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艾滋病,性病与妇女生殖健康   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对妇女生殖健康与艾滋病/性病关系的有关问题进行了探讨。重点讨论了不同的避孕措施、意外妊娠和人工流产与感染艾滋病/性病的关系。指出影响妇女生殖健康的因素也是导致归女感染艾滋病/性病的危险因素。  相似文献   

<正> 非洲一些发展中国家的经验表明,利用现有的计划生育(Family Planning,FP)服务机构进行艾滋病/性传播疾病(AIDS/STD)预防干预,是一种促进妇女生殖健康、控制AIDS/STD在妇女人群中流行的有效服务途径。同时也是一种值得推广的AIDS/STD预防服务模式。  相似文献   

我校女大学生生殖健康知识、性病、艾滋病知识调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
曲丽卿 《中国校医》2002,16(4):372-373
为了了解我校女大学生对生殖健康、性病、爱滋病知识掌握情况 ,也为学校进一步开展性健康教育提供科学依据 ,笔者 2 0 0 1年 12月 2 8日对我校部分女大学生进行了问卷调查。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 烟台师范学院 1~ 4年级在校部分女大学生。1.2 方法 组织医务人员随机向学生发放女大学生生殖健康、性病爱滋病知识调查表问卷参考有关调查文献 ,结合我校女大学生特点自行设计 ,要求学生当场阅读 ,一律不记名 ,当场发卷 ,独立完成 ,答卷当场收回。共发放问卷 5 3 0份 ,收回 5 2 0份 ,收回率 98% ,其中有效问卷 5 16,有效率 99% ,收回资料进…  相似文献   

计划生育(FP)和性传播性疾病(STDs)防治历来是分割开来的两个领域,二者的服务目标、服务对象、推广的方法、咨询服务及医患管理方式都有所不同。但是在艾滋病(AIDS)时代,FP对象中面临STDs/AIDS危险,FP参与STDs防治非常必要和有益:有利于增强防治AIDS的力量、有利于发挥FP网络的宣教和服务的功能、可利用FP人员已有的生殖健康知识和技能、由FP机构提供避孕和防病一揽子服务还有利于消除STDs患者的心理顾虑和有利于性伴同治。二者的结合将更好地实现生殖健康的综合服务。实施两者结合面临许多阻力,应着重解决以下问题:调整政策、因地制宜选择合适方式、重新考虑避孕方法的提供、吸引男性参与和向青少年提供服务、以及加强科学研究。  相似文献   

面对性病,艾滋病的流行,将以往分隔的计划生育,妇幼保健,性行为和性健康以及性病控制4个方面有机地结合起来,并考虑到对男性的外展服务,能将有限的资源用于满足不断增长的服务需求,使性病防治覆盖的人群更为广泛。  相似文献   

促进生殖健康综合服务:计划生育与性病防治相结合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计划生育和性传播性疾病防治历来是分割开来的两个领域,二者的服务目标,对象,推广的方法,咨询服务及医患管理方式都有所不同。但是在艾滋病时代,FP对象中面临STDS/AIDS危险,FPC与STDS防治非常必要和有益。有利于增强防治AIDS的力量,有利于发挥FP网络的宣教和服务的功能,可利用FP人员已有的生殖健康知识和技能,由FP机构提供避孕和防病一揽子服务还有利于消除STDS患者的心理顾虑和有利于性伴  相似文献   

面对性病、艾滋病的流行,将以往分隔的计划生育、妇幼保健、性行为和性健康以及性病控制4个方面有机地结合起来,并考虑到对男性的外展服务,能将有限的资源用于满足不断增长的服务需求,使性病防治覆盖的人群更为广泛。  相似文献   

面对性病、艾滋病的流行,将以往分隔的计划生育、妇幼保健、性行为和性健康以及性病控制4个方面有机地结合起来,并考虑到对男性的外展服务,能将有限的资源用于满足不断增长的服务需求,使性病防治覆盖的人群更为广泛。  相似文献   

目的了解极高危人群STD/STI患者对艾滋病相关知识的掌握情况,评价艾滋病宣传教育的效果,探讨艾滋病宣传教育工作所能发挥的作用,为艾滋病防控提供理论依据。方法采用横断面调查、追踪调查相结合的方式,分析STD/STI患者干预前后艾滋病相关知识知晓率及其行为和态度的改变情况。结果干预后调查对象对艾滋病的含义、传播途径及预防措施有了更加正确的认识(P均<0.01),78.9%的人对安全套的使用形成正确认识(P<0.01),62.7%的人认为对艾滋病患者或艾滋病毒感染者应持关心的态度(P<0.01)。结论正确的干预活动可提高极高危人群STD/STI患者对艾滋病防治措施的认识及自我保护意识,从而降低艾滋病的发病率。  相似文献   

Employers and/or community leaders carry the primary responsibility for setting up workplace HIV/AIDS and STD (sexually transmitted disease) policies. They should include workers from the beginning to help identify policy objectives and content. Major objectives of a workplace policy include ensuring the health and rights of workers, reducing the effects of poor health on workplace productivity, and contributing to the general welfare of the community. Clearly stated principles of workplace policy may encompass freedom from mandatory HIV testing for job applicants and workers, ensuring a safe working environment, supporting treatment of HIV/STD-related illnesses, assuring confidentiality of HIV status, establishing a climate in which HIV-positive workers feel they can tell their employers about their status, and ensuring freedom from discrimination. HIV/AIDS and STD workplace policies are likely to include management and employee training, education and support services, and observance of employee rights. Examples of heeding employee rights are application and promotion procedures that do not require HIV testing, opportunities for HIV-positive workers to do work other than their usual work when their physical condition deteriorates, establishment of and adherence to disciplinary and grievance procedures if confidentiality of HIV status is violated, and treatment for STDs and other illnesses. A few persons should be responsible for monitoring implementation of HIV/AIDS and STD workplace policy. Monitoring may consist of regular meetings to reassess and, if needed, adapt the policy; a system of feedback from employees; assessment of use of support services; and conversations with HIV-positive workers to learn of the success of the workplace program in tending to their concerns and needs.  相似文献   

Most people are raised in an environment that espouses a religion. Religions use different codes to structure people's lives. These codes contribute to the enforcement of societal discipline. Some religious laws bestow privileges to men (e.g., polygamy), which may make women more vulnerable to HIV/sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). These laws do not reflect the great changes in lifestyles. Communities still condemn people with HIV/AIDS as deserving the infection because they are immoral. Some community members, proclaiming religion as their justification, control the content of health education by limiting health education to sexual abstinence and fidelity. Should not religions also support the promotion of condom use? Everyone needs to learn about HIV/AIDS and to have access to preventive methods. Educators and counselors must avoid moralizing, but should instead offer people different options to protect themselves and others. Health educators should emphasize those religious codes and edicts with positive values relevant to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. No religious law calls for ostracizing individuals. Religious laws prohibit stigmatization, discrimination, prejudice, and ill-treatment. Religions tend to call for tolerance. They are founded on a universal belief of duty to support all suffering persons and to help them receive the best possible care and treatment. Thus, religion can help make HIV infection an acceptable social condition. On the grounds of edict or morality, religion cannot be a non-participant. In many cases, religion has restored respect, dignity, and understanding for persons with HIV/AIDS. Many religious groups provide care for such persons.  相似文献   

目的:通过对上海市3家公立性病门诊患者性病/艾滋病病毒(STD/HIV)知识了解程度的调查,为性病知识的进一步普及提供依据。方法:在知情同意的前提下,用定性和定量相结合的研究方法对性病门诊患者性病知识进行评估。结果:患者STD/HIV防治知识综合得分低,仅为60多分;STD症状和后果得分最低,仅为40多分。结论:上海市性病门诊患者的STD/HIV防治知识欠缺、态度不一、行为高危,急需加强对门诊患者健康教育干预力度。  相似文献   

<正> 我国自1985年发现首例艾滋病以来,其流行已进入增长期。青少年是受其危害的主要人群。流行病学研究显示,避孕套对防止性病的传播是最可靠的,并可以有效的屏蔽艾滋病病毒(HIV)。我国避孕套现用率仅为1.5%,尽管避孕套的使用率在上升,但使用水平仍然较低,特别是在一些高危行为人群中使用率更低。泉州市地处福建省东南沿海,下辖11个县(市、区),全市总人口660万人,流动人口达115万人,而  相似文献   

This article describes an adolescent, peer-education training program in Jamaica that was developed and operated by the Red Cross Societies of Jamaica and the US and was funded by AIDSCAP. The program aimed to develop a training system to prepare youth peer educators in preventing the spread of HIV infections and sexually transmitted diseases. The goal was to increase knowledge about, change attitudes toward, and develop prevention skills for HIV/AIDS. The initial program was to be replicated on a large scale and be sustainable over time. The program was developed in response to the 1500+ Jamaicans diagnosed with AIDS and the 20,000 or so with HIV infections. Transmission is mostly heterosexual. 15% of girls and 47% of boys are sexually active by 14 years of age, and almost 50% of syphilis and gonorrhea cases are among adolescents. The national training program relies on peer educators, aged 14-19 years, who are literate to the 6th-grade level. Training sessions are conducted for 10-21 persons/session for 27 hours over 3 weekends. Training relies on engaging games and activities. Trainees are taught how to facilitate 14 specific activities, including the correct way to use a condom. Peer educators work together in groups of twos or threes among groups of 10-15 adolescents, aged 10-15 years. By the third year of operation, most of the systems and materials were in place and the program expanded; cost-benefit analysis revealed that costs were returned. The program has continued with a variety of funds and delivery systems and new funding will likely shift the program emphasis. The program has survived with the enthusiasm and support of the trainers. Other start-up programs should ensure the involvement of youth at all stages of development.  相似文献   

[目的]了解昆山市暗娼性病/艾滋病知识和生殖健康状况。[方法]2007年对昆山市暗娼人群进行问卷调查,进行艾滋病病毒(HIV)及梅毒等性病感染检测。[结果]调查297人,艾滋病知识知晓率为60.58%。其中,艾滋病传播途径的知晓率为64.70%,非传播途径的知晓率为65.82%;确诊性病感染者122例,性病感染率为41.08%,未检出HIV感染者。[结论]昆山市暗娼性病/艾滋病知识比较缺乏,性病患病率较高。  相似文献   

我国艾滋病的健康教育模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈璐 《职业与健康》2005,21(10):1451-1453
我国自1985年报告首例艾滋病人,短短几年已进入艾滋病快速增长期,艾滋病现已成为我国重要的公共卫生问题和社会问题,健康教育是最为有效的预防手段.通过对性工作者、吸毒人员、流动人口、在校大学生、农村人口等高危人群和重点人群开展知识讲座、广播宣传、发放宣传材料、主题网沾、健康咨询,主题日、专题讨论等健康教育活动提高了预防艾滋病知识的知晓率,有助于艾滋病工作的开展,但在我国也存在"标准化"的模式被应用与不合适的地区和环境,效果不理想的问题.我国艾滋病健康教育应致力于建立新的教育理论和实践模式,以适用于不同的地域和环境.要各有关部门和社会各界共同努力,通力合作,多开展全民合作、名人效应、同伴教育等以取得较好的效果.  相似文献   

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