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本文以乙醛酸诱发儿茶酚胺荧光法检查了20例胎龄14~40周的人胎儿、早产儿和新生儿腹腔神经节。结果显示在胎龄约14~16周时,腹腔节细胞由密集成群并显强烈儿茶酚胺荧光的前体细胞构成;随着胎龄增大,节内这些前体细胞逐渐被弱荧光、体积较大的主神经元取代。至出生前,绝大部细胞已为主神经元,仅存少量小强荧光细胞。小强荧光细胞的分布形式除有成体交感神经节中所见到的单个散在和小团外,尚有由较多小强荧光细胞集聚并包以结缔组织被膜的小强荧光细胞小节。早产儿和新生儿腹腔节的小强荧光细胞的胞体大小、形态以及荧光强度与发育早期的前体细胞无明显区别,提示成体腹腔节小强荧光细胞可能是未分化的前体细胞。  相似文献   

腹腔-肠系膜上神经节内腹部内脏器官的代表区   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
佟晓杰  陈光浩  于频 《解剖学报》2000,31(2):120-123,I005
目的 探讨支配腹部内脏器官的交感节后神经元在腹腔-肠系膜上神经节内的代表区。方法 用HRP逆行标记法,显微镜描图仪做连续切片描图记录,计数标记细胞的面数密度,并经统计学处理。结果 猫脾、胰、肾、十二指肠和空间肠交感节后神经元在腹腔-肠系膜上神经节内具有各自的集中分布区和分散分布区,亦即各自的局部定位区。支配脾的交感节后神经元集中区位于该节的左侧上部,支配胰的交感节后神经元集中区位于该节两侧的上中后  相似文献   

以豚鼠腹腔神经节为标本,应用离体神经节细胞内记录技术测量了37个神经元的基本电学参数;应用HRP细胞内染色技术在光镜下显示了10个神经元的形态;提出了在离体神经节单个神经元的HRP细胞内染色技术中避免HRP反应性红细胞的简便、可行方法。  相似文献   

腹腔神经节和主动脉肾节寻找及辨认的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为科研、教学和标本制作腹腔神经节、主动脉肾节提供寻找和辨认方法。方法 对75具成年尸体标本的腹腔神经节、主动脉肾节进行解剖,通过组织学鉴定神经节和淋巴结,通过CT、MRI扫描和断层观察其位置。结果 对腹腔神经节、主动脉肾节的寻找方法进行描述。结论 腹腔神经节、主动脉肾节与淋巴结的区别可通过手触摸组织的硬度,相连的纤维状结构是否坚韧,是否有内脏大神经或内脏小神经与神经节相连进行判断。  相似文献   

目的:为腹腔镜引导下腹腔神经节阻滞术提供解剖学基础。方法:解剖人体标本腹腔神经节,观测腹腔神经节的形态、各径及其周围的标志性结构以及神经节与周围毗邻结构的位置关系;探究左、右侧腹腔神经节在以腹腔干中心点建立的三维直角坐标系中的位置(X,Y,Z)。结果:左侧腹腔神经节上下径1.73 cm、左右径1.75 cm、前后径0.38 cm;至贲门右缘4.04 cm、幽门上缘5.79 cm、角切迹上缘3.85 cm、胰上缘1.67 cm、脾静脉上缘1.64 cm;三维直角坐标系坐标为(1.35,-0.03,1.19)cm,易在脾动脉后方附近找到。右侧腹腔神经节上下径1.30 cm、左右径1.52 cm、前后径0.27 cm;至贲门右缘5.48 cm、幽门上缘5.68 cm、角切迹上缘4.90 cm、胰上缘3.04 cm、脾静脉上缘2.41 cm、距肝门静脉内侧缘1.81 cm、距下腔静脉内侧缘1.00 cm;三维直角坐标系坐标为(1.38,0.10,0.99)cm,易在肝总动脉后方附近找到。结论:腹腔镜直视下阻滞左、右侧腹腔神经节,应分别以腹腔干两侧脾动脉和肝总动脉后方为标志寻找。手术时注意保护神经节周围毗邻脏器,防止损伤重要血管和神经。  相似文献   

<正>目前,针对胶质细胞的研究已经成为神经科学的研究主流之一,对其认识也越来越深入。在中枢神经系统中,胶质细胞具有支持和引导神经元的迁移、参与神经系统的修复和再生、形成髓鞘及血脑屏障、参与免疫应答、物质代谢和营养、以及参与神经细胞外氢离子浓度的维持等作用[1]。与之相比,有关外周神经系统胶质细胞的研究较少,本文着重综述外周神经节卫星胶质细胞研究的新进展。  相似文献   

本文通过组织培养和电子显微镜观察了家兔颈上神经节双核神经细胞在NGF阳激光作用下超微结构的改变。得出:1)在组织培养条件下,交感神经节单、双核神经细胞体的超微结构对NGF的反应相同。2)激光促进交感神经节细胞再生合成代谢形态学改变的生物学效应需要NGF的协助;其促进机理尚须进一步作生理生化研究。  相似文献   

大鼠翼腭神经节形态特点的观察   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
用上颌神经主干、翼腭神经节的腭支和眶支为标志,完整地显露和切取大鼠翼腭神经节,作组织切片,观察其形态特点并对神经元计数。大鼠翼腭神经节位于眶内侧壁下缘的翼腭窝内,上颌神经的腹内侧,可分为尾侧、中间和嘴侧三部,三部的长、宽、高分别为1.20×0.77×0.51 mm、1.70×0.40×0.23mm和0.64×0.46×0.32mm,尾侧部和嘴侧部为一大一小向下的三角形膨大,中间部狭长。尾侧部体积最大,含神经元最多(78.48%),它向后连翼管神经和翼腭神经,向下分出腭支;嘴侧部体积最小,含神经元最少(9.38%),向下发出鼻支,向前分出眶支。对大鼠翼腭窝的位置和交通也在干颅标本上作了观察。  相似文献   

目的 观测椎神经节的解剖特征,为临床颈部交感干神经节麻醉提供解剖学依据。方法对30具(60侧)成人大体标本进行解剖,根据出现的形式区分颈中神经节与椎神经节,观测椎神经节的形态、位置、大小及其与周围结构的毗邻关系。结果 椎神经节出现率为83.33%,测得椎神经节长,右侧:男(5.06±2.64)mm,女(4.72±2.56)mm,左侧:男(4.43±2.76)mm,女(4.28±2.43)mm;宽,右侧:男(3.31±1.57)mm,女(2.86±1.96)mm,左侧:男(3.14±0.93)mm,女(3.08±1.56)mm;厚,右侧:男(1.52±1.07)mm,女(1.88±1.56)mm,左侧:男(1.57±0.98)mm,女(2.14±1.21)mm,左右侧椎神经节的长、宽、厚未见统计学差异(P>0.05)。椎神经节的形态多为椭圆形(50%),其主要位于椎动脉起始部稍上方,发出分支与颈胸神经节的节后纤维共同分布于相应部位。两侧椎神经节至颈前正中线的距离及至皮肤的深度相近,无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论 椎神经节为颈部交感神经节的一部分,可能为低位颈中神经节,是颈...  相似文献   

人胎视网膜神经节细胞发育的光电镜观察及其临床意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年文献提出图形视网膜电图(P-ERG)的诱发来自节细胞;弱视儿童的 P-ERG 振幅下降,提示弱视的发病与节细胞的发育有关。本文在光镜和电镜下研究了51例胎儿视网膜神经节细胞的发育,为弱视病因的探讨提供形态学基础。结果表明:胚胎早期节细胞核大、胞浆少,核浆比例为5∶1,细胞器少。随胎龄增长核偏移、缩小,胞浆逐渐增多,细胞器增多。胚胎中期核浆比例为2∶1。胎儿8个月后核浆比例为1∶2,核明显缩小并偏向一极。细胞器极丰富,其结构与成人相同提示成熟。  相似文献   

Using an indirect immunohistochemical method, synaptophysin immunoreactivity (SYN-IR) has been studied in cryostat sections of stellate and thoracic ganglia in human fetuses, neonates, infants and adults. In the course of development, a progressive increase in SYN-IR in axonal terminals and around nerve cells was demonstrated. In contrast, large clusters of small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells and paraganglionic cells increased in number in fetuses and premature neonates at 24-25 weeks. Such SIF cell clusters varied in form and often occurred at pole or subcapsular areas of sympathetic ganglia close to blood vessels or paraganglia. With increasing gestational age and during infancy, a decrease in sizes of SIF cell groups and paraganglionic cells as well as changes in their distribution were found. The results show that the amount and distribution of SYN-IR is temporally related to the maturation and functional activity of human sympathetic ganglia neurons. It was suggested that numerous SIF cells and paraganglia in human prenatal sympathetic ganglia were both indicative of incomplete cell migration and an important source of regulation of ganglionic microcirculation under the conditions of relative hypoxia and immature nervous regulation.  相似文献   

Summary Conspicuous dilatations and inclusions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum have been observed within the cytoplasm of sheath cells (cells of Schwann) and connective tissue in cat sympathetic ganglia. The sheath cell inclusions have been found regularly in young animals (under 6 weeks of age), and in older specimens following partial preganglionic nerve section. Electron-density of the inclusion material is characteristic for each kind of cell.Three possible functional roles are suggested for the material observed in the dilated sacs of sheath cells: (a) for manufacture of the basement membrane (b) for participating in the nutrition of nerve processes (c) for providing lipoprotein required for myelination of axons. It is also entirely possible that the cell utilizes this product in a variety of ways. The ER inclusions of connective tissue cells are thought to function in the synthesis of collagen.Present knowledge does not permit analysis of the mechanisms responsible for controlling this secretory machinery.  相似文献   

The effect of adrenaline (Ad) on muscarinic transmission was examined in B neurones of bullfrog sympathetic ganglia by using intracellular and voltage-clamp recording methods. Bath-application of Ad (5–500 M) caused a depression of the slow excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) elicited by repetitive stimulations of preganglionic nerve fibres in the presence of curare (30 M). Ad also depressed the muscarinic ACh potential induced by ionophoretic application of ACh directly to curarized sympathetic neurones in a concentration-dependent manner. Isoprenaline mimicked the effect of Ad in producing the inhibition of the muscarinic ACh potential. Propranolol antagonized the inhibitory action of Ad. Dibutyryl adenosine 3,5-monophosphate had no significant effect on the muscarinic ACh potential. Under voltage-clamp conditions, Ad caused an inward current associated with inhibition of the M-current (Brown and Adams 1980). Ad depressed the amplitude of slow postsynaptic currents produced by applications of ACh and muscarine. At a concentration of 100 M, Ad produced a 68±8% (n=12) depression of the amplitude of the muscarinic ACh current. The inhibition of muscarinic transmission induced by Ad is due to a direct suppression of the muscarinic current at the postsynaptic membrane in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) were studied in neurons of the superior cervical ganglion (SCG), stellate ganglion (SG) and celiac ganglia (CG) in newborn, 10-, 20-day-old, 1-month-old, 2-month-old and 6-month-old rats, mice and kittens. NADPH-d-positive neurons were revealed in all sympathetic ganglia in kittens but not in rodents from birth onwards. In kittens, the largest population of NADPH-d-positive cells was found in the SG, the smallest in the SCG (<1%) and we observed only a few cells in the CG. The proportion of NADPH-d-positive cells in the SG increased from 3.1±0.15% in newborn kittens to 9.3±0.63% in 20-day-old animals and decreased further from 8.1±0.75% in 30-day-old kittens to 3.4±0.54% in 2-month-old animals. The content of NADPH-d-positive cells in the CG and SCG did not change during development. There were no differences in cross-sectional area between neurons located in different ganglia of animals from the same age group under study. We conclude that the development of NADPH-d-positive neurons in different sympathetic ganglia has its own time dynamics and is completed by the end of the second month of life.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from sympathetic B neurons to investigate an interaction between peptidergic and cholinergic responses in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia. Simultaneous stimulations of 3rd-5th and 8th spinal nerves evoked the fast excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) superimposed with the late slow EPSP at the same sympathetic neuron. The amplitude of fast EPSPs was reduced during the course of the late slow EPSP in a majority of sympathetic neurons. A nicotinic depolarization produced by an ionophoretic application of ACh (ACH potential) was not significantly affected during the late slow EPSP. The quantal content of the fast EPSP calculated by the variance method was depressed during the late slow EPSP. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH), a putative transmitter for the late slow EPSP decreased the amplitude and the quantal content of the fast EPSP. [D-Phe2,6, Pro3]-LH-RH, and [D-DGlu1, D-Phe2, D-Trp3,6]-LH-RH, antagonists for LH-RH receptors prevented the inhibition of the fast EPSP induced by the late slow EPSP and LH-RH. These results suggest that cholinergic nicotinic transmission is inhibited during the late slow EPSP by a decreased ACh-release from nerve terminals in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

Calretinin is an EF-hand calcium-binding protein involved in the maintenance of intracellular calcium ion homeostasis. This study was understaken to investigate the presence of calretinin in human lumbar paravertebral sympathetic ganglia from subjects of different ages (26–85 years) using immunohistochemical and immunoblotting methods. Calretinin-like immunoreactivity was found in a subpopulation of postganglionic sympathetic neurons, whose percentage decreased progressively with aging by about 50% (63% of immunoreactive neurons at 40 years; 29% at 81 years) whereas the neuronal density remained basically unchanged. Calretinin-like immunoreactivity showed a granular pattern of cytoplasmic distribution suggesting preferential localization of this protein associated with intracellular membranes. Occasionally diffuse cytosolic labelling was also observed. The immunoblotting demonstrated a protein band with an estimated molecular weight of 30 kDa, approximately. Present results provide, for the first time, evidence for the presence of calretinin in human paravertebral sympathetic ganglia. Since the number of calretinin-like immunoreactive neurons decreased significantly with aging our findings suggest an involvement of this protein in the age-dependent impairment of sympathetic function.  相似文献   

目的:观察铃蟾肽(BOM)对豚鼠离体交感神经节细胞膜电位和膜电阻的影响及初步离子机制。方法:细胞内生物电记录技术。结果:BOM在大部分细胞上引起的缓慢去极化与剂量相关,可为特异性受体阻断剂Tyr^4,[D-phel2]BOM所阻断;BOM使去极化电位幅度增大并转化为动作电位(AP),并使电刺激突触前神经所致的使兴奋性突触后电位(f-EPSP)转化为AP。多数细胞膜电阻的减小及离子替换等显示Na^ 、K^ 可能参与该反应。结论:BOM通过相应受体对交感神经节内神经元兴奋性起易化作用;非单一离子参与该作用。  相似文献   

Background: Nerve growth factor (NGF) is produced in target issues of sympathetic and neural-crest derived sensory neurons, including skin, to provide them trophic support. The biological effects of NGF on responsive cells are mediated by specific high-affinity receptors. Recently, a protein tyrosine kinase of ? 140 kDa molecular weight, encoded by the proto-oncogene trkA, has been identified as the high-affinity NGF receptor (gp140-trkA). The present work was undertaken to study the localization of gp140-trkA-like immunoreactivity (IR) in human peripheral ganglia (sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia), and in glabrous skin. Methods: Lumbar dorsal root ganglia, para- and prevertebral sympathetic ganglia, and digital glabrous skin were studied immunohistochemically using a rabbit anti-gp140-trkA polyclonal antibody. In order to accurately establish the localization of gp140-trkA IR, the neurofilament proteins and S-100 protein were studied in parallel in: (1) sensory and sympathetic ganglia, to label neuron cell bodies and satellite or supporting cells, respectively; (2) human skin, to label axons, Schwann and related cells within nerves and sensory corpuscles. Moreover, a quantitative study (neuron size, intensity of immunostaining) was carried out on sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia neuron cell bodies. Results: A specific gp140-trkA-like IR was found in: (1) a subpopulation (65%) of primary sensory neuron cell bodies, including most of the largesized ones but also small- and intermediate-sized ones; (2) most of sympathetic neuron cell bodies (82%); (3) theineurial cell, Schwann cells, and large axons of the nerve trunks supplying digital skin; (4) the lamellar cells of Meissner corpuscles; (5) the central axon, inner-core, outer-core, and capsule of Pacinian corpuscles. In addition, the occurrence of gp140-trkA-like IR was observed in some non-nervous tissues of the skin, including epidermis (mainly in the basal layer), sweat glands, and arterial blood vessels. Conclusions: Present results provide evidence for the localization of gp140-trkA-like IR in: (1) nerve cells which are known to be NGF-responsive, and (2) non-nervous cutaneous tissues which are innervated by NGF-dependent peripheral neruons. These findings suggest that, in addition to the well-established role of NGF on sensory and sympathetic neurons, this neurotrophin may be able to regulate some other functions on non-nervous cell which are targets for NGF-dependent peripheral neurons. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated the expression of immunoreactivity (IR) for low- (p75) and high-affinity (trk proteins) neurotrophin-receptor proteins in adult human paravertebral-sympathetic ganglion neurons. Mouse monoclonal antibodies against the pan-neurotrophin-receptor p75, and rabbit polyclonal antibodies against specific epitopes of the intracytoplasmic domain on trk neurotrophin-receptor proteins were used in fresh unfixed and formaldehyde-fixed paraffin-embedded sympathetic ganglia. All adult human paravertebral-sympathetic neurons displayed trkA neurotrophin-receptor-like protein IR, 10% express trkC neurotrophin-receptor-like protein IR, 37–44% show p75 IR, and no IR was obtained for trkB neurotrophin-receptor-like protein. The intensity of immunostaining was independent of the neuron size. Labelling of non-neuronal tissues, especially blood-vessel walls, was observed for p75, trkA and trkC neurotrophin-receptor proteins. These results indicate that overlapping exists in the expression of p75 and trk neurotrophin-receptor proteins in adult human paravertebral-sympathetic neurons, and suggest that neurotrophins might act on these neurons.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate whether human sensory and sympathetic neurons contain phosphorylated neurofilament proteins, and whether they may be classified on the basis of this property, as in other mammalian species. The distribution of the phosphorylated 200-kDa neurofilament protein subunit (p200-NFP) was investigated in lumbar sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia by means of the RT97 monoclonal antibody (against p200-NFP). The intensity of immunostaining, and the size of neuronal body profiles were measured in order to define different neuron subclasses. In dorsal root ganglia, most of the neuronal profiles (96%) were p200-NFP immunoreactive, and the intensity of immunostaining was not related to neuronal perikarya size. In the lumbar paravertebral sympathetic ganglia, virtually all neurons displayed p200-NFP immunoreactivity, and the intensity of immunolabelling was also independent of the size of the neuronal somata. These results demonstrate heterogeneity in the expression of p200-NFP immunoreactivity in human sympathetic and sensory neurons. In contrast to other mammalian species, RT97 immunolabelling cannot be used as a discriminative marker for the two main types of human primary sensory neurons. On the other hand, our findings provide evidence for the occurrence of phosphorylated neurofilaments within peripheral neuron cell bodies.  相似文献   

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