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目的研究多巴胺D4受体第3外显子48 bp可变重复序列(DRD4 exonⅢ48bpVNTR)多态性是否与抽动障碍(tic disorder, Tic)存在关联.方法采用国际标准化的<Tourette综合征及其相关疾病遗传研究定式检查提纲>收集病史,运用核心家系传递不平衡分析方法(transmission disequilibrium test, TDT)对122个核心家系进行关联分析,根据是否合并注意缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, ADHD),将122个核心家系分为合并ADHD的抽动障碍组[合并ADHD的Tourette综合征(Tourette syndrome, TS)和慢性抽动障碍(chronic tic, CT),共40例,TS&ADHD]和抽动障碍组[TS和CT,共82例,TS&CT]两组,采用聚合酶链反应、可变重复序列多态性分析等技术,进行抽动障碍与DRD4 exonⅢ48 bpVNTR多态性的TDT分析.结果在这一多态性位点存在5个等位基因,分别为DRD4 exonⅢ48 bp的2~6个重复等位基因.总体上没有发现抽动障碍与DRD4 exonⅢ48 bpVNTR多态性存在传递不平衡(χ2=7.44,P=0.12),进一步对不伴ADHD的抽动障碍组进行的TDT分析也没有发现存在这一位点的传递不平衡(χ2=3.38,P=0.50);而在合并ADHD的抽动障碍组中发现,合并ADHD的抽动障碍与DRD4 exonⅢ48 bpVNTR多态性在总体上存在传递不平衡(χ2=11.74,P=0.02),进一步对单个等位基因的TDT分析显示,合并ADHD的抽动障碍与DRD4 exonⅢ48 bp的5个重复和6个重复等位基因(长重复等位基因)存在传递不平衡(χ2=10.57,P=0.032,χ2=6.13,P=0.01).结论 DRD4 exonⅢ48 bpVNTR长重复等位基因与合并ADHD的抽动障碍存在关联,DRD4 exonⅢ48 bpVNTR长重复等位基因可能是中国人群合并ADHD的抽动障碍的遗传危险因素.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is a common small intestinal injury caused by sensitivity to gliadin in genetically-predisposed individuals. The only susceptibility locus established is the HLA-DQ. We tested whether the chromosomal region of the CD28/CTLA4 genes on 2q33 is linked to CD. These genes encode receptors regulating the T-lymphocyte activation. Recently, this gene region was reported to be linked to the susceptibility to many autoimmune diseases, including insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM12locus). It is thus an obvious candidate locus also for CD, since the intestinal injury is mediated by the immune system. Genetic linkage between seven marker loci in this gene region and CD was studied in 69 Finnish families. In the multipoint linkage analysis, the highest non-pararametric linkage score (NPL) was 1.75 (P=0.04) for D2S116, suggesting weak linkage for this candidate locus. To evaluate this finding, an additional 31 families were typed for all markers. In the combined set of 100 families the NPL score for marker D2S116 was 2.55 (P=0.006) and for other markers 1.90-2.47 (P=0.029-0.007), supporting genuine linkage at this region. Significantly, locus D2S116 also showed a clear allelic association in these 100 families (P=0.0001). The transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) for locus D2S116 gave preliminary evidence for preferential maternal non-transmission of allele *136 to patients (TDTmax=8.3; P<0.05). No paternal deviation was found suggesting that the effect of the locus might be mediated by a sex-dependent factor protective against CD. Our results indicate that the CD28/CTLA4 gene region can contain a novel susceptibility locus for CD and support the hypothesis that CD has an immune system-mediated component. Like the HLA, the CD28/CTLA4 genes appear to be associated with genetic susceptibility to various autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

The effect of the gene region on chromosome 2q33 containing the CD28 and the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated (CTLA4) genes has been investigated in several diseases with chronic inflammatory nature. In addition to celiac disease (CD), type I diabetes, Grave's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis have all demonstrated associations to the A/G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in exon 1, position +49 of the CTLA4 gene. The purpose of this study was to investigate this gene region in a genetically homogeneous population consisting of 107 Swedish and Norwegian families with CD using genetic association and linkage methods. We found a significant association with preferential transmission of the A-allele of the exon 1 +49 polymorphism by using the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT). Suggestive linkage of this region to CD was moreover demonstrated by non-parametric linkage (NPL) analysis giving a NPL-score of 2.1. These data strongly indicates that the CTLA4 region is a susceptibility region in CD. Interestingly, of the several chronic inflammatory diseases that exhibit associations to the CTLA4 +49 A/G dimorphism, CD appears to be the only disease associated to the A allele. This suggests that the +49 alleles of the CTLA4 gene are in linkage disequilibrium with two distinct disease predisposing alleles with separate effects. The peculiar association found in the gut disorder CD may possibly relate to the fact that the gastrointestinal immune system, in contrast to the rest of the immune system, aims to establish tolerance to foreign proteins.  相似文献   

Human toll-like receptors (TLRs) participate in the innate response and signal the activation of adaptive immunity. Therefore, these TLRs may be important in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We investigated, by using a polymerase chain reaction restriction-fragment length polymorphism method, the possible association between the polymorphisms of TLR2 (Arg677Trp and Arg753Gln) and TLR4 (Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile) genes with the susceptibility or severity of RA and SLE. Our study population consisted of 122 patients with SLE, 224 patients with RA, and a control group of 199 healthy individuals. The TLR2 polymorphisms were very rare in our population; no individual carrying the TLR2-Arg677Trp polymorphism was observed, whereas the TLR2-Arg753Gln polymorphism was present in only 1% of the total population. We found no statistically significant differences in the TLR4-Asp299Gly and the TLR4-Thr399Ile genotype or allele distribution between SLE patients, RA patients, and control individuals. Similarly, no association was found with any of the demographic and clinical parameters tested either in RA or in SLE patients. In conclusion, a case-control study was used to analyze, for the first time, the influence of TLR2 and TLR4 gene polymorphism on the predisposition and clinical characteristics of SLE and RA but provided no evidence for association of TLR2 or TLR4 gene polymorphism with either disease in the population under study.  相似文献   

Background: We carried out a meta-analysis to assess whether Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) rs5743708 and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) rs4986790 polymorphisms are associated with the risk of atopic dermatitis.

Methods: A systematic search of PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science was performed to identify eligible case–control studies on the association of rs5743708 and rs4986790 with the risk of atopic dermatitis. Statistical analyses of the odds ratio (OR), 95% confidence interval (CI), and p value were performed using STATA software.

Results: Our meta-analysis included a total of nine case–control studies, all involving Caucasian populations. With respect to the TLR2 rs5743708 G/A polymorphism, there was a statistically significant difference in the overall risk of atopic dermatitis between the case and control groups [OR = 2.07, p value of association test, p(association) = 0.001 in allele (A vs. G) model; OR = 1.93, p(association) = 0.004 in carrier (A vs. G) model; OR = 2.07, p(association) = 0.001 in heterozygote (GA vs. GG) model; OR = 1.99, p(association) = 0.001 in dominant (GA+ AA vs. GG) model]. Similar positive results were observed in the subgroup analysis of “population-based control.” For the TLR4 rs4986790 A/G polymorphism, an increased atopic dermatitis risk was detected in the case group under the allele [OR = 1.78, p(association) = 0.013], carrier [OR = 1.69, p(association) = 0.027] and heterozygote [OR = 1.74, p(association) = 0.020] models, but not the dominant [OR = 1.44, p(association) = 0.070] model, in comparison to the population-based control group.

Conclusion: Our meta-analysis revealed a novel finding that the heterogeneous “GA” genotype of the TLR2 rs5743708 and “AG” genotype of the TLR4 rs4986790 may be associated with increased susceptibility to atopic dermatitis in Caucasians.  相似文献   

We have previously formulated and validated a mathematical model specifically designed to describe human respiratory behavior at altitude. In that model, we assumed equality of alveolar and end-pulmonary-capillary oxygen tensions. However, this equality may not hold true during rapid and prolonged changes to high altitudes producing severe hypoxia as can occur in aircraft cabin decompressions and in some respiratory diseases. We currently investigate this possibility by modifying our previous model to include the dynamics of oxygen exchange across the pulmonary capillary. The updated model was validated against limited experimental data on ventilation and gas tensions in various altitude-decompression scenarios. The updated model predicts that during rapid and sustained decompressions to high altitudes the disequilibrium of gas tensions between alveolar gas and capillary blood could be 10 Torr, or larger. Neglecting this effect underestimates the severity of a decompression and its potential to produce unconsciousness and subsequent brain damage. In light of these results, we also examined the effect of this disequilibrium on the diminished oxygen diffusion capacity that can occur in some respiratory diseases. We found that decreases in diffusion capacity which would have minimal effects at sea level produced significant disequilibrium of gas tensions and a large fall in hemoglobin oxygen saturation at a cabin altitude of 4000–8000 ft. As demonstrated, this new model could serve as an important tool to examine the important physiological consequences of decompression scenarios in aircraft and the pathophysiological situations in which the equilibrium of gas tensions along the pulmonary capillary are particularly critical.  相似文献   

Gu HF 《Human mutation》2002,19(5):572-573
Adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 (ADCYAP1) is a pancreatic neuropeptide and modulates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. The ADCYAP1 gene is located on chromosome 18p11 linked to type 2 diabetes. To test whether it is a candidate gene for type 2 diabetes, screening of the gene in Finnish and Swedish type 2 diabetic patients was done. Two novel SNPs, g.9863G>A (G54D) in exon 3 and g.12712C>G in the 3'-UTR of exon 5 of the ADCYAP1 gene (accession number X60435), were found. PCR-RFLP genotyping was then performed in a total of 253 type 2 diabetic patients and 253 non-diabetic control subjects. Transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) was performed in 132 parent-offspring trios. The G allele frequencies of g.9863G>A (G54D) and g.12712C>G of the ADCYAP1 gene were higher in type 2 diabetic patients than in non-diabetic control subjects (21.0% vs 15.8%, P=0.04; 5.3% vs 3.0%, P=0.045). However, no significant differences in clinical variables was seen between the different genotype carriers, and also no transmission distortion of the G allele of SNP g.9863G>A (G54D) was observed in 132 parent-offspring trios. The present study thus suggest that the variants in the ADCYAP1 gene may not be major influence of the susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in Finnish and Swedish Caucasians.  相似文献   

本文分析了30例正常人PRL经PHA活化的T细胞对IL-2及IL-4的增殖应答特点;及整合有人IL-4受体cDNA的CTLL-2/HIL-4R细胞系对人IL-4的特异增殖应答特点。结果表明,正常人经PHA活化的PBL对IL-2有良好增殖应答曲线者占93%,而对IL-4有良好增殖应答者只占20%。 CTLL-2/HIL-4R细胞系对人IL-4呈规律性增殖应答曲线,且应答敏感性高,可测出0.09u/ml,可推荐作为测定人IL-4生物活性的一种准确方法。  相似文献   

研究MCM4、TFF2在宫颈癌组织中的表达及其与HPV16/18感染的相关性,以探讨宫颈癌的发生机制,进一步寻找有利于宫颈癌诊断的新的分子标志物,以指导其诊断与预后。采用免疫组织化学方法对50例宫颈癌石蜡标本、宫颈上皮内瘤变CINⅠ20例、CINⅡ-Ⅲ20例、正常宫颈组织20例进行MCM4、TFF2的检测,同时采用PCR技术检测HPV16/18感染情况。结果:(1)在宫颈癌组织中MCM4的阳性率高于CIN和正常宫颈组织,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且MCM4阳性表达率与病理分级、淋巴结转移有关,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。在宫颈癌组织中MCM4的阳性表达率与年龄分组、临床分期无关(均P>0.05)。在宫颈癌组织中TFF2的阳性率低于CIN和正常宫颈组织,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且TFF2阳性表达率与年龄分组有关,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其阳性表达率均与临床分期、病理分级、淋巴转移无关(均P>0.05);(2)HPV16/18在正常宫颈组织、CIN和宫颈癌中的阳性率逐渐升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但与年龄、临床分期、病理分级、淋巴转移无关(均P>0.05);(3)在宫颈癌组织中,MCM4与HPV16/18感染呈正相关(rs=0.634,P<0.01),TFF2与MCM4、HPV16/18感染呈负相关(rs=-0.375,P<0.01;rs=-0.500,P<0.01)。宫颈上皮内瘤变及宫颈癌组织中MCM4、TFF2表达的改变可能与HPV16/18感染有关,且互相作用,共同影响CIN的发展及宫颈癌的发生。这些指标综合分析可能为阐明HPV16/18的恶性转化机制以及为提高宫颈癌及其癌前病变诊断率提供参考依据。MCM4的异常表达与宫颈癌的恶变程度有关,可作为宫颈癌筛查、预后判断的有利指标。  相似文献   

Molecular models of IL-2δ2 and IL-2δ3, two alternative splice variants of human IL-2 without exon 2 and 3, respectively, are described. These alternative splice variants attract particular interest as potential competitive inhibitors of the cytokine. Tertiary structure of IL-2 consists of four-helix bundle including helices A, B, C and D and a β-pleated sheet. Exon 2 encodes the A–B loop (Asn30–Lys49 residues) linking helices A and B running in one direction. Rotation of the helix A around putative centre during the construction of IL-2δ2 model have not produced any significant changes in the hydrophobic core of IL-2 molecule. However, a large hole was formed on the surface of IL-2δ2 molecule instead of A–B loop in IL-2 fold. A high affinity IL-2 receptor is formed by combination of , β, and γc chains. Comparison of the model of the receptor bound IL-2 with the model of IL-2δ2 has shown that their β-chain binding sites have minimum differences as distinct from and γc chain-binding sites. Exon 3 encodes Ala50–Lys97 fragment which forms helices B and C with their short connecting loop. Model IL-2δ3 consists of helices A and D and long linking loop. This loop was composed of A–B and C–D loops which run in opposite directions in IL-2 structure and contain β-strands making a β-pleated sheet. Conformation of the linking loop relatively to helices A and D was stabilized by creation of a disulphide bond between cysteines 105 and 125. In addition, the hydrophobic residues of β-sheet interact with the hydrophobic surface of A–D helical complex and close the latter from contacts with solution. Comparison of the model of IL-2 bound to receptor with IL-2δ3 model has shown that absence of helices B and C in IL-2δ3 model results in insignificant conformational changes only in residues interacting with γc chain of the receptor. The β/γc heterodimer is an intermediate affinity receptor of IL-2. Most likely, both IL-2δ2 and IL-2δ3 are naturally occurring IL-2 antagonists since they keep the ability of binding with an intermediate affinity receptor of this cytokine and fail to engage the chain of its high affinity receptor.  相似文献   

选择13B8.2和S3.5两株商品化的CD4单克隆抗体用于Th1/Th2极化的流式细胞术评价,分析PMA、Ionomycin和BFA单独或联合作用于外周血CD4抗原表达水平的变化,以确定Th1/Th2极化评价时有效的CD4设门单抗,并试图揭示CD4抗原降调的机制。结果表明,13B8.2可作为CD4的设门单抗。PMA和Ionomycin联合刺激会导致外周血CD4抗原的明显降低,而PMA单独刺激不能,且BFA与PMA和Iononmycin同时加入外周血中可部分抑制PMA和Ionomycin刺激引起的CD4抗原内吞和降解。  相似文献   

目的:观察晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)培养下人肾小球系膜细胞(HMCs)中还原型尼克安腺嘌吟二核苷酸氧化酶4(NOX4)蛋白及超氧阴离子(O-2)水平变化。方法:将正常浓度葡萄糖(5.6mmol/L)培养的HMCs经过无血清培养液同步化24h后分为两组:正常对照组[5.6mmol/L葡萄糖+200mg/L牛血清白蛋白(BSA)]及AGEs组(5.6mmol/L葡萄糖+200mg/LAGEs),分别干预48h后用Western blotting检测NOX4蛋白表达,用Dihydroethidium(DHE)法检测O-2的荧光水平。结果:与正常对照组比较,AGEs组NOX4蛋白表达明显上调(P<0.01),O-2水平亦明显增加(P<0.01),两者呈显著正相关。结论:AGEs能激活HMCs中NOX4,引起氧化应激,可能与糖尿病肾病(DN)的发生有关。  相似文献   

Fresh rat liver slices were used to demonstrate the glucuronidation of the model substrates 4-methylumbelliferone (MU) and 4-hydroxybiphenyl (HB). Both glucuronidation reactions proved to be more stable than cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenations. After an incubation time of 48 h there was no decrease in MU glucuronidation rate, whereas HB glucuronidation was stable until 24 h, and then decreased by about 50% until 48 h.

The technique of quantitative competitive RT-PCR was used to determine the expression of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B12-mRNA (UGT2B12-mRNA) in precision-cut rat liver slices. Constitutive levels of UGT2B12-mRNA were measurable. Following 24 h culture of rat liver slices in the presence of phenobarbital, the level of UGT2B12-mRNA increased about twofold, which corresponds to the inducibility in vivo. The addition of beta-naphthoflavone had no influence. The results show that precision-cut liver slices are not only suitable for the detection of an in vitro induction of cytochrome P450-mRNAs, which is characterized by high induction factors, but also of poor induction effects, e.g. on UGT2B12-mRNA, provided that the respective mRNA is exactly quantified.  相似文献   

Kutikhin AG 《Human immunology》2011,72(10):955-968
NOD1/CARD4 and NOD2/CARD15 are members of Nod-like receptor family. They are located in cytosol, bind bacterial and viral ligands and play a key role in realization of innate and adaptive immune response, apoptosis, autophagy, and reactive oxygen species generation. Polymorphisms in NOD1/CARD4 and NOD2/CARD15 genes may shift balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, modulating the risk of infection, chronic inflammation and cancer. NOD1/CARD4 and NOD2/CARD15 gene polymorphisms may be associated with altered risk of gastric, colorectal, breast, ovarian, prostate, testicular, lung, laryngeal, liver, gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreatic, small bowel, kidney, urinary bladder cancer, skin cancer, nonthyroid endocrine tumors, lymphoma and leukemia. The short list of such polymorphisms perspective for oncogenomic investigations may include rs2006847, rs2066845, rs2066844, rs2066842, ND(1)+32656, rs2075820 whereas rs104895493, rs104895476, rs104895475, rs104895474, rs104895473, rs104895472, rs104895462, rs104895461, rs104895460, rs104895438, rs5743291, rs5743260, rs2076756, rs2066843, Pro371Thr, Ala794Pro, Gln908His, rs72551113, rs72551107, rs6958571, rs2907749, rs2907748, rs2075822, rs2075819, rs2075818 may be added to the extended list. Reasons of discrepancies between different studies include confounding host genetic, bacterial, or environmental factors modulating penetrance of variant allele and affecting risk of condition increasing cancer risk, different bacterial impact in aetiology of such conditions, differences in sample size, clinicopathological characteristics, diagnostics, stratification, genotyping methods, and chance.  相似文献   

目的观察Her-2/neu、P16和DPC4基因在胰腺癌中的表达,并探讨其与胰腺癌发生、发展的关系。方法应用免疫组织化学法检测Her-2/neu、P16和DPC4基因在34例胰腺癌和12例胰腺良性病变和正常组织中的表达水平,将结果与患者的临床病理学资料进行统计。结果胰腺癌Her-2/neu表达水平和P16表达缺失水平显著高于胰腺良性病变和正常组织(P<0.05);胰腺癌DPC4表达水平低于胰腺良性病变和正常组织。高、中度分化胰腺癌DPC4表达水平显著高于低分化胰腺癌(P<0.05);有淋巴结转移的胰腺癌Her-2/neu和P16表达水平显著低于无淋巴结转移的胰腺癌(P<0.05);随TNM分期增高,Her-2/neu表达阳性率显著降低(Ⅰ期85.7%;Ⅱ期54.5%,Ⅲ期36.4%,Ⅳ期0.0%)(P<0.05);P16表达阳性率亦显著降低(Ⅰ期100.0%;Ⅱ期72.7%,Ⅲ期54.5%,Ⅳ期20.0%)(P<0.05)。Her-2/neu与P16和DPC4与Her-2/neu的表达密切相关(P<0.05);P16与DPC4的表达极密切相关(P<0.01)。结论Her-2/neu、P16和DPC4的表达对估计胰腺癌的生物学行为和判断预后有较大帮助。P16和DPC4的表达对胰腺癌的进展可能有协同作用。  相似文献   

目的: 研究活化转录因子3(ATF3)、活化转录因子4(ATF4)和红系衍生核因子相关因子2(Nrf2)在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者体内的表达变化,探讨ATF3、ATF4与Nrf2蛋白之间的相互作用。方法: 肺组织标本取自40例肺肿瘤行肺叶切除者,于远离病灶处取材,诊断符合COPD者入选COPD组(20例),不符合者入选对照组(20例)。取两组患者的肺组织,原位杂交和免疫组化检测ATF3、ATF4和Nrf2 mRNA及蛋白表达水平。复制COPD大鼠模型,应用免疫共沉淀法(Co-IP)研究ATF3、ATF4与Nrf2蛋白之间的相互关系。结果: (1) COPD组患者第1秒用力呼气容积/用力肺活量(FEV1/FVC)和第1秒用力呼气容积占预计值百分比(FEV1%预计值)明显低于对照组(均P<0.01)。(2)COPD大鼠肺功能 (FEV0.3、FEV0.3/FVC和PEF)较对照组显著恶化(均 P<0.01)。(3)免疫组化显示COPD组ATF3、ATF4和Nrf2蛋白水平较对照组升高(均 P<0.01)。(4)原位杂交结果显示ATF3和ATF4 mRNA表达水平在COPD组显著高于对照组(均P<0.01),而Nrf2 mRNA在两组表达无明显差异(P>0.05)。(5) Co-IP结果显示在Nrf2抗体捕获的免疫沉淀中,ATF3和ATF4抗体均可杂交出明显的蛋白条带(P<0.05)。 结论: 氧化应激状况下ATF3和ATF4表达明显上调,通过与Nrf2之间的相互作用,可能转录调控Nrf2靶基因的表达,在COPD的氧化/抗氧化失衡中发挥生物学作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者血清软骨寡聚基质蛋白(COMP)、CC型趋化因子配体2(CCL2)、神经调节蛋白-4(Nrg4)表达水平与其临床预后的关系.方法 选取2017年1月至2019年12月我科收治的120例ACS患者作为研究对象(观察组).同期,另选取我院体检健康者100例(对照组).采用酶联免疫吸附法...  相似文献   

目的:观察男性Graves’病(GD)患者治疗前后血清性激素及干扰素γ(IFN-γ)、白介素-4(IL-4)的动态变化,探讨男性GD患者血清性激素与Th1/Th2细胞因子的相关性。方法:选取初发未治的男性Graves’病患者42例为治疗组,经抗甲状腺药物治疗12周后均临床缓解。治疗前后分别应用放免法(RIA)检测血清雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T)、黄体生成素(LH)、卵泡刺激素(FSH)水平,应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测血清干扰素γ(IFN-γ)、白介素-4(IL-4)水平。健康男性体检合格者40例作为正常对照组。结果:男性GD患者治疗前血清E2、T、LH、FSH水平均较正常对照组明显升高(P〈0.05),治疗后均接近正常对照组。治疗前血清IL-4、IFN-γ水平较正常对照组均升高(P〈0.05),治疗后IL-4水平下降,接近正常对照组,而IFN-γ水平仍较高。经多元逐步回归分析,血清E2水平是影响IL-4水平的独立因素,呈正相关;血清T水平是影响IFN-γ水平的独立因素,呈正相关;IL-4与IFN-γ水平是相互的独立因素,呈负相关。结论:初发未治的男性GD患者存在性激素水平的变化及Th1/Th2细胞因子失衡,性激素在男性Graves’病患者Th1/Th2平衡方面起着一定的作用。  相似文献   

Objective: This study is to explore the relationship between the chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and the expressions of toll-like receptor 2/4 (TLR2/4) in peripheral blood dendritic cells (DCs), to find out the immunological significance of TLR2/4 in HBV progression. Methods: Patients had been divided into the HBV, HBV-related liver cirrhosis (HBV-LC), and HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HBV-HCC) groups. Healthy individuals served as normal controls (NC). Flow cytometry was used to determine the percentage of DCs in peripheral blood, and the expression of TLR2/4 in DCs as well as the expression of HBeAg. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed to measure the content of HBV-DNA. Results: The percentages of DCs in peripheral blood exhibited a slightly decreasing trend, without statistical significances, along with the disease severity in HBV patients (9.40 ± 2.05%, 7.11 ± 3.82%, 6.51 ± 4.38% and 6.00 ± 4.73% for the groups of NC, HBV, HBV-LC, and HBV-HCC, respectively). The expression of TLR2 was significantly increased in the disease progression, with the TLR2 expression rates of 2.60 ± 1.70%, 2.67 ± 2.89%, 3.53 ± 3.41% and 5.11 ± 4.93 for NC, HBV, HBV-LC, HBV-HCC, respectively. Similar results were found for TLR4 (expression rates: 45.34 ± 4.46%, 53.94 ± 5.21%, 65.16 ± 5.92% and 75.54 ± 6.12%), which was positively correlated with TLR2. Furthermore, the HBeAg level was increased, while the amount of HBV-DNA exhibited a declining trend, along with the disease severity. Correlation analysis revealed that the expression of HBeAg was positively correlated with TLR2. Conclusions: The elevated expressions of TLR2/4 on DC cell surfaces in peripheral blood may synergistically promote the disease progression of chronic HBV infection.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is a major public health problem, especially in Egypt. Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development increases as hepatitis C virus (HCV)‐related liver diseases progress. Smads act as substrates for the transforming growth factor‐beta (TGF‐β) family of receptors. This study aims to assess hepatic expression of pSmad2/3 and Smad4 in CHC with different stages of fibrosis and grades of necro‐inflammation as well as in HCC on top of CHC. This study was done on 33 core liver biopsies from patients with CHC (15 with early fibrosis and 18 with late fibrosis), 15 liver specimens from HCC cases on top of CHC, as well as five normal controls. pSmad2/3 and Smad4 show more immunopositivity, higher percentage of positive hepatocytes and stronger staining intensity in CHC with late fibrosis compared to early fibrosis. pSmad2/3 shows increase of the previous parameters in CHC with high grade activity than those with low activity. Smad4 shows increase of the previous parameters in HCC compared to CHC cases. pSmad2/3 and Smad4 can be used as diagnostic and/or prognostic markers for progression of HCV‐related fibrosis to cirrhosis and further progression to HCC.  相似文献   

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