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1 韩国心理健康体系的构成 1.1 职业名称 在韩国,与心理健康相关的职业名称很多,最常见的有精神科医生、心理治疗师、心理咨询专家或心理咨询师等.根据不同的服务对象,职业名称也有相应的变化,如面向中小学学生的学校心理咨询师,面向一般青少年的青少年心理咨询师,面向求职人员的职业指导(咨询)师以及与心理健康工作密切相关的社会福利师和青少年指导师等.  相似文献   

目的:了解国内涉及心理咨询与治疗的不同机构目前专业人员状况,机构对专业人员胜任特征的需求,以期对未来不同机构心理咨询与治疗工作的发展提供指导。方法:采用自编问卷于2007年对综合医院心理科,精神病专科医院心理门诊,和大学心理咨询中心的负责人进行调查。结果:①三类机构的专业人员在数量上没有显著差异,但是在学历上存在显著差异;②三类机构接待的来访者的类型以及每次提供的心理咨询/治疗的时长上存在显著差异;③不同机构的机构负责人对心理咨询师的胜任能力和胜任特征,以及应该接受的培训课程和时长的看法一致性较高。结论:不同机构的心理咨询/治疗专业人员工作的特点有所不同,机构负责人对心理咨询师应当接受的培训课程和时长,以及胜任特征看法一致。  相似文献   

目的:考察不同专业背景的心理咨询与治疗专业人员的临床工作现状。方法:研究采用分层方便取样。调查了全国28个省份的专业人员1201名,其中,心理学背景专业人员470名,医学314名,教育学190名,其他194名,33人未报告此信息。使用心理咨询与心理治疗情况调查表来调查专业工作一般情况、提供临床心理服务的类型、对各种诊断标准的使用、获得疗效反馈信息的途径以及与来访者互动状况。结果:(1)心理学背景的专业人员整体受教育水平最高(硕士以上者占49.5%),医学背景专业人员每周从事专业工作时间最长(平均10.8小时/周),心理学和医学背景专业人员每周案例讨论和督导时间最多(均为2.3小时/周)。但3类人员接受小组督导和个人督导的时间均小于1小时/周。(2)心理学背景的专业人员提供心理咨询的频率多于其余3类专业人员[(3.7±0.9)vs.(3.3±0.9),(3.4±0.9),(3.3±0.9);P0.01];医学背景专业人员提供心理治疗的频率(2.9±1.0)、药物治疗的频率(2.9±1.1)均最多;心理学和医学背景专业人员更多从事心理测量工作[(2.4±1.0),(2.5±1.1)vs.(2.1±0.9),(2.2±1.1);P0.01]。(3)医学背景专业人员运用诊断标准更多也更严格。(4)心理学背景专业人员对来访者的治疗或咨询更多地按计划结束(3.1±0.8)。结论:医学背景和心理学背景专业人员从事了更多的专业工作并做得相对更好。  相似文献   

目的:考察当前中国医疗和教育领域的心理健康服务机构的服务、管理和机构规范现状.方法:来自中国28.个省、自治区或直辖市的心理健康服务机构服务人员参与填写了调查问卷.结果:精神专科医院和综合医院的心理健康服务人员主要由医学背景人员构成,心理学背景人员约占20%,大部分专业人员为本科学历.大学和中学机构主要由心理学和教育学背景专业人员构成,大学硕士学历最多,中学以本科学历为主.此外.医疗和教育领域的心理健康服务机构都面临着缺乏专业督导、不科学的人力资源管理和缺乏伦理规范等问题.结论:中国医疗和教育领域的心理健康服务机构应当充分利用自己的比较优势,提高专业服务水平.加强相互合作.  相似文献   

目的:基于职业胜任力的视角,探讨我国心理咨询师与治疗师职业资格认证的适当途径,着重于改进"中国心理学会临床与咨询心理学专业机构和专业人员注册系统"心理师评审方案。方法:采用文献法梳理国内外心理咨询师与治疗师职业资格认证的理论和实践以确定我国认证办法的设计原则;采用专家法提出我国心理咨询师与治疗师的核心胜任力以形成评审指标体系,并通过问卷调查对改进后的评审方案进行初步评价。结果:"多特质、多方法、多来源"是心理咨询师与治疗师职业资格认证办法的设计原则;我国心理咨询师与治疗师的核心胜任力包括专业态度与行为、伦理与法律,临床知识与技能,科学与研究,关系建立,多元文化及中国文化,个案管理等6个领域;改进后方案确定的评审材料能够命中全部核心胜任力且专家评定的一致性信度较高(Cronbachα=0.74~0.97),专家对改进后方案的评价较高。结论:改进后的评审方案确定的核心胜任力反映了从事心理咨询与治疗专业实践必须具备的态度、知识与技能,可以作为我国心理咨询师与治疗师教育、培训、实践,以及胜任力评估的参考;改进后的评审方案可以作为我国心理咨询师与治疗师职业资格认证的一个过渡办法。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市2015年心理卫生服务行业的督导现状,为进一步加强上海市心理卫生服务体系建设提供借鉴。方法:在上海市心理卫生服务行业协会的会员单位中,选取专科医疗机构、非专科医疗机构、非医疗企事业单位和社会机构4类单位的全部机构共107家,采用自编上海市心理卫生专业服务机构现状调查问卷(简称机构问卷)中"机构相关信息"和"机构在心理健康服务领域的管理情况"(机构对心理健康服务人员有无督导要求、机构是否组织督导、督导师来源、督导付费方式4个条目)2部分,上海市心理卫生服务专业人员现状调查问卷(简称人员问卷)中"人口学基本信息"和"心理专业工作"(2015年心理健康服务人员的督导小时数、督导费用、督导付费方式、督导形式4个条目)2部分进行调查。结果:机构问卷结果显示,80%的非医疗企事业单位对心理健康服务人员无督导要求;非专科医疗机构督导师主要来自各级精神卫生中心(52.9%);专科医疗机构督导付费方式以本机构付费为主(39.1%),社会机构督导付费方式自己付费为主(37%)。与独立开设的机构相比,单位内其他部门下辖的机构较少对人员有督导要求(P0.001)。人员问卷结果显示,社会机构的心理健康服务人员督导小时数高于其他3类机构(P0.001),其中47.9%的人选择自己付费督导费用,自己付费比例高于其他3类机构(P0.001)。结论:上海市心理卫生服务机构中社会机构的督导投入较多、设置较好,其次是医疗类机构(包括专科医疗机构和非专科医疗机构),而非医疗企事业单位及其人员的督导情况有待提高。  相似文献   

目的:了解河南省心理咨询师的从业及临床实践能力现状。方法:在河南省选取心理咨询师237人(年龄23~59岁;偶尔接受督导200人,经常接受督导37人),采用咨询师/治疗师临床实践能力自评问卷(CCPCI,包括理论与技术应用、情感体察与共情2个因子))进行调查。结果:样本的CCPCI总分(41.0±7.2),2个因子得分为(26.2±5.4)、(14.8±2.3)。年龄35岁者的CCPCI总分及2个因子分均高于≤35岁者(均P0.001);咨询实践年限≥3年者的CCPCI总分及2个因子分均高于3年者(均P0.001);经常接受督导者的CCPCI总分及理论与技术应用因子分均高于偶尔或从不接受督导者(P0.05或P0.01);近3年参加培训≥1次者C C PC I总分及2个因子分均高于不参加培训者(均P0.001)。结论 :河南省的心理咨询师对自己的临床实践能力的评价位于中等水平;经常接受督导、培训能有效提升咨询师的临床实践能力。  相似文献   

中国心理健康服务从业者的督导现状及相关因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:考察我国心理健康服务从业者的专业督导现状及相关因素.方法:采用问卷调查法,用自编心理咨询与心理治疗情况调查表测试了1391名来自29个省市自治区的心理健康服务从业者.分析了现有从业人员对督导重要性的看法,还对从业者接受督导的比例以及其督导的类型、督导的效果和督导的相关因素等进行了分析,并比较了医学、教育、个体3种取向的从业者在督导方面的差异.结果:心理健康从业人员42%的从来没有接受过专业人员的督导,71.5%的目前没有心理督导.培训情况、工作评估方式、是否定期参加案例讨论、是否进行独立的经济核算、专业机构对专业工作有无定期评估检查与督导情况相关(β=0.375,0.236,0.185,-0.092,-0.092).结论:我国心理健康从业者督导情况堪忧,应该提高心理健康从业准入标准和机构本身的专业水平,定期对从业人员开展培训、评估和案例讨论.  相似文献   

2003年我国劳动和社会保障部出台《心理咨询师国家职业标准》以来,心理咨询服务在我国受到了前所未有的广泛关注。心理咨询服务已经成为人们生活中的重要内容,心理咨询师也被称为是21世纪最热门的职业之一。随着心理咨询行业的发展,心理咨询师自身的职业发展和提高也引起了专业人员的关注。近年来,笔者参加了我国部分地区的心理咨询师的培训、督导和鉴定工作;笔者认为,加强心理咨询师的继续教育,提高心理咨询执业技能是当务之急。提出初步看法,希望引起有关方面的重视。1心理咨询师的职业发展是和谐社会的进步在当今我国建立和谐社会过程中,怎样建立和谐的心理健康服务,不断适应并满足社会日益增长的心理健康需求,值得我们专业人员思考。心理咨询的社会化服务代表了我国心理健康事业的进步,在当今我国建立和谐社会过程中,提供和谐的心理健康服务在以下方面是具有积极和重要的意义的。心理咨询师的职业发展是和谐社会的进步。1.1和谐的社会需要和谐的心理健康服务胡锦涛总书记在“十七大”报告中提出要“加强和改进思想政治工作,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,用正确方式处理人际关系。”在大力建设和谐社会的今天,重视人文关怀有着非常积极的意义。党的十七大报告第一次把“心理疏导...  相似文献   

目的:了解在心理咨询中,咨询师对突破保密的伦理原则的态度以及咨询师在不同情境下保密突破的决策。方法:对100名心理咨询师,采用自编"心理咨询师突破保密的态度和决策问卷",考察可能影响心理咨询师对待保密原则的态度和决策的因素。结果:"来访者有高伤害他人风险"、"来访者有高受伤害风险"时,从业时间短的咨询师(5年以下)突破保密态度得分高于从业时间长的咨询师(5年以上)[(1.2±0.8)vs.(1.1±0.3),(1.4±1.0)vs.(1.2±0.5);均P<0.05];"来访者有高受伤害风险"时,接受督导的咨询师突破保密态度得分低于未接受督导的咨询师[(1.2±0.6)vs.(2.0±1.7);P<0.01],而"未成年来访者家长要求了解咨询细节"时,接受督导咨询师突破保密态度得分高于未接受督导咨询师[(5.3±1.8)vs.(4.2±2.1),P=0.052];咨询师在来访者主动计划犯罪时突破保密的决策得分低于来访者知道犯罪计划时的得分[(1.7±1.2)vs.(2.8±2.0),P<0.01];当法庭要求报告相关情况时,咨询师在来访者因家暴犯罪接受调查时突破保密的决策得分低于来访者因无关犯罪接受调查时的得分[(2.0±1.6)vs.(3.5±2.2),P<0.01]。结论:咨询师的保密态度与决策在一定程度上会受到其从业时间、是否接受督导及来访者具体情境的影响。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To conduct an in-depth case analysis of the University of Kansas Telemedicine Program in order to identify organizational and communications elements that may be hindering the program's effectiveness. METHODS: A case analysis was done, employing a combination of methodologies (direct observation, interview, and survey) involving extensive data collection from telemedicine program personnel throughout the state of Kansas. Analysis of this program's organizational communication focused on structure and boundaries, definitions and goals, leadership and decision making, and membership and roles. RESULTS: Significant organizational communication deficits were identified. These included a dearth of perceived central leadership, lack of information about the technology itself, poorly designed and cumbersome means for scheduling and utilizing telemedicine technology, absence of explicit strategic goals; and poor communication in introducing this technology to medical personnel and to the public. Other important findings were: organizational members expanded the scope of this organization beyond the providing of a simple consultation; the perception that decision making falls into the hands of almost everyone but the referring physician; and the role that language (or lack of common terminology) plays in confusion about this innovation. CONCLUSION: Organizational factors may be critical determinants of success or failure of a telemedicine program. Innovations in telemedicine technology need to be matched by innovations in organizational communication and structure. Findings from this study can be applied to existing or planned programs. Examples include redefinition of the roles and responsibilities of certain personnel, increasing the efficiency and decreasing the complexity of the consultation scheduling process, clarification and formalization of leadership and decision making, and development of a universal terminology of telemedicine.  相似文献   

This report compares the results from two surveys of the resources of academic clinical pathology departments. In 1971, the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists (ACLPS) obtained data from 25 academic clinical pathology departments on actual workload variables (census, procedures per year, admissions per year, and outpatient visits per year), along with estimates of ideal space and ideal staffing. A study conducted by NIH obtained data from 31 academic clinical pathology departments for 1976 for the same workload variables, along with actual and ideal space and actual staffing. Regression analyses were performed with space, technical personnel, and doctoral personnel as the dependent variables and patients per day, admissions per year, and numbers of procedures per year as the independent variables. For each study, admissions per year and patients per day were statistically significant predictors of both departmental space and technical personnel. The slope of each significant regression from the ACLPS study was greater than the comparable significant slope from the NIH study. These data provide a basis for comparing resources among academic clinical pathology departments, assessing current resources, and projecting future needs.  相似文献   

目的:了解高校英语教师组织支持水平的现状及其与组织承诺的相关,为提高高校英语教师的组织支持和组织承诺水平提供帮助。方法:采用组织支持感问卷和中国职工组织承诺问卷对106名教师进行测试。结果:1有子女高校英语教师的工作支持得分和员工价值认同得分低于无子女教师(t=-2.780,P0.01;t=-2.530,P0.05),20~30岁高校英语教师的工作支持得分高于30~40岁的高校英语教师(F=4.015,P0.05),1年以内和1~5年教龄高校英语教师的工作支持、员工价值认同、关心利益得分高于10年以上教龄的英语教师(F=9.002,P0.001;F=4.539,P0.01;F=3.693,P0.05);2工作支持因子能够预测高校英语教师的情感承诺(β=0.672,P0.001)、规范承诺(β=0.538,P0.001)和理想承诺(β=0.435,P0.01),关心利益因子能够预测高校英语教师的机会承诺(β=-0.383,P0.05)。结论:应当重视提高教师的工作支持水平,并充分考虑组织支持对其组织承诺的影响作用。  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that with the onset of adolescence, girls experience higher rates of depression than boys. However, a comprehensive understanding of the risk factors contributing to this emerging gender difference has yet to be attained. Previous studies indicate that both self-discrepancy, the perception that one is failing to attain an important personal goal, and ruminative coping, a tendency to passively and repetitively focus on one's failure and the causes and consequences of that failure, contribute to depression and that adolescent girls are more likely to manifest each than adolescent boys. In this translational study we tested the hypothesis that, whereas both actual:ideal discrepancy and ruminative coping style would independently predict depression in adolescent girls, the combination of high levels of actual:ideal discrepancy and ruminative coping would predict more severe depressive symptoms. Analyses of cross-sectional data in a sample of 223 girls ranging from 7th through 12th grades revealed a significant main effect for ruminative coping style and a trend for actual:ideal discrepancy, as well as the predicted interaction effect. We discuss the implications of this integrative psychosocial model for the etiology, treatment, and prevention of depression in adolescent girls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To educate athletic trainers and others about the need for emergency planning, to provide guidelines in the development of emergency plans, and to advocate documentation of emergency planning. BACKGROUND: Most injuries sustained during athletics or other physical activity are relatively minor. However, potentially limb-threatening or life-threatening emergencies in athletics and physical activity are unpredictable and occur without warning. Proper management of these injuries is critical and should be carried out by trained health services personnel to minimize risk to the injured participant. The organization or institution and its personnel can be placed at risk by the lack of an emergency plan, which may be the foundation of a legal claim. RECOMMENDATIONS: The National Athletic Trainers' Association recommends that each organization or institution that sponsors athletic activities or events develop and implement a written emergency plan. Emergency plans should be developed by organizational or institutional personnel in consultation with the local emergency medical services. Components of the emergency plan include identification of the personnel involved, specification of the equipment needed to respond to the emergency, and establishment of a communication system to summon emergency care. Additional components of the emergency plan are identification of the mode of emergency transport, specification of the venue or activity location, and incorporation of emergency service personnel into the development and implementation process. Emergency plans should be reviewed and rehearsed annually, with written documentation of any modifications. The plan should identify responsibility for documentation of actions taken during the emergency, evaluation of the emergency response, institutional personnel training, and equipment maintenance. Further, training of the involved personnel should include automatic external defibrillation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, and prevention of disease transmission.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been a major shift in the organization and responsibility for the provision of geriatric care in Sweden. This was believed to be stressful. We therefore decided to launch a controlled intervention program on health care personnel aimed at enhancing their adaptation and ability to cope. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of management change on psychosocial parameters of health care personnel and the effects, if any, of a structured intervention program. METHODS: Two separate wards were randomly allocated to be either intervention (I) or control (C) ward. The I-ward personnel were subjected to a psychologist's structured 10-session intervention program for 20 weeks. The program consisted of an initial educational part followed by a practical problem-solving discussion part. A structured questionnaire on psychosocial issues was answered by the participants before (0 weeks), immediately after (20 weeks), and 10 weeks after the intervention (30 weeks). RESULTS: There were no significant changes in the psychosocial parameters of the C-ward personnel. In the I-ward, however, there was a significant increase in work demand as well as in positive feelings about work, as compared to the C-ward at the 30-week follow-up. There was also significantly better work comfort in the I-ward. CONCLUSIONS: We did not find any anticipated negative psychosocial effects on health care personnel undergoing an organizational change. However, by offering a structured intervention program to one group of health care personnel, we found some positive psychosocial effects. Future research is needed to pinpoint which factor or factors in the intervention program were the most crucial for the effects to occur.  相似文献   

关静 《医学信息》2007,20(3):363-364
随着计算机网络的不断发展和深入应用,网络安全的重要性日益突出。本文结合作者所在单位的网络系统实际情况,从网络设备安全、软件应用安全管理、人员安全管理三方面介绍了网络安全与防范措施。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the actions of 12 departmental "health promotion teams" and the means they used to improve the psychosocial work environment of a metal factory in a 3-year project. The teams included 80 members and were supported by organizational psychologists twice a year. A survey feedback process was applied in the beginning among all 773 employees, including management (response rate 94%). At the end, a questionnaire on perceived changes was filled out (response rate 94%). The teams guided the developmental process and initiated various activities in cooperation with the personnel. The planned activities were mainly directed at improving physical fitness and social climate. The majority of the personnel participated in these activities and were satisfied with them.  相似文献   

Occupational stress is prevalent in work areas in which there is high contact with distressed or dependent members of the public. However, little is known about the prediction and management of stress-related compensation claims, which can be expensive for employers. The authors interviewed all staff members of a large public sector welfare agency who had made a compensation claim for work-related stress during a 12-month period (N = 19) and obtained in-depth information from 16 of the 17 who were still available. A clear relationship was found between type of stress precipitant and length of stress-related leave, suggesting that the organizational response to specific stressful incidents was much more effective than its response to chronic work stressors. Demographic data for all 19 claimants showed that they had taken twice as many days of sick leave as the organizational average in the year preceding their claim. There are important implications for personnel management practices that may reduce and prevent work stress for vulnerable workers.  相似文献   

The China Medical Board organized a management conference for the presidents of China's national medical universities. A three-person consulting team arranged by the Association of American Medical Colleges led the conference. Designed as a preliminary examination of the management problems faced by the national medical universities, the conference covered content similar to that of the AAMC Executive Development Seminars, including governance, financial management, faculty practice plans, technology transfer, information management, and organizational diagnosis. China's national medical universities are strategically managed by the Ministry of Public Health in Beijing, and for several years the ministry has increasingly decentralized the management and operational planning and control of these universities. The universities do not have enough properly trained personnel to absorb the additional management responsibilities, and the university presidents feel that they and their senior staffs need extensive training in adapting western-style management principles and practice to the Chinese setting.  相似文献   

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