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目的 探讨腹腔镜肝切除术治疗左肝内胆管结石的技术与疗效。 方法 回顾性分析2011年1月至2016年12月完成67例腹腔镜肝切除术治疗左肝内胆管结石临床及随访资料。 结果 全部67例患者合并左半肝或左外叶肝萎缩,腔镜手术方式包括左外叶肝切除48例、左半肝切除19例。其他腹腔镜下联合术式包括:胆囊切除术52例、胆总管探查术43例、T管引流术39例,胆总管一期修补术4例。手术切口长度(4.67±1.26)cm。术后发生胆漏3例,均经引流观察后自愈;1例因术后腹腔大出血合并胆瘘再手术治愈;肝脓肿1例,膈下脓肿1例,均经穿刺引流治愈。 结论 腹腔镜肝切除术治疗左肝内胆管结石安全可靠,术中应尽量取净其他胆道残余结石并连续紧密缝合左肝管残端。如结石已被取净胆总管的探查和T管引流并非必需。  相似文献   

手助腹腔镜肝切除术治疗肝内胆管结石的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:评价手助腹腔镜肝切除术治疗肝内胆管结石的可行性和微创性。方法:2004年7月至2008年12月天津微创外科中心共收治符合研究条件的患者68例,随机分为手助腹腔镜肝切除组(hand-assisted laparoscopic hepatectomy,HALH)和开腹肝切除组(open hepatectomy,OH),对比分析两组的手术时间、术中出血量、术后肠道功能恢复时间、止痛剂应用例次、术后住院时间及围手术期C反应蛋白的变化。结果:HALH组与OH组的手术时间、术中出血量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但HALH组术后肠道功能恢复较OH组快,且住院时间短,止痛剂应用次数少,术后C反应蛋白上升幅度小、下降快,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:HALH治疗肝胆管结石比开腹手术患者创伤小,康复快。  相似文献   

目的 探讨完全腹腔镜规则性左半肝切除术治疗左肝内胆管结石的可行性及安全性.方法 2007年1月至2011年6月,区域性控制左半肝入肝血流情况下,运用多种器械对8例左肝内胆管结石患者行完全腹腔镜规则性左半肝切除术.结果 所有患者均成功完成手术,手术时间100~255min(平均173min),术中出血量为100~500mL(平均225mL),术后第1天自行下地活动,术后1~2d拔除胃肠减压管、进食,术后1周左右(平均7.1d)出院,术后无严重并发症发生,术后无结石残留、复发.结论 腹腔镜规则性左半肝切除术治疗左肝内胆管结石是安全和可行的,同时具有微创的优势,是治疗左肝内胆管结石的一种较好选择.  相似文献   

腹腔镜左半肝切除治疗肝内胆管结石的临床研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的探讨腹腔镜左半肝切除治疗肝内胆管结石的可行性。方法 9例肝胆管结石的病例,经应用电刀、超声刀等断肝方法,肝断面采用腔镜下用肝针缝合,并喷洒生物蛋白胶等处理方法,行腹腔镜左半肝切除术,其中行规则性左半肝切除术2例,不规则性左半肝切除术7例;合并胆囊切除7例。结果 9例病人手术均获得成功,手术时间(289.44±25.05)min;术中出血(308.89±65.28)ml;术后恢复顺利,无并发症,病人住院时间(6.67±1.22)d;残石率0(0/9)。结论腹腔镜左半肝切除治疗肝胆管结石安全、可行,具有微创的优点;可作为治疗肝胆管结石的一种新的选择。  相似文献   

肝内胆管结石的腹腔镜治疗   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的探讨腹腔镜治疗肝内胆管结石的方法。方法2000年3月~2005年3月,57例肝内胆管结石在腹腔镜下将肝总管高位切开至左右肝管汇合部,显露左右肝管的开口,在腹腔镜监视下,用取石钳、取石网篮、加压冲洗等方法将左右肝管内结石取出,进而利用扩张的左右肝管,显露二级胆管的开口,取出二级胆管结石,在二级胆管明显扩张时,还可以看到三级胆管内的结石,并将其取出。存在较多泥沙样结石时,导尿管反复冲洗胆道。结果中转开腹3例(5.3%,3/57)。57例手术时间75~275 m in,(136±54)m in。49例(86.0%,49/57)术后仍有残石,需要1~4次胆道镜取石。术后胆漏5例(8.8%,5/57),经腹腔引流治愈。43例随访0.5~5年,(2.3±1.5)年,优38例(88.4%),良3例(7.0%),差2例(4.6%)。结论腹腔镜下肝内胆管结石可通过肝总管高位切开的方法较好地显露一、二级胆管,甚至三级胆管,在腹腔镜监视下将结石取出。  相似文献   

肝段切除术治疗早期肝内胆管结石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早期的肝内胆管结石由于临床症状轻,如何选择治疗是胆管外科尚待解决的课题。我科自1993年1月~1998年1月采用肝段切除术治疗早期的肝内胆管结石13例,取得了良好的疗效,现报道如下。临床资料13例中男10例,女3例。年龄21~38岁,平均28-4岁。病程3个月~1年,平均6-7个月,合并糖尿病者1例。13例均有慢性右上腹疼痛,4例伴有低热,均无寒战、高热或黄疸。13例行B超及CT检查,诊断符合率分别为75-0%(9/22)、100%(12/12),行ERCP检查8例,诊断符合率为87-5%(7/…  相似文献   

完全腹腔镜肝叶切除术治疗肝内胆管结石   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
肝内胆管结石取石后残石率和复发率都比较高, 1957年黄志强首先提出肝叶段切除治疗肝内胆管结石,治疗效果很好,优良率可达到90.6%,蔡景修报道749例肝叶段切除治疗肝内胆管结石优良率达87.17%。我们自2000年12月开始尝试完全腹腔镜下左肝叶切除治疗复杂  相似文献   

腹腔镜肝切除治疗肝内胆管结石   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的探讨腹腔镜肝切除治疗肝内胆管结石的可行性。方法选择肝内胆管结石患者8例,全麻下行腹腔镜肝切除术,术中胆道镜胆管探查和取石。结果8例患者均成功完成手术,手术时间平均为170(100-260)min,术中出血为160(30-600)ml,均未输血,术中取净结石6例,肝内胆管结石残留2例。无并发症,5-8 d出院。随访患者恢复良好。结论腹腔镜肝切除术能够治疗左侧肝内胆管结石,为复杂性肝内胆管结石的治疗提供又一新选择。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜下右半肝切除治疗肝内胆管结石的可行性、安全性.方法 回顾性分析3例腹腔镜下右半肝切除术患者的临床资料、手术操作要点及治疗效果.结果 3例患者2例成功,手术时间分别为340 min和300 min,出血量分别为800 ml和400 ml,均未输血.2例患者术后均有少量胆漏(30~60ml/d),4~8 d胆漏自行停止,6~10 d后拔除引流管.术后住院分别为9d和11d.另1例因断肝过程出血明显而中转开腹,中转开腹前出血量约600ml.3例患者术后恢复均顺利.结论 腹腔镜下右半肝切除治疗肝内胆管结石是安全可行的.  相似文献   

肝胆管结石的微创外科治疗进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨肝胆管结石的微创外科治疗进展。方法对国内、外有关肝胆管结石的微创外科治疗方面的文献进行综述。结果腹腔镜肝切除术和腹腔镜下胆道探查取石可获得良好的效果,纤维胆道镜在肝胆管结石术中和术后的应用具有重要的意义。结论肝胆管结石应采取个体化的治疗方案,腹腔镜、纤维胆道镜等多路微创手术的联合应用可提高肝胆管结石的治愈率。  相似文献   

Major liver resections remain a challenge for liver surgeons. This video illustrates, step by step, a totally laparoscopic technique for left hepatectomy with intraoperative exploration of the remaining biliary tree in a patient with unilateral hepatolithiasis. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

目的总结我院肝内胆管结石病行保留Oddi括约肌的胆管狭窄整形术(Oddi sphincter-preserved cholangioplasty with hepatico-subcutaneous stoma,OSPCHS)96例中长期随访结果。方法回顾我院1994年6月~2006年12月肝内胆管结石病行OSPCHS后随访达3年以上96例的临床资料,报道OSPCHS术后胆管炎和与肝内胆管结石相关性腹痛复发病例的微创治疗结果及转归。结果96例中完全无症状的64例。症状复发32例,其中有与肝内胆管结石相关的腹痛13例,有胆管炎复发19例,胆管炎复发率为19.8%(19/96)。32例平均随访时间为8.1年(3~13.5年)。复发的原因包括残余胆道狭窄(5例)和残余结石(1例),新结石的产生(18例),新的良性胆道狭窄和结石(5例)以及肝门部胆管癌的发生(3例)。除3例拒绝进一步治疗外,16例经过切开皮下盲襻胆道镜治疗后继续随访3.2年无症状,10例有胆道狭窄合并结石(包括残余狭窄和新的狭窄)的仍然有胆管炎或腹痛症状,3例因罹患肝门部胆管癌死亡。结论OSPCHS术后结石和胆管炎复发的病例通过皮下盲襻切开胆道镜取石等治疗避免了再次开放的大手术。OSPCHS是治疗病变非局限化的肝内胆管结石病的最佳选择;处理胆道狭窄仍然是预防结石和胆管炎复发的关键。  相似文献   

肝部分切除联合胆道镜治疗肝内胆管结石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨肝部分切除联合胆道镜治疗肝内胆管结石的疗效。方法回顾性分析近4年肝部分切除联合胆道镜治疗肝胆管结石42例的治疗方法和疗效。结果术后全组无死亡病例,发生切口感染4例(9.6%),胆漏2例(占4.7%),肺部感染3例(占7.1%)。手术后疗效优良者35例,优良率86.8%。结石复发3例(13.2%)。结论肝部分切除联合胆道镜的使用是治疗肝胆管结石的有效手段,可减低术后残石及结石复发率。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜与胆道镜联合钬激光治疗肝内胆管结石的临床价值.方法 2009年1月-2013年1月,对40例肝内胆管结石行腹腔镜、胆道镜联合钬激光治疗.德国Lumenis公司钬激光器(Holmium:YAG)(波长2.1 μm,光导纤芯直径5500 μm,光纤最大外径780 μm).结石直径3-15 mm.嵌顿型14例,铸状结石10例,游离型结石16例.胆总管一期缝合6例,34例置T管引流.结果 40例手术均成功完成,无中转开腹,无死亡.术后并发症6例:切口感染3例,肺部感染1例,胆漏2例,均治愈.术后随访6个月-3年,平均15个月,其中32例〉12个月,无胆道残余结石.结论腹腔镜与胆道镜联合钬激光治疗肝内胆管结石具有创伤小,并发症少,可同时发现并处理胆管狭窄,取石率高,残石率低等优点.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜胆总管切开取石术在有胆道手术史的肝胆管结石患者中的应用价值。 方法 2009年3月至2013年3月期间,中航工业三六三医院普外科收治的86例肝胆管结石患者接受了腹腔镜胆总管切开取石术,其中26例既往有胆道手术史(PBS组),60例无胆道手术史(NPBS组)。左肝内胆管结石15例,右肝内胆管结石52例,双侧肝内胆管结石19例。回顾性分析患者围手术期的临床资料。 结果 PBS组与NPBS组手术时间分別为(161.4±31.5) min和(155.7±28.1) min,其差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术中出血量分别为(69.2±50.7) mL及(44.1±27.4) mL,PBS组多于NPBS组(P<0.05);PBS组术后并发症发生率为53.8%,尤其是腹腔积液明显多于NPBS组(P<0.05);2组总残余结石发生率为15.1%,总结石清除率为98.8%;PBS组术后远期并发症发生率为23.1%,明显高于NPBS组(P<0.05)。 结论 腹腔镜胆总管切开取石术是有胆道手术史肝胆管结石患者一项安全可行且有效的微创治疗选择,尤其适用于无肝萎缩肝胆管结石、结石弥漫分布合并胆管狭窄的双侧肝胆管结石以及合并胆汁性肝硬变的肝胆管结石。  相似文献   

Laparoscopic colorectal resection   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Background. The aim of the present study was to evaluate retrospectively the experience of six surgical units currently performing laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Methods. From November 1991 to January 1994, 200 patients (103 male, 97 female; mean age 62.5 years) were candidates for, and received, laparoscopic colorectal resection for benign (54) or malignant (196) lesions. All the units excluded patients with locally advanced organ tumors and all cases with suspected perforation and ascites. One center submitted to laparoscopic resection only stage I and IV adenocarcinoma. All surgeons considered obesity a relative contraindication.The following data were analyzed: indications, conversion rate to open surgery, operative time, morbidity and mortality, resumption of gastrointestinal function, number of lymph nodes harvested, hospital stay. Results. Twenty-one out of 200 patients were converted to open surgery (10.5%); 37 patients had a complete laparoscopic procedure (17.1%); 137 had an assisted resection (68.5%); and the remaining 5 patients had a facilitated resection. The mean operative time was 208 min (90–480) for assisted resection and 275 min (54–550) for complete laparoscopic resection. The mortality rate was 1.7%; the overall morbidity was 19.6% (major complications 11.2%). All patients quickly became ambulatory and showed a prompt resumption of gastrointestinal functions, and less postoperative pain if compared with converted cases. The average number of lymph nodes was 12.1 (range 1–32). The mean hospital stay was 8.6 days (range 5–14.5). The mean follow-up was 16 months (range 6–24). The recurrence rate 11.7%. Conclusions: Laparoscopy seems to offer the possibility of minimally invasive treatment, but long-term follow-up is needed to evaluate the efficacy of laparoscopic surgery in the treatment of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Reducing Residual and Recurrent Stones by Hepatectomy for Hepatolithiasis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The long-term outcomes of 97 consecutive patients with hepatolithiasis, who underwent treatment from January 1971 to June 2006, were analyzed. The short-term outcomes included the rate of residual stones and complications after treatment, whereas the long-term results included the stone recurrence rate. In 22 of the 97 (22.7%) patients, residual stones were found after treatment for hepatolithiasis. The incidence of residual stones was 0% in hepatectomy patients, 48.6% in cholangioenterostomy patients (p < 0.001, compared with hepatectomy), 25.0% in T-tube drainage patients (p = 0.015, compared with hepatectomy), and 10.0% in percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopic lithotripsy (PTCSL) patients. In 15 of the 66 (22.7%) patients who were treated for hepatolithiasis, recurrent stones were found after intervals of 5 to 24 years. The incidence of recurrent stones was 13.9% in hepatectomy patients, 28.5% in cholangioenterostomy patients, 25.0% in T-tube drainage patients, and 50.0% in PTCSL patients (p = 0.021, compared with hepatectomy). Hepatectomy appears to be the most effective treatment for selected patients with isolated left hepatolithiasis (L). In PTCSL procedures, favorable results have been obtained when the stones were completely cleared; however, the incidence of recurrent stones is high in patients after PTCSL.  相似文献   

Background Use of laparoscopy for isolated adrenal metastases is controversial. The aims of this study were to characterize patients with isolated adrenal metastases; compare operative characteristics of the laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) versus open adrenalectomy (OA) approach; and compare long-term oncological and surgical outcomes. Methods Our adrenal resection database (1995–2006) identified 63 OA and 31 LA cases done for isolated adrenal metastases. Subset analysis was performed for all patients from isolated lung metastases (n = 39) and for all tumors smaller than 4.5 cm (n = 49). Results Overall, local recurrence was 17%, median survival 30 months and 5-year estimated survival 31%. The only independent predictor of survival for all (n = 94) was adrenal tumor size less than 4.5 cm (P = 0.01). When comparing LA with OA, no differences in local recurrence, margin status, disease-free interval or overall survival were observed for the entire group, or for patients with metastases only from lung cancer (n = 39) or for those with tumors smaller than 4.5 cm (n = 49). LA provided significantly shorter operative time (175 vs 208 min, P = 0.04), lower estimated blood loss (EBL) (106 vs 749 cc, P < 0.0001), shorter length of hospital stay (2.8 vs 8.0 days, P < 0.0001) and fewer total complications (P < 0.0001). Conclusions LA is equivalent to OA in terms of margin status, local recurrence, disease-free interval and overall survival. LA for metastatic adrenal lesions is safe, with equivalent long-term oncological outcomes providing the additional benefits of a minimally invasive technique. LA can be recommended as an appropriate initial approach for isolated adrenal metastases.  相似文献   

This video will show the pertinent steps to perform a totally laparoscopic central hepatectomy. The main steps of this procedure include control of the hepatic inflow, mobilization of the right liver, control of the hepatic outflow, and specimen removal. This technique is feasible and safe via laparoscopic techniques, but should currently be performed at high volume centers by surgeons with expertise in both HPB surgery and minimally invasive techniques. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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