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以病人为中心建设“护理信息系统”   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
医院护理工作是医疗工作的重要组成部分,随着“以病人为中心”的办院宗旨的确立,护理工作越来越受到医院管理者和社会各界的重视,护理信息系统(NursingInformationSystem)也已受以“医院信息系统”(HospitalInformationSystem)设计开发者们的关注。特别是由于从医药信息派生出来的护理信息学(NursingInformatics)的发展,通过计算机技术收集,贮存和处  相似文献   

计算机在我国护理工作中的运用与发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自 8 0年代计算机进入我国护理领域以来 ,计算机在护理工作中的运用经历了从单机上开发单任务的护理信息系统 (Nursinginformationsystem ,NIS)到单机上开发多任务的NIS再到在医院局域网环境下开发NIS的发展阶段。近年来迅猛发展的网络技术 ,又为护理信息发展提供了广阔的空间。信息技术广泛地与医院医疗护理工作相结合将是 2 1世纪医院发展的一个特征。目前我国各医院NIS发展极不平衡 ,了解计算机在我国护理领域中的运用现状 ,是避免低水平重复研制的关键 ,也是研制高水准NIS的基础。1 在单机上开…  相似文献   

创建中西方结合的护理管理模式   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
创建中西方结合的护理管理模式叶志弘,凯瑞·凯布伦关键词中西结合,护理管理,体系Keywords:CombiningChineseandWesternNursingadministrationSystem浙江医科大学附属邵逸夫医院,是由香港著名实业家,...  相似文献   

护理诊断应用进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
护理诊断应用进展430010解放军第161医院张跃美,邵秀英护理诊断(NursingDiagonsis)是实行护理程序(NursingProcess)中关键的一步,它起着枢纽作用,准确的护理诊断是制定护理计划、组织实施的根本保证。由于我国开展责任制护...  相似文献   

系统管理方式对护理本科生护理程序实习的质量控制胡容,王伟智,杜益平关键词系统管理;护理本科生;护理程序Keywords:SystemmanagementBaccalaureatestudentsNursingprocess目前,按护理程序对病人实施心...  相似文献   

经膀胱前列腺切除术后膀胱痉挛的护理NursingCareforPatientswithCystospasmInducedbyTranscysticProstatectomy243000安徽省马鞍山市人民医院武心伶邵予之WuXinling,ShaoYu...  相似文献   

87例毒蛇咬伤患者的护理364300福建省武平县医院石如玉,钟荣生NursingCareon87CasesBitbyVipers¥ShiRuyu;ZbongRongsheng(CountyHospital,Wuping,Fujian)Keywords...  相似文献   

PACS的结构与实现   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
1 概述PACS(picturearchivingandcommunicationsystems;PACS)又称IMAS(imagearchivingandcommunicationsystems),即图像归档与传输系统,是应用于医院放射科或医院及更大范围的医学图像信息管理系统,图像主要来源于医院的放射医疗设备如CT、MRI、PET、B超等产生的影像,在这里医学影像又称为医学图像。PACS的起源和发展是与计算机科学的发展密切相关的。传统的放射科医生的诊断方式主要是根据由特定影像设备产生的胶…  相似文献   

PACS系统综述   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
PACS(picturearchivingandcommunicationsystems)即图像存储与通信系统,是医院用于管理医疗设备如CT,MR等产生的医学图像的信息系统。医学图像诊断在现代医疗活动中占有极为重要的地位。随着可视化技术的不断发展,现代医学已越来越离不开医学图像的信息,医学图像在临床诊断、教学科研等方面正发挥着极其重要的作用。PACS是实现医学图像信息管理的重要条件,它对医学图像的采集、显示、储存、交换和输出进行数字化处理,最终实现图像的数字化储存和传送。PACS的目标是实现医…  相似文献   

脊柱恻凸手术前后患者的护理(200025)上海医科大学附属瑞金医院龚宜华关键词脊柱侧凸矫形术,护理NursingonPatientsbeforeandafterScoliosisOrthomorphia¥GongYihua(RuijinHospita...  相似文献   

护理管理改革与计算机网络化管理的研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
本课题针对护理工作亟待解决的问题 ,提出了护理管理改革的具体方法 ,同时 ,研究开发医院护理综合信息系统 ,依托医院信息系统 (军卫 1号 )实现计算机网络化管理。“医院护理综合信息系统”由 6个子系统组成 ,各子系统信息共享、传输快准 ,能有效地实施改革方案。规范了工作程序 ,提高了工作效率 ,降低了管理成本 ,促进了医院护理发展  相似文献   

护士的排班考勤一直以来是医院护理管理工作中的一项重要内容。考勤统计结果反映了护士在各护理岗位的工作情况,是工资奖金发放的重要依据,也为护士的年度考核和职称职务的晋升提供了参考依据。随着医院科学管理理念的深入和计算机技术的发展,传统的考勤手工统计模式已逐步被计算机自动化统计所代替。为了实现“排班-考勤-工作量统计”一体化的要求,我院设计开发了“排班考勤信息系统”,并应用到各临床护理科室,使排班与考勤工作紧密地结合起来,有效地提高了排班和考勤的质量和效率。  相似文献   

Nursing language plays an important role in describing and defining nursing phenomena and nursing actions. There are numerous vocabularies describing nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes in nursing. However, the lack of a standardized unified nursing language is considered a problem for further development of the discipline of nursing. In an effort to unify the nursing languages, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) has proposed the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) as a unified nursing language system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inclusiveness and expressiveness of the ICNP terms by cross-mapping them with the existing nursing terminologies, specifically the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) taxonomy I, the Omaha System, the Home Health Care Classification (HHCC) and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). Nine hundred and seventy-four terms from these four classifications were cross-mapped with the ICNP terms. This was performed in accordance with the Guidelines for Composing a Nursing Diagnosis and Guidelines for Composing a Nursing Intervention, which were suggested by the ICNP development team. An expert group verified the results. The ICNP Phenomena Classification described 87.5% of the NANDA diagnoses, 89.7% of the HHCC diagnoses and 72.7% of the Omaha System problem classification scheme. The ICNP Action Classification described 79.4% of the NIC interventions, 80.6% of the HHCC interventions and 71.4% of the Omaha System intervention scheme. The results of this study suggest that the ICNP has a sound starting structure for a unified nursing language system and can be used to describe most of the existing terminologies. Recommendations for the addition of terms to the ICNP are provided.  相似文献   

量化考评在护理人员教育与管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了应用量化考评管理办法在护理人员教育与管理中的应用与效果。作者从医学科学的发展和临床护理工作的需要出发,注重对护理人员的德、智、技能与理论知识的全面培养,采取科学立项、三级控制、客观评分、量化考评、环节把关和奖惩到位的做法进行教育与管理,使之在全院形成了积极向上的竞争氛围,加强了护理人员的科学管理,提高了护理队伍的整体素质。  相似文献   

AIM: This article describes a data warehouse approach when designing an information system to meet nursing management needs in acute hospital setting. BACKGROUND: The rapidly changing health care environment has created new challenges for nursing leaders and requires appropriate, accurate and timely data for decision-making. METHOD: Key aspects of current information needs were identified by a nursing expert group. A data warehouse-based Nursing Management Information System was produced and piloted in nine wards. A survey and interviews were conducted to evaluate the piloting. RESULTS: Data from the patient administrative system together with nursing rostering data and measures for nursing care intensity brought new opportunities for nursing management. CONCLUSIONS: A Nursing Management Information System is suggested to be built using data warehouse model. Successful implementation of a Nursing Management Information System requires systematic data quality checks. An information analyst is essential for interpreting and communicating nursing data to multi-professional management groups.  相似文献   

目的调查三级甲等医院护士护理信息能力的现状,探讨护士信息能力培养的重要性。方法采用问卷调查法对6家三级甲等医院300名护士进行护理信息能力现状的调查。结果有63.33%的护士接受过1个月以内的临床护理信息知识的培训;47%的护士并不熟悉PDA和移动查房推车等护理终端设备的使用;53.67%的护士可熟练使用HIS中的NIS子系统;能够通过NIS对护理资料进行收集、整理和分析,最后做出护理决策的护士仅占11.33%。结论基于临床护理信息化的现状,护理教育者和临床护理管理者要增强护士信息能力培养意识,充分重视和开展护士信息化能力的培训,从而促进护理信息事业的进步和发展。  相似文献   

目的 对世界五国大型医院网站上护理信息呈现现状进行分析比较,为医院网站上护理信息呈现的发展和完善提供借鉴。 方法 采用非随机判断抽样法,有目的地选取世界五国(美国、英国、澳大利亚、中国、南非)50家大型医院网站(每国10家医院)进行调查。用百度和google等著名搜索引擎对样本医院网站进行搜索,在广泛浏览医院网站内容的基础上,对其中的护理信息进行一一记录、归类。 结果 被调查的澳大利亚、美国、英国的医院网站上均有护理信息的呈现;而我国有7所(70.0%),南非只有3所(30.0%)呈现了护理信息;英国(53分)、中国(31分)、南非(3分)医院网站中的护理信息“极少呈现”,美国(92分)和澳大利亚(83分) 为“有所呈现”;我国医院网站上呈现的护理信息主要为护理教育、护理科研及护理新闻,而美国、澳大利亚等发达国家还包括了临床护理及护理人员招聘信息。 结论 5个国家医院网站上护理信息的呈现并不丰富。护理管理者应抓住机遇,丰富医院网站护理信息的内容。我国护理领导者应借鉴国外经验,进一步促进医院网站上护理信息呈现的发展和逐步完善。  相似文献   

CHEN L.L. & LIU Y.L. (2010) Presence of nursing information on hospital websites in five countries: a review. International Nursing Review 57 , 168–172 Aim: The aims of this study were to (1) examine the presence of nursing information on 50 hospital websites across five countries; (2) describe the accessibility, range and depth of nursing information provided; and (3) compare the characteristics of nursing web information across the countries. Background: Providing information on hospital website is an increasingly popular strategy for marketing hospital services, and it has been playing unique and important roles for nursing. So far, the nursing information offered via hospital websites is not uncommon worldwide, but the amount, content and form of such information presented by the institutions of different countries have not been examined systematically. Methods: Objective sampling was employed to select 50 top hospital websites from five countries, with ten for each geographical region, namely, Australia (Oceania), China (Asia), South Africa (Africa), UK (Europe) and the USA (North America). A self‐developed checklist was used to examine the presence of nursing information on the above‐mentioned hospital websites. Findings: The most frequently presented information on the hospital websites was nursing employment (job placement), nursing education, and news and events concerning the nursing profession, but information about other aspects of nursing was relatively lacking. The hospital websites in the USA and Australia provided more information as compared with those in China and the UK. Nursing information was almost unavailable on hospital websites in South Africa. Although the accessibility of nursing‐related information has been improved, the presence of nursing information was not strong on the hospital websites across the five countries. Conclusion: The nursing information presented on hospital websites varied with different countries. Efforts have to be made to improve the presence and accessibility of nursing information. Information about the nursing services, professional image of nurses and nursing employment should be enhanced.  相似文献   

目的 探索国内三级甲等医院网站上护理信息呈现的现状,为网站上护理信息呈现的发展和完善提供借鉴.方法 采用非随机判断抽样法,有目的 地选取国内70家三级甲等医院网站进行调查.用百度和Google等著名搜索引擎对样本医院网站进行搜索,在广泛浏览医院网站内容的基础上,对其中的护理信息进行一一记录,归类.结果 在被调查的医院网站中,只有41家(58.6%)医院网站上有护理相关信息,且更新慢,浏览次数低.医院网站上呈现的护理信息内容不丰富,除了护理简介和护理动态信息外,其余呈现率都在25.0%以下.结论 三级甲等医院网站上护理信息呈现不足,且内容不丰富.护理管理者应引起高度重视,促进医院网站上护理信息呈现的发展和逐步完善.  相似文献   

护理部信息管理系统包括护理人员信息、业务信息、教学及继续教育信息、科研信息、财经信息五大部分。通过1年多的应用,体会到:系统突出了实用性,能解决工作中的实际问题,提高了工作效率;查询快速方便,为护理管理人员作出决策提供了现代化管理的工具;数据准确可信,打印报表规范、实用,促进了护理管理的现代化。  相似文献   

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