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Glial protein S100B modulates long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Glial cells are traditionally regarded as elements for structural support and ionic homeostasis, but have recently attracted attention as putative integral elements of the machinery involved in synaptic transmission and plasticity. Here, we demonstrate that calcium-binding protein S100B, which is synthesized in considerable amounts in astrocytes (a major glial cell subtype), modulates long-term synaptic plasticity. Mutant mice devoid of S100B developed normally and had no detectable abnormalities in the cytoarchitecture of the brain. These mutant mice, however, had strengthened synaptic plasticity as identified by enhanced long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampal CA1 region. Perfusion of hippocampal slices with recombinant S100B proteins reversed the levels of LTP in the mutant slices to those of the wild-type slices, indicating that S100B might act extracellularly. In addition to enhanced LTP, mutant mice had enhanced spatial memory in the Morris water maze test and enhanced fear memory in the contextual fear conditioning. The results indicate that S100B is a glial modulator of neuronal synaptic plasticity and strengthen the notion that glial-neuronal interaction is important for information processing in the brain.  相似文献   

The phosphodiesterase (3':5'-cyclic AMP 5'-nucleotidohydrolase, EC inhibitor thepohylline enhances both the amplitude and duration of a long-lasting synaptic hyperpolarization in identified neuron R15 in Aplysia californica. Intraneuronal injection into R15 of glanylyl-imidodiphosphate, an adenylate cyclase [ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC] activator, results in a deep and long-lasting hyperpolarization of the cell, similar to that produced by synaptic stimulation. Biochemical analysis confirms that guanylyl-imidodiphosphate activates adenylate cyclase in Aplysia californica nervous tissue, without affecting phosphodiesterase activity. These observations suggest that adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate plays a role in long-lasting synaptic inhibition and are consistent with a post-synaptic site of action for adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate.  相似文献   

Homeostatic plasticity is thought to play an important role in maintaining the stability of neuronal circuits. During one form of homeostatic plasticity, referred to as synaptic scaling, activity blockade leads to a compensatory increase in synaptic transmission by stimulating in dendrites the local translation and synaptic insertion of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1. We have previously shown that all-trans retinoic acid (RA) mediates activity blockade-induced synaptic scaling by activating dendritic GluR1 synthesis and that this process requires RARα, a member of the nuclear RA receptor family. This result raised the question of where RARα is localized in dendrites and whether its localization is regulated by RA and/or activity blockade. Here, we show that activity blockade or RA treatment in neurons enhances the concentration of RARα in the dendritic RNA granules and activates local GluR1 synthesis in these RNA granules. Importantly, the same RNA granules that contain RARα also exhibit an accumulation of GluR1 protein but with a much slower time course than that of RARα, suggesting that the former regulates the latter. Taken together, our results provide a direct link between dendritically localized RARα and local GluR1 synthesis in RNA granules during RA-mediated synaptic signaling in homeostatic synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

The induction of different phases of memory depends on the amount and patterning of training, raising the question of whether specific training patterns engage different cellular mechanisms and whether these mechanisms operate in series or in parallel. We examined these questions by using a cellular model of memory formation: facilitation of the tail sensory neuron-motor neuron synapses by serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) in the CNS of Aplysia. We studied facilitation in two temporal domains: intermediate-term facilitation (1.5-3 h) and long-term facilitation (LTF, >24 h). Both forms can be induced by using several different temporal and spatial patterns of 5-HT, including (i) repeated, temporally spaced pulses of 5-HT to both the sensory neuron soma and the sensory neuron-motor neuron synapse, and (ii) temporally asymmetric exposure of 5-HT to the soma and synapse under conditions in which neither exposure alone induces LTF. We first examined the protein and RNA synthesis requirements for LTF induced by these two patterns and found that asymmetric (but not repeated) 5-HT application induced LTF that required postsynaptic protein and RNA synthesis. We next focused on the patterning and protein synthesis requirements for intermediate-term facilitation. We found that intermediate-term facilitation (i) is induced locally at the synapse, (ii) requires multiple pulses of 5-HT, and (iii) requires synaptic protein synthesis. Our findings show that different temporal and spatial patterns of 5-HT induce specific temporal phases of long-lasting facilitation in parallel by engaging different cellular and molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Epigenetic-mediated decline in synaptic plasticity during aging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cognitive decline observed in aging mammals is associated with decreased long-term synaptic plasticity, especially long-term potentiation (LTP). Recent work has uncovered a connection between LTP, histone acetylation, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)/neurotrophin receptor B (trkB) signaling. LTP, histone acetylation, and BDNF/trkB signaling decrease in old animals, Because an apparent positive feedback loop links these processes, treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors or a trkB agonist restores LTP in the hippocampus of old animals. These results coupled with exciting work on histone methylation and life span in Caneorhabditis elegans suggest that epigenetic changes may play a significant role in aging. Such dysfunctional epigenetic pathways may provide novel targets for cognitive enhancing therapeutics.  相似文献   

Rab3A small G protein is a member of the Rab family and is most abundant in the brain, where it is localized on synaptic vesicles. Evidence is accumulating that Rab3A plays a key role in neurotransmitter release and synaptic plasticity. Rab3A cycles between the GDP-bound inactive and GTP-bound active forms, and this change in activity is associated with the trafficking cycle of synaptic vesicles at nerve terminals. Rab3 GTPase-activating protein (GAP) stimulates the GTPase activity of Rab3A and is expected to determine the timing of the dissociation of Rab3A from synaptic vesicles, which may be coupled with synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Rab3 GAP consists of two subunits: the catalytic subunit p130 and the noncatalytic subunit p150. Recently, mutations in p130 were found to cause Warburg Micro syndrome with severe mental retardation. Here, we generated p130-deficient mice and found that the GTP-bound form of Rab3A accumulated in the brain. Loss of p130 in mice resulted in inhibition of Ca(2+)-dependent glutamate release from cerebrocortical synaptosomes and altered short-term plasticity in the hippocampal CA1 region. Thus, Rab3 GAP regulates synaptic transmission and plasticity by limiting the amount of the GTP-bound form of Rab3A.  相似文献   

C/EBPα基因在大鼠肝星状细胞内的表达及意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 初步探讨CCAAT增强子结合蛋白α(C/EBPα)在肝星状细胞(HSC)激活过程中的作用。方法 采用免疫细胞化学、western blot及RT-PCR检测原代培养不同时间段HSC内C/EBPd蛋白和mRNA的表达,以及α平滑肌肌动蛋白(α SMA)、结蛋白、基质金属蛋白酶-2(MMP2)mRNA、Ⅰ型前胶原(α1)mRNA的表达;Lipofect AMINE2000介导的瞬时转染方法将pcDNA3.1(-)-C/EBPα真核表达质粒转染入激活的HSC内,采用免疫细胞化学方法鉴定转染成功及转染后HSC内增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)的表达;在相差显做镜下观察HSC在原代培养过程中形态的改变。结果 原代正常HSC中可以检测到C/FBPα mRNA和蛋白的表达,蛋白位于细胞质和细胞核内,但主要位于细胞质内,且除新鲜分离(0d)组以外,随着HSC培养至2、4、7、10d,C/EBPα蛋白和mRNA的表达呈逐步下降的趋势,而α-SMA、MMP2和Ⅰ型前胶原(α1)的表达则逐步增强;转染后24h,目的基因转染组HSC内C/EBPα的表达明显强于空载体对照组,而PCNA的阳性细胞数较空载体对照组明显减少;转染后36h,目的基因转染组细胞几乎全部死亡,残存的细胞形态变细,体积缩小,而空载体对照组细胞仍存括。结论 C/EBPα基因可能参与HSC的激活调控机制,且C/EBPα过表达对HSC的增殖存在抑制作用。  相似文献   

It is widely appreciated that memory processing engages a wide range of molecular signaling cascades in neurons, but how these cascades are temporally and spatially integrated is not well understood. To explore this important question, we used Aplysia californica as a model system. We simultaneously examined the timing and subcellular location of two signaling molecules, MAPK (ERK1/2) and protein kinase A (PKA), both of which are critical for the formation of enduring memory for sensitization. We also explored their interaction during the formation of enduring synaptic facilitation, a cellular correlate of memory, at tail sensory-to-motor neuron synapses. We find that repeated tail nerve shock (TNS, an analog of sensitizing training) immediately and persistently activates MAPK in both sensory neuron somata and synaptic neuropil. In contrast, we observe immediate PKA activation only in the synaptic neuropil. It is followed by PKA activation in both compartments 1 h after TNS. Interestingly, blocking MAPK activation during, but not after, TNS impairs PKA activation in synaptic neuropil without affecting the delayed PKA activation in sensory neuron somata. Finally, by applying inhibitors restricted to the synaptic compartment, we show that synaptic MAPK activation during TNS is required for the induction of intermediate-term synaptic facilitation, which leads to the persistent synaptic PKA activation required to maintain this facilitation. Collectively, our results elucidate how MAPK and PKA signaling cascades are spatiotemporally integrated in a single neuron to support synaptic plasticity underlying memory formation.During signal transduction, single molecules often generate different cellular effects, depending on their temporal dynamics, spatial distribution, and interacting partners (1). In considering the wide range of molecules implicated in memory processing, the question of how multiple signaling cascades are integrated in time and space to contribute to memory formation and its underlying synaptic plasticity remains a fundamental issue.We have begun to explore this general question in Aplysia californica, a model system well suited for mechanistic analyses of simple forms of learning. We focused on two molecules, MAPK (ERK1/2) and protein kinase A (PKA), both known to be engaged in many forms of memory and synaptic plasticity (24). Recent studies, however, suggest the timing, cellular location, and cross-talk between these kinases are critical in determining their ultimate effects (510). Thus, in addition to knowing that MAPK and PKA are required, it also is important to understand their spatiotemporal dynamics and their interactions during memory formation.Aplysia provides unique advantages for analyzing these questions. In Aplysia, memory for sensitization induced by tail shock (TS) is supported in large measure by synaptic facilitation at identified tail sensory-to-motor neuron (SN-MN) synapses (11). As an analog of behavioral training, tail nerve shock (TNS) also induces synaptic facilitation (1214). A single TNS induces short-term facilitation (STF) lasting <30 min, whereas repeated spaced TNS induces intermediate-term (ITF) and long-term facilitation (LTF) lasting hours and days, respectively. TS/TNS triggers the release of serotonin (5-HT) around SN soma and SN-MN synapses, which activates a series of signaling cascades, including MAPK and cAMP/PKA (11, 12). MAPK activation is required for the formation of ITF and LTF, but not for STF, whereas cAMP/PKA is required for all three (1518). Finally, although signaling in the synaptic compartment is critical for all forms of synaptic facilitation, it has not yet been established that MAPK and PKA can indeed be activated and exert their function locally at the SN-MN synapse. Nor is it known how they interact with each other during synaptic facilitation.In the present paper, we simultaneously examined MAPK and PKA activation in two subcellular compartments (SN soma and synaptic neuropil) at two time points (immediately and 1 h) after TNS. We found that MAPK was activated immediately and persistently in both compartments after repeated TNS. In contrast, although immediate and persistent PKA activation by repeated TNS also occurred in synaptic neuropil, we observed only delayed PKA activation in SN soma. Interestingly, MAPK activation during, but not after, TNS was essential for synaptic, but not somatic, PKA activation. Synaptic integration of these two signaling cascades in turn led to ITF. These results provide unique insights into both the spatial and temporal features of these two critical molecular cascades, and suggest a model of how they interact to regulate synaptic plasticity underlying memory formation.  相似文献   

Stimulating presynaptic terminals can increase the proton concentration in synapses. Potential receptors for protons are acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), Na+- and Ca2+-permeable channels that are activated by extracellular acidosis. Those observations suggest that protons might be a neurotransmitter. We found that presynaptic stimulation transiently reduced extracellular pH in the amygdala. The protons activated ASICs in lateral amygdala pyramidal neurons, generating excitatory postsynaptic currents. Moreover, both protons and ASICs were required for synaptic plasticity in lateral amygdala neurons. The results identify protons as a neurotransmitter, and they establish ASICs as the postsynaptic receptor. They also indicate that protons and ASICs are a neurotransmitter/receptor pair critical for amygdala-dependent learning and memory.Although homeostatic mechanisms generally maintain the brain’s extracellular pH within narrow limits, neural activity can induce transient and localized pH fluctuations. For example, acidification may occur when synaptic vesicles, which have a pH of ∼5.2–5.7 (13), release their contents into the synapse. Studies of mammalian cone photoreceptors showed that synaptic vesicle exocytosis rapidly reduced synaptic cleft pH by an estimated 0.2–0.6 units (46). Transient synaptic cleft acidification also occurred with GABAergic transmission (7). Some, but not all, studies also reported that high-frequency stimulation (HFS) transiently acidified hippocampal brain slices, likely as a result of the release of synaptic vesicle contents (8, 9). Neurotransmission also induces a slower, more prolonged alkalinization (10, 11). In addition to release of synaptic vesicle protons, neuronal and glial H+ and HCO3 transporters, channels, H+-ATPases, and metabolism might influence extracellular pH (1012).ASICs are potential targets of reduced extracellular pH. ASICs are Na+-permeable and, to a lesser extent, Ca2+-permeable channels that are activated by extracellular acidosis (1319). In the brain, ASICs consist of homotrimeric and heterotrimeric complexes of ASIC1a, ASIC2a, and ASIC2b. The ASIC1a subunit is required for acid-activation in the physiological range (>pH 5.0) (20, 21). Several observations indicate that ASIC are located postsynaptically. ASICs are located on dendritic spines. Although similar to glutamate receptors, they are also present on dendrites and cell bodies (20, 2224). ASIC subunits interact with postsynaptic scaffolding proteins, including postsynaptic density protein 95 and protein interacting with C-kinase-1 (20, 2429). In addition, ASICs are enriched in synaptosome-containing brain fractions (20, 24, 30).Although these observations raised the possibility that protons might be a neurotransmitter, postsynaptic ASIC currents have not been detected in cultured hippocampal neurons (31, 32), and whether localized pH transients might play a signaling role in neuronal communication remains unclear. In previous studies of hippocampal brain slices, extracellular field potential recordings suggested impaired hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) in ASIC1a−/− mice (20), although another study did not detect an effect of ASIC1a (33). Another study using microisland cultures of hippocampal neurons suggested that the probability of neurotransmitter release increased in ASIC1a−/− mice (32).Here, we tested the hypothesis that protons are a neurotransmitter and that ASICs are the receptor. Criteria to identify substances as neurotransmitters have been proposed (34). Beg and colleagues (35) used these criteria to conclude that protons are a transmitter released from Caenorhabditis elegans intestine to cause muscle contraction. Key questions about whether protons meet criteria for a neurotransmitter are: Does presynaptic stimulation increase the extracellular proton concentration? Do protons activate currents in postsynaptic cells? Can exogenously applied protons reproduce effects of endogenous protons? What is the postsynaptic proton receptor? We studied lateral amygdala brain slices because amygdala-dependent fear-related behavior depends on a pH reduction (36). In addition, ASICs are abundantly expressed there, and ASIC1a−/− mice have impaired fear-like behavior (3638).  相似文献   

The neurotransmitters dopamine (DA) and glutamate in the striatum play key roles in movement and cognition, and they are implicated in disorders of the basal ganglia such as Parkinson's disease. Excitatory synapses in striatum undergo a form of developmental plasticity characterized by a decrease in glutamate release probability. Here we demonstrate that this form of synaptic plasticity is DA and DA D2 receptor dependent. Analysis of spontaneous synaptic responses indicates that a presynaptic mechanism involving inhibition of neurotransmitter release underlies the developmental plasticity. We suggest that a major role of DA in the striatum is to initiate mechanisms that regulate the efficacy of excitatory striatal synapses, producing a decrease in glutamate release.  相似文献   

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