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常德地区1627例精神分裂症调查与分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
目的为精神分裂症的预防提供参考依据.方法对常德市康复医院精神分裂症住院患者进行回顾性研究.结果 1627例患者中,男女之比为1∶1.24.≤ 15岁男女平均始发年龄差异无显著性,男女始发年龄差异有显著性是在15岁之后,女性发病迟于男性.农村患者约占2/3.儿童少年患者占1.91%.先证者一、二级亲属患病率差异具非常显著性.先证者同胞患病率,双亲正常的为6.71%;双亲之一受累的为16.05%.结论先证者亲属的患病率可作为经验风险供遗传咨询参考.精神分裂症预防的重点应放在早期发现、早期治疗和预防复发上. 相似文献
113例情感性精神病的MMPI资料分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
113例情感性精神病的MMPI资料分析朱乐信栾习云山东省精神卫生中心自1980年国内修订和应用MMPI以来,迄今刊出和交流的有关文章已逾百篇,其中有关情感性精神病的文章较少。今就我中心自90年10月至94年12月住院收治的113例情感性精神病患者的M... 相似文献
精神分裂症与情感性精神病患者的甲襞微循环 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
精神分裂症与情感性精神病患者的甲襞微循环文/刘广志,陈克举,贾云奎,罗和春笔者于1989年10~12月间,对46例精神分裂症和情感性精神病住院患者进行甲襞微循环初步观察。1资料与方法1.1一般资料46例患者为正在住院治疗的病例(试验组)。其中男15例... 相似文献
为了解苯二氮■类药物(BZD)在情感性精神病中的应用.随机抽取确诊为情感性精神病病例.调查BZD使用情况,结果显示.连续使用BZD超过一个月.抑郁症或双相情感性精神病抑郁相(下简称抑郁状态)25例、躁狂症或双相情感性精神病躁狂相(下简称躁狂状态)10例.两者比较有非常显著性差异。提示情感性精神病在治疗过程中使用BZD的比例较高,抑郁状态长期使用BZD多于燥狂状态。对抑郁状态伴随的睡眠障碍应充分治疗原发病,减少使用。BZD,以免产生药物依赖。 相似文献
为了解苯二氮Zhou类药物(BZD)在情感性精神病中的应用,随机抽取确诊为情感性精神病病例,调查BZD使用情况,结果显示,连续使用BZD超过一个月,抑郁症或双相情感性精神病抑郁相(下简称抑郁状态)25例、躁狂症或双相情感性精神病躁狂相(下简称躁狂状态)10例,两者比较有非常显著性差异。提示情感性精神病在治疗过程中使用BZD的比例较高,抑郁状态长期使用BZD多于躁狂状态。对抑郁状态伴随的睡眠障碍应充分治疗原发病,减少使用BZD,以免产生药物依赖。 相似文献
目的 对湖南省第二人民医院(湖南省脑科医院)2001-2010年情感性精神障碍月入院量和同期气象资料的相关性进行回顾性分析,探讨情感性精神障碍与气象要素的关系.结果 表明,情感性精神障碍月入院量与同期气压、日照有显著意义的相关.日照、气压和风速可能是情感性精神障碍发病的主要气象影响因素. 相似文献
目的了解精神残疾和智力残疾情况.方法对近3年的所有精神与智力残疾鉴定病例进行调查分析.结果与遗传有关的残疾占90.1%.精神发育迟滞和精神分裂症是致残的主要原因,占80.3%.结论遗传病问题在精神与智力残疾中尤其突出,其预防更为重要. 相似文献
目的了解精神发育迟滞与智力残疾情况.方法对近3年精神发育迟滞所致的智力残疾鉴定病例进行调查分析.结果精神发育迟滞患者男性比女性多,性别差异具显著性;轻、中度智力残疾性别差异无显著性,重度智力残疾性别差异具显著性.患者97.9%自幼起病,80.3%是文盲,70.7%未婚,1.0%在业.结论精神发育迟滞因其终生性、危害性、病因复杂性,其预防非常重要,应作为精神遗传病预防的重中之重. 相似文献
We evaluated the temporal stability of smooth-pursuit eye tracking in 38 schizophrenic, 42 nonschizophrenic psychotic (bipolar, depressive, paranoid psychotic, and schizophreniform), and 49 normal subjects. Pursuit performance was evaluated on two testing occasions separated by approximately 9.5 months. Retest reliability coefficients of root mean square (RMS) error scores for schizophrenic and normal subjects were .68 and .57, respectively. The reliability coefficients of RMS error scores for the nonschizophrenic psychotic patients ranged from .44 to .51. Level of psychological functioning was not significantly related to tracking performance, and most patients' pursuit performance remained stable despite changes in medication and clinical status. These results support the hypothesis that eye tracking dysfunction is a trait characteristic that can serve as a vulnerability indicator of schizophrenia. 相似文献
Resting EEG in first-episode schizophrenia patients, bipolar psychosis patients, and their first-degree relatives 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We evaluated the resting electroencephalogram (EEG) of 50 first-episode schizophrenia patients and 55 of their relatives, 31 first-episode bipolar patients and 35 of their relatives, and 113 nonpsychiatric subjects and 42 of their relatives. The frequency characteristics of the EEG showed moderate stability for a subgroup of these subjects (n= 106) who were tested twice, approximately 9 months apart. Both the schizophrenia and bipolar patients showed a generalized pattern of increased delta and theta and decreased alpha activity. The bipolar patients demonstrated additional right hemisphere activity that was not present among the schizophrenia patients and nonpsychiatric subjects, a finding consistent with hypotheses concerning nondominant hemisphere involvement in the regulation of elated mood. The schizophrenia patients' female relatives and/or relatives with affective disorders and the bipolar patients had significantly reduced peak alpha frequencies. This finding may be related to reduced information processing capacity among these subjects. 相似文献
Ross J Purple Jan Cosgrave Iona Alexander Benita Middleton Russell G Foster Kate Porcheret Katharina Wulff 《Sleep》2023,46(3)
Study ObjectivesEnvironmental cues influence circadian rhythm timing and neurochemicals involved in the regulation of affective behavior. How this interplay makes them a probable nonspecific risk factor for psychosis is unclear. We aimed to identify the relationship between environmental risk for psychosis and circadian timing phenotypes sampled from the general population.MethodsUsing an online survey, we devised a cumulative risk exposure score for each of the 1898 survey respondents based on 23 empirically verified transdiagnostic risks for psychosis, three dimensions of affect severity, psychotic-like experiences, and help-seeking behavior. Quantitative phenotyping of sleep and circadian rhythms was undertaken using at-home polysomnography, melatonin and cortisol profiles, and 3-week rest–activity behavior in individuals with a high-risk exposure load (top 15% of survey respondents, n = 22) and low-risk exposure load (bottom 15% of respondents, n = 22).ResultsPsychiatric symptoms were present in 100% of the high-load participants and 14% of the low-load participants. Compared to those with a low-load, high-load participants showed a later melatonin phase which was reflected by a greater degree of dispersion in circadian timing. Phase relationships between later circadian melatonin phase and later actigraphic sleep onsets were maintained and these were strongly correlated with self-reported sleep mid-points. No differences were identified from polysomnography during sleep between groups.ConclusionDistinguishing circadian timing from other sleep phenotypes will allow adaptation for dosage of time-directed intervention, useful in stabilizing circadian timekeeping physiology and potentially reducing the multisystemic disruption in mental health disorders. 相似文献
为了解早发型与晚发型情感性精神障碍之间父母育龄及胎次效应有否差异,用Haldame和Smith方法进行了比较研究,结果表明,晚发型无父母育龄及胎次效应,早发型父母育龄及胎次效应。这种效应为父母年龄越大、胎次越高,易患情感性精神障碍。提示早发型与晚发型情感精神障碍之间具有遗传异质性。 相似文献
Karlsson JL 《Clinical genetics》1999,56(6):447-449
A study of mathematically gifted Icelanders demonstrates an increased risk of mental illness in their ranks. Psychotic disorders are also frequent among their relatives. Linkage of academic records with previously published data on the family distribution of psychosis reveals a pattern compatible with the hypothesis that high arousal plays a role in reasoning ability. 相似文献
In this study we assessed blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to 13 picture series in 37 participants in order to investigate their hemodynamic response associated with activation of the appetitive and defensive motivational systems underlying emotional experience. BP and SV, but not TPR, increased with increasing self‐rated arousal, whereas HR decelerated more in response to negative than positive and neutral pictures. These findings suggest that modulation of the cardiovascular response to pictures is primarily myocardial. The observed response pattern is consistent with a configuration of cardiac sympathetic–parasympathetic coactivation. The relationships between self‐rated arousal, BP, and SV were mainly exhibited by men, suggesting that increases in the sympathetic inotropic effect to the heart with self‐rated arousal may be larger in men than in women. 相似文献