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Visceral afferent neurons of the nodose and petrosal ganglia are immunoreactive (ir) for many neurotransmitters [e.g., substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and dopamine (tyrosine hydroxylase-ir; TH)]. Coexistence of SP-ir with NKA-, CGRP-, or TH-ir was studied in individual neurons of the rat ganglia using fluorescence immunocytochemistry. SP- and NKA-ir were present in equal numbers of cells and were consistently colocalized. SP- and CGRP-ir were found to be similarly distributed in scattered cells, concentrated mostly in the rostral pole of the nodose ganglion and in the petrosal ganglion. SP-ir completely coexisted with CGRP-ir. However, there was at least twice the number of CGRP-ir neurons as SP-ir neurons, and thus CGRP-ir neurons that did not contain SP-ir were also present. In contrast, SP- and TH-ir had different distributions in both the nodose and the petrosal ganglia. SP-ir was located in the more rostral regions of both the nodose and petrosal ganglia, whereas TH-ir was detected throughout the entire nodose ganglion and only in the most caudal region of the petrosal ganglion. There was no coexistence of SP- and TH-ir. These data demonstrate the differential localization and coexistence of putative transmitters in visceral sensory neurons in the nodose and petrosal ganglia.  相似文献   

The petrosal ganglion (PG) is entirely constituted by the perikarya of primary sensory neurons, part of which innervates the carotid body via the carotid sinus nerve (CSN). Application of acetylcholine (ACh) or nicotine (Nic) as well as adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) to the PG in vitro increases the frequency of CSN discharges, an effect that is modified by the concomitant application of dopamine (DA). Since a population of PG neurons expresses tyrosine hydroxylase, and DA is released from the cat carotid body in response to electrical stimulation of C-fibers in the CSN, it is possible that DA may be released from the perikarya of PG neurons. Therefore, we studied whether ACh or Nic, ATP and high KCl could induce DA release from PG neurons in culture. Petrosal ganglia were excised from pentobarbitone-anesthetized adult cats, dissociated and their neurons maintained in culture for 7-21 days. Catecholamine release was measured by amperometry via carbon-fiber microelectrodes. In response to KCl, Nic, ACh or ATP application, about 25% of neurons exhibited electrochemical signals compatible with DA release. This percentage increased to 41% after loading the neurons with exogenous DA. The present results suggest that DA release may be induced from the perikarya of a population of PG neurons.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors play an important role in survival and growth of injured peripheral nerves. To study the injury-mediated neurotrophic response in autonomic nerves, we investigated changes in mRNA expression of neurotrophins and their receptors in the transected vagus nerve and nodose ganglion. Studies using in situ hybridization histochemistry showed that axotomy of the cervical vagus nerve resulted in increased expression of mRNAs for nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), and for TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC receptors in non-neuronal cells at both the proximal and distal segments of the transected cervical vagus nerve. Moreover, NGF protein was increased in the distal end, and NT-3 protein was increased in both the proximal and the distal ends of the transected nerve 3 days after axotomy. No change of p75(NTR) mRNA was detected in the transected vagus nerve. The induction of each neurotrophin and Trk receptor mRNA was apparent within 1 day after the axotomy and was sustained at least 14 days. By 45 days after the axotomy, a time when axonal reconnection with target tissue is made (integrity of the nerve-target connection was confirmed by the retrograde transport of FluoroGold from the stomach to vagal cell bodies), the levels of neurotrophin and Trk mRNAs in the vagus nerve declined to pre-axotomy levels. TrkA, TrkC, and p75(NTR) mRNA-containing vagal sensory neurons in the nodose ganglion were reduced in number after cervical vagotomy. Neurotrophin-mRNA-containing neurons were not found in the nodose ganglia from either intact or vagotomized rats. The axotomy-induced up-regulation of neurotrophins and Trk receptors mainly in the non-neuronal cells at or near the site of transection suggests that neurotrophins are involved in the survival and regeneration process of the vagus nerve after injury.  相似文献   

As recent immunohistochemical evidence has shown the coexistence of putative neurotransmitters in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), we have investigated the possibility that there may be an interaction of putative transmitters on the firing frequency of cardiovascular neurons in the RVLM. Extracellular activity was recorded from 37 spontaneously firing units in the right RVLM of urethane anaesthetized and artificially ventilated rats. Nine of these units were classified as cardiovascular neurons because: (i) they were silenced by baroreceptor activation (1-3 micrograms phenylephrine i.v.); and (ii) they showed rhythmicity of their spontaneous activity in synchrony with the cardiac cycle. Microiontophoresis of combinations of near threshold amounts of L-glutamate (GLU; 10 nA), acetylcholine (Ach; 30 nA) and substance-P (SP; 60 nA) showed a synergistic interaction of these substances with one another in eliciting changes in firing frequency of cardiovascular neurons. These results show that GLU and Ach, GLU and SP and Ach and SP interact synergistically to influence the firing frequency of cardiovascular neurons in the RVLM and suggest that these substances play a physiological role in the neural control of the circulation.  相似文献   

Varas R  Alcayaga J  Zapata P 《Brain research》2000,882(1-2):201-205
The petrosal ganglia contain the somata of the sensory fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerves, innervating structures of the tongue, pharynx, carotid sinus and carotid body. Petrosal ganglia were excised from adult cats and their neurons were dissociated and kept in tissue culture for 7-12 days. Intracellular recordings were obtained through conventional microelectrodes. In response to depolarizing pulses, most cells (41/60) presented a 'hump' in the falling phase of their action potentials (H-type), while the remaining neurons lack such hump (F-type). The two types of cells had no differences in resting membrane potential or action potential amplitude. Acetylcholine (ACh) applied locally elicited responses in nearly two thirds of both H-type and F-type neurons tested. Most H-type neurons (17/19) responded with a slow long lasting depolarization, while the remaining (2) did so by generating spikes. In contrast, half of F-type neurons (6/12) responded with one or more spikes and the other half only with a slow depolarization. These results indicate that ACh receptors are present in the soma of many petrosal ganglion neurons subjected to tissue culture, thus supporting the idea that - under normal conditions - their peripheral sensory processes may be excited by ACh.  相似文献   

The active and passive properties of petrosal ganglion sensory neurons with axons in the glossopharyngeal nerve were examined with intracellular microelectrodes in an in vitro preparation. Glossopharyngeal neurons could be classified into two groups: H-cells showing an inflexion or hump on the falling phase of the spike and F-cells, generating a short action potential without a hump. Most of the neurons found (85%) were H-cells. The axonal conduction velocity of both types of cells fell into the A delta range, although the average value for F-cells (13 m/s) was higher than that found for H-cells (10 m/s). H- and F-cells had similar resting membrane potentials and input resistances, but different action potential characteristics. F-cells showed a smaller action potential with a faster rate of depolarization, followed by a shorter after-hyperpolarization. The response to depolarizing current pulses applied through the microelectrode was also different in both types of cells. About half of the H-cells could not be depolarized to threshold while 85% of F-cells generated spikes. It is concluded that two different populations of petrosal ganglion neurons send axons into the glossopharyngeal nerve.  相似文献   

A subpopulation of sensory neurons in the petrosal ganglion transmits information between peripheral chemoreceptors (glomus cells) in the carotid body and relay neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract. Expression of voltage-gated K+ channels in these neurons was characterized by immunohistochemical localization. Five members of the Kv1 family, Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.4, Kv1.5 and Kv1.6 and members of two other families, Kv2.1 and Kv4.3, were identified in over 90% of the chemoreceptor neurons. Although the presence of these channel proteins was consistent throughout the population, individual neurons showed considerable variation in K+ current profiles.  相似文献   

Most vagal afferent neurons in rat nodose ganglia express mRNA coding for the NR1 subunit of the heteromeric N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor ion channel. NMDA receptor subunit immunoreactivity has been detected on axon terminals of vagal afferents in the dorsal hindbrain, suggesting a role for presynaptic NMDA receptors in viscerosensory function. Although NMDA receptor subunits (NR1, NR2B, NR2C, and NR2D) have been linked to distinct neuronal populations in the brain, the NMDA receptor subunit phenotype of vagal afferent neurons has not been determined. Therefore, we examined NMDA receptor subunit (NR1, NR2B, NR2C, and NR2D) immunoreactivity in vagal afferent neurons. We found that, although the left nodose contained significantly more neurons (7,603), than the right (5,978), the proportions of NMDA subunits expressed in the left and right nodose ganglia were not significantly different. Immunoreactivity for NMDA NR1 subunit was present in 92.3% of all nodose neurons. NR2B immunoreactivity was present in 56.7% of neurons; NR2C-expressing nodose neurons made up 49.4% of the total population; NR2D subunit immunoreactivity was observed in just 13.5% of all nodose neurons. Double labeling revealed that 30.2% of nodose neurons expressed immunoreactivity to both NR2B and NR2C, whereas NR2B and NR2D immunoreactivities were colocalized in 11.5% of nodose neurons. NR2C immunoreactivity colocalized with NR2D in 13.1% of nodose neurons. Our results indicate that most vagal afferent neurons express NMDA receptor ion channels composed of NR1, NR2B, and NR2C subunits and that a minority phenotype that expresses NR2D also expresses NR1, NR2B, and NR2C.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry for delta-opioid receptor (DOR) was performed on the rat cranial sensory ganglia. The immunoreactivity was detected in 16%, 19% and 11% of neurons in the trigeminal, jugular and petrosal ganglia, respectively. The nodose ganglion was devoid of such neurons. DOR-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were mostly small to medium-sized (trigeminal, range = 62-851 microm(2), mean +/- SD = 359 +/- 175 microm(2); jugular, range = 120-854 microm(2), mean +/- SD = 409 +/- 196 microm(2); petrosal, range = 167-1146 microm(2), mean +/- SD = 423 +/- 233 microm(2)). Double immunofluorescence method revealed that all DOR-IR neurons were also immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide. The cutaneous and mucosal epithelia in the oro-facial region, tooth pulp, taste bud and carotid body were innervated by DOR-IR nerve fibers. In the brainstem, IR nerve terminals were located in the superficial medullary dorsal horn and dorsomedial part of the subnucleus oralis as well as the solitary tract nucleus. The present study suggests that DOR-IR neurons may be associated with nociceptive and/or chemoreceptive function in the cranial sensory ganglia.  相似文献   

The presence of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-diaphorase activity was studied histochemically in the sensory ganglia of the rat. Supraspinally, the trigeminal ganglion possessed only a few cells positively stained for NADPH-diaphorase, while a large number of positive neurons was found in the nodose ganglion. In the dorsal root ganglia, the distribution of positive cells showed a peculiar pattern in relation to spinal levels. Very minor populations (less than 2% of the total ganglionic cells) exhibited positive reaction in ganglia at levels ranging from the first cervical (C1) to fourth thoracic (T4) and from the second lumber (L2) through the entire sacral levels. In the middle to lower thoracic levels (from T5 to L1), however, abundant diaphorase-positive cells were observed. From these positive neurons it was possible to trace intensely stained nerve fibers. In the lower thoracic level, for example, dense positive fibers were seen in the ramus communicans. Retrograde tracing studies revealed that diaphorase-containing neurons in the lower thoracic level project at least partly to the gastric wall and the celiac ganglion. These results indicate that the diaphorase-positive ganglionic neurons in the thoracicolumbar levels may carry autonomic visceral afferent information. Double staining with NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry and peptide immunohistochemistry revealed that NADPH-diaphorase colocalizes with calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P in many of these visceral afferent neurons.  相似文献   

In rats treated with capsaicin (CAP) as neonates, galanin-like (GA) immunoreactivity is markedly decreased in the trigeminal ganglion and the dorsal root ganglia as well as in the superficial layers of the dorsal spinal cord (laminae I and II), the substantia gelatinosa, the nucleus and tractus of the spinal trigeminal nerve and the nucleus commissuralis. Since CAP causes selective degeneration of primary sensory neurons of the C-fiber type and type B-cells of sensory ganglia, it is concluded that GA in CAP-sensitive primary sensory neurons represents a novel peptidergic system possibly involved in the transformation or modulation of peripheral nociceptive impulses. This system differs from the CAP-resistant GA-like neurons in other brain areas.  相似文献   

H J Kim  H S Na  S K Back  S K Hong 《Neuroreport》2001,12(16):3529-3532
We examined whether the extent of sympathetic sprouting in the dorsal root ganglion was a function of the number of injured nerve fibers. We compared two groups of rats. One group was subjected to unilateral superior and inferior caudal trunk transections at the level between the S1 and S2 spinal nerves (S-I group) and the other group was subjected to unilateral superior caudal trunk transection at the same level (S group). Immunohistochemical staining with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) antibody of the S1 DRG revealed that the degree of TH-immunoreactive fibers was more extensive in the S-I group than in the S group. However, there was no difference in the severity of neuropathic pain behaviors between the two groups. These results suggest that the extent of sympathetic sprouting in the DRG following peripheral nerve injury is proportionally related to the amount of injured nerve fibers, but not related to the degree of neuropathic pain behaviors.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry for osteocalcin (OC) was performed on the rat vagal and glossopharyngeal sensory ganglia. OC-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were detected in the jugular (10%), petrosal (11%) and nodose ganglia (6%). The cell size analysis demonstrated that OC-IR neurons were predominantly small to medium-sized in the jugular ganglion (mean+/-S.D.=356.3+/-192.2 microm(2), range=86.5-831.5 microm(2)). On the other hand, such neurons were medium-sized to large in the petrosal (mean+/-S.D.=725.6+/-280.7 microm(2), range=124.7-1540.4 microm(2)) and nodose ganglia (mean+/-S.D.=857.5+/-330.2 microm(2), range=367.1-1608.0 microm(2)). In the circumvallate papilla, OC-IR nerve fibers were located in the vicinity of taste buds. Some taste bud cells were also immunoreactive for the calcium-binding protein (CaBP). In the carotid body, however, OC-IR nerve fibers could not be detected. Retrograde tracing with fluorogold revealed that OC-IR nerve fibers in the circumvallate papilla mainly originated from the petrosal ganglion. These findings may suggest that OC-IR petrosal neurons have chemoreceptive function in the tongue.  相似文献   

T M Hodgson  T Crow 《Brain research》1991,557(1-2):255-264
As part of the analysis of the circuitry underlying phototaxis, 4 light-responsive pedal neurons were identified and characterized. The 4 newly identified neurons have been designated as pedal neurons P7, P8, P9 and P10. Pedal cell P7 has an inhibitory response to light, lasting several minutes. Pedal cells P8, P9 and P10 exhibit excitatory 'on' responses to light that last for a few seconds after light onset. Lucifer yellow fills showed that each identified pedal cell has only one process which exits the nervous system through one of the pedal nerves. Various procedures were used to investigate the responses to illumination expressed by the 4 identified pedal neurons. The results indicate that: (1) the light responses are not intrinsic, but are due to synaptic input from other light-responsive cell(s), and (2) the sources of the synaptic input to the pedal cells are the photoreceptors of the eye, and not extraocular photoreceptors or light sensitive neurons within the circumesophageal nervous system.  相似文献   

The functional consequences of cholinergic self-inhibitory synaptic potentials (SISPs) upon firing patterns were examined in pairs of electronically coupled neurons of Aplysia buccal ganglia. In each neuron, the size of the peak SISP current decrements exponentially with increased number of previous conditioning action potentials (APs).To determine the effect of SISPs on the firing patterns of each cell, AP trains elicited by constant-current steps with the SISP intact were compared to those with the SISP blocked by curare. The SISP prolonged initial interspike intervals, providing an early supplement to accomodation, and produced a 75% increase in the sensitivity of firing frequency vs injected current plots for the first ISI. Firing rates were more regular in the presence of the SISP. However, the efficacy of the SISP, like the size of the underlying current, decrements with repetition.SISP effects were also studied in electronically coupled pairs of self-inhibitory neurons. Although the SISP altered the shape of the hyperpolarizing component of coupling potentials, DC coupling between the neurons was unaffected. Firing synchrony in coupled pairs stimulated with long DC pulses was assessed with cross-correlation histograms. In 60 mM Ca2+, the SISP sharpens the central peak of synchrony and deepens the flanking troughs, increasing the probability of synchronous firing within± 4msec by 76%. The major determinants of synchrony were found to be common input, SISP-dependent regularity of firing, and the depolarizing phase of the coupling potential, rather than the SISP-enhanced hyperpolarizing phase.  相似文献   

The distribution of some putative neurotransmitters was investigated in the spinal cord and spinal ganglia of the lamprey, a primitive vertebrate, by using immunohistochemical methods. In the spinal cord a midline row of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-immunoreactive neurons was present immediately ventral to the central canal over the entire length of the spinal cord. The ventral processes of these neurons formed a dense ventromedial plexus of varicosities. In the dorsal, lateral, and ventral spinal axon columns, several longitudinal 5-HT fibers were present. After chronic spinal transections the distribution of 5-HT fibers was unchanged; it is therefore concluded that there was no substantial descending 5-HT contribution and that the spinal 5-HT neurons supplied the regional 5-HT innervation. The spinal 5-HT cells sent fibers into the dorsal and ventral roots; 5-HT cell bodies and fibers were also present in the spinal dorsal root ganglia, in their dorsal, ventral, and lateral nerve branches, and in the dorsal and ventral branches of the ventral roots. Neurons and fibers containing peptides of the tachykinin (TK) family (to which, amongst others, substance P belongs) were found in the spinal cord. TK neurons in the spinal cord supplied the local TK innervation, as well as TK fibers in the dorsal and ventral roots. Fibers have been found containing either TK, or 5-HT, or both compounds. Neurons containing neuropeptide-Y (NPY)-immunoreactive material were present in a medial column just dorsal to the central canal. The NPY neurons have longitudinal, mainly descending, fibers that provide the local NPY innervation of the lamprey spinal cord. The present results provide evidence for local spinal systems containing 5-HT, TK, 5-HT and TK, or NPY, but in contrast to mammals, these compounds do not seem to arise from supraspinal neurons.  相似文献   

Cation chloride cotransporters have been proposed to play a role in the modulation of neuronal responses to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In conditions of neuronal damage, where neuronal excitability is increased, the expression of the KCC2 transporter is decreased. This is also seen in spinal cord in models of neuropathic pain. We have investigated the expression of the Na-K-Cl, and K-Cl cotransporters NKCC1 and KCC2, in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and spinal sensory neurons during arthritis, a condition in which neuronal excitability is also increased. NKCC1 was expressed in control DRG neurons, and its expression was decreased in arthritis. Both NKCC1 and KCC2 were expressed in sensory neurons in the spinal cord. In acute arthritis, both NKCC1 and KCC2 mRNA increased in superficial but not deep dorsal horn, and this was accompanied by an increase in protein expression. In chronic arthritis, NKCC1 expression remained raised, but KCC2 mRNA and protein expression returned to control levels. Altered KCC2 and NKCC1 expression in arthritis may contribute to the control of spinal cord excitability and may represent novel therapeutic targets in the treatment of inflammatory pain.  相似文献   

ASIC3-immunoreactivity (ir) was examined in the rat vagal and glossopharyngeal sensory ganglia. In the jugular, petrosal and nodose ganglia, 24.8%, 30.8% and 20.6% of sensory neurons, respectively, were immunoreactive for ASIC3. These neurons were observed throughout the ganglia. A double immunofluorescence method demonstrated that many ASIC3-immunoreactive (ir) neurons co-expressed calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)- or vanilloid receptor subtype 1 (VRL-1)-ir in the jugular (CGRP, 77.8%; VRL-1, 28.0%) and petrosal ganglia (CGRP, 61.7%; VRL-1, 21.5%). In the nodose ganglion, however, such neurons were relatively rare (CGRP, 6.3%; VRL-1, 0.4%). ASIC3-ir neurons were mostly devoid of tyrosine hydroxylase in these ganglia. However, some ASIC3-ir neurons co-expressed calbindin D-28k in the petrosal (5.5%) and nodose ganglia (3.8%). These findings may suggest that ASIC3-containing neurons have a wide variety of sensory modalities in the vagal and glossopharyngeal sensory ganglia.  相似文献   

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