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Children may be exposed to pesticides in several ways, such as by transplacental transfer during foetal life, by intake of contaminated breast milk and other nutrients, or by contact with contaminated subjects and areas in the environment such as pets treated with insecticides, house dust, carpets and chemically treated lawns and gardens. Exposure early in life, and particularly during periods of rapid development, such as during foetal life and infancy, may have severe effects on child health and development by elevating the risk of congenital malformations, cancer, malabsorption, immunological dysfunction, endocrine disease, and neurobehavioural deficiencies. As pesticides can also interfere with parental reproductive health, exposure of parents may have consequences for the offspring leading to reduced chance of male birth and increased risk of childhood cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Current knowledge about tolerable levels and consequences of toxic exposure to pesticides during human development is rather scarce. Owing to the high risk of exposure to pesticides, particularly in less developed countries, further elucidation by well-controlled epidemiological studies in this field it is urgently needed. The Policy Interpretation Network on Children's Health and Environment (PINCHE), which is financed by the EU DG research has suggested actions against pesticide exposure. They have been presented and discussed in this paper. Several suggestions of PINCHE concerning action needed regarding pesticides were presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Type A behavior has been shown in adults to be a predictor of heart disease equal in magnitude to cigarette smoking and cholesterol level. This article reviews current thinking on Type A behavior and its relationship to cardiovascular health. Particular emphasis is given to current literature about Type A behavior in adolescents, school-aged children, and preschoolers. Discussion covers the importance of the primary subcomponents of Type A behavior (i.e., competitiveness, hostility, and impatience). Clinical cautions and applications of this research are included.  相似文献   

This review, addressed mainly to clinicians, considers commonly asked questions related to the neuroimaging, neurophysiology, neurochemistry and genetics of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It provides answers based on the most recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews, as well as additional relevant original studies. Empirical findings from neurobiological research into ADHD reflect a shift in the conceptualisation of this disorder from simple theoretical views of a few isolated dysfunctions to more complex models integrating the heterogeneity of the clinical manifestations of ADHD. Thus, findings from structural and functional neuroimaging suggest the involvement of developmentally abnormal brain networks related to cognition, attention, emotion and sensorimotor functions. Brain functioning alterations are confirmed by neurophysiological findings, showing that individuals with ADHD have elevated theta/beta power ratios, and less pronounced responses and longer latencies of event-related potentials, compared with controls. At a molecular level, alterations in any single neurotransmitter system are unlikely to explain the complexity of ADHD; rather, the disorder has been linked to dysfunctions in several systems, including the dopaminergic, adrenergic, serotoninergic and cholinergic pathways. Genetic studies showing a heritability of ~60-75% suggest that a plethora of genes, each one with a small but significant effect, interact with environmental factors to increase the susceptibility to ADHD. Currently, findings from neurobiological research do not have a direct application in daily clinical practice, but it is hoped that in the near future they will complement the diagnostic process and contribute to the long-term effective treatment of this impairing condition.  相似文献   

Hornor G 《Journal of pediatric health care》2012,26(3):163-70; quiz 171-3
Physical abuse is a problem of epidemic proportions. Pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs) will most likely encounter physically abused children in their practice. This continuing education offering will help PNPs develop the skills necessary to recognize an injury that raises the concern for abuse based on characteristics of the injury such as appearance, location, or severity and characteristics of the history given for the injury. The link between corporal punishment and physical abuse will be discussed. Cutaneous findings of abuse, oral injuries, skeletal injuries, abdominal trauma, and abusive head trauma will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Multidetector CT (MDCT) is increasingly used for imaging congenital heart disease (CHD) patients in addition to echocardiography, due to its ability to provide high quality three-dimensional images, giving a comprehensive evaluation of complex heart malformations. Using 4-slice or 16-slice CT, diagnostic information in CHD patients is limited to extra-cardiac anatomy, mainly the pulmonary arteries, aorta and venous connections. Due to high heart rates in babies however, coronary evaluation and intra-cardiac analysis were not reliable with the first generations of MDCT. Larger detector size with 64-slice CT and faster acquisition time, up to 75 ms for one slice, has progressively improved coronary and intra-cardiac visualization. Because radiation dose is the main concern, especially in children, every attempt to minimize dose whilst preserving image quality is important: the ALARA concept should always be applied in this population. The 80 kVp setting is now well accepted as a standard for more and more radiological teams involved in CT of children. Different acquisition strategies are now possible for childhood coronary imaging, using retrospective or even prospective gating. Using the latest technology, sub-mSv acquisitions are now attainable for scanning a whole thorax, providing a complete analysis of any 3-D cardiac malformation, including coronary artery course visualisation. This review will describe how technological developments have improved image quality with continuous reduction of radiation dose.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of children diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). There is considerable disagreement about what this entity actually entails and, in particular, what types of assessments and interventions to use with these children and families. Children with a history of maltreatment (i.e., physical, sexual, emotional abuse, and/or severe neglect) are particularly likely to receive this diagnosis, because the behavior problems often seen in these children are presumed to stem from the maladaptive relationships they have had with abusive caregivers. However, many children are receiving this diagnosis because of behavior problems that clearly extend beyond the DSM-IV criteria for RAD. Perhaps the most concerning consequence of the RAD diagnosis is the emergence of novel treatments that lack a sound theoretical basis or empirical support, and may potentially be traumatizing and dangerous to the child. Thus, the purpose of this article is to review and synthesize what is known about RAD and attachment disorders and to discuss implications for treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To test whether increased television viewing is associated with increased total energy intake and with increased consumption of foods commonly advertised on television, and to test whether increased consumption of these foods mediates the relationship between television viewing and total energy intake. DESIGN: Prospective observational study with baseline (fall 1995) and follow-up (spring 1997) measures of youth diet, physical activity, and television viewing. We used food advertising data to identify 6 food groups for study (sweet baked snacks, candy, fried potatoes, main courses commonly served as fast food, salty snacks, and sugar-sweetened beverages). SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: Five public schools in 4 communities near Boston. The sample included 548 students (mean age at baseline, 11.70 years; 48.4% female; and 63.5% white). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Change in total energy intake and intake of foods commonly advertised on television from baseline to follow-up. RESULTS: After adjusting for baseline covariates, each hour increase in television viewing was associated with an additional 167 kcal/d (95% confidence interval, 136-198 kcal/d; P<.001) and with increases in the consumption of foods commonly advertised on television. Including changes in intakes of these foods in regression models provided evidence of their mediating role, diminishing or rendering nonsignificant the associations between change in television viewing and change in total energy intake. CONCLUSIONS: Increases in television viewing are associated with increased calorie intake among youth. This association is mediated by increasing consumption of calorie-dense low-nutrient foods frequently advertised on television.  相似文献   

The assessment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) typically relies on subjective observer reports from parents, teachers, or the young person, combined with clinical observation and history. Children and young people can often experience lengthy delays to assessment and medication initiation resulting from conflicting or missing observer reports and diagnostic uncertainty. However, more recently, a computerised test of attention, impulsivity and activity (QbTest) has been implemented as an adjunct to standard clinical practice, with the aim to provide a more objective measure of ADHD symptoms. Here, we discuss the evidence for the clinical utility of QbTest to aid in the assessment and monitoring of ADHD. Drawing on key literature and real-world case studies, we show the potential benefits that QbTest may have in creating service efficiencies for ADHD care, but also note limitations in diagnostic accuracy, importantly demonstrating that QbTest should supplement and not replace standard care. We review key barriers and facilitators to implementation, to aid decision making and planning in how to integrate QbTest in paediatric services.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated experiences of parents of children with cerebral palsy (CP) to identify areas in which health care providers and educators could improve practice. A second objective was to create educational material for parents of young children newly diagnosed with CP. A purposive sample of nine parents, who previously participated in the Adolescent Study of Quality of Life, Mobility, and Exercise, was recruited through phone. During an interview, parents reflected on the experience of raising a child with CP from birth to young adulthood. These interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and coded using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-informed model and analyzed to identify major themes. Parents elaborated upon what was helpful and what could be changed to improve their children's and families' experiences through supports, advocacy, and education at different levels. The results informed the development of tips for parents and children with CP to enhance their families' experiences and interactions with health care providers, educators, and others.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of k = 53 studies containing 60 non-overlapping samples and 10,073 participants was conducted to investigate whether psychopathy was associated with delinquency and (violent) recidivism in juveniles. The results showed that psychopathy was moderately associated with delinquency, general recidivism, and violent recidivism. Moderator effects revealed that various study and participant characteristics influenced the strength of the association between psychopathy, delinquency, and (violent) recidivism. It was concluded that screening for the (early) detection of psychopathy is important, as delinquent behavior and recidivism can be predicted from psychopathy as early as the transition from middle childhood to adolescence.  相似文献   

Parad RB 《Pediatric radiology》2012,42(Z1):S92-100
Pediatric radiologists are frequently called upon to render interpretations of chest radiographs performed on premature infants with chronic respiratory problems. After the acute phase of surfactant deficiency (respiratory distress syndrome), infants with persistent respiratory problems are loosely categorized by clinicians as evolving toward a broad, rather vague entity called bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) or chronic lung disease (CLD). This review aims to update the radiologist on how the characteristics of the disease have shifted and how management, diagnosis and pathology have changed since the disorder was first described more than 40 years ago. The radiologist armed with this information might be better prepared to provide insightful reporting and address the needs of the neonatologist.  相似文献   

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