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合并肝功能不全外科病人的处理——肝脏储备功能的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于慢性肝病病人的肝脏组织受到破坏,其储备功能受损,手术后尤其是肝切除术后饭易发生肝功能衰竭。因此,术前正确评估肝脏的储备功能,对选择合理的治疗方法,把握合适的肝切除范围,减少术后肝衰的发生率具有重要意义。目前评价肝脏储备功能的方法较多,有传统生化指标、临床肝功能分级,定量肝功能试验、影像学检查等。  相似文献   

肝切除是目前治疗肝癌患者最有效的方法.在我国约80%的肝癌患者伴有不同程度的肝硬化.肝硬化患者的肝组织再生能力差,储备功能降低,肝癌合并肝硬化患者接受肝切除手术将面临更大的风险,术后主要死因是肝功能衰竭,因此,必须重视术前肝脏储备功能的评估.本文主要对肝癌患者术前肝脏储备功能的综合评估进行综述.  相似文献   

肝切除术是原发性及继发性肝脏恶性肿瘤的首选治疗方式,但肝切除术后肝功能衰竭(PHLF)的发生率仍然较高。术后余肝体积(RLV)和功能不足是PHLF发生的决定因素,因此,术前肝脏储备功能的准确评估对预防PHLF至关重要。CT等传统影像学方法预测RLV及其衍生指标(余肝比例、标准化余肝比例、RLV/体重、RLV/体表面积)...  相似文献   

肝癌是全球第六高发的恶性肿瘤,也是全球癌症死亡的第三大原因。尽管目前肝切除术仍然是根治肝癌的首选治疗方法,具有较高的治疗效果,但仍有部分患者的预后并不理想。其中,肝切除术后肝功能衰竭(PHLF)是围手术期主要的死亡原因。PHLF的发生与肝切除术后残余肝脏的体积和功能不足密切相关,因此,术前肝脏储备功能的准确评估显得至关重要。然而,慢性肝病的进展会引起肝功能储备的变化,肝脏不同区域功能存在差异,给术前准确评估带来巨大挑战。目前,常见的肝脏储备功能评估方法主要包括综合评分系统、实验室血清学检查、吲哚菁绿(ICG)清除试验、影像学以及核医学肝胆闪烁显像(HBS)等。其中血清学检查和临床评分系统是常用的肝功能不全筛查工具,成本低、易获取,广泛应用于临床。目前,ICG清除试验已纳入国内各规范指南及专家共识,但评估的仍是整体肝功能。钆塞酸二钠(Gd-EOB-DTPA)是肝胆特异性MRI对比剂,其不仅能够提供肝脏解剖信息,还能够对局部肝功能进行定量评估。与ICG清除试验相比,Gd-EOB-DTPA增强MRI在预测PHLF方面具有更高的预测价值。然而,由于高昂的成本、长时间的检查过程以及复杂的扫描序列...  相似文献   

术前评价肝脏储备功能的方法与意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
肝脏手术死亡最常见的原因是术后肝功能衰竭 ,有报道占术后总死亡率的 5 8%。合并肝硬化的肝癌术前如何准确评估其肝脏储备功能及对手术的耐受性 ,是每个肝脏外科医生经常遇到的问题。传统的 Child- Pugh分级虽然方法简单 ,但有时难以准确反映肝脏的储备功能 ,临床上经常遇到术前 Child-Pugh分级为 A级 ,术后却发生肝功能衰竭的病例。近年来各种评估肝脏储备功能的方法愈来愈多 ,反映肝脏储备功能的试验主要有以下几类 :1肝细胞能量代谢试验 :包括口服葡萄糖耐量试验 ( OGTT) ,胰高血糖素负荷试验 ( GLT)和动脉血酮体比测定( KBR) ;2…  相似文献   

近年来肝脏外科取得了快速发展,在大的肝脏外科中心肝切除死亡率<3%,其主要死因是术后肝功能衰竭[1,2].因此,必须重视对肝切除术前的肝脏储备功能的评估.基于此,对于肝癌合并明显肝硬化、肝脏大块切除术以及大于10 cm的巨大肝癌的切除等[3]复杂肝切除术均要求术前必须提供准确的肝储备功能评估以降低手术后肝衰的风险,并根据术前评估的肝脏储备功能状况,确立肝癌病人的个体化手术治疗方案.  相似文献   

目的 介绍肝储备功能常用评估方法的基本原理,同时比较各种评估方法的优缺点,为肝细胞癌患者能否手术治疗提供参考。方法 对肝细胞癌患者肝储备功能评估方法相关研究的文献进行综述。结果 从文献综述的结果看,Child-Pugh评分分级和吲哚菁绿清除试验是目前临床上肝细胞癌患者最常被使用的术前肝储备功能评估方法,白蛋白-胆红素分级、钆塞酸二钠增强磁共振成像等方法在预测肝切除术后肝衰竭方面的价值正在逐步被发掘。结论 肝细胞癌术前肝储备功能评估目前主要依靠临床参数与体积测量相结合,核医学和钆塞酸二钠增强磁共振成像的临床应用弥补了局部肝储备功能评估的缺陷,可能是未来转化治疗后评估肝储备功能的重要方法,但仍需更多的国内研究来证实其价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨肝门部胆管癌患者肝切除术前肝脏储备功能的评估方法及意义。方法单治疗组手术的肝门部胆管癌患者72例。比较通过靛氰绿(ICG)检测、三维成像(3D)重建评估后手术患者并发症发生率。结果 72例患者中,67例患者行ICG检测,56例ICG 15分钟滞留率(R15)10%,11例ICG R1510%。3D重建评估预留肝体积为(860.32±235.41)cm3,预留脏脏体积/全肝体积为38%~75%。32例患者术前采用ICG联合3D重建。术后并发胆漏5例,腹腔积液11例,并发症发生率为22.2%。各组间术后并发症发生率悲剧差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论术前ICG检查联合3D重建评估可定量评价患者肝脏储备功能,做出准确手术规划,减少术后并发症。  相似文献   

肝切除是原发性或继发性肝脏肿瘤的首选治疗方法.尽管在过去的10年里,肝切除技术已经得到了相当大的改进,而肝功能衰竭仍然是最令人担心的并发症,尤其是合并肝硬化的患者.近年来,外科医生为了提高切除率还在不断地尝试着攻克解剖和肿瘤体积的束缚.因此,准确的术前肝脏储备功能评估对于肝胆外科技术的提高非常重要.  相似文献   

在我国,原发性肝癌是第4位最常见的恶性肿瘤和第三大的肿瘤相关致死癌症,肝切除术是一种根治性治疗原发性肝癌方式,随着手术技术及围手术期管理不断成熟,肝切除术的安全性也不断提高,但是由于残余肝功能不足导致的术后肝功能衰竭仍然是术后死亡的主要原因,因此术前评估肝储备功能至关重要。目前评估肝储备功能的方法包括:传统的血液检查、Child-Pugh评分、MELD评分、吲哚菁绿清除试验、超声检测、CT体积法、普美显MRI及核医学等。Child-Pugh评分评估肝储备功能应用最广泛,但它的预测价值有限,根据其评分对患者分类,术前绝大部分的患者被分为Child-Pugh A级,但是他们的肝功能实际有很大区别。MELD评分最初用于预测肝癌经颈静脉肝内门体分流术术后的生存情况,已被用作对肝移植患者先后顺序进行排名的工具,但是不能决定肝脏切除范围。吲哚菁绿和其他代谢定量肝功能试验可以评估功能性肝细胞,使其更准确地预测肝功能。超声检测是一种非侵入性方法,通过测量肝脏硬度来评估慢性肝病患者的肝纤维化程度,从而间接预测肝储备功能。CT可以提供总肝体积和剩余肝脏体积的解剖信息,但是不能提供功能性肝体积,并且它的使用受到辐射量的限制,特别当需要重复检测时。动脉增强分数可用于检测早期、中期、晚期肝纤维化。Gd-EOB-DTPA是顺磁性肝胆MRI造影剂,与吲哚菁绿依赖相同的运输机制,因此与吲哚菁绿清除试验相类似,Gd-EOB-DTPA MRI可以用于肝功能的定量评估,并提供各个肝段储备功能信息。~(99m)TC-去唾液酸糖蛋白类似物半乳糖化人血清清蛋白显像联合SPECT、CT和三维重建,可能是衡量肝功能的更好定量指标,特别对于肝段间功能不均的受损肝脏。~(99m)Tc-甲溴苯宁肝胆显像与SPECT/CT联合越来越多应用于术前肝功能评估,这种动态定量的肝功能测定可同时评估总体和区域肝储备功能,以肝脏甲溴苯宁摄取率为准,从而有助于评估患者是否可行肝切除术。术前评估肝储备功能可以有效降低术后肝衰发生风险;但是以目前临床上常用的手段仍难以准确评估术前肝储备功能;笔者对以上方法及其优点一并进行综述。  相似文献   

??The value of liver functional reserve estimation in large liver cancer anatomic resection ZHOU Jian, YU Lei.Liver Cancer Institute, Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Cancer Invasion, Ministry of Education, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032,China
Corresponding author ??ZHOU Jian??E-mail: zhou.jian@zs-hospital.sh.cn
Abstract Liver resection is the main curative treatment for liver tumors. It is susceptible to complicate with postoperative liver failure (PLF) which is a major reason of perioperative death after tumor especially large tumor resection if functional reserve of residual liver is insufficient. Thus, it is important to precise preoperative liver functional reserve estimation to determine if patients tolerate liver resection size to avoid PLF. Currently there are three ways to estimate liver functional reserve before surgery: Dynamic liver function test such as Indocyanine Green Clearance (IGC) test and Monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) test; Clinical staging system such as Child-Pugh score; liver volume estimation. Since the recovery of liver function depends on residual liver volume, residual liver quality and the general condition of patients, it’s necessary to combine results from different tests to make the preoperative assessment comprehensive and accurate.  相似文献   

Predicting the ability of the cirrhotic liver to withstand resection remains a challenge for the surgeon. This study evaluates the use of the hippurate ratio, a novel assessment of glycine conjugation of paraaminobenzoic acid by the liver, as a preoperative indicator of functional hepatic reserve. Between 1998 and 2000, sixty-one cirrhotic patients were prospectively assessed for hepatic resection using the hippurate ratio, indocyanine green retention at 15 minutes (ICG R-l5), and other standard measures of liver function. Twenty-six patients were excluded as candidates for resection on the basis of inadequate functional hepatic reserve. Patients excluded from resection had significantly higher ICG R-15 values (29% ±9% vs. 16% ±12%, P = 0.00l), higher Child-Pugh scores (5.9 ± 0.9 vs. 5.3 ± 0.4, P = 0.01), and lower hippurate ratios (30% ±14% vs. 45% ± lS%, P = 0.005). There was a significant correlation between the hippurate ratio and ICG R-l5. Other indicators of liver function such as factor V, factor VII, albumin, bilirubin, protbrombin time, and transaminases were no different between patients who did and those who did not undergo resection. Of the 35 patients resected, there were seven (20%) who developed varying degrees of liver failure with three perioperative deaths (8.5%). Patients who had some degree of liver failure had significantly lower hippurate ratios than patients who had no liver failure (29% ±10% vs. 48% ±14%, P = 0.002). There was no difference in ICG R-15 values between patients who had liver failure and those who did not. The hippurate ratio offers information on hepatocellular reserve that is not provided by other measures of liver function and may allow better selection of cirrhotic patients for liver resection. Supported by a grant from the Physician’s Services Incorporated Foundation, Ontario, Canada. Presented at the Forty-First Annual Meeting of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, San Diego, Calif., May 2l–24, 2000.  相似文献   

背景与目的:肝脏肿瘤合并肝硬化患者,肝功能储备往往不足,在行肝切除后可易致并发症与肝功能不全的发生,因此术前精准评估患者病情以及术中精确切除范围,对行肝切除术的肝肿瘤合并肝硬化患者的预后至关重要.本研究探讨三维可视化技术(3DVT)联合吲哚菁绿(ICG)清除试验在肝肿瘤合并肝硬化患者手术中应用疗效.方法:回顾性分析20...  相似文献   

How much liver resection is too much?   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
BACKGROUND: Hepatic failure occurring after liver resection carries a poor prognosis and is a complication dreaded by surgeons. Inadequate reserve in the remaining parenchyma leads to a steady decrease in liver function, inability to regenerate, and progression to liver failure. For this reason, many methods to quantify functional hepatic reserve have been developed. METHODS: This article reviews the main methods used in the assessment of hepatic reserve in patients undergoing hepatectomy and their use in operative decision making. RESULTS: A range of methods to categorically quantify the functional reserve of the liver have been developed, ranging from scoring systems (such as the Child-Pugh classification) to tests assessing complex hepatic metabolic pathways to radiological methods to assess functional reserve. However, no one method has or is ever likely to emerge as a single measure with which to dictate safe limits of resectability. CONCLUSIONS: In the future, the role of residual liver function assessment may be of most benefit in the routine stratification of risk, thus enabling both patient consent to be obtained and surgical procedure to be performed, with full information and facts regarding operative risks. However, there is no one single test that remains conclusively superior.  相似文献   

??Quality control in liver resection for primary liver cancer SHEN Feng??ZHANG Xiao-feng. Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200438??China
Corresponding author: SHEN Feng, E-mail: shenfengehbh@
Abstract Liver resection remains the major option for achieving a long-term survival in patients with primary liver cancer. However, the high relevance of HBV infection and cirrhosis in our country and the complex in intrahepatic vascular and biliary anatomy seriously and adversely affect the safety and long-term efficacy of surgical resection. How to effectively optimize the quality of surgical resection is still recognized to be important for further improving surgical effectiveness, in addition to the tumor stage, morphology and invasive nature of individual patient. Therefore, a careful preoperative evaluation should be made based on the precisely tested, liver functional reserve, provided by a variety of functional tests and integrated imaging studies. Intra- and postoperative management should follow the principle of precision liver resection and damage control, through selecting appropriate anesthesia method, surgical approach, type and extent of liver resection, portal blocking methods and sugical equipments. The enhanced recovery after surgery is also recommended for suitable patients. In addition, the proper adjuvant procedures contribute a better surgical result.  相似文献   

肝切除术是目前肝癌病人获得长期生存的主要手段。但由于我国肝癌病人大多合并乙肝病毒感染和存在肝硬化背景,以及肝脏复杂的血管和胆道解剖结构,这些因素依然影响肝癌肝切除的安全性和远期疗效。除个体所患肝癌的分期、部位和侵袭性不同,有效提高手术切除质量是进一步提高肝癌疗效的重要因素。术前联合多种肝功能检测技术和现代影像学准确评估病人肝脏储备功能,以及不同肝切除方式对肝脏代偿能力的影响,以制定个体化治疗方案。术中和术后应遵循精准医疗和损伤控制原则,选择合适的麻醉方式、手术入路、肝切除范围、肝门阻断方式和断肝设备,充分考虑术后加速康复手段,为获得良好的近期和远期疗效奠定基础。术后辅以合适的综合治疗以巩固外科疗效。  相似文献   

肝癌手术治疗进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has increased worldwide over the past two decades. Surgical resection and liver transplantation have been demonstrated as potentially curative treatment options, which could be considered in 30% -40% of HCC patients. Recent advancements of surgical treatment have focused not only on the surgical techpiques, but also the hepatic functional reserve evaluation, resectability assessment and the effects of biological characteristics of tumor on prognosis. There is no single variable to evaluate the hepatic functional reserve accurately. Combined Child-Pugh classification, ICGI5, portal vein pressure detection and remanent liver volume measurement are required prior to liver resection. The 5-year survival rate after liver resection for HCC is about 50%. The results are acceptable for some selected patients that underwent tumor resection with thrombectomy, including HCC with portal vein tumor thrombus or bile duct thrombosis. The choice of local resection or regular hepatectomy is still controversial although the former is commonly performed to treat HCC with cirrhosis, and the latter is applied to HCC patients without liver cirrhosis. The results of liver transplanta-tion for HCC are better than liver resection, and the Milan criteria is generally accepted. Any attempts to expand the selection criteria should be cautious because of organ shortage. Salvage transplantation for intrabepatic recurrence after liver resection may be a good choice in some resectable HCC. The recurrence and metastasis after surgical treatment are the main obstacles to achieve better results. Identification of predictive factors could be helpful to develop prevention strategies. Due to the importance of biological characteristics in tumor recurrence and metastasis, a molecular classification to predict prognosis of HCC patients will lead to a more personalized medicine. Targeting key molecules of biological pathways could optimize the therapeutic modality in HCC.  相似文献   

Liver resection. Preoperative and postoperative care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liver resection is an increasingly common procedure. Despite a wide variety of indications, the preoperative and postoperative care required is similar. Experience with liver resection and transplantation has brought to light the significant alterations in fluid and electrolytes, hemostasis, metabolism, and pulmonary function that may result. A thorough understanding of these changes is required to minimize the morbidity and mortality rates of these procedures. Postoperative hepatic failure is a devastating complication, and careful patient selection is required to avoid this. More work is needed to identify better methods of evaluating functional hepatic reserve.  相似文献   

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