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??Objective    To evaluate the advancement of zinc for bone repair with osteoporosis. Methods    The osteoporosis model have been established by ovariectomy??OVX??in female rats  for 12 weeks. Then??critical defects??5 mm??were prepared in bilateral mandible with a trephine and the rats were divided into three groups as the repair methods??in which experimental group were restored with zinc-releasing calcium phosphate ceramic/hydroxyapatite??Zn-TCP/HA????control group with β-TCP and blank control group were sutured directly. After 12 weeks??improved bone repair and shorten healing time in the OVX rats would be tested through biomechanical tests??radiographic and histological examination. Results    Osteoporosis in mandibular of female rats had been confirmed by bone density testified. Then??12 weeks after implantation??experimental group showed better bone repair than control group and blank control group through biomechanical tests??radiographic and histological examination. Conlusion    Zn-releassing scaffolds would obviously improved bone regeneration of the critical-sized defect in OVX rats model and provides valuable information for the therapy of osteoporosis related diseases by tissue engineering approach.  相似文献   

内质网(endoplasmic reticulum,ER)是一种重要的真核细胞器,是蛋白质合成与分泌的重要场所。当细胞受到外界的某些刺激时,ER会产生一系列调节机制,形成内质网应i~(endoplasmic retieulum stress,ERS)。ERS使ER腔内错误折叠与未折叠蛋白聚集以及Ca。’平衡紊乱。可激活未折叠蛋白反应(unfolded protein response,UPR),以保护由ERS所引起的细胞损伤,恢复细胞功能。但当应激反应过强或刺激时间过长时,则会诱导细胞凋亡,引起疾病的发生。氟瘫牙的形成是由于成釉细胞合成与水解蛋白质功能障碍,因此,推断ERS与氟斑牙的产生有关。现对ERS诱导细胞凋亡的机制和途径,以及这一机制在氟斑牙形成中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

在美国牙髓病学专家Gutmann<牙髓病学解难>一书的开卷语中,引用了1884年一位英国牙髓病研究者的话:治疗前花一小会儿时间思考一下根尖病的病因,使我们理解欲达到成功目的所必须做的事;倘若病变来自感染牙髓的分解,那么将其清除,即可将多数病例治愈.  相似文献   

迄今为止,根管治疗术仍是治疗牙髓和根尖周疾病最有效的方法,近二十多年来的发展,使根管治疗不仅在基础研究方面取得了长足的发展,而且根管治疗的预备器械、预备方法也有了很大的改进.根管充填材料和方法的进一步完善以及根管手术显微镜的使用,使根管治疗的临床成功率可达90%以上.  相似文献   

有限元法是口腔正畸工作中常用的力学分析方法。应用有限元法对口腔正畸中各种复杂问题进行力学分析,对于口腔临床工作有着重要的指导意义。本文对近年来国内学者在一些常见口腔正畸工作中应用有限元法的情况进行文献综述,并对有限元法未来发展做一展望。  相似文献   

目的    比较机械抛光、化学抛光和电解抛光对纯钛铸件表面耐腐蚀性的影响。方法    2008年11月至2009年3月于哈尔滨工业大学理学院实验室将30个钛铸件随机分为机械抛光组、化学抛光组和电解抛光组,每组10个。机械抛光组:在金相试样抛光机上抛光;化学抛光组:置于化学抛光液中抛光;电解抛光组:进行电解抛光处理。然后在人工唾液中,运用电化学方法测量试件的自腐蚀电位(Ecor)、极化电阻(Rp)、自腐蚀电流密度(Icorr)。应用扫描电镜观察试件表面腐蚀前后的形态变化。结果    化学抛光组的Ecorr r、Icorr值均高于电解抛光组(P < 0.01),低于机械抛光组(P < 0.01);而Rp值则低于电解抛光组(P < 0.01),高于机械抛光组(P < 0.01)。扫描电镜观察表明, 机械抛光组试件表面有明显的腐蚀痕迹,化学抛光组试件表面有轻微的腐蚀痕迹,电解抛光组试件表面无明显的腐蚀痕迹。结论    应用电解抛光法处理的钛铸件,其表面耐腐蚀性明显提高,本电解抛光液具有临床应用价值。  相似文献   

组织工程学是应用细胞生物学和工程学原理,研究和开发用于修复和改善人体组织器官损伤后的功能和形态的一门科学,如何获取增殖能力强,又具有成骨潜能的种子细胞对于骨组织工程的构建是至关重要的,寻找能够满足要求和易于操作的种子细胞是组织工程中的关键环节。本文对组织工程骨的种子细胞培养及其应用做一综述。  相似文献   

提要:牙周炎是指发生在牙周支持组织的慢性感染性疾病,可导致牙周组织的附着丧失和牙槽骨的进行性破坏。近些年来,国内外学者们致力于激光在慢性牙周炎治疗中的研究。本文就不同能量的激光在牙周炎治疗中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)代表了血液循环中抗原呈递细胞的一个大家族,分布于机体几乎所有组织。DC在人类血液单核细胞中仅占0.1~1.0,皮肤中占0.4,牙龈中占0.1~2.0。由于它们在体内稀少,缺少由DC家族所有成员表达的细胞标志物,因此在构成先天性免疫  相似文献   

萎缩的牙槽嵴对于种植牙而言是一个不利的因素,在植入种植体之前牙槽骨嵴增量手术能够使骨的体积增加。在上颌前牙区,牙槽嵴增量不仅有利于后期种植体的植入而且可以获得更好美学效果。本文详述用钛网结合异体骨移植和人骨形成蛋白治疗上前牙区部分牙缺失部位的颊舌向骨缺损。通过这种方法可获得一定的骨增量,8个月后植入种植体,在植入种植体后4个月行二期手术和临时修复,4个月后进行永久修复,追踪时间为2年。  相似文献   

??Objective    To estimate the three-dimensional effects of thermomechanical condensation by comparing the effects of thermomechanical condensation?? continuous-wave condensation and cold lateral condensation. Methods    The roots of sixty extracted human anterior teeth were divided into three groups randomly after preparation. After root canal filling with the three techniques?? thermomechanical condensation ??group A?? n=20???? continuous-wave condensation ??group B?? n=20?? and cold lateral condensation ??group C?? n=20???? the teeth were scanned by high resolution micro-computed tomography ??micro-CT??. Then?? the teeth were sliced at 3 mm?? 6 mm?? and 9 mm from the apical foramen. The cross-sections were observed using scanning electron microscopy ??SEM??. The percentage of void area were measured using Image J image processing software?? and all measurements were analysed by SPSS 17.0 software. Results    Both micro-CT and SEM indicated that the percentage of void area in group A was equal to that in group B ??P > 0.05??. And the percentage of void area in both group A and group B were significantly lower than that in group C ??P < 0.05??. Conclusion    The three-dimensional effects of the thermomechanical condensation technique are equal to the effects of the continuous-wave condensation technique and are superior to the traditional cold lateral condensation technique.  相似文献   

锥形束CT(cone-beam computed tomography,CBCT)是目前较有力的牙周病辅助检查方式之一.研究发现,CBCT检查可促进牙周病的诊断、治疗及预后的评价等.近年来,CBCT在牙周病学中的重要作用备受关注本文将对CBCT的成像原理及其在牙周领域中的研究进展进行简要阐述.  相似文献   

??Toluidine blue ??TB????an alkaline thiazide cationic dye??which can be combined with the acidic substances in the tissue cells??is an important dye for nucleic acid staining. Because of the specific binding of TB to nucleic acids??TB can be retained in cancer tissue preferentially and widely used in the diagnosis of malignant tumors of the mouth??the eye??and the upper digestive tract. TB plays an important role in medical research. In addition??as an effective photosensitizer??TB can be widely used in photodynamic antimicrobial and antitumor therapy. The purpose of this review is to provide a summary about the research situation and the application of TB in oral medicine.  相似文献   

由于根管系统的复杂性。传统的根管预备器械与冲洗剂难以达到完全清理根管的目的。Er:YAG激光联合根管冲洗剂使用,既可以采取更保守的根管预备,又能增强去除玷污层、开放牙本质小管和杀菌的能力,有利于根管封闭剂和根管内黏结剂的渗透而减少微渗漏;且在一定的激光参数范围内,其不会引起冲洗剂的根尖渗出;产热作用也极小,不会引起根尖周组织损伤。因此,Er:YAG激光的应用能使根管预备过程变得简单、高效、安全。本文综述了Er:YAG激光在根管治疗中的应用研究进展。  相似文献   

??Nano antibacterial materials is a new kind of medical material?? because of its excellent antibacterial effect?? which was widely be used in the course of orthodontic treatment. So the purpose of this paper is to review the progress on the advantages of its antibacterial activity in orthodontic treatment process.  相似文献   

口腔全科医师是口腔医疗保健的主体,住院医师培训应以培养口腔全科医师为目的。综合医院口腔科在管理上应建立口腔全科诊疗思维,成为口腔全科医师的培养中心。开展住院医师规范化培训,对加强我国口腔医学人才的培养具有重大而深远的意义。  相似文献   

当第一或第二磨牙严重病损时,第三磨牙在口腔治疗中发挥重要作用。我们将严重病损的第一或第二磨牙拔除,再利用正畸矫治的方法将不同程度阻生的第三磨牙近中及直立移动,排入牙列,使之发挥磨牙咀嚼功能。阻生第三磨牙均成功排入牙列,建立咬合关系,最大限度地恢复了自体牙列完整与咬合功能。  相似文献   

??Root canal debridement and infection control are two of the main steps in root canal therapy. Bacteria will be present as biofilm colonies inside the root canal??and it will be well within fins??intercanal anastomoses??apical ramification??apical furcation or lateral accessory canal. Meanwhile??during the cleaning and shaping process??smear layer can be produced??which can be used for the viable bacteria inside the complex anatomical structure to sustain growth and activity. In addition??due to the complexity of the root canal system??the conventional irrigation and disinfection technology is superficial??then the smear layer and Enterococcus faecalis biofilms are difficult to remove. In recent years??lasers??as a novel adjuncting irrigation tool??are used clinically??such as Er??YAG laser and Er??Cr??YSGG laser. As is reported??laser-activated irrigations can effectively remove the smear layer and the infection and obtain better disinfection rates. So in this a review??we made a summary of the effect of laser-activated irrigations on endodontics.  相似文献   

??Upper airway narrowing or collapse will not only result in snoring and obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome??but will also lead to compensatory oral breathing. Many years′  experience of oral breathing will induce a series of dentofacial anomalies. Orthodontists can either correct the dentofacial malocclusion of children or juveniles via various kinds of appliances??following adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy?? or enlarge upper airway through repositioning the jaw and tongue of an adult patient. To sum up??an orthodontist can play an independent or collaborative role in the upper airway management across one′ s life span.  相似文献   

??Sialic acid is a nine-carbon sugar acid??which is located at the terminal residue of glycoconjugations. The sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates are widely distributed on the surface of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells and in serum and saliva. The sialic acid plays an important role in bacteria survival and pathogenesis. Some pathogenic bacteria coat themselves in sialic acid??providing resistance to components of host’s immune response??and some can use it as a nutrition. In this paper??the role of sialic acid and sialidase in bacteria survival and pathogen was reviewed.  相似文献   

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