each instrument was analysed and categorised using the NVivo software, and a secondary analysis was performed to identify knowledge questions relevant to the management of an acute asthma exacerbation. Results: Forty-four papers with 37 different instruments met the inclusion criteria. The majority of the instruments contained a relatively low proportion of questions related to the management of acute asthma, i.e., only 162 of the 780 questions (21%). No questionnaire had sufficient specific emphasis on acute asthma management knowledge to test the impact of AFA training. Conclusion: There is a scope to develop an up-to-date validated acute asthma management knowledge questionnaire for use in research and clinical settings.  相似文献   

Metabolic studies on the micropinocytic process in endothelial cells.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tufts of capillary endothelium isolated from rat epididymal fat ingest [14C]sucrose by the process of micropinocytosis. Ingestion of sucrose for periods in excess of 30 min was quantitated using the concentration of cellular DNA as a standard. Capillaries incubated in the metabolic inhibitors 2,4-dinitrophenol, NaN3, or iodoacetate exhibit a dose-dependent reduction of cellular ATP. Micropinocytic ingestion of [14C]sucrose is not affected by concentrations of these inhibitors which markedly reduce or deplete ATP pools. Pure oxygen or nitrogen atmospheres also have no effect on micropinocytosis. Ingestion of [14C]sucrose is reduced, however, at temperatures lower than 37° or in the presence of Zn2+.  相似文献   

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