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目的 建立人偏肺病毒(hMPV)感染小鼠模型,了解病毒肺内复制规律及所致病理改变,为hMPV感染免疫病理机制研究及新型防治手段开发奠定基础.方法 BALB/c小鼠经滴鼻感染荧光标记的重组hMPV,于感染后1、3、5、7、9、16 d处死小鼠并无菌获取肺组织用于病毒分离和病理检查,改良噬斑形成法检测hMPV滴度,RT-PCR法检测hMPV mRNA表达.结果 小鼠滴鼻感染hMPV后肺组织分离到病毒;肺组织病毒滴度在感染后5 d达到高峰(5.16±1.09)×105PFU/g,感染后第9大仍能检测到病毒(2.79±1.22)×102PFU/g;感染后16 d肺组织仍可检测到hMPV mRNA;病理改变在感染后3~7 d最明显,为典型的间质性肺炎改变.结论 hMPV感染BALB/c小鼠模型建立成功,可用于hMPV感染的免疫病理机制研究.  相似文献   

目的将H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)鼻腔接种BALB/c小鼠,动态观察小鼠每个时期主要器官组织的病理变化。方法将100μlH5N1亚型禽流感病毒原液滴入经麻醉后BALB/c小鼠鼻腔,观察14d,每天取材1次,固定、包埋、切片后HE染色观察各组织病理变化。结果H5N1亚型禽流感病毒感染BALB/c小鼠后,产生一系列与禽流感病毒感染有关的动态病理改变:第1~2天(前驱期),肺轻微出血、水肿、炎性细胞浸润;第3~7天(发作期),肺损伤逐渐严重.大量出血、炎性细胞浸润、严重水肿、淤血、肺泡实变塌陷或者气肿;第8~14天(恢复期),各种损伤逐渐减轻,出血渗出减少,水肿减轻,肺间质出现纤维化而趋于恢复正常。肝、。肾、脑出现病理改变。结论通过动态观察病理,弄清了禽流感病毒每个时期在BALB/c小鼠体内造成的病理损伤。  相似文献   

禽流感H5N1亚型病毒感染BALB/c小鼠的免疫应答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究禽流感H5N1病毒感染BALB/c小鼠后对宿主细胞免疫功能和细胞因子水平变化的影响,探讨禽流感H5N1病毒感染哺乳动物的免疫发病机制.方法 选用鹅源禽流感H5N1病毒感染BALB/c小鼠,采用流式细胞仪检测血液和脾脏T淋巴细胞及其亚群的变化,采用ELISA检测血液中细胞岗子(IFN-γ、TNF-α、IL-4、IL-18、IL-10、IL-2)及禽流感H5N1病毒特异性抗体的变化.结果 禽流感H5N1病毒感染可引起对宿主短暂的、可恢复的细胞免疫功能损伤:血液CD3+、CD4+、CD8+ T淋巴细胞数量于染毒后第2~4天下降(第4天为最低值),脾脏T淋巴细胞数最于染毒后第5~8天下降(第6天为最低值),然后均逐渐恢复到正常水平.染毒后血液细胞因子变化表现为:血清IFN-γ、TNF-α水平下降,IL-4、IL-18、IL-10水平上升,IL-2水平无明显变化.从感染第7天开始检测H5N1禽流感特异性抗体为阳性,抗体水平逐渐升高至实验结束的感染第14天.结论 H5N1禽流感病毒感染可引起宿主T细胞免疫功能低下是其主要的免疫病理改变之一,细胞因子表达失平衡或过多的表达都可能对宿主产生免疫病理损伤.
Objective To study the cell immunity and eytokines responses to avian influenza A H5N1 virus infections in a BALB/c model to better understand the pathogenesis of H5N1 avian influenza disease. Methods Two hundred and twenty BALB/c mice of the infected group were inoculated with 0.1 ml (10-4.875 TCID50) of A/Goose/Guangdong/NH/2003 ( H5N1 ) virus intra-nasally. Fifty control mice received noninfectious allantoic fluid and another fifty control mice received normal sodium. Blood and spleen samples were collected from the live mice every 24 h during the 14 d post-infection. The changes of CD3 + T cells , CD4 + T cells, CD8 + T cells for cell immunity in blood circulation and spleen were detected by flow cytometry. And the cytokines and antibody responses in blood circulation were detected by ELISA. Necropsy was performed on mice that died during the experiment and those euthanized at end of study. Results Avian influenza A( H5N1) virus infections can make damages to the cell immune system transiently. The CD3 + T cells, CD4 + T cells, CDS + T cells declined at 24 days post infection in blood circulation and declined at 5-8 days in spleen, then recovered to the normal level gradually. The eytokines responses to the infections can be detected: the level of IFN-γ,TNF-α declined, IL-4, IL-18, IL-10 increased, and IL-2 changed little. The antibody increased rapidly from day 7 post infection until the end of the study (day 14 post infection). Conclusion Collectively, avian influenza A(H5N1) virus can cause cell immunity deficiency and an imbalance in the level of eytokines, which may contribute to the unusual severity of disease caused by the H5N1 avian influenza virus.  相似文献   

目的:探讨BALB/c小鼠巨细胞病毒(MCMV)性心肌炎模型的特征。方法:60只4周龄BALB/c小鼠随机分成2组:实验组(36只,MCMV腹腔注射)和对照组(24只,3T3细胞裂解液腹腔注射)。在注射后3、7、14、21、28、35、42、49、56、63和70 d,记录心电图,测血清抗心肌β1受体抗体,分批处死小鼠行心肌病理、免疫组化和MCMV DNA检测。结果:实验组心肌炎累积发病25只(25/36,69.4%),死亡4只(4/36,11.1%);心肌炎急性期心肌呈现弥漫性炎性细胞浸润和灶性心肌细胞变性坏死,慢性期心肌间质散在炎性细胞浸润,急慢性期心肌炎病理积分均在2分或以下;免疫组化示急性期心肌IL-1β和TNF-α蛋白强阳性表达。实验组心律失常累计发生率达50.0%,可出现各种心律失常,急性期以窦性、房性心律失常和传导阻滞为主,慢性期以室性和房性心律失常为主。实验组3-7 d时心肌组织可检测到MCMV DNA片段,14-70 d时则不能检测到。实验组前5周血清抗β1受体抗体滴度为0,第6-10周明显升高;对照组前7周该抗体滴度为0,第8-10周轻微升高。结论:MCMV心肌炎并不严重,心肌细胞变性坏死具有局灶性和散在性特点,可出现各种心律失常;心肌炎早期病变和心律失常的发生可能与病毒感染直接损伤有关,慢性期病变和心律失常的发生则可能与抗β1受体抗体的作用有关。  相似文献   

目的了解肺炎支原体感染的不同时期肺组织的病理变化、用PCR的方法检测肺炎支原体出现时间、阳性率的变化情况。方法建立肺炎支原体经呼吸道感染的BALB/c小鼠模型,对感染后3、7、14、21 d的小鼠的肺组织进行病理变化、肺湿重、PCR检测肺炎支原体出现时间的研究。结果肺炎支原体经呼吸道感染的BALB/c小鼠肺组织变大重量增加,肺指数同正常对照组相比,P﹤0.01,差异有统计学意义;呼吸道感染的BALB/c小鼠肺组织在3、7 d时,肺组织的病理变化最明显,14 d炎症减轻,21 d炎症基本消退;用PCR的方法检测支气管肺泡灌洗液肺炎支原体7 d时全部为阳性。结论肺炎肺炎支原体感染BALB/c小鼠模型制作成功,感染后7 d时肺部炎症最明显。  相似文献   

目的 研究EV71 JN200804株对1日龄BALB/c小鼠的感染特点,建立EV71感染BALB/c小鼠的动物模型,为疫苗和抗病毒药物的研究提供可靠的动物评价工具.方法 EV71JN200804株分别采用口服、颅内注射、肌内注射和腹腔注射感染1日龄BALB/c小鼠,出现后肢麻痹后,做后肢电生理检测;安乐动物,采集脑、脊髓、心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、胸腺、小肠及后肢肌肉,进行动物体内的病毒分离和RT-PCR鉴定,同时对各器官组织进行组织病理学观察.结果 接种EV71后,颅内、肌内和腹腔注射组小鼠体重增长缓慢,4~5d出现后肢麻痹,7d左右死亡.RT-PCR和病毒分离表明颅内、肌内和腹腔注射组的肌肉分离到病毒,颅内注射组脊髓也分离到病毒,经RT-PCR鉴定为EV71感染.肌电图显示颅内、肌内和腹腔注射组的时限显著增加,波幅显著降低,判断小鼠后肢麻痹可能既有神经源性损害又有肌源性损害.组织病理学观察发现,颅内、肌内、腹腔注射组小脑浦肯野细胞及颗粒细胞减少,脊髓前角白质区神经纤维肿胀,后肢肌肉组织大片坏死溶解、炎性细胞浸润,肺组织明显充血,局部心肌细胞肿胀,部分肝组织内可见巨噬样细胞及淋巴样细胞浸润,部分肾皮质中肾小球萎缩、数目减少,而口服组无明显病理变化.结论 EV71 JN200804株通过颅内、肌内和腹腔注射三种途径均能感染并导致1日龄BALB/c小鼠后肢麻痹,此动物模型可用于EV71致病机制和特异性抗病毒药物的研究及疫苗的评价.  相似文献   

目的:探讨解淀粉芽孢杆菌或解淀粉芽孢杆菌培养液(代表细菌产物)是否导致BALB/c小鼠哮喘。方法:40只SPF级雌性BALB/c小鼠随机分为4组(每组10只),即对照组、卵清蛋白(OVA)组、培养液组、细菌组。于第0天、第7天用OVA小鼠腹腔注射致敏,从第14天到第28天用OVA液对小鼠进行雾化吸入激发,1次/d,每次30 min;对照组、培养液组、细菌组分别用生理盐水、细菌培养液、细菌进行致敏和激发试验。结果:实验表明OVA组和细菌组两组的活体肺功能(APTI)值均高于对照组;与对照组相比较,OVA组、细菌组两组的管壁厚度、肺泡灌洗液中白细胞总数、嗜酸性粒细胞百分比均有显著升高(P<0.01),而淋巴细胞百分比均显著降低,尤其是细菌组更加突出;与对照组比较,OVA组和细菌组的血清中IgE浓度均为显著升高(P<0.01)。结论:用解淀粉芽孢杆菌建立了BALB/c小鼠哮喘动物模型,并证明导致小鼠哮喘的主要因子是细菌。  相似文献   

本文综述了白血病细胞在重症联合免疫缺陷(severe combined immunodeficiency,SCID)小鼠体内的增殖、分化及发病机制的研究进展,并介绍了SCID小鼠-白血病模型在白血病发病学、白血病细胞生物学、临床诊疗措施和病人预后判断等方面的可能性应用价值,SCID小鼠-人白血病模型为白血病的深入研究提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

登革病毒 (denguevirus ,DEN)属于虫媒病毒 ,其致病机制一直是研究的热点 ,更多的学者注意到登革出血热 登革休克综合征 (denguehemorrhagicfe ver dengueshocksyndrome ,DHF DSS)可能是由病毒毒力变异 ,不同毒株感染的流行所致〔1〕。目前 ,许多相关研究多通过体外试验完成 ,难以准确反映体内情况。本研究采用DEN2NGC株和从患DHF的病人血清中分离得到的一株DEN2 〔2〕,经腹部皮下多点注射分别感染BALB c小鼠 ,观察登革 2型病毒不同毒株感染BALB c小鼠后的发病情况 ,为探索DEN感染的致病机制提供线索。材料和方法毒株与细胞 :…  相似文献   

目的:动态分析BALB/c小鼠感染弓形虫后Thl/Th2免疫失衡及免疫漂移特点,并探讨转录因子T-bet和GA.TA-3在此过程中的改变及其意义.方法:90只BALB/c小鼠随机分为正常对照组30只,弓形虫感染组60只.于感染后奇数天每天处死感染组小鼠2只,对照组小鼠1只,采用ELISA法动态检测各组小鼠血清中IFN-γ和IL-4的水平,同时应用荧光定量PCR方法检测小鼠脾细胞中T-bet和GATA-3 mRNA的表达情况.结果:感染组小鼠中,血清IFN-γ于感染后第4天开始显著升高,第5~7天维持在高峰值,从第8天开始下降,第9天降至正常水平;IL-4于感染后第8天开始显著升高,第9天升至峰值,从第14天开始下降,第15天降至正常水平;脾细胞T-bet mRNA的表达在感染后第3天升高,第5天达高峰后于第9天降至正常水平;脾细胞GATA-3 mRNA的表达在感染后第7天升高,第11天达高峰,于第13天降至正常水平.正常对照组小鼠在实验期内IFN-γ、IL-4水平没有明显变化,维持在正常的较低水平.结论:BALB/c小鼠感染弓形虫后诱导的免疫应答在感染急性期(第1-8天)以Th1应答为主,第9至13天,宿主免疫应答以Th2细胞应答为主,之后Thl/Th2应答基本恢复平衡.Thl应答向Th2应答的漂移与T-bet和GATA-3 mRNA的表达相关并受其调控,Thl/Th2型免疫应答的发生时相和效应强度可能影响弓形虫感染的最终结局.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) and experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (EAMG) are antibody-mediated disorders in which anti-acetylcholine receptor (anti-AChR) antibodies cause loss of muscle AChR and subsequent weakness. Many species are susceptible to induction of EAMG with purified xenogeneic AChR in adjuvant, but injection of Torpedo AChR without adjuvants can also induce evidence of EAMG. To see whether pathogenic autoimmunity could be induced in mice by isolated mouse AChR we injected BALB/c mice with several doses (1 pmole; about 0.1 ug) of affinity-purified AChR (from the BC3H1 cell line but thought to be identical with denervated mouse muscle) intraperitoneally, without adjuvant, over a period of 10-22 weeks. Some of the mice became ill and died. High levels of serum anti-mouse AChR, directed mainly towards the main immunogenic region, were found and, in the survivors, correlated with loss of muscle AChR. Thus BALB/c mice can mount an autoimmune response to minute amounts of mouse AChR, without the use of adjuvants, and this response is very similar to that found in MG. This novel finding has implications regarding the etiology of the human disease.  相似文献   

The immune response induced by Toxoplasma gondii is characterized by Th1 immune mechanisms. We previously demonstrated that C57BL/6 mice infested with Myocoptes musculinus and infected with T. gondii by intraperitoneal route undergo accelerated mortality according to Th2 immune mechanisms induced by the acarian. To evaluate whether infection with M. musculinus influences T. gondii-induced Th1 response in a resistant mouse lineage, BALB/c, which develops latent chronic toxoplasmosis in a way similar to that observed in immunocompetent humans, this study was done. The animals were infected with T. gondii ME-49 strain 1 month after M. musculinus infestation, being the survival and the immune response monitored. The double-infected displayed higher mortality rate if compared with the mono-infected mice. In addition, infection with M. musculinus changed the T. gondii-specific immune response, converting BALB/c host to a susceptible phenotype. Spleen cells had increased the levels of IL-4 in double-infected mice. This alteration was associated with severe pneumonia, encephalitis and wasting condition. In addition, a higher tissue parasitism was observed in double-infected animals. It can be concluded that infection with these two contrasting parasites, M. musculinus and T. gondii, may convert an immunocompetent host into a susceptible one, and such a host will develop severe toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

目的:比较BALB/c小鼠感染H.pylori后以及经H.pylori UreB抗原口服免疫后的体液免疫应答的差异。方法:80只BALB/c小鼠分为感染组和免疫组,感染组灌喂H.pylori小鼠适应株;免疫组灌喂重组H.pylori UreB抗原和佐剂LTB。在试验的0,2,6和10周时每组分别取10只小鼠收集唾液及血液标本,用ELISA法检测抗UreBIgG和IgA抗体,同时采集胃组织作H.pylori感染检测。结果:感染组小鼠在灌喂H.pylori后2,6,10周,感染率均为100%,其血清中抗UreB IgG增高明显,但血清及唾液中均未见IgA的明显升高,;免疫组小鼠在初次免疫后第6,10周后,血清及唾液中抗UreB,IgG和IgA抗体的均显著升高。结论:H.yplori感染BALB/ c小鼠不能诱导其产生明显的特异性黏膜免疫应答,而重组UreB可作为良好的免疫原诱导其产生分泌型IgA抗体。  相似文献   

目的研究重组幽门螺杆菌疫苗口服免疫BALB/c小鼠后免疫保护效果和维持时间,并初步探讨其免疫机制。方法ELISA检测特异性抗体水平;同时ELISPOT检测派伊尔结特异性抗体分泌细胞;RT-PCR显示T淋巴细胞IFN-γ、IL-4 mRNA表达差异;以培养、组织切片、尿素酶试验结果判断攻毒保护率。结果(1)疫苗组在胃、肠、气管冲洗液和血清产生高水平抗体;(2)疫苗组小鼠派伊尔结特异性抗体分泌细胞显著升高(P=0);(3)抗原刺激后,免疫组T淋巴细胞的IFN-γ、IL-4 mRNA表达量升高;(4)免疫组攻毒保护率为86.7%-92.8%,且至少维持30周。结论重组幽门螺杆菌疫苗口服免疫小鼠后有良好的预防Hp感染作用;疫苗诱导的可能是TH1/TH2型免疫应答。  相似文献   

《Molecular immunology》2015,68(2):501-511
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a zoonotic, vector-borne disease causing a major health problem in several countries. No vaccine is available and there are limitations associated with the current therapeutic regimens. Immune responses to sand fly saliva have been shown to protect against Leishmania infection. A cellular immune response to PpSP15, a protein from the sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi, was sufficient to control Leishmania major infection in mice. This work presents data supporting the vaccine potency of recombinant live non-pathogenic Leishmania (L.) tarentolae secreting PpSP15 in mice and its potential as a new vaccine strategy against L. major. We generated a recombinant L. tarentolae-PpSP15 strain delivered in the presence of CpG ODN and evaluated its immunogenicity and protective immunity against L. major infection in BALB/c mice. In parallel, different vaccination modalities using PpSP15 as the target antigen were compared. Humoral and cellular immune responses were evaluated before and at three and eight weeks after challenge. Footpad swelling and parasite load were assessed at eight and eleven weeks post-challenge. Our results show that vaccination with L. tarentolae-PpSP15 in combination with CpG as a prime-boost modality confers strong protection against L. major infection that was superior to other vaccination modalities used in this study. This approach represents a novel and promising vaccination strategy against Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

The development of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the liver of the BALB/c mouse infected with Leishmania donovani was observed by histology, immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy at 1, 2, 4, 8, 14 and 20 weeks after infection. Collagen III and proteoglycan were detected in granulomas and in the portal spaces from 4 to 20 weeks after infection. Laminin was not detected in granulomas but was observed in the basement membrane of new small blood vessels in the granulation tissue around the portal spaces from 8 to 20 weeks after infection. The ECM components in the space of Disse showed no changes in distribution throughout the entire period of study. Systemic fibrosis in the hepatic lobule was not evident in the BALB/c mice. This mouse strain does not appear to be an appropriate model to study the role of ECM in chronic visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Mast cells of the mesentery and subcutaneous tissue in BALB/c and C57Bl/6 mice were studied after single and repeated cold exposure (−20°C, 3 min). Immediate adaptive reactions of mast cells in BALB/c and C57Bl/6 mice did not differ after single cold exposure and were manifested in increased degranulation. Repeated cold exposure of BALB/c mice was followed by an adaptive reaction, which included an increase in the count of mast cells in subcutaneous tissue and normalization of the degranulation index. In C57Bl/6 mice the count of mast cells in subcutaneous tissue decreased, while the degranulation index remained high. These changes reflect the disadaptive response of mast cells to repeated cold exposure. Translated fromByulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 138, No. 8, pp. 207–209, August, 2004  相似文献   

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