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目的 探讨不同类型主动脉夹层患者血清D-二聚体(D-dimer)水平及其诊断价值.方法 选取2018年1月至2020年1月在我院就诊且临床确诊为主动脉夹层的患者62例,根据检查分型结果分为Stanford A型30例(A组)和Stanford B型32例(B组).分别于患者入院后1、6、12、24、72 h及14 d检测患者血清D-dimer水平,分析其与不同类型主动脉夹层的相关性.结果 A组患者在入院后1、6、12、24、72h及14 d时检测血清D-二聚体水平均显著高于B组患者,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05).A组治疗后11例死亡,19例生存;B组治疗后12例死亡,20例生存.A组死亡及生存患者血清D-二聚体水平均显著高于B组,且A组、B组死亡患者血清D-二聚体水平均显著高于生存患者,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05).血清D-二聚体对Stanford A型主动脉夹层诊断的截断值为1 258.4μg/L,ROC曲线下面积AUC为0.92,灵敏度为73.46%,特异性为89.68%.D-二聚体对Stanford B型主动脉夹层诊断的截断值为989.7μg/L,ROC曲线下面积AUC为0.89,灵敏度为70.27%,特异性为88.47%.结论 D-二聚体在Stanford A型和Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者不同时期血清水平均不同,整体呈现Stanford A型高于Stanford B型.通过检测患者血清D-二聚体水平可辅助判断主动脉夹层分型,对临床诊疗具有重要应用价值.  相似文献   

背景:Stanford A型主动脉夹层手术难度大、复杂程度高,需要在深低温停循环下行升主动脉全弓置换+降主动脉支架置入手术,对术者的操作要求很高。目的:探讨在体外构建Stanford A型主动脉夹层3D三维动态模拟图及个体化组织工程化血管制备的可行性,为未来为临床医师提供模拟手术过程。方法:选择2020年1月至2021年7月中国科学技术大学附属第一医院(安徽省立医院)收治的Stanford A型主动脉夹层患者17例,将患者CT影像数据导入到医学图像处理软件,重建出Stanford A型主动脉夹层的主动脉血管及其分支模拟图。对重建出的主动脉血管模型制作出夹层的3D三维动态模拟图,制定个体化组织工程化血管,同时测量主动脉夹层模型与CT血管造影在不同位置的血管内径。结果与结论:①精确制定出夹层的3D三维动态模拟图和模型,可以制备出个体化的组织工程化血管,满足临床人工血管材料需要;②在窦管交界水平主动脉、头臂干水平主动脉、左锁骨下动脉水平主动脉、头臂干、左颈总动脉、左锁骨下动脉部位,Stanford A型主动脉夹层3D三维动态模型的血管内径值与CT血管造影血管造影检测结果比较差异均无显著性意义(P>0.05);③结果提示,在体外可构建Stanford A型主动脉夹层3D三维动态模拟图及精确打印出Stanford A型主动脉夹层复杂的解剖结构,可以精确制备个体化组织工程化血管。  相似文献   

目的探讨妊娠合并主动脉夹层/主动脉瘤患者的胎盘病理形态改变及与临床特征的关系。方法选取首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院2012年1月至2021年10月14例妊娠合并主动脉夹层/主动脉瘤患者的胎盘标本及2021年1至12月10例正常妊娠妇女的胎盘标本, 采用常规HE染色及免疫组织化学染色, 光镜下观察组织形态学改变, 并结合临床资料进行分析。结果 14例妊娠合并主动脉夹层/主动脉瘤送检胎盘的患者年龄22~38岁, 中位年龄28岁, 孕周22~39周, 中位孕周34周;妊娠中期2例, 妊娠晚期12例;均为单胎妊娠;Stanford A型主动脉夹层7例, Stanford B型主动脉夹层6例, 主动脉根部瘤1例;孕妇先行剖宫产术后行主动脉夹层手术4例, 先行主动脉夹层手术后行剖宫产术3例, 同时行剖宫产术和主动脉夹层手术7例;新生儿中足月产2例, 早产儿12例;新生儿存活12例, 死亡2例。胎儿/胎盘重量比(FPR)<第10百分位数5例, FPR>第90百分位数1例。妊娠合并主动脉夹层组绒毛成熟加速及远端绒毛发育不良比例高于正常组, 两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);而绒毛...  相似文献   

目的通过计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics, CFD)分析Stanford B型夹层的血流动力学参数,从而有效全面评估疾病。方法基于1例复杂的Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者的增强CTA影像,构建三维模型和血流动力学的数值模拟研究,分析流场速度分布、夹层破口剖面速度分布以及壁面切应力。结果该病例在夹层入口、出口处的血液流速分别最高达到1.2、2 m/s,为进一步预测夹层破裂位置和评估夹层破裂风险提供依据。在夹层破口附近的假腔壁面形成明显的低壁面切应力区,与患者体内血栓位置相一致。结论 CFD能有效分析复杂主动脉夹层的血流动力学特征,获得主动脉弓部及其降主动脉的剪切力与主动脉夹层发生的相关性,有助于指导临床对主动脉进行功能学评估,进而预防疾病发生。  相似文献   

目的探索病变后主动脉夹层的血流动力学性能,为胸主动脉夹层(thoracic aortic dissection,TAD)患者治疗提供更加科学的依据。方法基于1例复杂Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者的计算机断层扫描血管造影(computed tomography angiography,CTA)影像数据,建立个性化主动脉夹层近心端不同破口形态(H、O、V型)的夹层模型,结合计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)与形态学分析方法,分析破口截面速度、血流状态、壁面压力以及壁面剪切力(wall shear stress,WSS)分布。结果 H型破口类型在破裂入口处的流速、最高压强差、WSS占比都表现出较其他两种类型较大的血流动力学参数,H型破口类型夹层破裂风险最大,V型次之,O型最小。结论研究结果为病例进一步数值分析和制定治疗方案提供有效的参考。  相似文献   

目的 探讨杂交手术治疗累及主动脉弓部的主动脉夹层的方法及疗效.方法 自2009年1月至2012年1月,成都军区总医院共对16例累及主动脉弓部的主动脉夹层患者完成了杂交手术治疗.其中男性11例,女性5例,年龄50~72岁[(56.3±7.1)岁].Stanford A型主动脉夹层(夹层起源于升主动脉)5例,B型夹层(夹层起源于降主动脉)11例,病变均累及主动脉弓,不适宜单独行腔内隔绝治疗.11例采用胸骨正中切口或加颈部切口行升主动脉至头臂动脉旁路移植,5例单纯颈部切口行头臂动脉间旁路移植,然后行股动脉切口逆行主动脉腔内覆膜支架植入.术后即刻行升主动脉造影,术后3个月、1年及2年随访CT资料,观察支架和人工血管通畅情况.结果 所有患者均成功完成血管旁路手术,并植入覆膜支架.术中血管造影证实支架植入定位准确,无明显内漏和移位.主动脉夹层真腔血流恢复正常,旁路血管血流通畅,围手术期无死亡和严重并发症发生.随访16例,随访时间3.0 ~ 48.0个月[(24.O±8.2)个月],所有患者均生存,并恢复正常生活.术后3个月和术后1年、2年复查主动脉增强CT示:支架无移位和内漏,支架内及人工血管旁路血流通畅,未见脑部和肢体的缺血征象.结论 累及弓部的主动脉夹层可根据受累的部位及程度采用不同的杂交手术方法,杂交手术治疗累及主动脉弓部的主动脉夹层安全、有效,能明显减轻患者的创伤和痛苦,该治疗方法扩大了介入覆膜支架腔内治疗的适应证,但远期疗效有待迸一步观察.  相似文献   

目的探讨16层CT多平面重建(MPR)与容积再现技术(VR)对主动脉夹层(AD)诊断的价值。方法经手术或DSA证实的AD患者43例,其中男性36例,女性7例;年龄29~78岁,平均年龄52.8岁。分析其16层CT征象,原始采集层厚为0.75mm,间隔0.75mm。MPR包括冠状位、矢状位和平行于主动脉弓的斜位,应用VR软件重建出立体三维图像。结果 43例患者中包括DeBakeyⅠ型13例,Ⅱ型2例,Ⅲ型28例(Ⅲa型11例,Ⅲb型17例)。Stanford分型法:A型15例,B型28例。MPR能直观显示夹层的整体形态、分支血管的走行及钙化,对夹层真假腔、内膜片和内膜初始破口的显示率高。VR立体感强,能清晰显示病变的全程及与分支血管的空间关系。结论充分应用16层CT的MPR和VR技术可以及早为AD患者做出正确的诊断,该技术应作为临床可疑患者的优选检查方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨杂交手术在治疗累及弓部的Stanford B型主动脉夹层(TBAD)中的有效性和安全性。方法:前瞻性描述性研究。纳入2020年1月—2021年9月蚌埠医学院第一附属医院血管外科确诊为累及弓部的TBAD患者。其中男16例,女5例;年龄32~81(59.7±12.9)岁。患者均采用外科转流术和胸主动脉腔内修复术相...  相似文献   

目的 探讨主动脉夹层多层螺旋CT血管造影(CTA)的影像学表现.方法 回顾性分析2010年2月至2013年8月于本院行CTA检查的主动脉夹层患者52例的临床资料,均采用256层螺旋CT进行全主动脉增强扫描,分析其CT平扫、增强图像及后处理重建图像,对主动脉夹层进行DeBakey分型并分析其影像学表现.结果 主动脉夹层患者52例中DeBakey Ⅰ型21例,DeBakeyⅡ型3例,DeBakeyⅢ型28例,其中Ⅲa型4例、Ⅲb型24例.CTA检查显示典型主动脉夹层43例,不典型主动脉夹层9例.典型主动脉夹层均能显示主动脉内膜内移、真假两腔及破口.不典型主动脉夹层8例不能显示明确破口,7例表现为主动脉壁新月形或环状增厚,8例增强扫描假腔无对比剂进入,2例溃疡形成.结论 CTA对典型及不典型主动脉夹层均具有重要的诊断价值.  相似文献   

<正>主动脉夹层起病急且病情凶险,需及时积极治疗。胸主动脉腔内隔绝术(thoracic endovascular aortic repair,TEVAR)是Stanford B型主动脉夹层的首选治疗方案[1]。有研究表明,对于创伤导致的主动脉夹层患者,TEVAR较传统手术更为安全有效[2]。然而TEVAR术后仍有并发症发生风险,脊髓缺血为其术后恶性并发症之一。  相似文献   

We hypothesized that patients with sepsis and AKI, especially patients without preserved renal function, and treated with continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF), have lower risk for mortality than patients treated with continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH). Patients were included if they fulfilled the diagnosis of severe sepsis or septic shock, suffered AKI and received continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in intensive care unit. There were 62 patients treated by CVVH and 75 treated by CVVHDF. Mean survival time was longer in CVVHDF group with oliguric/anuric patients than in CVVH group. CVVH, and not classic risk factors, was associated with higher overall mortality in oliguric/anuric patients. In the linear regression model, hourly urine output was the strongest and positive predictor of longer survival. CVVHDF is according to our results a CRRT modality of choice for the treatment and lower mortality of septic patients with AKI where renal function is no longer preserved. CRRT has been associated with improved renal recovery, but it should be started earlier in AKI evolution with still preserved hourly urine output which is the most sensitive and prognostic marker of survival in septic patients with AKI.  相似文献   

目的分析重症急性肾损伤(AKI)行连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)患者临床特点,探讨CRRT介入时机对重症AKI患者预后影响。方法回顾性分析2009年1月1日至2015年12月31日在安徽医科大学第二附属医院重症医学科明确诊断AKI行CRRT患者141例,其中男性89例,女性52例;年龄3~88岁,平均年龄53.93岁。根据改善全球肾脏病预后组织(KDIGO)指南分KDIGO 1、2期和KDIGO 3期两组,比较两组患者一般人口学特征、实验室检查、疾病严重程度及预后情况,并对患者28 d生存率进行Logistic回归分析,从而得出影响重症AKI患者28 d存活率的危险因素。结果基线资料:KDIGO 1期18例,KDIGO 2期32例,KDIGO 3期91例;KDIGO 1、2期血肌酐、尿素氮、尿酸明显低于KDIGO 3期(P<0.001),其余生物化学指标两组间未见明显差异(P>0.05)。两组患者总住院日、重症监护病房(ICU)住院日、合并症(高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、慢性肾脏病)无明显差异(P>0.05)。引起重症AKI诱因组成:脓毒症54例(占38.3%),心脏术后25例(占17.7%),失血性休克22例(占15.6%),为引起AKI诱因的前3位;诱因为心脏术后的KDIGO 1、2期患者明显高于KDIGO 3期(P<0.001)。严重程度和预后比较:KDIGO 1、2期序贯脏器衰竭评估(SOFA)评分、急性生理学与慢性健康状况评分系统Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ)评分低于KDIGO 3期,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);KDIGO 1、2期28 d生存率(70.0%)明显高于KDIGO 3期(46.1%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。经二分类Logistic回归分析,年龄、是否机械通气、白细胞、血肌酐、白蛋白与生存率无关;高SOFA评分、高APACHEⅡ评分、KDIGO 3期为28 d存活率的独立危险因素;女性、ICU入住时间增加是28 d存活率的保护因素。结论基于KDIGO分期的早期CRRT,有望改善重症AKI患者的预后。  相似文献   

Some cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection presented renal function impairment after the first MERS-CoV patient died of progressive respiratory and renal failure. Thus, MERS-CoV may include kidney tropism. However, reports about the natural courses of MERS-CoV infection in terms of renal complications are scarce. We examined 30 MERS-CoV patients admitted to National Medical Center, Korea. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the serum creatinine (SCr), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), urine dipstick tests, urinary protein quantitation (ACR or PCR), and other clinical parameters in all patients. Two consecutive results of more than trace (or 1+) of albumin and blood on dipstick test occurred in 18 (60%) (12 [40%]) and 22 (73.3%) (19 [63.3%]) patients, respectively. Fifteen (50.0%) patients showed a random urine ACR or PCR more than 100 mg/g Cr. Eight (26.7%) patients showed acute kidney injury (AKI), and the mean and median durations to the occurrence of AKI from symptom onset were 18 and 16 days, respectively. Old age was associated with a higher occurrence of AKI in the univariate analysis (HR [95% CI]: 1.069 [1.013-1.128], P = 0.016) and remained a significant predictor of the occurrence of AKI after adjustment for comorbidities and the application of a mechanical ventilator. Diabetes, AKI, and the application of a continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) were risk factors for mortality in the univariate analysis (HR [95% CI]: diabetes; 10.133 [1.692-60.697], AKI; 12.744 [1.418-114.565], CRRT; 10.254 [1.626-64.666], respectively). Here, we report renal complications and their prognosis in 30 Korean patients with MERS-CoV.  相似文献   

目的对比研究持续低效血液透析(SLED)与连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)在感染性休克急性肾损伤(AKI)患者中治疗效果。方法选择60例感染性休克AKI的患者,其中男性36例,女性24例;年龄28~71岁,平均年龄49.56岁。随机分为SLED组(30例)和CRRT组(30例)。两组患者均按《2016国际严重脓毒症及脓毒症休克诊疗指南》治疗,在此基础上分别予以SLED(每次治疗8~10 h,24 h后重复治疗,每例患者至少进行3次以上)和CRRT[模式为连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过,治疗剂量35~40 mL/(kg·h),初始24 h持续治疗,然后根据病情调整治疗时间]。分别观察两组患者治疗前后的血肌酐、pH、钾离子、每天液体平衡、急性生理与慢性健康评价Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ)评分及治疗期间血流动力学稳定性的变化。并比较两组患者的重症监护病房(ICU)住院时间、90 d病死率。结果与CRRT组比较,SLED组治疗后12 h和治疗后5 d的血肌酐、钾离子水平均显著低于CRRT组(P<0.05)。与CRRT组APACHEⅡ评分[(14.78±3.79)分]比较,SLED组治疗后5 d的APACHEⅡ评分[(10.45±3.02)分]明显低于CRRT组(P<0.05)。两组患者治疗期间,SLED组具有与CRRT组相近的血流动力学稳定性(P>0.05)。其中,SLED组血管加压药指数(VI)为20.32±5.18,血管加压药依赖性(VD)为(22.08±4.41)%;CRRT组VI为21.05±5.63,VD为(22.67±4.95)%。SLED组患者ICU住院时间[(15.32±3.65)d]显著短于CRRT组[(19.76±4.18)d],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。但两组患者90 d病死率差异无统计学意义(33.33%vs 36.67%;P>0.05)。结论SLED治疗感染性休克AKI患者的疗效确切,且在治疗期间血流动力学稳定性方面并不亚于CRRT。  相似文献   



A revised classification system for renal dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis was proposed by the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative and the International Ascites Club Working Group in 2011. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of renal dysfunction according to the criteria in this proposal.


The medical records of cirrhotic patients who were admitted to Konkuk University Hospital between 2006 and 2010 were reviewed retrospectively. The data obtained at first admission were collected. Acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) were defined using the proposed diagnostic criteria of kidney dysfunction in cirrhosis.


Six hundred and forty-three patients were admitted, of whom 190 (29.5%), 273 (42.5%), and 180 (28.0%) were Child-Pugh class A, B, and C, respectively. Eighty-three patients (12.9%) were diagnosed with AKI, the most common cause for which was dehydration (30 patients). Three patients had hepatorenal syndrome type 1 and 26 patients had prerenal-type AKI caused by volume deficiency after variceal bleeding. In addition, 22 patients (3.4%) were diagnosed with CKD, 1 patient with hepatorenal syndrome type 2, and 3 patients (0.5%) with AKI on CKD.


Both AKI and CKD are common among hospitalized cirrhotic patients, and often occur simultaneously (16.8%). The most common type of renal dysfunction was AKI (12.9%). Diagnosis of type 2 hepatorenal syndrome remains difficult. A prospective cohort study is warranted to evaluate the clinical course in cirrhotic patients with renal dysfunction.  相似文献   

目的了解急诊患者连续肾脏替代治疗(CRRT)的病因并分析其疗效。方法回顾分析北京大学第一医院急诊监护室2005年5月~2011年7月接受CRRT的217例患者,其中男性120例,女性97例(男女比例1.24∶1);年龄50~77岁,中位年龄68岁。分析病因,并比较患者治疗前后的急性生理学及慢性健康状况评价Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ)评分和感染相关器官功能衰竭评分(SOFA)及生命体征、生物化学指标的变化。结果 217例急诊患者病因中内科疾病占首位,187例;其次是外科和神经系统疾病,均是15例。在住院治疗期间,63例死亡,病死率29.0%。其中急性肾损伤(AKI)患者100例,肾功能恢复38例(38.0%);死亡36例(36.0%)。治疗后的生命体征较前平稳,生物化学指标较前好转,APACHEⅡ评分下降(P0.001),SOFA变化差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 CRRT患者APACHEⅡ评分下降,病死率较低,但CRRT是否降低死亡率仍有待进一步研究证实。  相似文献   

Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), such as continuous venovenous hemofiltration, has theoretical advantages over intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) that are related to cardiorespiratory stability, metabolic control, and fluid balance allowing nutritional supplementation. However, retrospective and controlled studies fail to show these advantages because of comorbidity associated with triage to CRRT. To compare outcomes using IHD versus CRRT, we applied published risk stratification models (Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Lohr index, and APACHE II) to the 349 patients with acute renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy at University of Michigan over the 2 year period including 1995 and 1996. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation model best predicted overall mortality, but our CRRT patients had excess, unpredicted mortality that was particularly prominent in the lower risk categories. The Lohr clinical score predicted mortality less accurately but also was associated with higher, unpredicted mortality at lower risk scores among the CRRT patients. APACHE II scores did not predict mortality very well among IHD, CRRT, or the combined group of patients. We conclude that the need for CRRT itself predicts mortality over and above that included in published risk models. Either CRRT is associated with some unidentified morbidity (e.g., treatment associated infection) or, more likely, triage to CRRT is associated with as yet unspecified comorbidity not detected in existing risk stratification schemes. It will be important to address these issues in any future studies evaluating outcome or comparing renal replacement therapy modalities among patients with severe acute renal failure.  相似文献   

Interhemispheric inhibitory interactions (IHI) operate between homologous distal hand representations in primary motor cortex (M1). It is not known whether proximal arm representations exhibit comparable effects on their homologous counterparts. We studied IHI in different arm representations, targeting triceps brachii (TB, n = 13), first dorsal interosseous (FDI, n = 13), and biceps brachii (BB, n = 7) muscles in healthy volunteers. Transcranial magnetic stimulation test stimuli (TS) were delivered to M1 contralateral to the target muscle preceded 10 ms by a conditioning stimulus (CS) to the opposite M1 at 110-150% resting motor threshold (RMT). IHI was calculated as the ratio between motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitudes in conditioned relative to unconditioned trials. Mean RMTs were 38.9, 46.9, and 46.0% of stimulator output in FDI, TB, and BB muscles, respectively. IHI was 0.45 +/- 0.41 (FDI), 0.78 +/- 0.38 (TB), and 0.52 +/- 0.32 (BB, P < 0.01) when test MEP amplitudes were matched and 0.28 +/- 0.17 (FDI) and 0.85 +/- 0.31 (TB, P < 0.05) when TS intensities expressed as percentage RMT were matched. Significant IHI (P < 0.05) was identified with minimal CS intensities (expressed as percentage stimulator output) in the 30 s for FDI, 60 s for TB, and 40 s for BB. Additionally, a CS of roughly 120% RMT suppressed the test MEP but not a test H-reflex in BB, suggesting IHI observed in BB is likely mediated by a supraspinal mechanism. We conclude that IHI differs between different arm muscle representations, comparable between BB and FDI but lesser for TB. This finding suggests the amount of IHI between different arm representations does not strictly follow a proximal-to-distal gradient, but may be related to the role of each muscle in functional movement synergies.  相似文献   

Summary A case of 50-year-old woman who demonstrated large intrarenal and externally protruding angiomyolipomas (AMLomas), unusual intraglomerular lesions and multiple hamartomatous microlesions of various types within the kidney is reported. This type of intraglomerular lesion has been briefly described only twice previously in patients with tuberous sclerosis (TS), and is unique in its location and histological appearance. The lesions are mainly composed of proliferating mesangial cells and are hamartomatous in nature. Although no stigmata of TS other than renal AMLomas are apparent in this case, the presence of many renal hamartomatous lesions suggests the possibility of a forme fruste of TS.  相似文献   

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