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Thirty-two problem-oriented interviews with caregivers of patients with bipolar affective disorders were analyzed using content analysis. The 722 statements of caregivers about their experiences of subjective burden because of the illness of their family members were summarized in 49 global statements and correlated by factor analysis to 10 types of burden. In particular, patients' noncompliance as well as the helplessness of the caregivers in interaction with the (changing) depressive and manic symptoms of the ill family members emerged as serious burdens on the caregivers. Whereas female caregivers suffered more from problems regarding quality of relationship with the patient, male caregivers experienced more constraints on their own autonomy, uncertainty concerning their judgment of patients' capacity, and uncertainty because of the changing symptoms of illness. The findings of this study highlight that an appreciation of caregivers' own consternation and information about how best to handle the (uncooperative) behavior of the patient should be taken into account in psychoeducational groups as well as in the daily work routine of professionals.  相似文献   

Having a relative with an eating disorder (ED) affects the life of family caregivers and may thus affect their quality of life. To study this aspect, 40 caregivers of ED patients filled out a health-related quality of life questionnaire (Short Form-36) and a questionnaire on the impact of the ED on various areas of life domains, and on the relationship with the ED patient and the need for professional support. Quality of life of caregivers was worse than in a normal reference group. Specifically, mental health, vitality and emotional role functioning were reported to be most impaired. ED appeared to affect families' lives substantially. In response to the ED, caregivers felt anxious, powerless, sad, or desperate. The relationship of the caregiver with the ED patient had also changed. Caregivers were more worried, lost their trust, and reported more conflicts. Seventy five percent welcomed professional support. Caregivers need practical advice, information on ED, and emotional support. Quality of life of caregivers should be addressed in the treatment of ED.  相似文献   

进食障碍(eating disorder,ED)是一种严重危害患者心身的难治性精神障碍,给患者及其 照料者带来极大痛苦。在管理 ED 患者日常生活及寻求医疗援助过程中,ED 照料者存在较重的心理困 扰与负担,其应对自身压力和情绪痛苦的方式常使患者的症状陷入恶性循环,因此亟需为其提供必要 干预。现回顾 ED 照料者心理干预研究的成果,以期为未来 ED 治疗的相关研究和临床实践提供建议。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We assessed the objective and subjective burden of caregiving for stroke patients and investigated which characteristics of the patient, the informal caregiver and the objective burden contribute most to subjective burden and to the condition of feeling substantially burdened. METHODS: We studied a sample of 151 stroke survivors and their primary informal caregivers. We collected data through patient and caregiver interviews 6 months after stroke. RESULTS: Both the level of subjective burden and the condition of feeling substantially burdened were associated with both caregiver's and patient's health-related quality of life, patient's age, and the number of caregiving tasks performed. CONCLUSIONS: These conditions can be used in clinical practice to identify potentially vulnerable caregivers in need of support and at risk of adverse health effects. Monitoring stroke survivors as well as their family caregivers at discharge may help to prevent or alleviate caregiver burden.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore caregiving self-efficacy as a mediator for the association between family functioning and caregiving appraisal of dementia family caregivers in Taiwan.

Method: This study adopted a cross-sectional correlational design. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 115 dyads of dementia patients and family caregivers from the outpatient neurological clinics of two hospitals in northern Taiwan. Data were gathered through interviews with a structured questionnaire, which included demographic characteristics for caregivers and patients, family functioning, caregiving self-efficacy, as well as positive and negative aspects of caregiving appraisal.

Results: Family functioning, patients' activities of daily living score, Neuropsychiatric Inventory caregiver distress, and three domains of self-efficacy were significantly associated with caregiver burden. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that self-efficacy for obtaining respite (SE-OR) significantly explained 20.5% of the variance in caregiver esteem. Caregiver perceived worsened health status, family functioning, and SE-OR significantly explained 59% of the variance in caregiver burden. The mediation test only supported the partially mediating role of SE-OR on the relationship between family functioning and caregiver burden, while the mediating effect of self-efficacy for responding to disruptive behaviours and controlling upsetting thoughts were insignificant.

Conclusion: Our findings provided preliminary evidence for health professionals recommending that future studies should assess the family dynamic and health problems of caregivers, and develop appropriate family-centred interventions that focus on strengthening interfamily support and respite services to alleviate caregiver burden.  相似文献   

All over the world women are the predominant providers of informal care for family members with chronic medical conditions or disabilities, including the elderly and adults with mental illnesses. It has been suggested that there are several societal and cultural demands on women to adopt the role of a family-caregiver. Stress-coping theories propose that women are more likely to be exposed to caregiving stressors, and are likely to perceive, report and cope with these stressors differently from men. Many studies, which have examined gender differences among family-caregivers of people with mental illnesses, have concluded that women spend more time in providing care and carry out personal-care tasks more often than men. These studies have also found that women experience greater mental and physical strain, greater caregiver-burden, and higher levels of psychological distress while providing care. However, almost an equal number of studies have not found any differences between men and women on these aspects. This has led to the view that though there may be certain differences between male and female caregivers, most of these are small in magnitude and of doubtful clinical significance. Accordingly, caregiver-gender is thought to explain only a minor proportion of the variance in negative caregiving outcomes. A similar inconsistency characterizes the explanations provided for gender differences in caregiving such as role expectations, differences in stress, coping and social support, and response biases in reporting distress. Apart from the equivocal and inconsistent evidence, there are other problems in the literature on gender differences in caregiving. Most of the evidence has been derived from studies on caregivers of elderly people who either suffer from dementia or other physical conditions. Similar research on other mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or mood disorders is relatively scarce. With changing demographics and social norms men are increasingly assuming roles as caregivers. However, the experience of men while providing care has not been explored adequately. The impact of gender on caregiving outcomes may be mediated by several other variables including patient-related factors, socio-demographic variables, and effects of kinship status, culture and ethnicity, but these have seldom been considered in the research on gender differences. Finally, it is apparent that methodological variations in samples, designs and assessments between studies contribute a great deal to the observed gender differences. This review highlights all these issues and concludes that there is much need for further research in this area if the true nature of gender differences in family-caregiving of mental illnesses is to be discerned.  相似文献   

Objectives: Available data suggest high burden on caregivers of patientswith bipolar disorder (BD), yet the well-being of patients with BD increasingly depends on family members, partners and close friends. Aspatients with BD get older, the need for informal care may shift. We aimed to describe the caregivers of older adults with BD (OABD) and explore what patients' and caregivers' characteristics are associated with caregiver burden.

Method: Forty-seven caregivers of OABD were questioned about their perceived burden and depressive symptoms. Linear regression analyses were performed to examine the influence of various patients' and caregivers' characteristics on caregiver burden or depression.

Results: More than half of all caregivers experienced some degree of burden,and 6.4% reported depressive symptoms. The number of psychiatric admissions and social functioning were the only patients' characteristics associated with higher burden. Caregiver burden was significantly associated with caregiver's other obligations. None of the patient or caregiver characteristics was significantly associated with depression in caregivers of OABD.

Conclusion: In OABD, even with few residual symptoms, more than half of all caregivers experience substantial burden. Future studies are needed to confirm if improving social functioning and preventing psychiatric hospitalizations decrease the burden on the caregivers of OABD.  相似文献   

DSM-III-R personality disorders in patients with eating disorders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors conducted a systematic examination of DSM-III-R personality disorders among 35 patients with eating disorders. Fifty-seven percent of the patients met the criteria for at least one axis II diagnosis; borderline, self-defeating, and avoidant were the most frequently assigned personality disorders. Forty percent of the patients were given two or more diagnoses, and 17% of the patients met criteria for five to seven diagnoses. No differences were found between patients with anorexia nervosa, anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa in the distribution of diagnoses or the frequency with which individual criteria (traits) were assigned.  相似文献   

The present study was intended to replicate the findings of Steffen et al. (2002) of a negative relationship between caregiving self-efficacy and depressive symptoms among family dementia caregivers. Female family caregivers (N=74) of community-dwelling individuals diagnosed with dementia completed a telephone interview and self-report assessment packet that included measures of caregiving self-efficacy and depressive symptoms. There was a direct negative relationship between caregiving self-efficacy and depressive symptoms after controlling for objective stressors. There was no support, however, for the hypothesis that caregiving self-efficacy would operate as a moderator, such that the relationship between objective stressors (cognitive impairment and behavior problems) and caregivers' depressive symptoms would be strongest for caregivers reporting lower levels of self-efficacy. The results of this study suggest that caregiving self-efficacy has a strong, direct relationship with depressed symptoms for dementia family caregivers. Longitudinal research is needed to determine if it is an appropriate focus of future intervention research.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the correlation between clinical characteristics and the caregiving experience of caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Two hundred and one patients with schizophrenia and their caregivers were recruited from a psychiatric clinic. The involvement evaluation questionnaire (IEQ) and the general health questionnaire (GHQ) were administered to the caregivers. The patients were assessed by the Structured Clinical Interview, the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) and the global assessment of functioning scale (GAF). Correlation analysis and regression analysis was performed to identify the best predictors of caregiver stress. RESULTS: The most important clinical predictor of caregiver stress as assessed using IEQ was the GAF, followed by PANSS-Pos and Neg scores and admission. Positive symptoms contributed more to overall caregiver stress than negative symptoms. DISCUSSION: Both symptom severity and patient function were important factors in the caregiver experience. Treatment should aim not only to reduce symptoms but also maximize function. Service planning should include psychosocial intervention involving caregivers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the perceived stressors experienced by parents who care for children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders. The relationship between demographics and overall stress was also examined. The most frequently cited stressor was difficulty arranging for and collaborating with professional and support services. Problems associated with the child's emotional and mental state were viewed as the most stressful of all. No demographic variables showed a significant relationship to degree of overall stress.This study was supported by a research grant from the Academic Senate of the University of California, San Francisco. The assistance of Ann James in the data collection was greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

In the treatment of eating disorders, patients in either the acute or chronic stage are generally treated on outpatient basis as much as possible in the living condition of daily life. This paper describes the flow of diagnosis and treatment, first examination and introduction into treatment, way of parents treating their child, parental counseling, criteria for admission (immediate hospitalization or not), and outpatient therapy.  相似文献   

A total of 40 married and 22 unmarried female patients with eating disorders were studied in order to investigate the relationship between eating disorders and marriage. Eating disorders developed in 14 patients before marriage (premarital onset) and in 26 patients at the time of or after marriage (postmarital onset). The postmarital-onset group was characterized by a significantly higher age at onset, but was similar in age and duration of illness to the group of 22 unmarried patients. However, the various clinical features of the three groups did not differ. Four premarital-onset patients showed exaggerated clinical features after marriage, but the other patients showed no change in clinical features after marriage. In the postmarital-onset group, eating disorders were triggered in 18 patients (69%) by marital problems, separation or divorce. In contrast, eating disorders were triggered by dieting in order to lose weight in 8 patients (57%) in the premarital-onset group and 12 patients (55%) in the unmarried group. These results suggest that marital conflict plays an important role in the development and continuation of eating disorders in married women.  相似文献   

The authors present a pattern of electrophysiologic abnormalities from a computer-analyzed, electroencephalogram (EEG) and averaged evoked potential (AEP) test battery used in the assessment of a group of patients with eating disorders. This finding may be correlated with non-suppression on the dexamethasone suppression test (DST). The authors also review the relevant EEG literature, and discuss the potential role of this test battery in the evaluation of this patient population.  相似文献   

The incidence of sexual abuse in eating disorder patients appears significant. Fifty percent of both our anorectic and bulimic patients reported a history of sexual abuse while only 28% of a non-anorexic, non-bulimic control population reported similar problems (p less than 0.01). Several patterns of behavior seemed related to previous sexual assault. In one, the eating disorder was used to change the body image of the patient and therefore to provide a defense to future abuse. Other behaviors which occurred more specifically in bulimic women dealt with a projection of repressed anger toward male authority figures. Forty six percent of the bulimic women seen in our study exhibited some promiscuous behavior, using sex either as a gauge of their own self worth or as a means of punishing men. It is essential that sexual issues be addressed early in the treatment of patients with eating disorders. Disclosure is often difficult particularly in outpatient situations where the patient lives at home with her family. It usually does not occur in such cases until the later stages of therapy, or until the patient is hospitalized. Rape is the exception since our data suggests that it is usually revealed early in the course of treatment (p less than 0.001). Once disclosure occurs, a dramatic change is usually seen in the patient and treatment becomes more effective. As the patient deals with the issues of sexual abuse, they no longer need to deny their sexuality or punish themselves or others. Issues of guilt, depression, repressed anger, low self-esteem, social isolation and inadequacy are important and need to be addressed during the course of therapy with sexually abused patients.  相似文献   

The paper analyse the correlation between autonomy of patients with eating disorders and schizophrenia and autonomy of their parents. Triangulation within the 3-generations family system in both diagnostic groups is described.  相似文献   

Two eating disorder patients with hyperprolactinemia, attributed in the first to a prolactin-secreting pituitary macroadenoma and in the second to a microprolactinoma, are described. The findings suggest that prolactin level measurements may be indicated in eating disorder patients who have a history of atypical symptoms and/or menstrual disturbances that are unrelated to weight loss.  相似文献   

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