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The aim of this study was to investigate ethnic differences in different aspects of social participation in Malm?, Sweden. The public health survey in Malm? 1994 is a cross-sectional study. A total of 5600 randomly chosen individuals aged 20-80 years were asked to complete a postal questionnaire. The participation rate was 71%. The population was divided into categories born in Sweden, Denmark/Norway, other Western countries, former Yugoslavia, Poland, Arabic speaking countries and all other countries. The age-adjusted and multivariate analyses were performed using a logistic regression model in order to investigate the importance of possible confounders (age, education, economic stress and unemployment) on the differences by country of origin in different aspects of social participation. Men and women born in Arabic speaking countries and other countries (Iran, Turkey, Vietnam, Chile and subsaharan Africa) participate to a significantly lower extent in a variety of civic and social activities when compared to the reference population born in Sweden. The differences in participation in these groups compared to the group born in Sweden are observed both for social participation items at the core of the definition of social capital and cultural and other activities unrelated to social capital. This pattern is particularly pronounced for women born in Arabic speaking countries. These women even sharply differ from the participation rates of men born in Arabic speaking countries. The ethnic differences in most cases do not seem to be explained satisfactorily by education, economic stress or possibly unemployment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim was to investigate ethnic differences in daily smoking in Malm?, Sweden, and whether these differences could be explained by psychosocial and economic conditions. METHODS: The public health survey in Malm? 1994 is a cross-sectional study. A total of 5,600 individuals aged 20-80 years were randomly chosen to respond to a postal questionnaire. The participation rate was 71%. The study population was divided into seven categories according to country of birth; Sweden, Denmark/Norway, other Western countries, former Yugoslavia, Poland, Arabic-speaking countries and all other countries. A multivariate analysis was performed using a logistic regression model in order to investigate the importance of possible confounders on the ethnic differences in daily smoking. Finally, variables measuring social network, social support and economic conditions were introduced. RESULTS: The prevalence of daily smoking was significantly higher among both men and women born in Denmark/Norway (39.1% and 37.0%), men born in other Western countries (32.9%), Poland (34.0%) and Arabic-speaking countries (36.4%) than among Swedish men (21.7%) and women (23.8%). Women born in Arabic-speaking countries had a significantly lower smoking prevalence (7.1%). The multivariate analysis, including age, education and snuff, did not affect these results. A reduction of the odds ratio of daily smoking was observed for men born in Arabic-speaking countries and Poland after the introduction of the psychosocial and economic factors in the model. Only small changes were observed for women. CONCLUSION: There were significant ethnic group differences in daily smoking. Psychosocial and economic conditions in Sweden may be of importance in some ethnic groups.  相似文献   

We conducted a cross-sectional pilot study on healthy pre-menopausal women (aged 45-50 years) living in Granada, in the south of Spain (n = 39) and Malm?, in the south of Sweden (n = 38) in order to compare their plasma carotenoid levels and to investigate the relationship between the differences in food consumption. Plasma concentrations of six carotenoids were measured using high performance liquid chromatography, habitual diet (at individual level) was estimated by food frequency questionnaires and 24-hour diet recalls were used for standardised measurement of diet at group-level. We found that women in Granada consumed more fruit and vegetables than women in Malm?. Plasma concentrations of beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, zeaxanthin, total carotenoids and alpha-tocopherol were higher in Granada than in Malm?, although plasma concentrations of alpha-carotene and retinol were higher in Malm?. Both within and between study centres, consumption of fruit and vegetables correlated positively with plasma concentrations of different carotenoids. The study showed that differences in consumption of fruit and vegetables between the two European centres were reflected in plasma carotenoid concentrations.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE—To assess whether in an urban population stage at breast cancer diagnosis is related to area of living and to what extent intra-urban differences in breast cancer mortality are related to incidence respectively stage at diagnosis.DESIGN—National registries were used to identify cases. Mortality in 17 residential areas was studied in relation to incidence and stage distribution using linear regression analysis. Areas with high and low breast cancer mortality, incidence and proportion of stage II+ tumours at diagnosis were also compared in terms of their sociodemographic profile.SETTING—City of Malmö in southern Sweden.PATIENTS—The 1675 incident breast cancer cases and 448 deaths that occurred in women above 45 years of age in Malmö 1986-96.MAIN RESULTS—Average annual age standardised breast cancer mortality ranged between residential areas, from 35/105 to 107/105, p=0.04. Mortality of breast cancer was not correlated to incidence, r= 0.22, p=0.39. The ratio of stage II+/0-I cancer incidence varied between areas from 0.45 to 1.99 and was significantly correlated to breast cancer mortality, r= 0.53, p=0.03. Areas with high proportion of stage II+ cancers and high mortality/incidence ratio were characterised by a high proportion of residentials receiving income support, being foreigners and current smokers.CONCLUSIONS—Within this urban population there were marked differences in breast cancer mortality between residential areas. Stage at diagnosis, but not incidence, contributed to the pattern of mortality. Areas with high proportion of stage II+ tumours differed unfavourably in several sociodemographic aspects from the city average.  相似文献   

We conducted a first pilot study on healthy women living in two countries with different dietary habits, Granada in the south of Spain and Malm? in the south of Sweden, in order to compare their levels of plasma phospholipid fatty acids, and to examine the relationship between the differences in food consumption. This study is part of a pilot study which is nested in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, a multi-centre prospective cohort study on diet, plasma concentrations of antioxidants and fatty acids, and markers of oxidative stress. Thirty-nine women in Granada and thirty-eight women in Malm?, aged 45-50 years (all pre-menopausal) were selected among the female participants in the cohorts from these two countries. Individual measurements of the women's habitual diet were obtained by a food frequency questionnaire. 24-hour diet recalls were used for the standardised measurement of diet at group level. Plasma phospholipid fatty acid composition was determined by capillary gas chromatography. We found a different fatty acid profile in plasma between the two populations, with higher mean levels of palmitic acid (16:0), palmitoleic acid (16:1) (n-7), oleic acid (18:1), alpha-linolenic acid (18:3) (n-3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5) (n-3), and lower mean levels of stearic acid (18:0) in Malm? compared to Granada. Women in Malm? consumed more meat, alcoholic beverages and sugar, and less fish and shellfish than women in Granada. We conclude that the fatty acid composition in plasma phospholipids is different between women from the two European centres. For polyunsaturated fatty acids, differences were observed for (n-3) fatty acids. In relation to these differences, we observed that specific food intakes, particularly meat and fish, varied between the two centres.  相似文献   

The current study examines self-rated health status and functional health differences between first-generation immigrant and Canadian-born (CB) persons who share the same ethnocultural origin, and the extent to which such differences reflect social structural and health-related behavioural contexts. Multivariate analyses of data from the 2000/2001 Canadian Community Health Survey indicate that first-generation immigrants of Black and French ethnicity tend to have better health than their CB counterparts, while the opposite is true for those of South Asian and Chinese origins, providing evidence that for these groups, immigrant status matters. West Asians and Arabs and other Asian groups are advantaged in health regardless of country of birth. Health differences between ethnic foreign-born and CB persons generally converge after controlling for sociodemographic, socioeconomic status (SES), and lifestyle factors. Analysis of the data does however reveal extensive ethnocultural disparities in self-rated and functional health within both the immigrant and CB populations. Implications for health care policy and programme development are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The influence of neighbourhood and individual factors on self-reported health was investigated. METHODS: The public health survey in Malm? 1994 is a cross-sectional study. A total of 3,602 individuals aged 20-80 living in 75 neighbourhoods answered a postal questionnaire. The participation rate was 71%. A multilevel logistic regression model, with individuals at the first level and neighbourhoods at the second, was performed. We analysed the effect (intra-area correlation, cross-level modification and odds ratios) of neighbourhood on self-reported health after adjustment for individual factors. RESULTS: The neighbourhoods accounted for 2.8% of the crude total variance in self-reported health status. This effect was significantly reduced when individual factors such as country of origin, education and social participation were included in the model. In fact, no significant variance in self-reported health remained after the introduction of the individual factors in the model. CONCLUSIONS: In Malm?, the neighbourhood variance in self-reported health is mainly affected by individual factors, especially country of origin, socioeconomic status measured as level of education and individual social participation.  相似文献   

Household scanner data are increasingly used to inform health policy such as sugar‐sweetened beverage taxes. This article examines whether differences in the level of reported expenditures between IRI Consumer Network scanner panel and the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) lead to important differences in demand elasticities and policy simulation outcomes. Using each dataset, we estimated a structural consumer demand system with seven food groups and a numéraire good. To compare the two datasets on a level playing field, we went to great lengths to ensure that the explanatory variables in the two demand models were comparably constructed. Results indicate that scanner data households are not consistently more price responsive than the general population and underreported Consumer Network expenditures do not seem to result in systematic differences in price elasticities. The income elasticities are uniformly lower in Consumer Network than in CES for higher income households because of the positive association between income and the degree of underreporting. This, however, has limited effects on uncompensated price elasticities and policy simulations because food budget shares are small for higher income households. Overall, these findings support continued use of household scanner data in health policy research related to effects of price (dis)incentives.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective was to investigate whether socioeconomic differences in fat intake may explain socioeconomic differences in cardiovascular diseases. METHODS: The Malm? Diet and Cancer Study is a prospective cohort study. The baseline examinations used in the present cross-sectional study were undertaken in 1992-1994. Dietary habits were assessed using a modified diet history method consisting of a 7-day menu book and a 168-item questionnaire. A subpopulation of 11 837 individuals born 1926-1945 was investigated. This study examined high fat intake, defined as >35.9% among men and >34.8% among women (25% quartile limit) of the proportion of the non-alcohol energy intake contributed by fat. The subfractions saturated, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids and the P:S ratio (polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids) were analysed in the same way. The uppermost quartile (75%) of total and subgroup fat intake was also studied. Socioeconomic differences before and after adjustment for low energy reporting (LER), defined as energy intake below 1.2 x Basal Metabolic Rate, were examined. RESULTS: No socioeconomic differences in fat intake were seen between the SES groups, except for self-employed men, and male and female pensioners. Approximately 20% in most SES groups were LER. The LER and body mass index were strongly related. The SES pattern of fat intake remained unchanged after adjustment for age, country of origin and LER in a logistic regression model. The results for the subfractions of fat and the P:S ratio did not principally differ from the total fat results. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides no evidence that fat intake contributes to the inverse socioeconomic differences in cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years, J?nk?ping County in Sweden has made impressive progress in improving its health care system. The motor of improvement work is Qulturum, an innovation and learning center within the health system. Qulturum has no responsibilities for clinical or administrative functions; its sole mission is improvement work. Qulturum's improvement strategy is based on 3 principles: (1) Learning is key to improvement, (2) Improvement needs to be broad and deep, and (3) Improvement must be both bottom-up and top-down. Based on these principles, J?nk?ping County has achieved timely access to primary and specialty care, has improved the care of a number of chronic conditions, and has accomplished these goals without increases in expenditures. The United States could benefit by instituting Qulturum-like centers of learning and innovation within health systems.  相似文献   

Objectives. Self‐reports of past heavy drinking correlate with the current drinking practices and with risk of mortality in non‐Hispanic males. The prevalence of past heavy drinking has not been reported in Hispanic populations.

Methods. Using data from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES) we (1) report on the prevalence, duration and severity of past heavy drinking in three Hispanic groups, (2) compare the current alcohol consumption patterns among past heavy drinkers and those who do not report a history of past heavy drinking and (3) compare the risk factor profiles and health indicators in these two groups.

Results. The prevalence of past heavy drinking among Mexican American and Puerto Rican males ranged from 28–35% while the rates for Cuban American males ranged from 7–16%. The rates for Hispanic women were much lower (1–8%). The average years of past heavy drinking ranged from 2.3–14.9 years, while the alcohol consumption during the past heavy drinking period ranged from 24.4–44.0 drinks per week. Past heavy drinkers tended to consume more alcohol at present than did never heavy drinkers with the greatest differences found for Mexican American females. Comparisons of the risk factors and health indicators by drinking status revealed a higher prevalence of smoking among past heavy drinkers (50–60%) versus never heavy drinkers (34–43%). Past heavy drinking Mexican American females also reported significantly more chronic conditions and depressive symptoms than did never heavy drinkers.

Conclusions. Prevalence rates of past heavy drinking among Mexican American and Puerto Rican males are approximately three times higher than rates reported for non‐Hispanic male populations.  相似文献   

AIMS: A study was undertaken to examine whether poor self-rated health (SRH) can independently predict all-cause mortality during 22-year follow-up in middle-aged men and women. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Data are derived from a population-based study in Malm?, Sweden. This included baseline laboratory testing and a self-administered questionnaire. The question on global SRH was answered by 15,590 men (mean age 46.4 years) and 10,089 women (49.4 years). Social background characteristics (occupation, marital status) were based on data from national censuses. Mortality was retrieved from national registers. RESULTS: At screening 4,261 (27.3%) men and 3,085 (30.6%) women reported poor SRH. Among subjects rating their SRH as low, 1,022 (24.0%) men and 228 (7.4%) women died during follow-up. Corresponding figures for subjects rating their SRH as high were 1801 (15.9%) men and 376 (5.4%) women. An analysis of survival in subjects reporting poor SRH revealed an age-adjusted hazard risk ratio (HR, 95%CI) for men HR 1.5 (1.4-1.7), and for women HR 1.4 (1.2-1.6). The corresponding HR after adjusting for possible social confounders was for men HR 1.3 (1.1-1.4), and women HR 1.1 (0.9-1.4). When additional adjustment was made for biological risk factors the association for men was still significant, HR 1.2 (1.1-1.3). CONCLUSION: Poor SRH predicts increased long-term mortality in healthy, middle-aged subjects. For men the association is independent of both social background and selected biological variables. The adjustment for biological variables can be questioned as they might represent mediating mechanisms in a possible causal chain of events.  相似文献   

For a decade J?nk?ping County Council in Sweden has undertaken a countywide effort to improve health and health care with measured success. This issue describes this quality improvement journey.  相似文献   

While many societies have made remarkable progress in population health improvements, health inequalities remain as a central concern to health policy. There is substantial evidence to show that differences in health achievements and access to health care are increasing both within and among societies. Socio-economic and environmental health determinants are strongly associated to population health status regardless of what risk factor or technological advance is in vogue. Understanding the fundamental causes underlying the existence of health inequalities is useful for guiding health policy as it provides a direction to guide resource allocation and the targeting of policy interventions. The purpose of this paper is to review current perspectives and methods in the assessment of health inequalities with particular relevance to public health policymakers and practitioners.  相似文献   

This paper examines gender differences in health, based on data from over 14,000 men and women aged 60 and above from 3 years of the British General Household Survey, 1992-1994. There is little difference between the sexes in the reporting of self-assessed health and limiting longstanding illness, but older women are substantially more likely to experience functional impairment in mobility and personal self-care than men of the same age. These findings persist after controlling for the differential social position of men and women according to their marital status, social class, income and housing tenure. The results reveal a paradox in health reporting among older people; for a given level of disability, women are less likely to assess their health as being poor than men of the same age after accounting for structural factors. Older women's much higher level of functional impairment co-exists with a lack of gender difference in self-assessed health.  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that socio-economic status (SES) inequalities in health are smaller in women than men, but the evidence is inconsistent as to whether this applies across various health measures and life stages. The first aim of this paper was to establish whether the magnitude of social inequality in health differs for men and women during early adulthood, specifically in respect to self rated health, limiting long-standing illness, psychological distress, respiratory symptoms, asthma/wheezing, height and obesity; second, to determine whether explanations for socioeconomic inequality in poor self rated health differ for men and women. Analyses are based on longitudinal data from the British 1958 birth cohort study using information from birth to age 33. When gender differences in inequalities were examined using social class, no significant differences emerged across the seven health measures examined at ages 23 and 33. SES inequalities based on education, however, showed greater inequality among men at age 33 for limiting long-standing illness and respiratory symptoms, but greater inequality among women for poor rated health at age 23 and psychological distress at age 33. Hence, gender differences in the magnitude of health inequality were inconsistent across age and health measures. An analysis of the contribution of explanatory factors to social class differences in self-rated health suggested that causes of inequality were similar for men and women. However, some discrepancies emerged, notably in the greater contribution of job insecurity to class differences for men and in the greater contribution of age at first child for women. The magnitude and explanations for gender differences in SES health inequalities are likely to vary according to life stage and health measure.  相似文献   

As evidence accumulates that both unhealthy behaviors and inadequate access to health care are responsible in part for poor health, there is a tendency to attribute the differences in health status between the poor and the affluent to the higher prevalence of unhealthy behaviors and inadequate access to health care among people of low socioeconomic status (SES). The purpose of this study is to determine quantitatively how much health behaviors and health insurance coverage account for the SES disparity in health. The study employed secondary analysis of data collected through the Kentucky Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System for 2000. After adjusting for health behaviors and health insurance coverage, the differences in health among different levels of SES (measured by education and income) remained strong and significant. Health behaviors and health insurance coverage accounted for 10-16% of the socioeconomic differences in health.  相似文献   

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