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A series of recent studies demonstrated that the triazine herbicide atrazine, although not itself acutely toxic, potentiated the toxicity of certain organophosphate insecticides (OPs) to the midge Chironomus tentans. In the current study, a series of triazine herbicides and triazine herbicide degradation products were tested to determine if other triazines potentiate OP toxicity to midges. Chlorpyrifos and diazinon were the OPs tested. Toxicity tests were conducted using a factorial design and analysis of variance to statistically determine if each triazine had an effect on expected toxicity. Log-probit procedures were also used to evaluate the magnitude of change in median effective concentration (EC50) values during coexposure with each triazine. All of the triazine herbicides tested (atrazine, simazine, cyanazine, and hexazinone) were capable of potentiating the toxicity of the OPs, whereas the degradation products (s-triazine, deethylatrazine, and deisopropylatrazine) had less effect. In most cases, a triazine concentration of 100 μg/L was necessary to significantly increase OP toxicity, and higher concentrations of triazine caused a greater degree of potentiation. Changes in EC50 values ranged from no change to a 2.5-fold increase in toxicity. Generally, EC50 values changed by less than a factor of 2, indicating that the effect may be of limited concern in regard to future risk assessments of OPs.  相似文献   

Four- and 10-week chronic toxicity tests were conducted using the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca and Cd-contaminated Chlorella sp. as a food source. Chlorella sp. was cultured in various Cd concentrations, filtered from solution, rinsed, dried, and ground into food flakes for the H. azteca. Unlike Cd toxicity from water sources, growth was found to be a more sensitive toxicological endpoint than survival, with calculated 50 and 25% effect concentrations (EC50s and EC25s, respectively) of 5.43 and 2.82 nmol/g, respectively, for Cd measured in food. Based on the regression of Cd in Chlorella sp. against Cd in filtered culture medium, the EC50 and EC25 corresponded to dissolved Cd concentrations of 11.30 and 5.09 nmol/L, respectively. Little or no bioaccumulation of Cd was found in the tissues of H. azteca that were fed contaminated food. These results demonstrate an apparent toxicological effect (either direct or indirect) of Cd-contaminated Chlorella sp. to H. azteca that is not associated with Cd accumulation. Toxicity of Cd-contaminated Chlorella sp. differs from waterborne Cd toxicity both in terms of the most sensitive endpoint (growth vs survival) and the relationship between toxicity and bioaccumulation. Unlike Cd toxicity through water exposure, Cd bioaccumulation by H. azteca cannot, therefore, be used to infer toxicity of Cd in a diet of Chlorella sp. Although the concentration of Cd in the algal culture medium that ultimately reduced growth of H. azteca in the present study was higher than Cd in water, which caused mortality to H. azteca in water-only tests during previous studies, further research regarding the contribution of dietary Cd to overall Cd toxicity is needed to verify that water-quality guidelines and risk assessments based on water-only exposures are fully protective.  相似文献   

Toxicity of Manganese to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyalella azteca   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Manganese is a toxic element frequently overlooked when assessing toxicity of effluents, sediments, and pore waters. Manganese can be present at toxic levels in anoxic solutions due to increased solubility under chemically reducing conditions, and it can remain at those levels for days in aerated test waters due to slow precipitation kinetics. Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyalella azteca are freshwater organisms often used for toxicity testing and recommended for assessments of effluents and pore waters. Lethal and reproductive-inhibition concentrations of Mn were determined for C. dubia in acute 48-h tests and chronic three-brood tests using animals <24 h old and between 24 and 48 h old. Sensitivity of H. azteca to Mn was determined with 7-day-old animals in acute 96-h tests. Tests were run at three levels of water hardness to assess the amelioratory effect, which was often significant. Manganese concentrations were measured analytically at test initiation and after 96 h for calculation of toxicity and determination of Mn precipitation during the tests. Minimal amounts of Mn (≤3%) precipitated within 96 h. LC50s determined for H. azteca progressively increased from 3.0 to 8.6 to 13.7 mg Mn/L in soft, moderately hard, and hard waters, respectively. The tolerance of C. dubia to Mn was not significantly different between moderately hard and hard waters, but was significantly lower in soft water. Manganese sensitivity of C. dubia was not significantly different between the ages tested. Acute LC50 values for C. dubia averaged 6.2, 14.5 and 15.2 mg Mn/L and chronic IC50 values averaged 3.9, 8.5 and 11.5 mg Mn/L for soft, moderately-hard and hard waters, respectively. Manganese toxicity should be considered when assessing solutions with concentrations approaching these levels. Received: 21 June 1999/Accepted: 5 October 1999  相似文献   

A standard Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) filter paper test was used to assess the acute toxicity of chlorpyrifos, atrazine, cyanazine, and simazine to the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Acute toxicity of chlorpyrifos was also determined in combination with the three-triazine herbicides. Surprisingly, atrazine and cyanazine caused mortality at concentrations lower than chlorpyrifos. Atrazine and cyanazine also increased the toxicity of chlorpyrifos 7.9- and 2.2-fold, respectively. However, simazine caused no toxicity to the worms and did not affect chlorpyrifos toxicity in binary mixture experiments. Possible mechanisms for the greater-than-additive toxicity for the binary combinations of atrazine and cyanazine with chlorpyrifos were investigated, including changes in uptake and biotransformation rates of chlorpyrifos in the presence of atrazine. Uptake of chlorpyrifos into the worms decreased slightly when atrazine was present in the system, therefore eliminating increased uptake as a possible explanation for the increased toxicity. Body residue analysis of worms indicated increased metabolite formation, suggesting the greater-than-additive response may be due to increased biotransformation to more toxic oxon metabolites.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the use of a constructed wetland to mitigate the ecological impacts of simulated diazinon runoff from agricultural fields into receiving waters, via 48 h aqueous and sediment bioassays using Hyalella azteca. Aqueous animal 48 h survival varied temporally and spatially in conjunction with measured diazinon concentrations. Sediment H. azteca survival varied temporally and spatially in conjunction with measured diazinon concentrations, but less than aqueous exposures, confirming that sediment bound diazinon was less bioavailable than aqueous diazinon.  相似文献   

The joint toxicity of combined metals and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons is poorly understood and may deviate from the summed concentration responses of the individual pollutants. The freshwater amphipod Hyalella az-teca was exposed to sediment-amended Cd and phenanthrene (Phen) individually and in combination using United States Environmental Protection Agency 10-day sediment toxicity bioassays with lethality and growth end points. The lethal joint toxicity of Cd and Phen was investigated separately in 24-, 48-, and 72-hour aqueous exposures. In sediment exposures, a sublethal concentration of Phen (144 mg kg−1) in combination with Cd increased mortality across a range of Cd concentrations and decreased the 10-day LC50 for Cd from 523 mg kg−1 (461 to 588, 95% confidence interval [CI]) to 263 mg kg−1 (214 to 312, 95% CI). In contrast, sublethal concentrations of Phen had no effect on the lethal toxicity of Cd in aqueous exposures. Combined sediment-amended Cd and Phen acted independently on growth rate. Rate decreases were driven primarily by Cd. Our findings indicated that association with sediment influences the joint toxicity of Cd and Phen. Thus, mixtures of Cd and Phen may cause synergistic or independent toxicity in H. azteca depending on the end point investigated and the experimental protocol employed. As an implication of these results, the interpretation of standardized toxicity bioassays, including whole-effluent toxicity tests and single-compound toxicity tests, must be made with caution. These assessment protocols may underestimate potentially hazardous mixture effects in sediment environments. Therefore, risk assessment protocols for environments containing metal–PAH mixtures must include robust methods that can detect possible interactive effects among contaminants to optimize environmental protection.  相似文献   

Hyalella azteca was exposed to Ag as AgNO3 over a 10-d period in water and two lake sediments that were selected on the basis of their differences in metal-binding properties. The median lethal concentrations (LC50s) for waterborne exposures were 5.4 and 4.9 microg/L for total and dissolved Ag, respectively. In the sediment containing a lesser quantity of total Ag-binding ligands (i.e., Bond Lake, Douglas County, WI, USA, sediment), an Ag-amended sediment toxicity test resulted in a 10-d LC50 of 0.084 g (i.e., 84,000 microg) Ag/kg dry sediment or 8.6 microg Ag/L of pore water (PW). The no-observed-effect concentration (NOEC) to lowest-observed-effect concentration (LOEC) range was 0.012 to 0.031 g Ag/kg dry sediment, or less than 5.0 to 6.0 microg Ag/L of PW. In the sediment with a greater quantity of total Ag-binding ligands (i.e., West Bearskin Lake, Cook County, MN, USA, sediment), the 10-d LC50 was 2.98 g Ag/kg dry sediment, and the NOEC to LOEC range was 2.15 to 4.31 g Ag/kg dry sediment. Because "dissolved" concentrations of Ag in PW were less than 5.0 microg/L at the critical exposures in the latter test, the bioavailable and toxic form of Ag may have been a weakly associated coprecipitate or colloidal complex with hydrous iron oxides that competitively partitioned to the surface of the gills.  相似文献   

Uptake, biotransformation, and elimination rates were determined for pentachlorophenol (PCP), methyl parathion (MP), fluoranthene (FU), and 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl (HCBP) using juvenile Hyalella azteca under water-only exposures. A two-compartment model that included biotransformation described the kinetics for each chemical. The uptake clearance coefficients (k(u)) were 25.7 +/- 2.9, 11.5 +/- 1.1, 184.4 +/- 9.3, and 251.7 +/- 9.0 (ml g(-1) h(-1)) for PCP, MP, FU, and HCBP, respectively. The elimination rate constant of the parent compound (k(ep)) for MP was almost an order of magnitude faster (0.403 +/- 0.070 h(-1)) than for PCP and FU (0.061 +/- 0.034 and 0.040 +/- 0.008 h(-1)). The elimination rate constants for FU and PCP metabolites (k(em)) were similar to the parent compound elimination 0.040 +/- 0.005 h(-1) and 0.076 +/- 0.012 h(-1), respectively. For MP, the metabolites were excreted much more slowly than the parent compound (0.021 +/- 0.001 h(-1)). For PCP, FU, and MP whose metabolites were measured, the biological half-life (t(1/2p)) of the parent compound was shorter than the half-life for metabolites (t(1/2m)) because the rate is driven both by elimination and biotransformation processes. Thus, H. azteca is capable of metabolizing compounds with varying chemical structures and modes of toxic action, which may complicate interpretation of toxicity and bioaccumulation results. This finding improves our understanding of H. azteca as a test organism, because most biomonitoring activities do not account for biotransformation and some metabolites can contribute significantly to the noted toxicity.  相似文献   

The effects of the synthetic estrogen 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE) on sexual development of the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca was investigated. Organisms were exposed in a multigeneration experiment to EE concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10 microg/L and the development of both external and internal sexual characteristics were studied. Second-generation male H. azteca exposed from gametogenesis until adulthood to 0.1 and 0.32 microg EE/L developed significantly smaller second gnathopods. The sex ratio of the populations exposed to EE for more than two generations tended, although not statistically significantly, to be in favor of females. Histological aberrations of the reproductive tract, i.e., indications of hermaphroditism, disturbed maturation of the germ cells, and disturbed spermatogenesis, of post-F1-generation males were observed in all EE exposures. These findings provide evidence that sexual development of H. azteca is affected by exposure to sublethal concentrations of EE.  相似文献   

Temporal effects on body residues of dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) associated with mortality in the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca were evaluated. Toxicokinetics and body residues were determined from water-only exposures that varied from 4 to 28 d, and DDE concentrations ranging from 0.0013 to 0.045 micromol L(-1). Uptake and elimination parameters were not affected significantly by the various temporal and concentration treatments. Uptake rate coefficients ranged from 134.3 to 586.7 ml g(-1) h(-1), and elimination rate coefficients ranged from 0.0011 to 0.0249 h(-1). Toxicity metric values included body residue for 50% mortality at a fixed sample time (LR50) and mean lethal residue to produce 50% mortality from individual exposure concentrations (MLR50) for live organisms and dead organisms. A twofold increase occurred in the MLR50 values calculated using live organisms compared to MLR50 values using dead organisms. Toxicity and kinetic data were fit to a damage assessment model that allows for the time course for toxicokinetics and damage repair, demonstrating the time-dependence of body residues to toxicity. The DDE appeared to act through a nonpolar narcosis mode of action for both acute and chronic mortality in H. azteca. Furthermore, the temporal trend in the toxic response using body residue as the dose metric is steep and found to be similar to another chlorinated hydrocarbon, pentachlorobenzene, but was more potent than that found for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).  相似文献   

The toxicity of all atomically stable metals in the periodic table, excluding Na, Mg, K, and Ca, was measured in one-week exposures using the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca in both Lake Ontario, Canada, and soft water (10% Lake Ontario). Metals were added as atomic absorption standards (63 metals), and also as anion salts for 10 metals. Lethal concentrations resulting in 50% mortality (LC50s) were obtained for 48 of the metals tested; the rest were not toxic at 1,000 microg/L. The most toxic metals on a molar basis were Cd, Ag, Pb, Hg, Cr (anion), and Tl, with nominal LC50s ranging from 5 to 58 nmol/L (1 to 58 nmol/L measured). These metals were followed by U, Co, Os, Se (anion), Pt, Lu, Cu, Ce, Zn, Pr, Ni, and Yb with nominal LC50s ranging from 225 to 1,500 nmol/L (88-1,300 nmol/L measured). Most metals were similarly or slightly more toxic in soft water, but Al, Cr, Ge, Pb, and U were >17-fold more toxic in soft water; Pd was less toxic in soft water. Atomic absorption (AA) standards of As and Se in acid had similar toxicity as anions, Sb was more toxic as the AA standard, and Cr and Mn were more toxic as anions. One-week LC50s for H. azteca correlate strongly with three-week LC50s and three-week effect concentrations resulting in 50% reduction in reproduction (EC50s) in Daphnia magna.  相似文献   

Agricultural pesticide contamination of sediments from five Mississippi Delta oxbow lakes and their effects and bioavailablity to Hyalella azteca were assessed during a low-application season—autumn. Three reference oxbow lakes were located in the White River National Wildlife Refuge (WRNWR), Arkansas and two impaired lakes, according to the US Environmental Agency Sect. 303 (d) Clean Water Act, were located in Mississippi. Surface sediment (top 5 cm) was collected at three sites within each lake and analyzed for 17 current and historic-use pesticides and metabolites. Chronic 28-day H. azteca sediment bioassays and pesticide body residue analyses were completed to determine the degree of biological responses and bioavailability. The greatest number of detectable pesticides in WRNWR and 303 (d) sediment samples was 9 and 12, respectively, with historic-use pesticide metabolite, p,p′-DDE [1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene] ubiquitous. No significant (p > 0.05) differences in animal survival were observed among sites. Animal growth was significantly (p < 0.05) less at only one site in a 303 (d)-listed lake (Macon Lake). Only six pesticides were observed in H. azteca with current-use pesticides detected at three sites; historic-use pesticides and metabolites detected at 11 sites. Animal body residues of a historic-use pesticide (dieldrin) and metabolite (p,p′-DDE) were associated with observed growth responses. Results show limited current-use pesticide contamination of sediments and H. azteca body tissues during autumn and that historic-use pesticides and metabolites are the primary contributors to observed biological responses.  相似文献   

Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) is a synergist of pyrethroid pesticides found in many products for structural pest control, mosquito control, and home and garden uses. Because both PBO and pyrethroid residues potentially co-occur in urban creeks, this study determined if environmental levels of PBO were capable of synergizing pyrethroids in the environment. Three types of toxicity tests were conducted with the amphipod Hyalella azteca to determine the minimum PBO concentration required to increase toxicity of the pyrethroid permethrin: Sediment was spiked with permethrin only; permethrin and overlying water spiked with PBO; and permethrin, PBO, and overlying water spiked with PBO. In tests with PBO added to both water and sediment, PBO concentrations of 2.3 microg/L in water and 12.5 microg/kg in sediment reduced the permethrin median lethal concentration (LC50) nearly 50% to 7.3 mg/kg organic carbon (OC). Higher concentrations of PBO increased permethrin toxicity up to sevenfold. In exposures with PBO in water alone, 11.3 microg/L was required to increase permethrin toxicity. Urban creek sediments from California and Tennessee, USA, had PBO concentrations in the low microg/kg range; only one water sample was above the detection limit of 0.05 microg/L. Wetlands in northern California also were sampled after application of pyrethrins and PBO for mosquito abatement. Sediment and water PBO concentrations within 12 h of abatement spraying peaked at 3.27 microg/kg and 0.08 microg/L, respectively. These results suggest that environmental PBO concentrations rarely, if ever, reach concentrations needed to increase pyrethroid toxicity to sensitive organisms, though available data on environmental levels are very limited, and additional data are needed to assess definitively the risk.  相似文献   

Depleted uranium (DU) has been used as a substitute for the fissionable enriched uranium component of atomic weapons tested at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) (Los Alamos, NM, USA) since the early 1950s, resulting in considerable concentrations of DU in the soils within the test sites. Although the movement of DU into major aquatic systems has been shown to be minimal, there are many small-order ephemeral streams and areas of standing water in canyons throughout LANL that may be affected by inputs of DU via runoff, erosion, and leaching. Ninety-six-hour acute and 7-d chronic toxicity assays were conducted to measure the toxicity of DU on survival and reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia. A 14-d water-only assay was conducted to measure survival and growth of Hyalella azteca. The estimated median lethal concentration (LC50) to produce 50% mortality of the test population for the 96-h Ceriodaphnia dubia assay was 10.50 mg/L. Reproductive effects occurred at a lowest-observable-effect concentration > or = 3.91 mg/L with a no-observable-effect concentration of 1.97 mg/L. The estimated 14-d LC50 for the Hyalella azteca assay was 1.52 mg/L. No significant relationship was detected between growth and DU concentrations. Concentrations at which toxicity effects were observed in this study for both invertebrates exceeded concentrations of total uranium observed in runoff from LANL lands. Thus, it is likely that current runoff levels of uranium do not pose a threat to these types of aquatic invertebrates.  相似文献   

To assess the extent of sediment contamination in the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) system after the flood of 1993, sediment samples were collected from 24 of the 26 navigational pools in the river and from one site in the Saint Croix River in the summer of 1994. Whole-sediment tests were conducted with the amphipod Hyalella azteca for 28 days measuring the effects on survival, growth, and sexual maturation. Amphipod survival was significantly reduced in only one sediment (13B) relative to the control and reference sediments. Body length of amphipods was significantly reduced relative to the control and reference sediments in only one sample (26C). Sexual maturation was not significantly reduced in any treatment when compared to the control and reference sediments. No significant correlations were observed between survival, growth, and maturation to either the physical or chemical characteristics of the sediment samples from the river. When highly reliable effect range medians (ERMs) were used to evaluate sediment chemistry, 47 of 49 (96%) of the samples were correctly classified as nontoxic. These results indicate that sediment samples from the Upper Mississippi River are relatively uncontaminated compared to other areas of known contamination in the United States. Received: 6 July 1997/Accepted: 3 January 1998  相似文献   

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