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异常口气中挥发性硫化物的气相色谱分析研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
俞未一  曹灵  马骏驰 《口腔医学》2004,24(5):261-263
目的 对口臭患者口气中挥发性硫化物中的主要成分进行检测分析,并探讨与牙周病的关系。方法 根据相关标准筛选出口臭患者50例,采用气相色谱技术对挥发性硫化物中的主要成分:硫化氢(H2S)和甲硫醇(CH3SH),进行定性定量分析;同时检查记录患者口腔中牙周相关指标,将H2S和CH3SH与牙周相关指标作相关性分析。结果 H2S和CH3SH的浓度随着牙周袋深度和龈沟出血指数的增加而增加,同时CH3SH和H2S的比值也随之增加。结论 H2S和CH3SH的产生与牙周病的发生发展有较密切的联系,CH3SH与牙周病的相关性更大。  相似文献   

目的:比较Halimeter与感官分析测量口臭的相关性。方法:用Halimeter测量68名受试者,与嗅觉测量的结果作相关分析。结果:二乾有显著相关,r=0.807(P<0.01)。结论:二者用于口臭测量有显著相关。提示Halimeter可作为用于口臭研究的一种简便工具,可更准确地表达口臭的程度。  相似文献   

Halimeter与嗅觉测量口臭的相关研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 比较Halimeter与感官分析测量口臭的相关性。方法 用Halimeter测量 68名受试者 ,与嗅觉测量的结果作相关分析。结果 二者有显著相关 ,r =0 .80 7(P <0 .0 1)。结论 二者用于口臭测量有显著相关。提示Halimeter可作为用于口臭临床研究的一种简便工具 ,可更准确地表达口臭的程度  相似文献   

口气成分与牙周和舌苔指标的关系初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的初探口气中各硫化物水平与牙周临床指标、舌苔的相关关系。方法选择30例口源性口臭的患者,用OralChroma^TM检测口气中硫化氢(H2S)、甲基硫醇(CH3SH)、二甲基硫[(CH3)2S]的浓度,用Halimeter检测口腔挥发性硫化物(volatile sulfur compounds,VSCs)水平,记录受检者牙周临床指标、舌苔指标。结果OralChroma^TM所测口气CH3SH与菌斑指数(PLI)、牙周探诊深度(PD)、出血指数(BI)、舌苔厚度(Tt)均正相关(P〈0.05),而(CH3)2S仅与PD和BI正相关(P〈0.05),H2S与舌苔面积(Ta)正相关(P〈0.05)。H2S水平(r=0.470)、CH3SH水平(r=0.431)与Halimeter测得口气VSCs水平显著正相关(P〈0.05)。结论(CH3)2S可能主要为牙周袋来源,CH3SH则为牙周与舌苔两种来源,H2S的口腔来源可能最为表浅,舌苔因素为主。  相似文献   

目的 研究咀嚼无糖口香糖对半胱氨酸激发性口臭的抑制作用。方法 将10名志愿者随机分为处理组和未处理组,每组5名,均接受半胱氨酸口气激发实验,激发实验后未处理组不进行任何处理,处理组咀嚼无糖口香糖1 min后吐出。在咀嚼口香糖后1、10、20 min测量两组的硫化氢(H2S)、甲基硫醇(CH3SH)、乙基硫化物[(CH3)2S]浓度。结果 处理组咀嚼口香糖后1、10、20 min,H2S浓度下降百分比分别为82.68%、92.27%、97.47%,CH3SH浓度下降百分比分别为65.49%、73.79%、82.89%,(CH3)2S浓度下降百分比分别为60.45%、73.82%、59.72%。处理组与未处理组在不同时间的H2S、CH3SH、(CH3)2S浓度下降百分比均有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论 无糖口香糖对半胱氨酸激发性口臭具有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

感官分析法和便携式硫化物检测仪检测口臭的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的比较感官分析法(鼻测法)和便携式硫化物检测仪(商品名Halimeter)检测口臭之间的准确性和一致性。方法首先对2名嗅辨员进行嗅觉检测试验,以确定其进行感官分析评分的资质。选择86例符合试验条件的受试者,分别用感官分析法评价口臭程度,硫化物检测仪检测口腔挥发性硫化物(VSC)含量,使用SPSS11.0软件分析鼻测法得分均值和VSC水平的关系。结果2名嗅辨员一致性良好,Kappa值达到0.568,P<0.01。鼻测法得分均值与Halimeter检测所得硫化物峰值之间相关系数r=0.538,P<0.01;与硫化物稳定值之间相关系数r=0.546,P<0.01。结论鼻测法得分和Halimeter检测的口腔VSC含量之间存在显著相关关系,提示Halimeter可在一定程度上作为鼻测法的辅助手段,用以检测口臭。  相似文献   

口臭与牙周病的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口臭与牙周病之间存在密切关系,本文将从发病情况、临床指数、牙周致病菌、VSCs(Volatile sulfur compounds挥发性硫化物,简称VSCs)治疗等几方面进行综述。  相似文献   

口臭是指呼吸时口腔内出现臭味的一种症状。传统的机械治疗方法和化学治疗方法虽然可以短期内改善口臭状况,但长期疗效不尽如人意。研究表明益生菌能有效抑制口腔内产臭菌的作用从而治疗口臭,本文主要就各益生菌在口臭治疗中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

挥发性硫化物在牙周病发生发展过程中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牙用病常伴有较明显的口臭。挥发性硫化物是导致口臭的主要气体,其中硫化氢和甲硫醇与牙周病的发生发展密切相关。本文从挥发性硫化物对口腔粘膜通透性、胶原代谢、纤维黏连蛋白、细胞内pH值以及IL-1、PCE_2合成的影响等方面,阐述挥发性硫化物影响牙周病发展的机制。  相似文献   

硫化氢分析仪检测抗口臭牙膏功效的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的用硫化氢分析仪验证抗口臭牙膏的功效;观察牙膏抗口臭的短期作用。方法选择40名自愿受试者,随机分为用含抗口臭有效成分牙膏的实验组和用无有效成分牙膏的对照组,观察2组刷牙前、后即刻和2h、4h口气值变化。结果2组刷牙后即刻口气值一过性增高,与刷牙前比较有显著性差异(P〈0.05);刷牙后2h、4h口气值与刷牙前比较,2组均明显下降,与刷牙前比较有显著性差异(P〈0.05);2组口气值刷牙后即刻有显著差异(P〈0.05),其余各时段均无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论含与不含抗口臭有效成分牙膏短时间内都有消减口臭作用,但不易区分,应延长观察时间。  相似文献   

Background:  Detection of oral volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) by gas chromatography (GC) is a widely used method for evaluating breath odor. Air aspirated from the mouth is injected into the GC column for analysis. To eliminate discrepancies caused by variations in operator sampling or injection techniques, a new GC system designed to aspirate breath samples directly into the GC was developed.
Objective:  A clinical study was performed to compare this new automated breath-sampling GC system to organoleptic evaluation by two trained odor judges.
Methods:  A randomized, two-cell, double-blind, parallel design was used in which subjects were tested before and 3 h after using either a mouthrinse containing zinc or a matching placebo rinse. Thirteen subjects used the zinc mouthrinse, and 12 used the placebo. Subjects with a wide range of VSC levels were studied. The average organoleptic ratings for each subject at each time-point were compared with the average VSC measurements made with the GC, and Pearson product–moment correlation coefficients between the corresponding GC and organoleptic measurements were determined.
Results:  The correlation between the GC and organoleptic assessment methods were highly significant ( P  ≤ 0.001) for: total VSC, 0.65; H2S, 0.63; CH3SH, 0.61; and (CH3)2S, 0.46. The correlation between the two judges was also highly significant (0.823, P  < 0.001).
Conclusion:  These results demonstrate the utility of the automated GC method for evaluating breath odor.  相似文献   

Objective. This study focused on the ability of aqueous anti-volatile-sulfur-compound (VSC) solutions to eliminate gaseous VSCs by direct contact in a sealed space to describe possible mode of action of anti-VSC agents. Materials and methods. Twenty milliliters of each experimental solution, 0.16% sodium chlorite, 0.25% zinc chloride, 0.1% chlorhexidine and distilled water, was injected into a Teflon bag containing mixed VSCs, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide and mixed vigorously for 30 s. The VSC concentration was measured by gas chromatography before, immediately after, 30 min and 60 min after mixing. Results. The sodium chlorite solution reduced the VSC concentration remarkably. After mixing, nearly all VSCs were eliminated immediately and no VSCs were detected at 30 and 60 min post-mixing. However, in the other solutions, the VSC concentration decreased by ~30% immediately after mixing and there was no further decrease. Conclusion. The results suggest that sodium chlorite solution has the effect of eliminating gaseous VSCs directly. This must be because it can release chlorine dioxide gas which can react directly with gaseous VSCs. In the case of other solutions that have been proved to be effective to reduce halitosis clinically, it can be proposed that their anti-VSC effect is less likely due to the direct chemical elimination of gaseous VSCs in the mouth.  相似文献   

Background and Objective: Volatile sulfur compounds may be the main source of oral malodor. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between periodontal parameters and volatile sulfur compounds and to evaluate the improvement of several halitosis‐related outcomes by tongue scraping, nonsurgical periodontal treatment (including oral hygiene instruction) and oral hygiene instruction/chlorhexidine + cetyl pyridinium gargling. Material and Methods: Seventy‐two chronic periodontitis patients with heavy tongue coating were assessed for oral malodor and periodontal status. Oral malodor was evaluated by measuring the levels of volatile sulfur compounds using OralChroma? and the organoleptic test score. Thirty participants were selected for the subsequent experiments: tongue scraping; nonsurgical periodontal treatment; and oral hygiene instruction/chlorhexidine + cetyl pyridinium gargling. Twenty‐five participants completed all experimental stages. Results: Significant correlations were observed between the organoleptic test score and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methyl mercapton (CH3SH), tongue coating score and volatile sulfur compounds, which was also significantly correlated with bleeding on probing percentage and tongue coating score. Tongue scraping significantly reduced the levels of volatile sulfur compounds. Further reduction of volatile sulfur compounds after nonsurgical periodontal treatment and oral hygiene instruction/chlorhexidine + cetyl pyridinium gargling were noted compared with baseline. Conclusion: Volatile sulfur compounds, with H2S and CH3SH as the main components, in mouth air are the prominent elements of malodor. Volatile sulfur compounds were decreased by more than 50% after tongue scraping. Nonsurgical periodontal treatment and oral hygiene instruction/chlorhexidine + cetyl pyridinium gargling maintained a significantly lower level of malodor compared with baseline.  相似文献   

Zinc ions, chlorhexidine (CHX) and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) are all known to inhibit production of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs). The objective was to examine the anti-VSC dose-response effects of each of the above agents. Oral malodor was induced in 13 test subjects using the cysteine challenge method. The oral VSC response to rinses with 6 mm l-cysteine (pH 7.2) before and 1, 2 and 3 h after rinsing with zinc ions (Zn2+: 0.1, 0.3 and 1.0%), CHX and CPC (0.025 and 0.2%) was measured. Mouth air was analysed for VSC by gas chromatography (GC) according to current methodology. Zinc had a marked dose- and time-dependent anti-VSC effect. Zinc at 1% concentration had a somewhat unpleasant taste, whereas the lowest concentration was found acceptable. Chlorhexidine maintained a moderate anti-VSC effect over time. At 3 h, 0.2% CHX was the most effective agent but tasted relatively unpleasant. Cetylpyridinium at a concentration of 0.2% was only marginally more effective than 0.025% CHX over the 3 h, while 0.025% CPC had no better anti-VSC effect than water at both 2 h and 3 h. It was concluded that the three test agents demonstrated different anti-VSC kinetics. Although Zn had the best anti-VSC effect at 1 h, 0.2% CHX was at least as effective as 1% Zn at 3 h, most likely as a result of its unique substantivity.  相似文献   

Objectives:  The aim of the study was to evaluate the level of interest in fetor ex ore among respondents, patients of the Department of Conservative Dentistry in Warsaw.
Materials and Methods:  A questionnaire was completed by 295 patients, 202 females and 93 males aged 18–74 years (average 38.73 years). Each person was also examined for organoleptic score and volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) by Halimeter. Halitosis was diagnosed if the average level of VSC was ≥125 ppb and the organoleptic measurement using a 0–5 point scale was ≥2. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square test.
Results:  Incidence of halitosis was greatest in age ranges 25–34 years (29.68%) and 45–54 years (24.52%). Sixty-eight (43.87%) persons with diagnosed halitosis frequently reported having a problem with bad breath and only 5.81% persons with halitosis did not notice this problem ( P  < 0.001). Among 54 healthy persons three (5.56%) reported having a problem with halitosis ( P  < 0.001).
Conclusion:  A statistically significant correlation was found between clinical organoleptic diagnosis of halitosis and VSC level by halimeter. Subjective patients' opinion correlated well with objective evaluation of halitosis.  相似文献   

Volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) in mouth air were estimated by gas chromatography. The amount of VSC and the methyl mercaptan/ hydrogen sulfide ratio were significantly increased in patients with periodontal disease. These two parameters also increased in proportion to the bleeding index and probing depth. A study was also done on the effect of removal of tongue coating on VSC concentrations in mouth air from patients with periodontal involvement. VSC and the methyl mercaptan/hydrogen sulfide ratio were reduced to 49% and 35%, respectively, by removal of the tongue coating. The average amount of tongue coating removed from patients with periodontal disease was significantly higher than from controls (90.1 mg vs. 14.6 mg, p < 0.01). Estimated production of VSC from tongue coating was 4 times higher than the control value, and the methyl mercaptan/hydrogen sulfide ratio was also markedly increased. However, a saliva putrefaction study suggested that saliva does not contribute to the elevated ratio of methyl mercaptan in mouth air. These results strongly suggest that, in addition to periodontal pockets, tongue coating has an important role in VSC production, in particular leading to an elevated concentration of methyl mercaptan, which is more pathogenic than hydrogen sulfide.  相似文献   

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