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根据人体能量的需要量来制定膳食的推荐摄人量,或者要评估某人群(或个体)的每日膳食是否满足机体对能量的需要,首先应了解各种食物能量的可利用性。测定食物的能量有以下要点:(1)用适当的检测方法来测定食物中各种供能成分(如蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、酒精、多元醇、有机酸和新型成分等);(2)用一套被普遍接受的能量系数来换算食物中相应供能成分可提供的能量值;(3)加和各成分提供的能量值即为食物给人体提供的能量值。  相似文献   

目的探索德阳地区儿童食物不耐受患者食物特异性抗体阳性情况,为预防和治疗食物不耐受提供参考。方法观察分析食物不耐受患儿临床表现,采用ELISA法检测食物不耐受患儿血清食物过敏原特异性IgG。结果共选取食物不耐受患儿524例,其临床症状分布为消化系统171例(32.6%)、皮肤系统120例(22.9%),呼吸系统93例(17.7%)、神经系统75例(14.3%)、营养不良35例(6.7%)。所选取患儿中,食物特异性IgG检测阳性者427例,阳性率为81.5%(427/524)。食物特异性IgG阳性率前3位分别是牛奶(60.2%)、鸡蛋(57.4%)和小麦(20.8%)。4个年龄组间,婴儿组牛奶IgG阳性率最高(56.7%),幼儿组鸡蛋IgG阳性率最高(97.6%),学龄前组牛奶IgG阳性率最高(63.5%),学龄组牛奶IgG阳性率最高(30.3%)。婴儿组和幼儿组、婴儿组和学龄组、幼儿组和学龄前组、幼儿组和学龄组、学龄前组和学龄组的牛奶、鸡蛋特异性IgG阳性率比较,差异均有统计学意义(P值均0.05);婴儿组和学龄前组的牛奶、鸡蛋特异性IgG阳性率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P值均 0.05);婴儿组和幼儿组、幼儿组和学龄组、学龄前组和学龄组的小麦IgG阳性率比较,差异均有统计学意义(P值均0.05)。结论食物不耐受患儿主要临床表现为消化系统、皮肤系统和呼吸系统症状。牛奶、鸡蛋和小麦是该地区儿童食物不耐受最常见的致敏源。结合食物不耐受患儿的食物抗体血清学检测以及该地区各年龄阶段儿童不耐受食物特点,对患儿膳食进行科学调整,可以帮助患儿改善临床症状。  相似文献   

目的评价《中国食物成分表(第一册)》中食物营养成分与中医药膳学中对应食物条目的性、味、归经的关联性。方法从中国食物成分表和中医药膳学的食物性、味、归经中找出165条对应食物数据,组成食物性、味、归经和食物营养成分含量数据表。用单因素方差分析比较不同性、味、归经食物各营养成分含量的差异。结果蛋白质和尼克酸等2种成分的含量在不同"性"属性的食物之间有差异。维生素A、维生素C、核黄素、尼克酸、钠和硒等6种成分的含量在不同"味"属性的食物之间有差异。能量、脂肪、蛋白质、硒和尼克酸等5种成分的含量在不同"归经"食物之间有差异。结论按食物的性、味、归经分类,某些营养成分之间有差异,提示这些营养成分可能是食物性、味、归经的影响因素之一。  相似文献   

目的初步建立一种新的食物营养价值评价指标。方法依据2002年中国居民膳食调查结果和有关文献,确定脂肪、胆固醇和钠为限量营养素,蛋白质、膳食纤维、维生素C、维生素A、维生E、钾、镁、铁和钙为推荐补充营养素,以418.4 kJ(100 kcal)为计算单位,以营养素参考值为日参考摄入量,在每日膳食摄入能量8368 kJ(2000kcal)基础上建立食物富含营养素(nutrient rich foods,NRF)指数模型,以NRF9.3值(9.3表示9个推荐,3个限量营养素)为指标对食物和中式菜品进行营养价值高低的评价。结果含有较多限量营养素的食物NRF9.3值一般为负数;含有较多推荐补充营养素的食物NRF9.3值一般为正数;NRF9.3值越高,说明该食物含有越多的推荐补充营养素,宜鼓励适当多摄入;NRF9.3值越低,说明该食物含有越多的限制营养素,宜谨慎摄入或限制摄入。蔬菜、水果是NRF9.3平均值较高的二类食物;蛋类、油脂是NRF9.3平均值最低的二类食物。结论该指数计算过程简单,应用方便广泛,结果直观,适用于各类食物、中式菜品和宴席的营养价值评价。[营养学报,2014,36(1):63-68]  相似文献   

目的初步建立一种新的食物营养价值评价指标。方法依据2002年中国居民膳食调查结果和有关文献,确定脂肪、胆固醇和钠为限量营养素,蛋白质、膳食纤维、维生素C、维生素A、维生E、钾、镁、铁和钙为推荐补充营养素,以418.4 kJ(100 kcal)为计算单位,以营养素参考值为日参考摄入量,在每日膳食摄入能量8368 kJ(2000kcal)基础上建立食物富含营养素(nutrient rich foods,NRF)指数模型,以NRF9.3值(9.3表示9个推荐,3个限量营养素)为指标对食物和中式菜品进行营养价值高低的评价。结果含有较多限量营养素的食物NRF9.3值一般为负数;含有较多推荐补充营养素的食物NRF9.3值一般为正数;NRF9.3值越高,说明该食物含有越多的推荐补充营养素,宜鼓励适当多摄入;NRF9.3值越低,说明该食物含有越多的限制营养素,宜谨慎摄入或限制摄入。蔬菜、水果是NRF9.3平均值较高的二类食物;蛋类、油脂是NRF9.3平均值最低的二类食物。结论该指数计算过程简单,应用方便广泛,结果直观,适用于各类食物、中式菜品和宴席的营养价值评价。[营养学报,2014,36(1):63-68]  相似文献   

杨月欣 《营养学报》2003,25(2):130-134
农作物、水产和禽畜类是人类赖以生存的基本食物 ,准确而详细的描述其基本品质、营养成分和非营养素成分参数 ,是满足人类基本需求和生存、提供最基本社会保障和服务的先决条件。食物成分数据( Food Composition Databases,FCD)是一个国家了解人群营养状况、评价膳食营养质量、设计和实施营养改进计划必需的基础资料 ,也是农业、食品工业、商业等部门发展食物生产及加工、优化和改进国民食物结构的重要依据。随着世界经济一体化 ,尤其是国际食品贸易的发展 ,食物成分数据的交流和数据共享日益迫切。  长期以来 ,各国政府投入大量人力和…  相似文献   

《军人食物定量》是对国家军用标准《军人食物定量标准》(GJB 826A-2000)的修订和补充后形成的新军用标准.新的食物定量设3个灶别,并调整了食物定量和结构,增加了食物品种,调整了动物性食物、粮食、水果和乳类的定量,新标准提供的各种营养素数量及质量更加科学、合理,能量和三大营养素及其能量比也可达到《军人营养素供给量》(GJB 823A- 1998)的要求.该标准对增强军人的身体素质、提高应激适应能力和适应高技术战争的需要具有重要意义.  相似文献   

太原市食物硒含量及居民硒摄入量的评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文测定了太原市50多种常见食物中硒的含量。结果表明,以动物性食品特别是鱼类、鸡肉、猪肝和鸡蛋中硒含量最为丰富,均在0.1ppm以上。谷类与豆类含硒相近,其中进口小麦加工的面粉为0.14ppm,大多数蔬菜及干果类的含硒量均低于0.01ppm。大部分菌藻类食物含硒较其它植物性食物高。这些测定值为太原市食物硒含量的评价提供了科学依据。可以看出,太原市食物硒水平虽远高于克山病病区但低于北京市。以太原市全年食物消费情况和膳食调查得到的居民每日硒摄入量,刚刚达到生理需要量和适宜供给量的低限水平。  相似文献   

目的 对研制的北京市儿童青少年食物频率问卷的信度和效度进行评价,为儿童青少年营养状况评估和健康干预以及饮食习惯与慢性疾病关联性的研究提供一个简便、可信的研究工具。方法 对北京市130名10~17岁儿童青少年进行4次24 h饮食回顾调查和2次食物频率问卷调查,24- h饮食回顾作为“标准”方法与食物频率问卷比较来评价其效度, 2次间隔6个月的食物频率问卷调查结果相比较来评价其信度。结果 两次食物频率问卷调查结果间能量及营养素摄入量估计差异较小,除蛋白质、磷和锌的摄入量第二次低于第一次外(P<0.05),其他营养素摄入量间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两次食物频率问卷调查结果间所有能量及营养素摄入量均呈正相关(P<0.01),Pearson相关系数从0.315(钙)至0.521(锌),平均为0.431,女性高于男性(0.49 vs 0.32)。食物频率问卷调查的能量及营养素摄入量均高于24 h饮食回顾(P<0.01),食物频率问卷高估明显。调整总能量摄入和个体内变异等影响后,食物频率问卷与24 h饮食回顾调查结果的能量和所有营养素摄入量均呈正相关(P<0.05),Pearson相关系数从0.27(维生素A)至0.53(锌),平均0.38。四分位分组显示:研究对象被良好区分(相同组或相邻组),比例从66.2%(维生素E、钙)至79.2%(铁),平均73.0%,研究对象被严重错分(相隔2组),比例平均为6.2%。结论 此食物频率问卷有较好的信度和效度,可作为今后儿童青少年膳食营养摄入状况调查和评价的适用工具。  相似文献   

目的 研究儿童和成人对食物不耐受的差异并应用于临床疾病分析诊疗。方法 条带免疫试验检测不耐受食物;将研究样本分为儿童和成人2组,卡方检验比较2组不耐受食物的阳性率、不同性别的食物不耐受占比、以及对不耐受食物种数的差异;非参数检验比较2组对最易不耐受的3种食物鸡蛋、牛奶、小麦不耐受程度的差异。结果 儿童不耐受食物阳性率最高的5种物质分别是鸡蛋(92.49%)、牛奶(91.71%)、小麦(84.82%)、大豆(54.30%)、大米(51.96);成人不耐受阳性率排名前5位的食物分别是鸡蛋(49.89%)、牛奶(35.57%)、小麦(28.86%)、香蕉(26.40%)、大米(21.92%),儿童与成人对不耐受食物的总阳性率差异有统计学意义,(χ2=66.707,P <0.01);食物不耐受阳性人群中不同性别占比差异显著,χ2=62.710,P <0.01,儿童中男性占比较大,为63.15%;成人中女性占比较大,为62.18%; 2组人群对不耐受食物的种数存在显著差异,(χ2=250.741,P <0.01)...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the accuracy of food composition table (FCT)-based estimation of dietary nutrient element intake in reference to the instrumental measurement by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Communities. SUBJECTS: 884 adult non-smoking women in 23 study sites in 6 areas in Asia (i.e. China (Mainland), China (Taiwan), Korea, Japan, Malaysia and the Philippines. METHODS: 24-hour food duplicate samples foods offered by the women were subjected (1) to the estimation of daily dietary intake of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe), using 6 types of national FCTs one for each area, and (2) to ICP-MS analysis for the measurement of the same elements. RESULTS: Comparison of the estimated values (E) with corresponding measured values (M) in terms of the mean (E)/(M) ratio for each area showed that the ratio was various among the 6 areas studied. Ca showed smallest deviation (69 to 165%) from the agreement (100%), which was followed by P (113 to 306%), whereas Fe showed the largest deviation (124 to 368%). CONCLUSIONS: Caution should be exercised in using FCTs for estimation of dietary Fe intake. The wide variation was not due to the use of the FCT established for each area, because the inter-study site variation within one area was as large as the inter-area variation.  相似文献   

Background: Food portion size estimation involves a complex mental process that may influence food consumption evaluation. Knowing the variables that influence this process can improve the accuracy of dietary assessment. The present study aimed to evaluate the ability of nutrition students to estimate food portions in usual meals and relate food energy content with errors in food portion size estimation. Methods: Seventy‐eight nutrition students, who had already studied food energy content, participated in this cross‐sectional study on the estimation of food portions, organised into four meals. The participants estimated the quantity of each food, in grams or millilitres, with the food in view. Estimation errors were quantified, and their magnitude were evaluated. Estimated quantities (EQ) lower than 90% and higher than 110% of the weighed quantity (WQ) were considered to represent underestimation and overestimation, respectively. Correlation between food energy content and error on estimation was analysed by the Spearman correlation, and comparison between the mean EQ and WQ was accomplished by means of the Wilcoxon signed rank test (P < 0.05). Results: A low percentage of estimates (18.5%) were considered accurate (±10% of the actual weight). The most frequently underestimated food items were cauliflower, lettuce, apple and papaya; the most often overestimated items were milk, margarine and sugar. A significant positive correlation between food energy density and estimation was found (r = 0.8166; P = 0.0002). Conclusions: The results obtained in the present study revealed a low percentage of acceptable estimations of food portion size by nutrition students, with trends toward overestimation of high‐energy food items and underestimation of low‐energy items.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the accuracy of food composition table (FCT)-based estimation of dietary nutrient element intake in reference to the instrumental measurement by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), as an extension of the first part of this study. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Communities. SUBJECTS: 782 adult non-smoking women in 21 sites in 4 areas [China (Mainland), Japan, Korea and Malaysia] in Asia. METHODS: 24-h food duplicate samples offered by the women were subjected 1. to the estimation (E) of daily element intake taking advantage of national food composition tables (FCTs) and 2. to the measurement (M) by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The two sets of the results were compared in terms of the (E)/(M) ratio. Because of the limited availability of the element database in the FCTs, the comparison on Na and K was possible in the 4 areas, whereas that of Mg, Cu and Zn was only in two areas of China (Mainland) and Japan. RESULTS: The (E)/(M) ratio was in a relatively narrow range of 75 to 114% in case of Na, and 91 to 120% for K (with one exception of 201% for K in Malaysia). Correlation coefficients between (E) and (M) were statistically significant for both Na and K in the 4 areas. In cases of Mg, Cu and Zn, agreements were generally poor, and the (E)/(M) ratio was close to 100% only in the cases of Cu and Zn in Japan. CONCLUSIONS: In overall evaluation combining the results on Ca, P and Fe in the preceding report with the results in the present report on Na, K, Mg, Cu and Zn, FCT-based estimation generally did not agree with the measure by ICP-MS. The disagreement did not allow precise FCTs-based estimation of dietary intakes of these nutrient elements, possibly except for Na.  相似文献   



The present study investigated Korean and Taiwan adults on the importance of and the satisfaction with street food sanitation and street food choice factor, in order to present management and improvement measures for street foods.


The present study conducted a survey on 400 randomly chosen adults (200 Korean, 200 Taiwanese). General characteristics, eating habits, street food intake frequency, and preference by type of street food of respondents were checked. Respondents'' importance and satisfaction of street food hygiene and selection attributes were also measured. In order to test for the difference between groups, χ2-test and t-test were performed. ISA was also performed to analyze importance and satisfaction.


Results showed that the importance of sanitation was significantly higher than satisfaction on all items in both Korea and Taiwan, and the satisfaction with sanitation was higher in Taiwan than in Korea. According to ISA results with street food sanitation, satisfaction was low while importance was high in both Korea and Taiwan. In terms of street food choice factor, importance scores were significantly higher than satisfaction scores on all items. In addition, satisfaction scores on all items except ''taste'' were significantly higher in Taiwan than in Korea.


A manual on sanitation management of street foods should be developed to change the knowledge and attitude toward sanitation by putting into practice a regularly conducted education. Considering the popularity of street foods and its potential as a tourism resource to easily publicize our food culture, thorough management measures should be prepared on sanitation so that safe street food culture should be created.  相似文献   


Total food duplicates for 24 hours were collected from farmers in Japan, once in 1977–1981 (109 subjects) and then in 1991–1992 (72 subjects). Nutrients (including energy, protein, fat, some minerals, and several vitamins) in each food item in the food duplicate were estimated taking advantage of the values given in the Standard Tables of Food Compositions in Japan. The number of the food items in each food duplicate was counted excluding duplication. Analyses demonstrated that the daily nutrient intake (especially that of energy, protein and vitamin B1) has a significant association with the number of items of food taken a day, that the daily intake of most nutrients is sufficient when 30 food items were taken a day, but that the sufficient supply of calcium and iron needs an intake of more than 30 food items.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Data on vitamin E content of foods are essential for nutrition research and its application. The aim of this study was to investigate the precision of calculated vitamin E content of prepared meals. METHODS: The vitamin E content of 69 dishes of a menu cycle sampled at two occasions were calculated using 4 different food composition tables (FCT) and measured by HPLC. RESULTS: Data were complete for 50-69 dishes. The proportion of dishes with differences between FCTs < or = 20% were 17-100%. Differences between HPLC and the Souci-Fachmann-Kraut table were < or = 20% in 8/46 dishes for alpha- and in 14/46 dishes for gamma-tocopherol. Differences fell in the order of baked > raw > fried/roasted > boiled > mixed prepared foods. The 2 samplings taken 6 months apart showed considerable differences. CONCLUSIONS: There are substantial differences in calculated/measured vitamin E content of prepared foods: (i) between different FCTs; (ii) between FCTs and HPLC, and (iii) between different seasons. This can be explained by intrinsic variability (breeding, season, country of origin, ripeness, freshness) and food processing, as well as selection of FCTs and should be taken into account when interpreting data of dietary intervention studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Twenty-four-hour dietary recalls have been used in large surveys of infant and toddler energy intake, but the accuracy of the method for young children is not well documented. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the accuracy of infant and toddler energy intakes by a single, telephone-administered, multiple-pass 24-h recall as compared with 3-d weighed food records. DESIGN: A within-subjects design was used in which a 24-h recall and 3-d weighed food records were completed within 2 wk by 157 mothers (56 non-Hispanic white, 51 non-Hispanic black, and 50 Hispanic) of 7-11-mo-old infants or 12-24-mo-old toddlers. Child and caregiver anthropometrics, child eating patterns, and caregiver demographics and social desirability were evaluated as correlates of reporting bias. RESULTS: Intakes based on 3-d weighed food records were within 5% of estimated energy requirements. Compared with the 3-d weighed food records, the 24-h recall overestimated energy intake by 13% among infants (740 +/- 154 and 833 +/- 255 kcal, respectively) and by 29% among toddlers (885 +/- 197 and 1140 +/- 299 kcal, respectively). Eating patterns (ie, frequency and location) did not differ appreciably between methods. Macronutrient and micronutrient intakes were higher by 24-h recall than by 3-d weighed food record. Dairy and grains contributed the most energy to the diet and accounted for 74% and 54% of the overestimation seen in infants and toddlers, respectively. Greater overestimation was associated with a greater number of food items reported by the caregiver and lower child weight-for-length z scores. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a single, telephone-administered, multiple-pass 24-h recall may significantly overestimate infant or toddler energy and nutrient intakes because of portion size estimation errors.  相似文献   

Interest in food composition has a long history, but the compilation of food information into tables did not start concomitantly with the advent of food composition analysis. Up to about the 1750s, “bodies” of the nature, including food, were considered to consist of three to five elements/principles, but thereafter, it gradually became more and more accepted that bodies were made up of more components. In the 1766 chemistry dictionary by Macquer, the different components were defined as substance classes, such as the proximate and ultimate principles. Taking the presence of either proximate and/or ultimate principles as a requirement for tables containing food information (to be named food composition tables (FCTs)), one can consider the 1814 FCT by John on plant analyses as the oldest FCT collection (i.e. FCTs displayed over several pages and printed in a book-like form). Even older are single FCTs (i.e. FCTs usually fitting on a single page), with the oldest so far uncovered being an FCT on water analysis compiled in 1780 by de Morveau in the translation of the first volume of the Opuscula Physica et Chemica by Bergman. We can, therefore, look back at about 230 years of FCTs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In epidemiologic field studies, a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) is one of the most feasible tools to assess usual dietary habits. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the reproducibility of consumption of foods and nutrients assessed with a self-administered short FFQ in a Japanese general population. METHODS: We have investigated 1-year interval reproducibility of a self-administered short FFQ, comprising 47 food items, and 8 frequency categories, among 1,918 subjects (844 males and 1,074 females) who participated in health check-up programs in Central Japan. RESULTS: Intakes of energy and 24 nutrients along with 15 food groups estimated using the first questionnaire (FFQ1) were approximately equal to those using the second (FFQ2). Spearman's rank correlation coefficients (CCs) between intakes of nutrients quantified with FFQ1 and FFQ2 in males were distributed as 0.74 - 0.66- 0.55 (maximum - median - minimum), and intraclass CCs (ICCs) as 0.85 - 0.78 - 0.67. Among females, Spearman's rank CCs were distributed as 0.73 - 0.62 - 0.54, and ICCs as 0.84 - 0.77 - 0.69. Percentages of exact agreement, exact agreement plus agreement within adjacent categories and disagreement according to quintile categorization were 43%, 80%, and 1%, for males, and 42%, 79%, and 1% for females. Reproducibility figures were higher for the elderly than for young people in both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: Our FFQ yielded substantially high reproducibility and it may be applicable for assessing consumption of foods/food groups and energy and selected nutrients for the middle-aged and elderly population in Japan.  相似文献   

称重法、回顾法和食物频率法评估人群食物摄入量的比较   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
目的比较称重法、回顾法和食物频率法在评估人群食物摄入量的差异和相关性。方法2002年中国居民营养与健康调查中同时使用称重法、24 h回顾法和食物频率法进行膳食调查的15-75岁的居民23 198名(男11 107名,女12 091名)。称重法入户称量调查对象全家过去3 d在家吃的所有食物重量;24 h回顾法回顾调查对象过去3 d每天在家及在外所消费的食物的种类和数量;食物频率法调查对象过去1年内所摄入的33类食物及油盐和调味品的摄入频率及摄入量。结果回顾法和称重法调查得出的平均每天食物摄入量比较接近;除水果和饮酒量外,其他食物摄入量与称重法的差异均在10%以内;低估和高估的个体的比例均比较少,60%以上的个体食物摄入量的估计值在称重法的±25%以内;回顾法得出的个体食物摄入量与称重法的结果均呈中高度正相关,相关系数在0.58-0.88之间。食物频率法得出的摄入频率较高的食物与称重法比较接近,米及其制品、面及其制品、其他谷类、豆类、蔬菜、坚果和油的摄入量与称重法的相对差异均在15%以内;食物频率法低估和高估的比例均比较高,一般在称重法的±25%以内的个体不足50%;食物频率法得出的食物摄入量与称重法呈低中度相关,相关系数在0.08-0.76之间。结论以称重法为标准的验证结果支持称重法修正24 h回顾法在群体以及个体中进行食物摄入量的调查。食物频率法可以反映群体及个体的食物摄入情况,尤其对消费频率较高的食物,比较适用研究膳食和健康的关系。  相似文献   

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