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远程医疗系统的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡添丁 《医疗装备》1999,12(10):16-16
随着计算机工业与网络技术的发展,计算机在医学领域中已普遍应用。目前在现行的市场经济日趋完善,医疗卫生事业发展也面临如何适应新形势的问题。于是一种以集话音、数据和图像构成一体的远程医疗系统也逐步进入大中型医院,作为一种特殊的系统,它具能使医院及时掌握到全面、正确、充足的信息,且工作效率快,同时为医疗、科研、教学提供所需信息提供方便。远程医疗系统比一般的远程会议系统要求高得多。一般的远程会议在ISDN上就能实现,而远程医疗系统要求更宽的传输带宽和保证充足的业务质量。实现远程医疗,要求异步传送方式(A…  相似文献   

远程医疗装备及其车载系统的发展现状   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
介绍了国内外远程医疗装备发展的历史与现状,论述了以车载系统为核心的远程医疗装备的系统构成,并对车载远程医疗装备所要解决的关键技术及其发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

远程医疗系统的发展和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
远程医疗是随着现代通信技术和信息技术的发展而出现的一种医疗模式。本文讲述了远程医疗系统的发展和应用。  相似文献   

适合中国国情的远程家庭医疗系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了远程医疗在国内外的发展概况。探讨了中国远程家庭医疗的发展方向,提出了一种适合中国国情的远程家庭医疗系统,并对该系统的组成、工作原理及关键组成部分:远程家庭监护仪及远程计算机中心处理系统进行了介绍。  相似文献   

基于Internet技术的远程医疗系统   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
在中低速公路上利用Internet的相关技术建立了一个实用的远程医疗系统。系统包括二个子系统:一是远程会诊系统;二是网上医疗资讯系统。使用NetMeting进行远程医疗会诊是该系统的关键,它将共享白板,共享应用程序,传送远程视频图像等很好地集成在一起,因此通过白板进行文字交谈,利用办公自动化套件显示有关会诊病历资料,再利用声音、视频、图像进行进一步的信息交流,这种会诊方式是基本可行的。网上医疗资讯系统分三类信息处理模式,即常规信息发布、交互式信息处理和多媒体信息交流,其分设了求医指南、健康之友、药品咨询等栏目。  相似文献   

信息化热潮是本世纪末的重要特征 ,随着信息化社会的进程及军队信息化建设步伐的迈进 ,人们的生活和生产方式正在产生巨大的变革 ,医疗保健的观念和方式亦随之发生了根本性的变化 ,其中远程医疗技术的发展和应用已成为一个引人注目的热点 ,它所提供的服务涉及医学的各个领域 ,并正在形成跨世纪的医疗新模式。1 远程医疗概况所谓远程医疗 (Telemedicine)是指利用现代远程通讯技术和计算机多媒体技术 ,跨越一定空间距离 ,为医护人员之间、医护人员和居民用户之间传递和提供卫生保健服务和共享医学知识信息的医学实践。即将医疗电子数据 ,包…  相似文献   

介绍一种利用现有医院信息系统(HIS)资源实现远程医疗及信息服务的解决方案。该系统选用远程访问服务(RAS)作为实施的技术基础,把整修医院信息系统的功能与远程医疗的功能有机地结合在一起,实现了远程教学、远程会诊、远程文献检索及远程预约挂号等功能,具有投资少、易实现、见效大等优点。  相似文献   

介绍P2P-SIP网络系统的结构及功能以及在远程医疗系统中的应用。P2P-SIP技术充分利用了SIP协议和P2P技术各自的特点,解决了传统远程医疗系统的实时性和拓展性问题,具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

浅谈远程医疗系统的建设与管理   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
目前,为了满足社会与病人的需求,有效地利用卫生资源,减轻病人负担,为抢救危重患者赢得时间,提高医院的两个效益,各大医院开展远程医疗十分必要。为此,医院在建设远程医疗系统时,首先配置完善的系统;其次要注意系统功能满足相关要求;第三要配置相应的硬件,并注意其构成。在此基础上,发挥系统功能,抓好质量管理,选择好会诊专家,配置精明的工作人员,做好资料的积累和管理,防范纠纷。  相似文献   

近几年,我国省市级医院大都建立远程医疗中心或开通了远程医疗系统,而最需要远程医疗服务的农村基层医院在这方面的工作却大大地落后了,因此加快农村远程医疗系统的建设势在必行.建设农村远程医疗系统的意义主要有三个方面:改善医疗资源的配置,提高农村卫生保健水平,降低农民的医疗费用.随着宽带网在乡村的建设和使用,农村远程医疗系统的实现就变得简单易行了,在管理上应严格按照卫生部发布的文件精神进行,同时加强专业人才的培训.  相似文献   

远程医疗会诊系统的应用与实现方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
远程医疗会诊可以为偏远地区提供良好的医疗保健服务,使得共享大城市医学专家的会诊和治病指导成为可能。本文介绍了远程医疗会诊系统在医院中的应用、主要作用及在我院的实现方案。  相似文献   

对国内远程医疗发展现状进行分析,比较了目前实现远程医疗的两种方式:移动应用方式和终端虚拟化方式。根据我院的业务需求,采用终端虚拟化技术实现远程医疗,并得出项目实施后的结论和评价。  相似文献   

基于技术持续采纳行为和跨组织知识共享等视界,通过对现有文献与实践的综述,认为国内外现有文献,在理论上缺少对远程医疗持续采纳行为和跨组织知识共享模式的研究;在方法上缺少实证研究,无法构建远程医疗持续采纳行为模型;在实践应用上缺少针对我国医疗情景下的远程医疗服务管理模式的研究.籍此,建议后继研究可以从个体和组织两个层面,研究我国远程医疗服务使用者持续采纳行为模型及医疗机构跨组织协调模式,同时提出优化我国远程医疗的对策.  相似文献   

将远程医疗纳入基本医疗保险的报销范围,促进其应用与推广,有助于提升基层、欠发达地区医疗水平,合理化就诊结构,优化转诊模式,符合基本医疗保险的原则,且操作上为亦可行.为保障基本医疗保险金不因此被滥用,政府还需制定合理的报销上限与报销比例、明确远程医疗服务中各方的责任关系、建立有效的监督机制.  相似文献   

远程会诊在医疗救治方面发挥着重要作用。通过分析发现,国内远程会诊面临多主体医疗责任归属不明确、患者知情同意权和隐私权受侵害、跨境会诊资格限制等风险,对此提出建议如下:以协议划分医疗纠纷责任主体,统一知情同意书格式,强化知情同意过程管理,有效实施信息安全保护制度,构建跨境远程会诊医师专业评估体系等,以期促进远程会诊发挥最大效用。  相似文献   

ObjectivesAn increasing reliance on telemedicine for older adults with cognitive impairment requires a better understanding of the barriers and facilitators for this unique patient population.DesignThe study team queried PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Scopus, and ClinicalTrials.gov on May 1, 2020, for studies in English published from January 2010 to May 2020.Setting and ParticipantsWe conducted a systematic review of articles investigating the use of telemedicine among older adults with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) that focused on the patient and care partner perspectives.MethodsTelemedicine encounter purpose, technological requirements, and findings regarding sensory needs were extracted. The Cochrane Collaboration's Risk of Bias Tool was applied for quality assessment.ResultsThe search yielded 3551 abstracts, from which 90 articles were reviewed and 17 were included. The purpose of telemedicine encounters included routine care, cognitive assessment, and telerehabilitation. All studies reported successful implementation of telemedicine, supported by patient and care partner satisfaction, similar results on cognitive assessment and diagnosis compared to in-person visits, and improvement in outcome measures following rehabilitation. Sixteen studies relied on staff and care partners to navigate technologies. Six studies reported participants reporting difficulty hearing the provider during the telemedicine visits. Five studies excluded participants with visual or hearing impairment because of the potential difficulty of using telemedicine technology. No studies reported technological adaptations to account for sensory impairment.Conclusions and ImplicationsTelemedicine is well received among patients and care partners, but successful delivery incorporates support staff and the care partners to navigate technologies. The exclusion of older adults with sensory impairment, especially given that it is highly prevalent, in developing telemedicine systems may further exacerbate access to care in this population. Adapting technologies for sensory needs is critical to the advancement of accessible dementia care through telemedicine.  相似文献   

The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a positive single-stranded RNA virus that can be immediately translated and integrated into the host cell with its own RNA messenger, facilitating replication inside the cell and infectivity. The rapid progression of the disease presents a real challenge for the whole world. As the usual capacity for citizen care is exceeded, health professionals and governments struggle. One of the most important strategies to reduce and mitigate the advance of the epidemic are social distance measures; this is where telemedicine can help, and provide support to the healthcare systems, especially in the areas of public health, prevention and clinical practices, just as it is doing in others sectors.Telemedicine connects the convenience, low cost, and ready accessibility of health-related information and communication using the Internet and associated technologies. Telemedicine during the coronavirus epidemic has been the doctors’ first line of defense to slow the spread of the coronavirus, keeping social distancing and providing services by phone or videoconferencing for mild to focus personal care and limited supplies to the most urgent cases.  相似文献   

分析远程专家诊疗方式,对信息服务平台的体系结构、功能模块和基本业务流程进行了探讨。本信息服务平台的构建模式,能够与不同医院的PACS、HIS系统进行连接和信息传榆,解决了远程会诊中信息传输的难题。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe number of people in the United States living with dementia is projected to rise to over 7.1 million in the next 12 years, representing a 40% increase from current levels. This anticipated “dementia tsunami” has led to a recent state and national policy emphasis on early detection, improved care quality, reduced caregiver burden, and increased access to care. The ability to achieve these objectives is limited by few dementia specialists in rural and small communities and the challenges of travel to and within congested urban regions for dementia patients and their caregivers. Telemedicine is one such means for responding to this lack of access to subspecialty assessment and care. We describe our early experiences with this technology applied to neuropsychological assessments, with data from 31 patients.MethodsAs part of an interdisciplinary dementia care demonstration project, clinical video teleconferencing provides real-time high resolution video interactions between dementia subspecialists in a major metropolitan medical center and patients in 3 outlying clinics located 180, 150, and 100 miles away. Comprehensive neuropsychological assessments, designed to address referral questions related to neurocognitive disorders via clinical video teleconferencing, are conducted as one component of interdisciplinary care.OutcomesEighty-seven percent of patients referred for neuropsychological assessment had an inaccurate neurocognitive diagnosis at the time of referral. Unmet and unrecognized mental health treatment needs were identified in over 77% of patients. In addition, acceptance was good for patients, caregivers, and clinicians.DiscussionTeleneuropsychology is proving to be an excellent resource for clarifying cognitive and psychiatric diagnoses, and integrating individual strengths, weaknesses, and preferences into treatment and care plans used by other health care providers, patients, and caregivers.  相似文献   

为探讨远程医疗会诊系统的应用,本介绍了PC3000、Netmeeting和VSM远程会诊系统的功能、使用方法以及注意事项。为远程医疗会诊系统在我国更广泛地应用提供经验。  相似文献   

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