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Catch-up growth is a process that promotes weight and height gains to recover normal growth patterns after a transient period of growth inhibition. Accelerated infant growth is associated with reduced bone mass and quality characterized by poor bone mineral density (BMD), content (BMC), and impaired microarchitecture. The present study evaluated the effects of a diet containing slow (SDC) or rapid (RDC) digestible carbohydrates on bone quality parameters during the catch-up growth period in a model of diet-induced stunted rats. The food restriction period negatively impacted BMD, BMC, and microarchitecture of appendicular and axial bones. The SDC diet was shown to improve BMD and BMC of appendicular and axial bones after a four-week refeeding period in comparison with the RDC diet. In the same line, the micro-CT analysis revealed that the trabecular microarchitecture of tibiae and vertebrae was positively impacted by the dietary intervention with SDC compared to RDC. Furthermore, features of the cortical microstructure of vertebra bones were also improved in the SDC group animals. Similarly, animals allocated to the SDC diet displayed modest improvements in growth plate thickness, surface, and volume compared to the RDC group. Diets containing the described SDC blend might contribute to an adequate bone formation during catch-up growth thus increasing peak bone mass, which could be linked to reduced fracture risk later in life in individuals undergoing transient undernutrition during early life.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is characterized by reduction in bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of the bone, which causes bone fragility and fracture susceptibility. Ishige sinicola, a brown alga, reportedly affects osteoblast differentiation. However, its protective effect on estrogen deficiency-induced bone loss has not been elucidated. This study aimed to investigate the effect of I. sinicola extract (ISE) on ovariectomy (OVX)-induced bone loss in vivo and osteoclastogenesis in vitro. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to the sham-operated (SHAM) group and four OVX subgroups: SHAM, OVX, ISE20 (20 mg/kg), ISE200 (200 mg/kg), and estradiol (10 μg/kg). After 6 weeks of treatment, the bone mineral density (BMD), femur indices, and serum biomarker levels were measured. Furthermore, the effects of ISE on osteoclastogenesis and the expression of osteoclast-specific markers were measured. ISE administration improved the trabecular bone structure, bone biomechanical properties, BMD, and bone mineralization degree. In addition, the levels of serum bone turnover markers were decreased in the ISE group compared with those in the OVX group. Moreover, ISE inhibited osteoclast formation by downregulating NFATc1, TRAP, c-Src, c-Fos, and cathepsin K without any cytotoxic effects on RANKL-induced osteoclast formation. Therefore, we suggest that ISE has therapeutic potential in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  相似文献   

The moderate consumption of fish is recommended for a healthy diet and is also a feature of the Mediterranean diet. Fish is a major food group in diets throughout the world, and studies show that fish consumption is associated with a lower risk of a number of conditions. Spain has one of the highest annual per capita consumptions of fish worldwide. As fish is a source of high quality protein; n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids; vitamins, such as A and D; and minerals, such as selenium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, copper and zinc, nutrients that have positive effects on bone characteristics, it has been proposed that its consumption could improve bone health. In this cross-sectional study, we have investigated the relationship between dietary habits and nutrient intake of 151 Spanish premenopausal women and analyzed the association of fish consumption on bone mass measured by quantitative ultrasound of the phalanges. A higher (P < 0.05) bone mass and vitamin D intake (P < 0.05) was observed in the group with a fish intake of 5–7 servings/week. We conclude that increased fish consumption is helpful in maintaining an adequate bone mass in Spanish premenopausal women.  相似文献   

Dietary calcium intake is a modifiable, lifestyle factor that can affect bone health and the risk of fracture. The diurnal rhythm of bone remodelling suggests nocturnal dietary intervention to be most effective. This study investigated the effect of daily, bed-time ingestion of a calcium-fortified, milk-derived protein matrix (MBPM) or control (CON), for 24 weeks, on serum biomarkers of bone resorption (C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen, CTX) and formation (serum pro-collagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide, P1NP), and site-specific aerial bone mineral density (BMD), trabecular bone score (TBS), in postmenopausal women with osteopenia. The MBPM supplement increased mean daily energy, protein, and calcium intake, by 11, 30, and 107%, respectively. 24-week supplementation with MBPM decreased CTX by 23%, from 0.547 (0.107) to 0.416 (0.087) ng/mL (p < 0.001) and P1NP by 17%, from 60.6 (9.1) to 49.7 (7.2) μg/L (p < 0.001). Compared to CON, MBPM induced a significantly greater reduction in serum CTX (mean (CI95%); −9 (8.6) vs. −23 (8.5)%, p = 0.025 but not P1NP −19 (8.8) vs. −17 (5.2)%, p = 0.802). No significant change in TBS, AP spine or dual femur aerial BMD was observed for CON or MBPM. This study demonstrates the potential benefit of bed-time ingestion of a calcium-fortified, milk-based protein matrix on homeostatic bone remodelling but no resultant treatment effect on site-specific BMD in postmenopausal women with osteopenia.  相似文献   

Background: Bone mineral acquisition during adolescence is crucial for maximizing peak bone mass. Fat mass (FM) and bone mass are closely related. This study investigated the association of FM distribution with bone mass in Chinese male adolescents. Method: A total of 693 male adolescents aged 10–18 years were recruited from a secondary school in Jiangmen, China. Their bone mass and body composition were measured by quantitative ultrasound and bioelectrical impedance analysis, respectively. The associations of the measures of fat distribution with bone parameters, i.e., broadband ultrasound attenuation, speed of sound (SOS), and stiffness index (SI), were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Age, height, body mass index, stage of puberty, physical activity, sedentary behavior, dietary energy intake, and dietary calcium and vitamin D intake were adjusted in the model. Further subgroup analyses of prepubertal and pubertal participants were conducted. Results: The measures of fat distribution showed negative associations with SOS and SI in total subjects (p < 0.010). In prepubertal boys, the measures of fat distribution were only associated with SOS (β = −0.377 to −0.393, p < 0.050). In pubertal boys, the measures of fat distribution had associations with all bone parameters (β = −0.205 to −0.584, p < 0.050). The strongest association was between trunk FM and SOS (β = −0.584, p < 0.001). Conclusion: This study supported that the measures of fat distribution were negatively associated with bone parameters in Chinese male adolescents. Trunk FM had the strongest association with bone parameter. These associations appear to be stronger in pubertal boys than in prepubertal boys.  相似文献   

Bone mineral density and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTION: Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) suppresses pituitary gonadotrophin output, thus, suppressing ovulation. Estrogen production from the ovary is also strongly inhibited, and the resulting estrogen deficiency has a detrimental impact on bone. Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate may be particularly detrimental in young women, as it may impede attainment of peak bone mass, and switching to a different contraceptive is recommended. However, the effect of sequential use of DMPA with other contraceptives in this age group has not been investigated. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional analysis of 218 DMPA users who were 20 years or older (mean, 31 years, +/-8.9 SD) at the time of bone mineral density (BMD) estimation. The majority of women had used one or more contraceptive beside DMPA. The most commonly used alternative contraceptive was the oral combined pill (OCP). It was used by 65% of women (n=143) and for an average duration of 6 years. A logistic regression model was used to estimate the association between potential risk factors and low bone mass. RESULTS: The prevalence of low bone mass at either hip or spine (T< or =1) was 41%. The prevalence of a T score below -2.5 was 5%, and 45% of women had already sustained one fracture. Younger age was associated with higher BMD [odds ratios (ORs), 0.054; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.007-0.431]. However, this protective effect of age was lost once the interaction between the duration of both DMPA and OCP was introduced into the model (OR for low BMD, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.09-1.8). The use of DMPA first before ever use of OCP was particularly detrimental to BMD (OR, 3.94; 95% CI, 1.08-14.0). On the contrary, body mass index was positively associated with BMD (OR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.8-0.9). No other demographic or anamnestic variables significantly predicted the presence of low BMD in this group of young women. This group of DMPA users appear to be at a very high risk of both low BMD and fractures, possibly independently of DMPA use. This needs to be considered when writing guidelines for risk assessment. CONCLUSION: The use of DMPA before achievement of peak bone mass may be particularly detrimental to bone, but switching DMPA with the OCP in these women does not seem to confer specific benefit in terms of bone density. This needs to be taken into consideration when a change in contraceptive is considered purely for the sake of bone protection.  相似文献   

目的 探讨BMI与全死因死亡和缺血性心脏病、脑血管病、恶性肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病等死因别死亡的前瞻性关联。方法 利用中国慢性病前瞻性研究队列的10个地区人群数据,剔除基线时自报患有冠心病、脑卒中、恶性肿瘤、慢性阻塞性肺病和糖尿病的个体后,纳入基线时30~79岁的研究对象共428 593人。利用Cox比例风险模型计算9组BMI人群死亡风险比值(HR)及其95%CI结果 研究人群累计随访3 085 054人年(平均随访7.2年)。随访期间男性7 862人、女性6 315人死亡。多因素调整后,与BMI(kg/m2)为20.5~22.4的人群相比,BMI<18.5(HR=1.40,95%CI:1.31~1.50)、BMI为18.5~20.4(HR=1.11,95%CI:1.05~1.17)和BMI≥35.0(HR=2.05,95%CI:1.60~2.61)的人群全死因死亡风险升高。各疾病死亡风险相对较低的BMI(kg/m2)范围:缺血性心脏病为18.5~23.9,脑血管病为<26.0,恶性肿瘤为26.0~34.9,呼吸系统疾病为24.0~25.9。结论 低体重和肥胖人群的全死因死亡与死因别死亡风险升高。人群队列更长期的随访以及更多关于BMI与主要慢性病发病风险的评估,将有助于全面了解BMI对人群健康的影响。  相似文献   

The calcium requirements of boys and girls during adolescence have largely been based on balance studies, including more recently the use of stable nuclides. Bone measurements by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and similar instruments have provided an end-point by which to assess skeletal development, either of the entire skeleton or of specific bones, in relation to the consumption of calcium and other nutrients and to physical activity. Several cross-sectional studies, using measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC), suggest that optimal calcium intakes for female adolescents may be somewhat lower than published as the Adequate Intakes (AIs) by the Institute of Medicine in 1997, but they may be somewhat higher for adolescent males. These results suggest that gender should be considered in establishing recommendations for calcium. In addition, other studies have provided evidence that prepubertal and postpubertal skeletal growth of males and females is enhanced by regular physical activities and that the optimal attainment of BMC and BMD by females by late adolescence may not be dependent on such a high calcium intake as previously thought, although males may need at least the recommended amount. Therefore, physical activity should also be considered in establishing recommendations for calcium. In summary, two lines of evidence suggest that more extensive information on diet and lifestyle should be considered in the future for making more specific recommendations on calcium intakes for optimal skeletal development for prepubertal and postpubertal boys and girls.  相似文献   

目的:建立骨诱导天然煅烧骨无菌检查方法,保证检验结果的准确性和可靠性。方法:按《中国药典》2010年版三部(附录ⅦA)无菌检查法中的直接接种法进行。结果:样品管无菌生长,六株阳性对照菌生长良好。结论:方法学验证采用直接接种法进行的无菌检查,可行。  相似文献   

农村绝经后妇女骨密度影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解绝经后妇女骨密度的影响因素,以便及时采取措施预防骨质疏松。方法:对224名农村已绝经妇女用SD-1000型单光子骨矿物仪测量由松质骨组成的前壁远端桡骨骨密度值,同时进行相关的问卷调查,对所获得的资料进行相关分析、t检验、方差分析及多元逐步回归分析。结果:年龄、绝经年限,体重低是引起骨密度(BMD)降低的3个重要因素,多食水产品、少食脂肪含量高的有肥肉可提高BMD的值。结论:绝经后高龄低体重的妇女是骨质疏松的高危人群,建议对绝经后妇女使用雌激素治疗将有助于预防骨质疏松。  相似文献   

目的探讨农村社区居民体质指数(BMI)的分布现况及其BMI与慢性非传染性疾病(简称慢病)的关系,从而为慢病的早期预防提供依据。方法采用普查的方法,使用统一调查问卷对9 988名调查对象进行面对面调查。所有资料使用Epi Data 3.2录入,采用SPSS 13.0软件进行分析。率的比较采用χ2检验,P〈0.01为差异有统计学意义。结果调查对象超重和肥胖的检出率年龄差异均有统计学意义(χ2=87.265,P〈0.001;χ2=10.590,P〈0.001),40~59岁年龄组超重和肥胖检出率均显著高于其他两个年龄组(P〈0.001);超重和肥胖的检出率性别差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.294,P=0.134;χ2=0.003,P=0.976);超重和肥胖与高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常等慢病的发生密切相关,随着BMI的增加,上述疾病的检出率呈现出上升的趋势。结论超重组和肥胖组的高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常等慢病的检出率明显高于BMI正常组,提示为早期预防慢病,应特别关注BMI≥24的人群。  相似文献   

The association between bone mineral density (BMD) and hepatic glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) is still unclear. To evaluate the BMD of patients with GSD I, IIIa and IXα, a cross-sectional study was performed, including 23 patients (GSD Ia = 13, Ib = 5, IIIa = 2 and IXα = 3; median age = 11.9 years; IQ = 10.9–20.1) who underwent a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Osteocalcin (OC, n = 18), procollagen type 1 N-terminal propeptide (P1NP, n = 19), collagen type 1 C-terminal telopeptide (CTX, n = 18) and 25-OH Vitamin D (n = 23) were also measured. The participants completed a 3-day food diary (n = 20). Low BMD was defined as a Z-score ≤ −2.0. All participants were receiving uncooked cornstarch (median dosage = 6.3 g/kg/day) at inclusion, and 11 (47.8%) presented good metabolic control. Three (13%) patients (GSD Ia = 1, with poor metabolic control; IIIa = 2, both with high CPK levels) had a BMD ≤ −2.0. CTX, OC and P1NP correlated negatively with body weight and age. 25-OH Vitamin D concentration was decreased in seven (30.4%) patients. Our data suggest that patients with hepatic GSDs may have low BMD, especially in the presence of muscular involvement and poor metabolic control. Systematic nutritional monitoring of these patients is essential.  相似文献   

包括钙和维生素D在内的膳食因素是影响峰值骨量的重要环境因素,增加生长发育期的峰值骨量是延缓成年后发生骨质疏松症的重要措施。本文综述儿童青少年时期的膳食因素对峰值骨量及成年后骨骼健康的影响。  相似文献   

为描述农村妇女前臂近端及远端骨密度的年龄分布及可能的环境危险因素 ,用问卷收集 1432位15岁及以上农村妇女的一般人口学特征、生活习惯及饮食情况等资料 ,运用末梢双能X线吸收骨密度仪(pDEXA)测量前臂近端及远端骨密度。结果前臂远端骨密度在 2 5岁前、前臂近端骨密度在 30岁前随年龄的增加而增高 ,两者均在 30~ 35岁达到峰值。前者自 40岁、后者自 45岁骨密度值出现显著性降低 ,骨量年丢失率均在 5 0岁左右明显增加 ,在 5 5~ 6 0岁达到骨丢失高峰。在该人群中 ,年龄仅对前臂近端骨密度有影响 ;绝经年限是影响 45~ 6 0岁人群两种骨密度减低的主要原因 ,但对前臂远端骨密度的影响更为显著 ;体重是 6 0岁前女性骨密度的共同促进因素 ;身高对骨密度的正性作用仅对 30岁年龄组的前臂近端有影响 ;此外 ,生育次数、饮茶史、受教育程度对某些年龄段前臂远端骨密度有影响 ;而产次、服避孕药史、职业、受教育程度及婚姻状况对某些年龄段前臂近端骨密度有一定的影响。本研究未发现吸烟、饮酒对骨密度有影响。提示在不同的年龄段及骨部位 ,骨密度的环境危险因素有所不同。预防低骨密度要因研究对象的年龄、生活条件及体力活动进行调整 ,以监测松质骨骨密度为主  相似文献   

单光子跟骨骨密度仪的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种基于SPA测量方法的跟骨骨密度仪的设计原理,包括机械系统和控制系统的设计及工作原理。还介绍了该仪器达到的主要精度及产生的积极效果。  相似文献   

阐述了bFGF(碱性成纤维细胞生长因子)对骨修复的影响以及相关的作用机理,详细介绍了bFGF微球缓释技术和相关支架材料。针对目前限制bFGF临床应用存在的问题,重点介绍了bFGF缓释技术的研究现状,制备并研究了缓释微球的各项性能。指出:bFGF缓释技术能更有效地促进骨的修复过程,其在骨修复方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

There is considerable controversy concerning the relationships between nutrient intakes and both bone mass and fracture risk. This paper reviews the evidence for each of the dietary variables which have been suggested to be of relevance: calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, protein, dietary fibre, fluoride, caffeine and alcohol. Most surveys have concentrated on calcium intake and other nutrients have been relatively neglected. Peak bone mass appears to be a critical factor in determining bone health in the postmenopausal years, and calcium intake in childhood and adolescence may be an important determinant of peak bone mass. Calcium intake may also affect the rate of bone loss in middle-aged and elderly subjects. However, further study is required in all these areas. Furthermore, few surveys have investigated the relative contributions of nutrition and other factors to bone loss, but it is likely that oestrogen concentrations and physical activity have a greater effect than diet in both middle-aged and elderly women.  相似文献   

维生素D受体基因与骨量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仝志琴  马冠生 《卫生研究》2006,35(3):370-373
近年来对维生素D受体(VDR)基因和骨量关系的研究颇有争议。有许多研究认为维生素D受体基因多态性与骨量有关联。但还有一部分研究未能证实VDR基因多态性与骨量的关联。本文就VDR基因与钙吸收、骨量、药物治疗的关系和VDR基因的协同作用以及与其它基因、环境因素的交互作用对骨量影响的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的:比较新型持骨器与三爪持骨器用于治疗四肢长骨干骨折的疗效。方法:对自2004年6月以来笔者经治的94例116处四肢长管状骨骨折,按住院次序,奇数者(A组)采用新型持骨器治疗,偶数者(B组)用三爪持骨器治疗,比较二者在切口长度、手术时间、失血量、骨折对位情况、骨折愈合时间等方面的情况。结果:所有病例均取得半年以上随访,两者在骨折对位情况方面无明显差别,在切口长度、手术时间、失血量、骨折愈合时间等方面有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论:与采用三爪持骨器相比,采用新型持骨器治疗四肢长骨干骨折具有手术切口小、手术时间短、失血少、骨折愈合快等优点.  相似文献   

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