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蛋白同化制剂的滥用问题是伴随着现代竞技体育运动的发展出现并日趋严重,同时随着人们生活水平的提高、对健美的渴望以及健身运动的普及而向学校体育和社会体育领域蔓延。2008年版《兴奋剂目录》的禁用物质包括7类共214种,其中的蛋白同化制剂位于首位。并且是目前体育界最为滥用的物质。一方面,滥用此类物质的人员日趋增多;另一方面,  相似文献   

目的了解南京部分高校本科大学生健康素养现状及发展水平,探讨高校健康教育对大学生健康素养水平的影响,为更有效的开展高校健康教育发展及评价,提高大学生整体健康素养水平提供参考。方法采用高校学生健康素养调查问卷对分层整群抽样抽取的南京部分高校1138名在校学生进行调查。结果被调查的高校大学生中9.8%具备健康素养,具备基本知识和理念、健康生活方式与行为和基本技能三方面素养分别为20.7%、16.3%、35.8%,具备科学健康观、安全与急救、传染病预防、慢性病预防、基本医疗素养分别为62.4%、30.7%、21.1%、7.6%、12.4%。结论参与调查的南京高校本科大学生健康素养水平整体偏低,且一年级学生健康素养得分较低,但均值高于全国城市居民平均水平,医学类高校学生健康素养水平高于理工类、人文类高校学生,高校学生在基本知识理念素养、基本技能素养、健康生活方式与行为素养方面跟学生健康体适能成绩等级呈正相关。高校健康教育应加强培养学生健康的生活方式,普及慢性病预防知识,与社会有关方面共同协调配合,以此提高大学生健康素养水平。  相似文献   

篮球运动在中国是比较普及的一项运动项目,在各类高校学校的体育教学中占有重要的位置。随着篮球运动的普及,弊端逐渐显现。传统的篮球教学是以讲解篮球技巧和战术教学方法为主要内容,教学过程过于枯燥乏味,降低了学生学习的积极性和主动性。“体验式学习”强调共享与应用,学习应从实践中开始体验,这种教育理念弥补了传统篮球教学模式的不足。  相似文献   

<正>以问题为基础的教学模式(problem-based learning,PBL)早已走进高校课堂,由于其可以培养学生的自学能力、提高学生分析问题能力等优势而备受关注[1,2]。伴随着移动网络的普及、智能终端的日渐流行,网络式教学在校园内迅速普及,微课迅速成为高等教育领域的一种学生个性化自主学习的教学资源。微课以视频的形式呈现教师围绕某个教学环节或知识点展开的简短、完整的教学  相似文献   

本文立足于生命教育的产生和发展过程,以及其所包含的思想精华,来探究我国关系体育教育中生命教育的不足之处。就现在的情况来看,高校体育教育的目标、内容、方法以及评价过程等各个方面都缺少了对学生的生命教育的融合,因此我国的高校体育教育要不断地完善和建立完整的“以人为本”的教育思想,要建立“师生平等”的师生关系,要不断引导和培养学生树立正确的生命价值观念,从而使学生能够正确、全面的认识生命的价值和意义,使学生在人生道路上尊重生命、关爱生命,从而建立一个积极健康的世界观、人生观和价值观,使学生能够充满活力、激情四射,做一个有理想、有道德、有纪律、有法治的良好公民,从而更好地实现教育的目的。  相似文献   

目前高校体育教学,已实行了通过专项课培养学生的作法,使学生全面掌握一项体育运动技术,达到在任何条件下都能独立地进行体育锻炼的目的,具有终身参加体育锻炼的能力并且终身受益。为此,传统的考核手段,即:全部以技评、任课教师印象来决定学生成绩的方法,已不适应当前体育教学改革的发展,它主要表现为:误差、模糊性较大,可控性较小,带有严重的主观随意性,科学成分甚少,因此在我省体育教学改革不断深入的同时,  相似文献   

膝关节前交叉韧带重建的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈枫  尹培荣 《贵州医药》2006,30(2):178-181
随着体育运动的日趋普及和竞技体育水平的不断提高,前交叉韧带损伤的发生率也有所增高,膝关节前交叉韧带(Anterior Cruciate Ligament ACL)损伤是常见而严重的运动创伤之一。ACL断裂引起的膝关节不稳称ACL缺损膝,治疗不当将严重影响运动能力或丧失运动能力,晚期导致严重的膝关节骨关节病。目前,对ACL损伤的诊断主要依据临床检查和MRI检查。临床检查主要包括3项特殊物理检查:前抽屉试验(ADF)、Lachman试验(L-T)和轴移试验(PST)。  相似文献   

教育教学方法的改革,要以学生学习成长为核心,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,增强学生创新意识和提高创新能力,从而真正提高高校教育教学水平,保证教学质量.对高职医学院校教育教学方法改革,教师必须要对教学对象的学习背景、学习目标等方面进行综合分析,明确教学主旨,掌握先进的教育教学方法,以全面的教学评价系统进行考核,以真正实现教学质量的提高和实用型创新人才的培养.  相似文献   

姜安 《现代医药卫生》2009,25(20):3194-3195
21世纪以来,随着我国综合国力和高校教育水平的提高,越来越多的外国留学生来我国学习全英文的临床医学专业。我校从2004年开始招收外国留学生学习临床医学,并专门为他们开设了医学汉语课。经过4年的探索及实践,我们在教授医学汉语方面积累了一些经验和思考。  相似文献   

本文通过论述高职药学生职业道德教育的重要性,以《GMP实务》这门专业课为载体,探讨在理论课、软件操作课、实训课中进行职业道德渗透的方法,以培养学生的职业道德素质,成为具备较高职业道德水平的药学人才。  相似文献   

As vigilance increases for drug abuse in sport there is an increasing awareness of new technologies creating new possibilities of performance enhancement. One such example is the recent consideration of 'gene doping', which may enhance athletic performance. In this article we consider an alternative strategy not yet considered; the potential for a pharmacogenomics approach and the utility of information at the level of the protein rather than the gene.  相似文献   

This article, by the United Kingdom's last Olympic Marathon Medal winner, Charlie Spedding, and his brother, the pharmacologist, Michael Spedding, covers the difficulties posed by the availability of powerful drugs to ameliorate athletic performance, from an athlete's perspective, particularly in view of the fact that performances are becoming highly optimised with less margin for further physiological improvement. The authors have had long athletic careers and argue that doping not only devalues performance but sport, and exercise, as a whole. Furthermore, the neurotrophic and metabolic changes involved in exercise and training, which can be modified by drugs, are central to health and reflect a part of the epidemic in obesity.  相似文献   

Buffalo health study concluded that pulmonary function is a long-term predictor for overall survival rates. It is essential to be involved in physical activity or sports which help in achieving better lung function. Cross sectional observation study was conducted to determine if yoga and athletic activity (running) are associated with better lung functions as compared to subjects with sedentary lifestyles and how does athletes and yogis differ in lung function. Spirometric parameters were assessed in randomly selected 60 healthy male, non-smoking; non-obese subjects-athletes, yogis and sedentary workers. The groups differed significantly in FEV1 and PEFR. The highest mean FEV1 and PEFR were observed in yogis. Both yogis and athletes had significantly better FEV1 as compared to sedentary workers. Yogis also had significantly better PEFR as compared to sedentary workers and athletes. Yogis and athletes had similar lung functions except for better PEFR amongst yogis. Involvement in daily physical activity or sport preferably yoga can help in achieving better pulmonary function.  相似文献   

《Toxin reviews》2013,32(2):113-123

Pharmaceutical preparations marketed for a specific therapeutic application in humans or animals can be abused by some athletes seeking performance enhancement. New drugs are also designed, synthesised and made available in some sport communities. Regularly, the list of compounds tested for in the laboratories involved in athletic drug testing is revised and updated. In this paper, we describe, with selected examples, the detection of new substances in athletes urine samples collected during doping control programmes. Clenbuterol and Zeranol used as a growth-promoters in the cattle industry, found their way in the performance enhancing therapeutic arsenal respectively a stimulant, a bronchodilator and as “anabolic” agents. Clenbuterol had known applications in humans while Zeranol was restricted to the veterinary use. Bromantan, a new substance developed in Russia a few years ago, was distributed in selected groups including athletes. It is now controlled by the sport authorities as a stimulant and a masking agent.  相似文献   

Sports wagering has been identified as a gambling product which may pose particular risks for young men, because of the aggressive marketing tactics used to promote these products, and the alignment with culturally valued sporting activities. However, there is very limited information about the socio-cultural processes that may contribute to the normalisation of sports wagering for this population. Using semi-structured interviews with 50 Australian young men who gambled on sport, we explored the way in which peer group behaviours influenced attitudes towards, and the consumption of, gambling products. Four thematic clusters emerged from the interviews. First, young men perceived that sports wagering was a ‘normal’ and socially accepted activity, and a natural ‘add on’ to sports. Second, there were clear indicators that sports wagering was becoming embedded within existing peer based sporting rituals, with the emergence of gambling clubs, and online forums. The third finding related to the shaping of gambling/sport discussions, which created a sense of identity and a point of conversation for peers. Finally, some participants spoke of the social pressure to gamble to ‘fit in’ with their friends. This study suggests that sports wagering poses a new health threat for young men, with sports wagering quickly being normalised as an embedded activity in young male sports fans' peer groups. There are clear lessons from the Australian experience for other countries, relating to the ways in which industry marketing tactics may combine with culturally valued activities such as sport, to influence risky gambling behaviours.  相似文献   

Technical advances are being made in many areas of biotechnology and genetics that are facilitating the detection of doping in sport. These improvements have been catalyzed by the need to counter the ever-increasing sophistication of the community of athletes and their retinues who are intent on the illicit use of physical, pharmacological and genetic tools and methods to enhance athletic performance, in contravention of established international ethical and legal standards and of international treaty. The methods described in this article present a partial and general picture of only some of these advances.  相似文献   

Multiple risks are associated with early use of anabolic androgenic steroids, yet public understanding is limited and teen use not uncommon. The present study surveyed 4,231 high school students to understand prevalence of use, association with athletics and other substance use and expectations of drug effects. While overall rates of steroid use were low (1.4%), use was higher in males and those participating in at least one school sport. Half (49%) of the high school students believed that steroids improved athletic performance and 38% reported that use improves appearance. Recreational drug use and frequency of drug use increased risk for steroid use.  相似文献   

创建趣味药理课堂教学的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张明宇 《药学教育》2004,20(3):60-61
通过总结在药理课堂教学中运用的引入语的实例,说明课堂导语的使用可使枯燥的药理教学理论变得生动有趣,从而激发学生求知欲,唤起兴趣,充分调动学生课堂互动的积极性,导学导思导趣。创建趣味的教学方法,可营造良好的教学气氛,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

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