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Smoking cessation interventions delivered via text messaging on mobile phones may enhance motivations to quit smoking. The goal of this narrative review is to describe the text messaging interventions' theoretical contents, frequency and duration, treatment outcome, and sample characteristics such as age and motivation to quit, to better inform the future development of this mode of intervention.


Studies were included if text messaging was primarily used to deliver smoking cessation intervention and published in English in a peer-reviewed journal. All articles were coded by two independent raters to determine eligibility and to extract data.


Twenty-two studies described 15 text messaging interventions. About half of the interventions recruited adults (ages 30–40) and the other half targeted young adults (ages 18–29). Fourteen interventions sent text messages during the quit phase, 10 had a preparation phase and eight had a maintenance phase. The number of text messages and the duration of the intervention varied. All used motivational messages grounded in social cognitive behavioral theories, 11 used behavioral change techniques, and 14 used individually tailored messages. Eleven interventions also offered other smoking cessation tools. Three interventions yielded smoking cessation outcomes greater than the control condition.


The proliferation of text messaging in recent years suggests that text messaging interventions may have the potential to improve smoking cessation rates. Detailed summary of the interventions suggests areas for future research and clinical application. More rigorous studies are needed to identify components of the interventions that can enhance their acceptability, feasibility and efficacy.  相似文献   

Alcohol consumption is strongly associated with cigarette smoking in young adults. The primary aim of this investigation was to complete a pilot evaluation of the efficacy of an integrated intervention that targets both cigarette smoking and binge drinking on the cigarette smoking and binge behavior of young adults at 6-month follow-up. Participants were 95 young adult (M = 24.3; SD = 3.5 years) smokers (≥ 1 cigarettes per day) who binge drink (≥ 1 time per month) and who were randomly assigned to standard treatment (n = 47) involving six individual treatment visits plus eight weeks of nicotine patch therapy or the identical smoking cessation treatment integrated with a binge drinking intervention (integrated intervention; n = 48). Using an intent-to-treat analysis for tobacco abstinence, at both 3 month end of treatment and 6 month follow-up, more participants who received integrated intervention were biochemically confirmed abstinent from tobacco than those who received standard treatment at 3 months (19% vs. 9%, p = 0.06) and 6 months (21% vs. 9%, p = 0.05). At 6 months, participants who completed the study and who received integrated intervention consumed fewer drinks per month (p < 0.05) and number of binge drinking episodes per month (p < 0.05) than those who received standard treatment. Preliminary data supports that integrated intervention enhances smoking cessation and reduces binge drinking compared to standard treatment.  相似文献   

Although over 70% of homeless individuals smoke, few studies have examined the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in this vulnerable population. The purpose of this pilot study was to compare the effectiveness of shelter-based smoking cessation clinic usual care (UC) to an adjunctive contingency management (CM) treatment that offered UC plus small financial incentives for smoking abstinence. Sixty-eight homeless individuals in Dallas, Texas (recruited in 2012) were assigned to UC (n = 58) or UC plus financial incentives (CM; n = 10) groups and were followed for 5 consecutive weeks (1 week pre-quit through 4 weeks post-quit). A generalized linear mixed model regression analysis was conducted to compare biochemically-verified abstinence rates between groups. An additional model examined the interaction between time and treatment group. The participants were primarily male (61.8%) and African American (58.8%), and were 49 years of age on average. There was a significant effect of treatment group on abstinence overall, and effects varied over time. Follow-up logistic regression analyses indicated that CM participants were significantly more likely than UC participants to be abstinent on the quit date (50% vs. 19% abstinent) and at 4 weeks post-quit (30% vs. 1.7% abstinent). Offering small financial incentives for smoking abstinence may be an effective way to facilitate smoking cessation in homeless individuals.  相似文献   

This report presents outlines for approaches to smoking cessation. These recommendations are based on a meta-analysis of the treatment-outcome literature, a survey of current treatment practices and the views of a panel of experts. Face-to-face intervention to assist smokers to stop smoking needs to be considered in the context of a public policy approach to reducing the prevalence of smoking. The nature of face-to-face interventions is determined by the time available to practitioners. Where there is no time to intervene (e.g. in some primary health care settings) quality self-help materials should be prominently displayed. Where there is only 10 minutes or less, attention should be focused on personalizing the health effects of smoking, providing firm advice to quit, providing self-help material, setting a quit date (if appropriate), identifying social support for cessation and organizing a follow-up visit. If there is more time to intervene (up to one hour) the previous techniques can be expanded on and supplemented with nicotine replacement and discussion of methods for dealing with high-risk situations. Longer interventions would use all of these methods, presenting them in more detail, and may also address stress management and minimization of weight gain.  相似文献   

A novel approach to tobacco control is to engage adolescent nonsmokers in support roles to encourage and help their parents stop smoking. This pilot study examined the feasibility and potential efficacy of a web-based support skills training (SST) intervention for adolescents to help a parent stop smoking. Forty nonsmoking adolescents 13-19 years of age (70% female, 93% White) were enrolled and randomly assigned to a health education (HE) control group (n = 20) or SST (n = 20). Both consisted of written materials and five weekly, 30 min, web-based, counselor-facilitated group sessions. Parents were enrolled for assessments only. Adolescents and parents completed assessments at baseline, week 6 (post-treatment), week 12 and 6-months follow-up. Both interventions were feasible based on treatment acceptability ratings, study retention and treatment compliance. The biochemically confirmed 6-month smoking abstinence rate was higher for parents linked to teens in HE (35%, 7/20) than in SST (10%, 2/20), p = 0.13. About half of parents in each group reported a quit attempt since study enrollment. Teens can be engaged to help parents stop smoking. Future research is warranted on determining effective intervention approaches.  相似文献   

慢性心衰患者吸烟及戒烟依从性影响因素的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的临床研究慢性心衰患者吸烟及戒烟依从性的影响因素。方法选取我院有吸烟史的慢性心衰患者200例,本研究采用问卷方式进行调查,研究所用量表综合了Fager-strom尼古丁依赖性评分表及2006年中国国际戒烟竞赛随访调查表的内容,并结合慢性心衰患者情况进行调整。结果对慢性心衰患者吸烟及戒烟依从性影响因素进行分析研究,可明显提高戒烟率,文化程度高,依从性相对较好,已戒烟者占80%;文化程度低,依从性相对较差,戒烟者只有20%,家庭成员支持戒烟的比例,戒烟者为85%,高于家庭成员不支持戒烟的比例55%。讨论戒烟是慢性心衰患者最有力的干预方法之一,帮助患者戒烟成为慢性心衰诊治工作不可缺少的部分。烟草依赖是一种慢性成瘾性疾病,具有高复发的特点,自行戒烟率低,必须将烟草依赖作为一种慢性病对待,予以评估并反复干预。  相似文献   



A personalised, smoking cessation message was successfully delivered in Australian community pharmacies to motivate behavioural change in young smoking adults.


The purpose of this pilot study was to test the acceptability and effectiveness of the innovative, proven smoking cessation intervention to another population of young adults with a higher prevalence of smoking and associated morbidities.


Ninety eight university students in Paris, France were recruited to a pilot study (50 intervention: 48 control). All students received smoking cessation counselling sessions and half also received a visual demonstration of themselves, both as a lifelong smoker and non-smoker.


There was no statistical significant difference between the groups in smoking dependence at recruitment. At the three month follow-up, the proportion who had attempted to quit smoking were 37% (control) vs 46% (intervention). These percentages suggested a positive result for the intervention, although the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.39).


This is one of the first studies conducted in France using visual demonstrations combined with healthcare counselling to promote smoking cessation amongst young adult smokers. Further research, recruiting from the general French public, is needed to better understand if the innovative personalised health message can motivate young French adult smokers to quit.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to identify the predictors of participation by smoking parents in a proactive telephone-based smoking cessation program. METHODS: The smoking parents of young children from a birth cohort were interviewed and invited to take part in a telephone-based smoking cessation program. The characteristics of the parents and the predictors of participation were analyzed by chi-square test and by logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 952 (82.9%) out of the 1149 smoking parents who were interviewed agreed to participate in the smoking cessation program. The analysis showed that the predictors of participation in a pro-active smoking cessation program are being from a middle-income household, being currently employed, having recently had a medical consultation or been hospitalized, being at the stage of contemplating a change in behavior, and perceiving the importance of quitting smoking. CONCLUSIONS: Recruitment approaches should be refined according to the identified factors to target those who might decline an invitation to participate in a smoking cessation program.  相似文献   

The heart rate of 11 smokers was collected throughout their first year of abstinence. One day after smoking cessation, we recorded a significant mean heart rate drop of 9.07 beats per min, from 74.18 to 65.11 beats per min. No significant variation was afterwards detected at any chosen time point (week 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, month 3, 6, 12). In fact, 1 year after cessation the mean heart rate was still 66.36 beats per min, well below initial baseline values. These data indicate that the decrease in heart rate following smoking cessation mostly represents a permanent return to individual normal values in the absence of nicotine self-administration. Nonetheless, three subjects did show a trend toward the recovery of their precessation heart rate and one subject fully recovered it between months 3 and 6 of abstinence. This trend suggests that, while heart rate adaptation to nicotine is largely of an acute nature, there may also be a chronic component. Its role, though usually minor, should become detectable in a few subjects, because of wide interindividual variability.  相似文献   

Community college students represent 44% of all students enrolled in U.S. higher education facilities. To our knowledge, no previous smoking cessation intervention has targeted community college students. Previous studies suggest that a motivational smoking cessation intervention could be successful for young adult smokers. Combining motivational interviewing sessions with personalized health feedback is likely to increase participants' motivation to quit and movement through the stages of change. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of a smoking cessation program based on these premises. We designed a computer-assisted, counselor-delivered smoking cessation program that addresses personal health risks and readiness to change smoking behavior among community college students. A group-randomized, controlled trial was used to assess the intervention in a sample of 426 students (58.5% females; mean age, 22.8+/-4.7 years) from 15 pair-matched campuses. At the 10-month follow-up assessment, the cotinine-validated smoking cessation rates were 16.6% in the experimental condition and 10.1% in the standard care condition (p=0.07). Our results indicate that our computer-assisted intervention holds considerable promise in reducing smoking among community college students.  相似文献   

We tested the psychometric properties and predictive validity of a newly developed 8-item measure of commitment to quitting smoking, conceptualized as the state of being personally bound or obligated to persist in quitting smoking despite potential difficulties, craving and discomfort. Participants were 157 heavy drinking smokers enrolled in a clinical trial of smoking cessation treatments. The measure showed strong unidimensionality, good internal consistency, and moderate stability from baseline to quit date. Commitment significantly increased from baseline to quit date. Higher commitment to quitting at baseline predicted greater odds of abstinence at post-treatment and 16 and 26 weeks after quit date. Commitment predicted smoking outcome over and above level of tobacco dependence, self-reported importance of quitting smoking, and self-efficacy for remaining abstinent. Results suggest that commitment is a highly relevant construct for smoking cessation, which can be reliably assessed with the Commitment to Quitting Smoking Scale and which may be an excellent target for smoking cessation treatments.  相似文献   



Varenicline tartrate, a selective partial agonist of the α4β2 nicotinic receptor, has been shown to be an effective smoking cessation aid with an acceptable safety profile in a number of randomized, controlled trials. The aim of the CHOICES (Champix Observational Investigation in the Cessation of Smoking) study was to investigate the effectiveness and safety of varenicline in real-world clinical practice.  相似文献   

The personality trait of sensation seeking has been positively associated with risk of smoking initiation and level of tobacco use. However, its role in smoking cessation is much less established. This study examined the association between sensation seeking and smoking cessation among 236 heavy social drinkers participating in a clinical trial testing the efficacy of incorporating brief alcohol intervention into smoking cessation treatment. As hypothesized, higher sensation seeking predicted reduced odds of abstinence from smoking as well as greater alcohol use over 26 weeks of follow-up. Sensation seeking also significantly interacted with age, having a protective influence on smoking outcomes among the youngest participants and an increasingly negative effect on smoking outcomes with greater age. Compliance with nicotine replacement therapy and use of smoking cessation strategies (e.g., planning for high risk situations, thinking about the benefits of quitting, avoiding smoking situations) were negatively associated with sensation seeking and accounted for most of the main effect of sensation seeking on smoking outcomes. Findings suggest (a) that smokers high in sensation seeking may require a specific emphasis on treatment compliance and behavioral rehearsal of cessation strategies, and (b) that the significance of sensation seeking for smoking cessation may change with increasing age.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the performance of the Project EX tobacco use cessation program in Russian summer recreational camps. An eight-session clinic-based tobacco use cessation program for adolescents was tested during the summer of 2011 in an experimental pilot trial that involved different youth that rotated through camps. Conditions were nested within camps. Two rotations of unique subject groups of smokers (program and standard care control) through each of five camps provided the means of controlling for campsite by condition. Assignment of condition by rotation was random (by a flip of a coin), achieving reasonable baseline comparability (total n = 164 smokers at baseline, 76 program group, 88 standard care control group). Evaluation involved an immediate pretest and posttest and a six-month telephone follow-up. At immediate posttest, Project EX was moderately well-received, significantly reduced future smoking expectation (46% reduction in EX program condition versus 8% in control, p < .0001), decreased intention to not quit smoking (− 5.2% in EX versus + 1.4% in control, p < .05), and increased motivation to quit smoking (0.72 versus − 0.04, p < .0001). At the six-month follow-up, program subjects reported a higher intent-to-treat quit rate during the last 30 days (7.5% versus 0.1%, p < .05). For the subjects who remained monthly smokers at the six-month follow-up, Project EX reduced subjects' level of nicotine dependence (− 0.53 versus + 0.15, p < .001). The results were quite promising for this program, which included motivation enhancement, coping skill, and alternative medicine material. However, further research on teen tobacco use cessation programming in Russia with larger sample sizes, involving other locations of the country, and with stronger research designs is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of disengagement beliefs in smoking cessation. The association of disengagement beliefs with forward transition through the transtheoretical stages of change and self-reported quitting were examined, with and without adjusting for processes of change. METHODS: A longitudinal survey was conducted among Dutch smokers, resulting in 367 respondents who completed two questionnaires, one at baseline and one at 8 months follow-up. Disengagement beliefs, intention to quit, actual quitting, and the processes of change were assessed. RESULTS: The findings showed that disengagement beliefs were negatively associated with forward stage transition and actual quitting. Processes of change only partly mediated these associations. CONCLUSIONS: Adhering to disengagement beliefs seems to be an inhibitor of progression towards smoking cessation and actual quitting, also after adjustment for processes of change.  相似文献   



To understand the dynamic process of cessation fatigue (i.e., the tiredness of trying to quit smoking) with respect to its average trend, effect on relapse, time-varying relations with craving and negative affect, and differences among genders and treatment groups.


Randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. Participants received either placebo, monotherapy (bupropion SR, nicotine patch, nicotine lozenge), or combined pharmacotherapy (bupropion SR + nicotine lozenge, nicotine patch + nicotine lozenge). Data were collected from 1504 daily smokers who were motivated to quit smoking. The participants completed baseline assessments and ecological momentary assessments for 2 weeks post-quit.


Cessation fatigue reduced the likelihood of 6-month post-quit abstinence (OR = 0.97, 95% CI (0.95, 0.99)), and was positively associated with craving and negative affect. After controlling for these two factors, average cessation fatigue increased over time. Compared to men, women experienced greater fatigue (t = −10.69, p < 0.0001) and a stronger relation between fatigue and craving (t = −8.80, p < 0.0001). The relationship between fatigue and negative affect was significantly stronger in men (t = 5.73, p < 0.0001). Cessation fatigue was significantly reduced by combined pharmacotherapy (t = −13.4, p < 0.0001), as well as monotherapy (t = −6.2, p < 0.0001).


Cessation fatigue was closely related to craving, negative affect, and cessation outcomes. Women reported greater cessation fatigue than men. Current treatments appeared to reduce fatigue and weaken its relations with craving and negative affect.  相似文献   

We examined the rate of smoking cessation associated with 6 weeks of group counseling therapy (GCT) given alone or in combination with 12 weeks of varenicline (VAR) in 112 smokers. Follow-ups were conducted at 12, 26, and 52 weeks post enrollment. Since participants chose the treatment, differences between the two groups were adjusted using propensity matching. Only 33.3% completed VAR treatment, yet at 1 year, the abstinence rate among participants who were not compliant was not different from subjects who were compliant. VAR resulted in a 23% improvement in the abstinence rates at 26 and 52 weeks (GCT + VAR rates were 62.5% and 56.3%, respectively; GCT-only rates were 39.6% and 33.3%, respectively). Increased carbon monoxide concentration, cigarette consumption, and Beck Depression Inventory score were associated with continued smoking. In conclusion, we found that the combination of counseling and VAR is effective at promoting abstinence at 1 year even when compliance with the medication is not 100%.  相似文献   

Several smoking cessation treatments ask smokers to wait to quit to obtain treatment. We report a secondary analysis of whether a later quit attempt is associated with less success. In a placebo-controlled trial of varenicline that allowed smokers to set their quit date within 5 weeks after starting medication, 24% had their first quit attempt during week 1, and 27%, 19%, 18% and 12% in subsequent weeks. Continuous abstinence between 9 and 24 weeks declined over time; that is, from 36% to 37%, 35%, 29%, and 18% across the 5 weeks (p < 0.001). The only statistically significant difference was between the last week and prior weeks. Whether a later quit attempt actually causes less success or is a marker for other variables (e.g., low motivation) is unclear.  相似文献   

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