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OBJECTIVE: We explored the associations between sensory processing and classroom emotional, behavioral, and educational outcomes of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). METHOD: Twenty-eight children with ASD (with average-range IQ) were compared with 51 age- and gender-matched typically developing peers on sensory processing and educational outcomes. RESULTS: For children with ASD, the Short Sensory Profile scores Underresponsive/Seeks Sensation and Auditory Filtering explained 47% of the variance in academic performance, yet estimated intelligence was not a significant predictor of academic performance. Significant negative correlations were found between (1) auditory filtering and inattention to cognitive tasks, (2) tactile hypersensitivity and hyperactivity and inattention, and (3) movement sensitivity and oppositional behavior. CONCLUSION: A pattern of auditory filtering difficulties, sensory underresponsiveness, and sensory seeking was associated with academic underachievement in the children with ASD. Children who have difficulty processing verbal instructions in noisy environments and who often focus on sensory-seeking behaviors appear more likely to underachieve academically.  相似文献   



To assess and compare the sensory processing abilities of children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and children without disabilities, and to analyze the relationship between sensory processing difficulties and behavioural symptoms presented by children with ADHD.


: Thirty-seven children with ADHD were compared with thirty-seven controls using a translated and adapted version of the "Sensory Profile" answered by the parents/caregivers. For the ADHD group, Sensory Profile scores were correlated to behavioural symptoms assessed using the Child Behaviour Check List (CBCL) and the Behavioural Teacher Rating Scale (EACI-P). The statistical analyses were conducted using the Mann Whitney test and Pearson correlation coefficients.


: Children with ADHD showed significant impairments compared to the control group in sensory processing and modulation, as well as in behavioural and emotional responses as observed in 11 out of 14 sections and 6 out of 9 factors. Differences in all Sensory Profile response patterns were also observed between the two groups of children. Sensory Profile scores showed a moderately negative correlation with CBCL and EACI-P scores in the ADHD group.


: These results indicate that children with ADHD may present sensory processing impairments, which may contribute to the inappropriate behavioural and learning responses displayed by children with ADHD. It also suggests the importance of understanding the sensory processing difficulties and its possible contribution to the ADHD symptomatology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to investigate differences in sensory processing among age-matched children between ages 3 and 6 years with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and those who are typically developing. METHOD: Reported sensory processing abilities of 281 children with ASD were compared to age-matched peers who were typically developing, using the Short Sensory Profile (SSP). RESULTS: Ninety-five percent of the sample of children with ASD demonstrated some degree of sensory processing dysfunction on the SSP Total Score, with the greatest differences reported on the Underresponsive/ Seeks Sensation, Auditory Filtering, and Tactile Sensitivity sections. The ASD group also performed significantly differently (p < .001) on 92% of the items, total score, and all sections of the SSP. CONCLUSION: These findings, considered with similar published studies, begin to confirm the prevalence and types of sensory processing impairments in autism. Further research is needed to more clearly define patterns of sensory processing in people with ASD.  相似文献   



Migraine and temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are reported to be associated. However, there are no reports on the association among migraines, TMDs and changes in body posture.


To assess changes in body posture in women suffering migraines with or without TMD compared with a control group.


Sixty-six women with a mean age of 18 to 45 years participated in this study. The groups were composed of 22 volunteers with migraine and TMD (MTMD), 22 volunteers with migraines without TMD (MG) and 22 women in the control group (CG). Static posture was assessed by photogrammetry, and 19 angles were measured.


Postural asymmetry was observed in the face for 4 angles measured on the frontal plane in the MG group and for 4 angles of the trunk in the MG and MTMD groups with respect to CG. However, for comparisons between MTMD and CG, clinical relevance was identified for two angles of the sagittal plane (Cervical and Lumbar Lordosis, Effect Size - ES - moderate: 0.53 and 0.60). For comparisons between the MG and CG, the clinical relevance/potential was verified for three angles with moderate ES (ES>0.42). The clinical relevance when comparing MTMD and CG was identified for four angles of facial symmetry head inclination (ES>0.54) and for two angles between MG and CG (ES>0.48).


The results demonstrated the presence of postural changes compared with a control group in women with migraines with or without TMD, and there were similar clinically relevant postural changes among the patients with migraines with and without TMD.  相似文献   

[Purpose] Insomnia is quite common and it can affect the quality of life of an individual. Students undergo stress due to various academic demands leading to sleeplessness and daytime sleepiness. This study was conducted to investigate the association between physical activity and insomnia among female Saudi students. [Subjects] 62 female students with a mean age of 21 ± 1.5 years took part in a motivational program to increase the number of steps taken per day for three weeks. [Methods] After obtaining subject’s informed consent all the subjects were assessed for insomnia using the insomnia severity index (ISI), They were then given pedometers to calculate the number of steps they took per day. A physical activity log was kept for three weeks. Pre- and post -intervention ISI scores were calculated and correlated with the 3-week physical activity log. [Results] 50% of the subjects had no clinically significant insomnia (NCSI), 42% had sub threshold (STI), and 8% had moderate clinical (MCI) insomnia. There was a moderate negative correlation between physical activity and ISI scores after the 3-week motivation program. [Conclusion] Prevalence of insomnia was common among female Saudi students and increase in physical activity appears to improve the sleep pattern.Key words: Sleep disorder, Insomnia, Physical activity  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to describe the sensory-based behaviors of young children with autism as reported by their parents on the Sensory Profile. Factor scores of children with autism were compared with those of children without autism. METHOD: The Sensory Profile questionnaire was completed by parents of 40 children with autism 3 through 6 years of age and parents of 40 children without autism 3 through 6 years of age. RESULTS: The performance of children with autism was significantly different from that of children without autism on 8 of 10 factors. Factors where differences were found included Sensory Seeking, Emotionally Reactive, Low Endurance/Tone, Oral Sensitivity, Inattention/Distractibility, Poor Registration, Fine Motor/Perceptual, and Other. CONCLUSION: Findings from the study suggest that young children with autism have deficits in a variety of sensory processing abilities as measured by the Sensory Profile. Further research is needed to replicate these findings, to examine the possibility of subgroups on the basis of sensory processing, and to contrast the sensory processing abilities of children with other disabilities to those of children with autism.  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study investigated physical health status and quality of life among older Saudi adults. [Subjects and Methods] Participants included older adults (N = 55) aged 60–90 years (mean = 67.9± 7.71) from a major hospital in Jeddah. Subjects completed surveys and evaluations including assessments of personal and socio-demographic characteristics, caregiver presence, personal habits, perceived health, primary physical and psychological complaints, physician-diagnosed chronic diseases, and functional capacity (i.e., activities of daily living). [Results] Results showed a significant positive correlation between age and ADL; age and memory problems, anxiety, and loneliness; and sleep disturbance and falls. Main factors contributing to quality of life decline were chronic disease, falls, sedentary lifestyle, sleep disturbances, and financial concerns. Participants with diabetes mellitus (58.18%) and hypertension (29.0%) had a very high fall rate. Participants engaged in minimal physical activity (63%), often due to bone and joint pain (90.0%), and led sedentary lives (69%). Single sensory impairments were significantly and independently linked to high depression risk and decreased self-sufficiency. [Conclusion] Healthy lifestyle and behavioral changes should be promoted through community-based health education programs for older Saudi adults. Chronic disease screening programs for the elderly population (especially diabetes and hypertension) are recommended.Key words: Elderly, Falls, Depression  相似文献   

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, demographic features of the newly developed Amer Dizziness Diagnostic Scale (ADDS), provide differential diagnosis of the vestibular disorders, assist in the clinical research and practice activities of health workers as well as to understand the probability of the utilization of the ADDS as a first-line evaluation tool in general clinical practice. [Subjects and Methods] Two hundred subjects of various ages including both male and female patients with a history of vertigo and/or dizziness were included in the study and evaluated once using the ADDS. [Results] There were more female (59.5%) than male (49.5) patients in this study. Additionally, we found that most patients (64.4%) had a central mediated problem. In addition, the Amer Dizziness Diagnostic Scale has been found to have both a sensitivity and specificity of 96% that can adequately determine the possible diagnosis of vestibular disorders. [Conclusion] This study has demonstrated the validity of the ADDS scale, the predominance of female involvement related to supplementary medication, vitamin D deficiency, general lifestyle factors, and fluid retention, high sensitivity and specificity, provide differential diagnosis of vestibular disorders that could be used as a first-line evaluation tool in general clinics.Key words: Dizziness, Vertigo, Balance  相似文献   

目的:了解深圳地区孤独症患儿罹患龋齿的状况。方法按第三次全国口腔健康流行病学抽样调查方案中龋病的调查标准对126例孤独症患儿进行口腔健康状况检查。结果孤独症儿龋齿患病率为81.0%,男性显著高于女性( P<0.01),好发牙位是上颌乳中切牙和下颌乳磨牙。结论孤独症患儿龋齿患病率较高,应对患儿家长进行口腔健康知识教育。  相似文献   

Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by severe deficits in social interaction and communication, as well as by stereotyped and repetitive behaviors. Children with autism frequently have significant eating difficulties with highly restricted range of food choices. Eating habits and patterns are often unusual and have an impact on family life. The purpose of this article was to review pertinent information regarding this complex developmental disorder and describe a recent study based on a parent survey of feeding patterns in children with autism to give a new perspective for both parents and professionals.  相似文献   



Very few studies have examined the gait patterns of children with autism. A greater awareness of movement deviations could be beneficial for treatment planning. The purpose of this study was to compare kinematic and kinetic gait patterns in children with autism versus age-matched controls.


Twelve children with autism and twenty-two age-matched controls participated in the study. An eight camera motion capture system and four force plates were used to compute joint angles and joint kinetics during walking. Parametric analyses and principal component analyses were applied to kinematic and kinetic waveform variables from the autism (n = 12) and control (n = 22) groups. Group differences in parameterization values and principal component scores were tested using one-way ANOVAs and Kruskal–Wallis tests.


Significant differences between the autism and control group were found for cadence, and peak hip and ankle kinematics and kinetics. Significant differences were found for three of the principal component scores: sagittal ankle moment principal component one, sagittal ankle angle principal component one, and sagittal hip moment principal component two. Results suggest that children with autism demonstrate reduced plantarflexor moments and increased dorsiflexion angles, which may be associated with hypotonia. Decreased hip extensor moments were found for the autism group compared to the control group, however, the clinical significance of this result is unclear.


This study has identified several gait variables that were significantly different between autism and control group walkers. This is the first study to provide a comprehensive analysis of gait patterns in children with autism.  相似文献   


Purpose: To determine the cross-cultural applicability of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) among Saudi children. Methods: The PEDI score form was translated into Arabic then back translated to English. The Arabic translated PEDI was administered by specialized physical therapists to 52 nondisabled Saudi children (30 boys, 22 girls) aged between 1 and 7 years, from five schools. The sample was divided into age groups and the mean of each group score was compared to the US normative value using one sample t-test with a reference mean of 50. Consistency was tested using Cronbach’s α and the influence of demographic factors was assessed using univariate analysis of variance. Results: Data analysis showed lower scores from the Saudi children sample in both the Functional Skills scale and the Caregiver Assistance scale in some age groups compared to US PEDI reference values. Cronbach’s α was found to be high to moderate, and no demographic factors were shown to have influenced the outcome, except PEDI scores differed significantly in children with working mothers compared to those with non-working mothers. Conclusion: Saudi children scored significantly lower than US PEDI reference values in some age groups. We highly attribute this to parental attitude and the more behaviour of Saudi mothers towards their children. The study also reinforces that children of working mothers are more independent, an encouraging finding for those mothers facing resistance and lack of support for their work.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Saudi children perform less than their U.S. peers, certifying the need for cultural norming of PEDI prior to its use among Saudi children.

  • The surrounding environment and culture has remarkable influence on Saudi children neuro-development, as reflected by the delay from original PEDI reference values.

  • While designing rehabilitation programs for disabled children, physical therapists must consider that mothers’ attitude, home environment and local culture have an obvious impact on children’s capability and performance in functional activity.

  • Working mothers’ children were more independent than nonworking mothers; hence, it is useful to consider this trait in the initial evaluation.


OBJECTIVES. This preliminary study examined sensory processing and its relationship to occupational performance in children with fragile X syndrome (FXS) to guide research and evidence-based practice. METHOD. Fifteen school-aged boys with full-mutation FXS were assessed with three occupational performance measures (School Function Assessment, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, play duration) and three sensory processing measures (Sensory Profile, Tactile Defensiveness and Discrimination Test-Revised, Sensory Approach-Avoidance Rating). Data were analyzed using partial correlation procedures. RESULTS. Several significant correlations were found, independent of effects of age and IQ. Avoidance of sensory experiences (internally controlled) was associated with lower levels of school participation, self-care, and play. Aversion to touch from externally controlled sources was associated with a trend toward greater independence in self-care--opposite of expectations. CONCLUSION. This study links sensory processing vulnerabilities with individual differences in occupational performance and supports a dynamic view of self-organizing systems. Children's uses of avoidant versus independent behaviors may reflect different self-regulatory or coping strategies that potentially mediate the relationship between sensory processing deficits and occupational behaviors and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe prevalence of celiac disease (CD) varies geographically and ethnically; however, the prevalence among children in South China remains unknown. We therefore determined the occurrence of CD among Chinese children in South China.MethodsSerum samples were collected from children and assessed for anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA antibodies (anti-tTG-IgA) and total IgA. Anti-tTG-IgA+ participants underwent human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQ2/DQ8 determination. Samples with serum total IgA <0.05 g/L were also analyzed for anti-tTG-IgG, and for HLA-DQ2/DQ8 if the values were above borderline. Participants who were anti-tTG-IgA/IgG+ and HLA-DQ2+ and/or HLA-DQ8+ underwent small bowel biopsy.ResultsA total of 8794 children were enrolled, of whom 479 had chronic unexplained abdominal symptoms. Three (0.034%) children were anti-tTG-IgA+ and ten (0.114%) had serum total IgA <0.05 g/L, all of whom were anti-tTG-IgG−. The three positive children were all HLA-DQ2+ and/or HLA-DQ8+. Two underwent gastroscopy, and histopathology of small intestinal biopsy showed duodenal villous blunting in one and increased intraepithelial lymphocytes in the other, neither consistent with a diagnosis of CD.ConclusionOur study showed a prevalence of CD autoimmunity of 0.034% and failed to identify any cases of CD, suggesting a low prevalence of CD among children in South China.  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study analyzed type 2 diabetes and its role in complications among adult Saudi patients. [Subjects] Patients attending four primary health care centers in Jeddah were enrolled. [Methods] A cross-sectional design study among Saudi patients attending Ministry of Health primary health care centers in Jeddah was selected for use by the Primary Health Care administration. Patients were interviewed with structured questionnaires to determine the presence of diabetes and risk factors using questions about the history of any disease. [Results] Diabetes mellitus was present in 234 subjects during the data collection period (March–June 2014). Mean patient age was 58 years; diabetes prevalence was 42% in males and 58% in females. The mean age for diabetes onset in males and females was 34 and 39 years, respectively. There was a higher incidence of obesity (75%) associated with a sedentary lifestyle (body mass index ≥25) in females (N= 96; 40%) compared with males (N= 87; 36%). In this study, >44% of individuals aged 55 or older had severe to uncontrolled diabetes with long-term complications. The age-adjusted incidence of hypertension and coronary heart disease was 38% and 24%, respectively, showing a clear incidence of diabetes associated with cardiovascular disease in Saudi Arabia. [Conclusion] This study found that a multifactorial approach to managing diabetes complication risks is needed.Key words: Diabetes, Risk, Elderly  相似文献   

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