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暴露评价作为健康风险评价技术的关键环节,近年来取得了显著进展.特别是生物监测技术的发展提供了大量的人体生物监测数据,为了直接利用生物监测数据评估人体健康风险,生物监测等效值的概念被提出并得到快速发展,建立了推导计算生物监测等效值的模型和方法,获得了大量化学物质的生物监测等效值.同时利用生物监测数据反向重建人体对环境污染...  相似文献   

工业毒理学或环境毒理学在研究接触-反应关系时,均要用生物监测方法。一、什么是生物监测? 监测的原意为“对一变量作不同时间的连续测定”,包括对测定时的大气压、温度、辐射等所作的校正。职业与环境卫生所采用的环境监测是指对空气、食物、水中作用物的外接触进行连续或间歇的测定,包括其浓度、数量和强度以及接触次数和持续时间。生物监测是指通过对生物材料的分析以了解内接触的情况。此类监测通常不能连续进行。  相似文献   

随着石油化工企业的发展,丁辛醇业已投产。辛烯醛(C_8H_14O)是丁辛醇车间工业废水中的主要有毒物质之一。此车间工业废水的排放会给环境带来污染,直接毒害水中鱼类及水生生物,间接或直接危害人体健康。目前还未见到有关辛烯醛对水生生物毒性研究的报导。本实验室于72年选择了水体中水生生物的主要群落的代表性生物:金鱼、大型溞、栅藻等分别进行了辛烯醛对鱼类、浮沋动物、浮沋植物等水生生物的毒性实验研究,为该废水的生物监测及在水中辛烯醛的允许浓度提供参考数据。  相似文献   

目的掌握镇江市病媒生物密度、季节消长及种群构成,为病媒生物防治提供参考。方法按照《全国病媒生物监测方案(试行)》和《江苏省病媒生物监测方案》要求,开展鼠、蝇、蚊和蟑螂的密度监测,监测分别采用夹夜法、诱蚊灯法、笼诱法和粘捕法。结果 2009-2013年,镇江市鼠密度平均为0.43%,捕获褐家鼠、黄胸鼠等6种鼠类,黄胸鼠为优势种,占40.79%;蚊密度平均为6.35只/(灯·h),捕获淡色库蚊、中华按蚊等5种蚊虫,三带喙库蚊为优势蚊种,占66.62%;蝇密度平均为5.04只/笼,捕获家蝇、丝光绿蝇等15种蝇,家蝇为优势种群,占51.14%;蟑螂平均密度为2.87只/张,蟑螂侵害率为17.43%,德国小蠊为优势种,占99.45%。结论从5年监测资料来看,镇江市病媒生物密度控制在较低水平。以环境综合整治为基础,综合各种防治措施可有效防治病媒生物。  相似文献   

原位监测环境污染──洋葱根尖细胞微核测定张煜华,王俊杰,安俊原位监测是指在自然位置上,测定环境诱变物对生长于被研究环境中的生物诱变效用。本文使用该方法,通过对洋葱根尖细胞微核率测定,观察了太原市河西区环境污染状况,并与农村相对照,探讨该监测方法的价值...  相似文献   

保护和改善环境,消除“三废”污染是关系到保护人民健康,巩固工农联盟,加强无产阶级专政,发展工农业生产,为子孙后代造福的大事。环境卫生监测是环境保护的一个重要环节,是贯彻执行毛主席革命卫生路线的一个重要方面。环境监测工作的主要任务是:及时查清污染源和污染物质,掌握环境污染状况,为环境治理和验证治理效果提供依据;研究环境污染对人体健康的影响,监督检查卫生标准、排放标准的执行情况和为制订、修订卫生标准及排放标准提供科学资料。为适应我国环境卫生监测工作发展的需要,本刊在《讲座》栏内将连续刊载大气、水、土壤和生物监测的科普性文章,供作参考。  相似文献   

快速生物监测法对高压蒸汽灭菌效果监测的评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的评价一种通过快速检测荧光的生物监测法监测高压蒸汽灭菌效果的应用价值,以解决传统生物监测法报告时间太长问题。方法分别将快速及传统生物监测指示芽胞在121.3℃高压蒸汽灭菌5min和20min进行热损伤和杀灭试验,比较两种指示菌培养结果,并分析其统计学差异。结果快速监测法3h检测荧光的结果与其培养7d结果完全相符;在芽胞杀灭试验中,两种监测方法的结果也高度一致,差异无显著性(X^2=0,P〉0.05)。结论快速生物监测法3h快速检测结果可靠,极大地缩短了报告时间,具有很高的实用价值。  相似文献   

国内职业医学生物监测现况   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
职业医学领域的监测包括环境监测(Ambient Monitoring, AM)、生物监测(Biological Monitoring, BM)和健康监护(Surveillance Health ,SH).随着生物监测技术的不断完善,其在职业有害因素评价体系中的地位日益加强,改变了长期以来均认为"环境监测为主、生物监测为辅"的观念,它与环境监测"相辅相成、互为补充"的观点正成为学术界共识.生物标志物是生物监测的重要研究对象,近几年伴随着分子生物标志物的发展,生物监测技术提高到了分子水平.生物标志物一般分为3类:①接触生物标志物:是指测定机体器官或组织内的外源性化学物及其代谢产物或外源性化学物与靶分子、靶细胞相互作用的产物,以反映内剂量和生物效应剂量;②效应生物标志物,指机体中可测出的生化、生理、行为或其他改变的指标,以及早期生物效应、结构和/或功能改变、疾病等;判断机体是否受到明确的或潜在的危害;③易感性生物标志物,指能反映机体先天遗传性或后天获得性的对外源性化合物接触产生反应能力大小的指标.  相似文献   

我国的生物监测工作始于50年代初,但由于仪器设备及科学知识的局限,监测指标主要足体液中的毒物及其代谢产物,监测方法主要是化学法或薄层层析法。随后又开展了一些生化指标(如血中胆碱酯酶、δ-ALA、血卟啉、高铁血红蛋白等)和细胞遗传学指标(如微核、染色体畸变、姐妹染色单体交换等)的研究。90年代初期,世界卫牛组织把生物标志物的慨念规范化,才引发了该领域研究的质的飞跃。生物标志物(biomarker)是指能反映生物体系与环境因子(化学的、物理的或生物的)相互作用引起的生理、生化、免疫和遗传等多方面的分子水平的改变的物质。新的现代化仪器分析技术的应用,极大的促进了生物标志物研究的快速发展,人们也能够从各个层次寻找生物监测指标。  相似文献   

目的了解美国NBP项目人群生物监测工作,为我国生物监测工作提供借鉴。方法依据美国《国家环境化学物质人体暴露报告》及项目实验室程序手册,对美国NBP项目监测指标、样本及实验技术等内容进行调查分析。结果调查表明,NBP项目采用不同类型的固相萃取技术、串联质谱及高分辨质谱与不同色谱的联用技术对人群生物样本中的296种化学物质或代谢物进行了暴露监测,其中约85%的监测项目达到超痕量水平。结论生物监测是环境与健康风险评估的重要基础和组成部分,我国生物监测指标、标准、规范、质控等方面还存在一定的差距,生物监测基础研究工作有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

Conventional environmental monitoring is not surrogate of personal exposure. In contrast, biomonitoring provides information on the presence of substances in the human body, making it highly relevant to the assessment of exposure to toxic substances. Induced sputum (IS) is a noninvasive technique for detecting inflammation and reflecting particulate matter content in the airways. In this study, we mapped particulate matter dispersion in metropolitan Tel Aviv by both biomonitoring techniques employing IS samples and by environmental monitoring. All adults referred to the Pulmonary Lab for respiratory symptom evaluation in 2007 and in 2009 were enrolled. Pulmonary function tests were performed by conventional methods. Particulate size distribution in IS was analyzed, and maps of air pollution were created. Biomonitoring was more informative and enabled mapping of wider areas. Integration of biomonitoring and environmental monitoring should be considered in forming public health policy on containment of airborne particles of toxic substances.  相似文献   

Assessment of population exposure to air pollution by benzene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biomonitoring is one of the methods that allow to identify population groups that have significantly higher exposures to a particular chemical than the general population. However, use of biomonitoring is particularly useful when applied in combination with other methods of pollution exposure assessment. The current study is focused on the developing of the modelling approach to estimate population exposure to benzene through inhalation. The model is based on a microenvironment approach and is adapted to be applied in urban areas where the pattern of exposure is complex. The results provided by the model may be used in combination with human biomonitoring in order to select who and where should monitoring be done, as well as for interpretation and extrapolation of biomonitoring results.  相似文献   

In situ on-line toxicity biomonitoring in water: recent developments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In situ on-line biomonitoring is an emerging branch of aquatic biomonitoring. On-line biomonitoring systems use behavioral and/or physiological stress responses of caged test organisms exposed in situ either in a bypass system or directly in-stream. Sudden pollution waves are detected by several existing single-species on-line biomonitors, which until now have been placed mostly in streamside laboratories. However, recent achievements have been multispecies biomonitors, mobile biomonitors for direct in-stream use, development of new instruments, new methods for data analysis and alarm generation, biomonitors for use in soil and sediment, and scientific research supporting responses as seen in on-line biomonitors by linking them to other biological and ecological effects. Mobile on-line monitoring platforms containing an array of biomonitors, biosensors, and chemical monitoring equipment might be the future trend, especially in monitoring transboundary rivers at country borders as well as in coastal zones.  相似文献   

Environmental exposures during pregnancy and early life may have adverse health effects. Single birth cohort studies often lack statistical power to tease out such effects reliably. To improve the use of existing data and to facilitate collaboration among these studies, an inventory of the environmental exposure and health data in these studies was made as part of the ENRIECO (Environmental Health Risks in European Birth Cohorts) project. The focus with regard to exposure was on outdoor air pollution, water contamination, allergens and biological organisms, metals, pesticides, smoking and second hand tobacco smoke (SHS), persistent organic pollutants (POPs), noise, radiation, and occupational exposures. The review lists methods and data on environmental exposures in 37 European birth cohort studies. Most data is currently available for smoking and SHS (N=37 cohorts), occupational exposures (N=33), outdoor air pollution, and allergens and microbial agents (N=27). Exposure modeling is increasingly used for long-term air pollution exposure assessment; biomonitoring is used for assessment of exposure to metals, POPs and other chemicals; and environmental monitoring for house dust mite exposure assessment. Collaborative analyses with data from several birth cohorts have already been performed successfully for outdoor air pollution, water contamination, allergens, biological contaminants, molds, POPs and SHS. Key success factors for collaborative analyses are common definitions of main exposure and health variables. Our review emphasizes that such common definitions need ideally be arrived at in the study design phase. However, careful comparison of methods used in existing studies also offers excellent opportunities for collaborative analyses. Investigators can use this review to evaluate the potential for future collaborative analyses with respect to data availability and methods used in the different cohorts and to identify potential partners for a specific research question.  相似文献   

Biomonitoring is defined as the systematic use of biological responses to assess environmental changes, usually anthropogenic impacts. In this article we present the conceptual basis and a brief history of biomonitoring as an assessment tool for environmental health. Considering the drawbacks of physical and chemical parameters to assess environmental quality, we pinpoint the need to integrate these analyses with information provided by biological monitoring. The application of biomonitoring in Brazil would help watershed managers and policy-makers to reduce costs, increase the efficiency of analyses, and simplify the results, allowing community participation through volunteer monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Biomonitoring was developed for the assessment of the health risks from exposure to chemicals at work, and the approaches and concepts of biomonitoring are derived from such exposures. At present, biomonitoring is increasingly used also to assess exposure from the environment. Biomonitoring and assessment of external exposure are complementing activities, where the exposure assessments are much more widely applied, especially when the number of chemicals concerned is considered; environmental analysis also offers the distinct advantage of speciation analysis--which is very poorly developed for biomonitoring. Biomonitoring on the other hand provides information on exposure from all sources, and via all absorption routes, and considers also accumulation of the chemical in the body. Bio monitoring using exposure biomarkers thus consider interindividual differences in the absorption, while use of effec biomarkers ideally also considers interindividual differences in sensitivity. Few effect biomarkers, however, have been validated. The major challenges of biomonitoring are the development of monitoring methods, which are inexpensive enough to be applied at a frequency that makes possible meaningful biomonitoring of chemicals with a short half-time; development of exposure biomarker guidance values specific to individual species of different metals; ex pansion of the repertoire of validated effect biomarkers; and validation and application to effect monitoring of the omic technologies. Another major challenge is a reconsideration of the basis of biomonitoring action limits to reflec the change in the work place: Biomonitoring should be adapted to assist in the generation of a healthy workplace which is capable of attracting workers, and assist them to perform their work effectively--rather than just to guarantee absence of serious health effects.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present the conceptual framework for a Danish human biomonitoring (HBM) program. The EU and national science-policy interface, that is fundamental for a realization of the national and European environment and human health strategies, is discussed, including the need for a structured and integrated environmental and human health surveillance program at national level. In Denmark, the initiative to implement such activities has been taken. The proposed framework of the Danish monitoring program constitutes four scientific expert groups, i.e. i. Prioritization of the strategy for the monitoring program, ii. Collection of human samples, iii. Analysis and data management and iv. Dissemination of results produced within the program. This paper presents the overall framework for data requirements and information flow in the integrated environment and health surveillance program. The added value of an HBM program, and in this respect the objectives of national and European HBM programs supporting environmental health integrated policy-decisions and human health targeted policies, are discussed.In Denmark environmental monitoring has been prioritized by extensive surveillance systems of pollution in oceans, lakes and soil as well as ground and drinking water. Human biomonitoring has only taken place in research programs and few incidences of e.g. lead contamination. However an arctic program for HBM has been in force for decades and from the preparations of the EU-pilot project on HBM increasing political interest in a Danish program has developed.  相似文献   

Tetrachloroethylene -- also known as Perchloroethylene, PCE and perc -- is a chlorinated hydrocarbon with the formula C2 Cl4, which is widely used as a degreasing solvent in drycleaning. This resulted in environmental pollution in apartments and groceries adjacent to drycleaners. The highest exposure levels were measured in the eighties of the last century. One case from Goslar is presented with human biomonitoring and remedial actions. The second German Federal Immission Control Ordinance (2. BImSchV) on limitation of emission of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons from 1990 resulted in new methods of drycleaning and a substantial elimination of environmental and health problems.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution by lead and its effects on human health continue to remain one of the most urgent problems of environmental hygiene. The paper gives the results of basic environmental and epidemiological studies conducted in different regions of the country, which prove elevated lead levels in the blood of examined children. The role of the influence of household factors on the elevation of blood lead levels in a child is shown, by using a town that has no large sources of lead emission as an example. Evidence is provided that a program should be elaborated to reduce a risk for human lead poisoning, which involves the introduction of methods for the biomonitoring and treatment of children having elevated blood lead levels.  相似文献   

Human biomonitoring (analysis of biological fluids) is increasingly being used for assessing exposure to environmental pollutants. Smoking tobacco is a significant source of indoor air pollution and is harmful to human health. The aim of this research was to find both the best non-invasive matrices (from among saliva, urine, semen and sweat) for evaluating environmental exposure to tobacco smoke and the relationships between thiocyanates (biomarkers of environmental tobacco smoke exposure) and other inorganic ions in these matrices collected from active and passive smokers and also non-smokers.  相似文献   

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