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Despite recent advances in pharmacological management of rheumatoid arthritis, forefoot deformity, with its symptoms, remains a common problem, often requiring operative treatment. Typical deformities in these patients comprise hallux valgus and deformity of the lesser metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints and toes. With regard to the lesser rays the standard operative procedure, advocated for the disabling forefoot pain in these patients, remains metatarsal head resection. It should be considered that with increasing success of pharmacological treatment the degree of forefoot deformity in these patients is becoming less and that resection of the lesser MTP joints is becoming more and more superfluous. This supports a trend towards metatarsal head-preserving surgery. The optimal treatment of the hallux deformity remains unclear. Fusion of the first MTP joint is, generally, recommended. This article will discuss the current surgical options in rheumatoid forefoot pathology.  相似文献   

The lower eyelid can be a challenging area in facial rejuvenation. While lower eyelid bags are commonly the reason that patients present for lower eyelid rejuvenation, a separate entity known as a tear trough deformity may occur in conjunction with lower eyelid bags or alone. In this article, the authors outline the current understanding of the tear trough anatomy; describe multiple classification systems, which provide an objective means of evaluating the deformity and aid the surgeon in choosing appropriate treatment options; and review surgical and nonsurgical techniques for correcting the tear trough deformity. Treatment options include hyaluronic acid filler, fat grafting, skeletal implants, and fat transposition. Each procedure is associated with advantages and disadvantages, and each should be considered more complex than traditional lower blepharoplasty alone. While lower blepharoplasty removes excess fat and may tighten the anterior lamella, tear trough procedures require the addition of volume to the underlying depression. These procedures requiring release of the ligamentous structures and orbicularis (of which the tear trough is composed), as well as fat transposition or fat grafting, are associated with additional complications, which are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Web neck deformity has been recognised for over 100 years and during that time there has been a large amount of literature devoted to it. There has been surprisingly little information published on the exact nature of the deformity, particularly the exact site and composition of the web and the presence or absence of any other soft tissue anomalies in the head and neck, which could modify a surgical approach. Our paper will describe the "simple" webbing found in four cases of Turner's syndrome and one case of Klippel-Feil syndrome, and discuss some of the associated features seen in these syndromes. We also review the major methods of surgical treatment and examine the role of tissue expanders in the surgical correction of this anomaly.  相似文献   

Cervical myeloradiculopathy: Klippel-Feil deformity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T B Ducker 《Journal of spinal disorders》1990,3(4):439-40; discussion 441-4

术前CT测量椎体变异对特发性脊柱侧弯矫形手术的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的] 探讨术前CT测量椎体变异对脊柱侧弯后路矫形手术的意义.[方法] 回顾性分析本院在采用CT三维重建技术测量椎体变异,以指导脊柱侧弯矫形术中内固定植入这一新方法前后,两组特发性脊柱侧弯病例矫形术中椎弓根螺钉使用率,矫形率异等情况.[结果] 末使用CT测苗椎体变异组患者27例,椎弓根钉使用率65%±21%,术前Cobb's角61.7°±9.0°,术后Cobb's角29.7°±4.8°,矫正率为52%±4%;使用CT测量椎体变异指导手术内植物植入组患者23例,椎弓根钉使用率94%±9%,术前Cobb's角64.0°±7.6°术后Cobb's角21.1°±3.1°,矫正率为67%±6%.两绀病例在椎弓根钉使用率和畸形矫正率上有极显著差异,P值皆小于0.001.[结论] 使用CT测量椎体变异能提供同定椎体椎弓根直径、内倾角、椎弓根钉的可使用长度等重要个性化资料,能提高术中植入椎弓根钉的植入成功率,提高侧弯畸形的矫形效果.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Stress urinary incontinence is an uncommon finding in healthy men. Following radical prostatectomy, however, stress urinary incontinence is the most important complication influencing patient morbidity following surgery and influencing satisfaction, regardless of the surgical technique applied. Conservative treatment options centre at early restoration of bladder and pelvic floor function. When significant and bothersome stress urinary incontinence persists, even after six to 12 months active treatment follow-up, surgical restoration of continence seems advisable. RECENT FINDINGS: Two themes emerge in reviewing the recent publications in this field. Implantation of the hydraulic artificial urinary sphincter is still the gold standard, particularly in severe cases. Alternatively, new techniques and other artificial materials are gaining favour, aiming at a large cohort of patients with less severe incontinence, which have been not treated or overtreated so far. Advances in both areas are covered within this review article in detail. SUMMARY: For treatment of incontinence following prostatectomy, a large variety of surgical techniques are readily available and have proven to be helpful tools in making patients' uncomfortable lives much easier. In addition, the wide armamentarium of artificial materials and techniques may help to choose the proper surgical technique for every patients' needs.  相似文献   

外科手术治疗风吹手畸形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的应用外科手术方法治疗风吹手畸形。方法对26例风吹手患者采用外科手术方法治疗,一期手术应对拇指的屈曲及内收畸形,使用Z字成形或皮瓣移植的方法开放指蹼,切断拇收肌,重建拇指外展功能。二期手术解决2—5指在掌指关节处的尺偏畸形,使用中小指的指浅屈肌腱移位方法;三期手术治疗解决手掌及手指屈曲的问题,以及屈曲纠正后造成的手掌侧皮肤软组织缺损。结果术后随访6~48月。26例患者中有15例拇指指蹼开大效果满意,外展及对掌功能恢复比较满意;12例患者2—5指的尺偏畸形得到良好的纠正;7例术后效果不满意;术后手掌及手指挛缩屈曲者有5例。结论分期手术治疗以及系统的术后康复治疗才会获得良好的效果。  相似文献   

目的 评价桡骨旋转截骨术及尺、桡骨双旋转截骨术在治疗大龄产瘫前臂旋前畸形后遗症的价值. 方法 2007年8月至2011年8月,对20例产瘫前臂旋前畸形后遗症患儿,施行桡骨单纯桡骨旋转截骨(5例)、尺、桡骨双旋转截骨(15例)等两种术式,并经术后6~54个月(平均25个月)的随访.本组前臂功能以旋前位角度和自觉功能的改善作为评价标准.结果 本组15例行尺、桡骨双截骨患儿中14例功能及外观明显改善,1例出现旋后畸形;5例行单纯桡骨旋前截骨者,术后3例功能及外观均获得改善,随访6个月、8个月后,其中合并桡骨小头脱位2例因疗效不佳行尺、桡骨双截骨,本组20例患者未出现骨不连.结论 单纯桡骨旋转截骨矫形手术在产瘫前臂旋前畸形后遗症无桡骨小头脱位的治疗中具有一定的应用价值,尺、桡骨双截骨术在前臂旋前畸形合并桡骨小头脱位后遗症中疗效更优.  相似文献   

[目的]研究脊髓神经源性足部畸形的发病机理、分类和手术治疗方案.[方法]1988年10月~2006年6月,回顾性分析脊髓病变、脊髓和脊神经因被牵拉或压迫引起的足部畸形167例258足,根据脊髓损伤的性质和发病机理,将足部畸形分为上运动神经元损伤型和下运动神经元损伤型两大类,两类足部畸形采用不同的治疗方案.上运动神经元损伤型足部畸形,手术方案以选择性脊神经后根切断术或周围神经缩窄术为主;下运动神经元损伤型足部畸形,手术方案以软组织松解、肌腱转位术和截骨术为主,其中僵硬性足部畸形使用Ilizarov外固定器缓慢矫正.[结果]得到至少5年随访的147例228足进行总结分析,上运动神经元损伤型足部畸形42足,下运动神经元损伤型足部畸形186足.采用Laaveg-Ponseti足功能评分系统:优94足,良84足,可32足,差18足;优良率78.1%.第1次术后复发36足,复发率15.8%.第2次术后复发8足.[结论]根据脊髓神经源性足部畸形的分类,采用不同的手术治疗方案,可提高治疗效果,减少术后畸形复发.  相似文献   

杨杰  梁家宝  梁晓军 《中国骨伤》2022,35(12):1109-1115
拇外翻(hallux valgus,HV)畸形是足部常见的一种畸形,主要表现为拇趾外翻及第1跖趾关节半脱位或完全性脱位。随着畸形的进展,会表现出一系列的病理改变,如第1跖骨内收、拇趾外翻、第1跖骨头骨软骨损伤、第1跖趾关节炎、籽骨脱位、拇囊炎、跖籽关节炎、第1跖骨旋转、跖骨头倾斜以及交叉趾、锤状趾和跖痛症等,临床表现为前足疼痛、畸形,影响穿鞋以及功能障碍[1]。保守治疗不能缓解症状或影响日常生活时,应考虑手术治疗。目前报道的治疗拇外翻的术式超过100种[2],虽然手术方式的选择很多,但没有一种术式可以治疗所有的拇外翻畸形。手术治疗的目标是解除疼痛、矫正畸形、改善功能及穿鞋。目前,临床医生大多会根据拇外翻的病理特点选择联合术式,如骨性术式的联合或骨性术式与软组织术式联合。本文主要总结分析了拇外翻畸形的病因、病理特征与评估、矫形原则与常见术式选择、重度复杂性拇外翻畸形、微创技术和常见并发症,并对本期发表的相关文章进行点评。  相似文献   

小儿半椎体畸形的外科治疗探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨小儿半椎体畸形的外科治疗及相关问题。方法:手术治疗94例半椎体畸形患儿,按照术式分为单纯半椎体切除组及半椎体切除后路加压固定组,随访观察术后情况,比较治疗效果。结果:两组侧弯均得到控制,后路加压固定组侧弯矫正明显好于单纯组,但术后并发症较多。结论:小儿半椎体畸形应早期手术治疗,前后路切除半椎体并加压固定可获得较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

Cervical lymphadenopathy due to atypical mycobacteria was an easily identifiable clinical entity in 45 children. A 3-wk history of lymphadenopathy associated with positive atypical acid-fast mycobacterium skin test is highly suggestive of the diagnosis. Surgical extirpation is recommended for cure. The results of operative excision in 40 children were excellent.  相似文献   

甲状腺结节是外科医生最常见的甲状腺疾病,其中有5.0%~15.0%最终会诊断为甲状腺癌。如果针吸活检后病理结果提示为阳性或高度怀疑为恶性肿瘤,则外科手术是必须的。在过去十年中,外科医生为了追求切口小型化和创伤最小化,将腔镜技术引入到甲状腺手术中,统称为“甲状腺微创手术”,包括颈部小切口甲状腺手术、腔镜辅助下小切口甲状腺手术,简称Miccoli术式,和颈部无瘢痕存留的全腔镜下甲状腺手术,以及最近开展的机器人辅助下全腔镜甲状腺手术。所有这些手术方式都必须遵循相同的肿瘤外科手术操作原则。本文列举了目前国内关于分化型甲状腺癌的术式选择,同时还列举了国内外各种主流手术方法,并说明其优缺点,以期望对临床工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

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