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Twenty-seven episodic female cluster headache patients were compared to 27 age-matched female migraine patients with regard to occurrence of symptoms and diseases other than headache, and also with regard to tobacco consumption. Some symptoms and diseases were found to occur significantly or almost significantly more often in the cluster headache patients than in the migraine patients: Chronic fatigue ( p <0.01), vertigo ( p <0.05), arthralgia ( p <0.05), back pain ( p =0.05), spontaneous ecchymoses ( p =0.05) and constipation andor periodic diarrhea ( p =0.09). There were significantly fewer persons who had never smoked in the cluster headache group than in the migraine group ( p <0.01). The extent of smoking was significantly greater in the cluster headache group than in the migraine group, both as to the number of cigarettes smoked per day ( p <0.001) and as to smoking years ( p <0.001).  相似文献   

A patient who first presented with episodic cluster headache later developed narcolepsy. In spite of REM sleep alterations associated with narcolepsy, the frequency and distribution of pain attacks did not change when narcolepsy occurred and were similar to those seen in cases of episodic cluster without narcolepsy. The lack of influence of narcolepsy on the pattern of cluster pains questions the role of REM sleep states in triggering pain in episodic cluster.  相似文献   

Burden of cluster headache   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim was to analyse the socioeconomic burden of cluster headache in patients from a tertiary headache centre. One hundred consecutive patients from the Danish Headache Centre were invited to an interview about the socioeconomic impact of cluster headache. Work absence and use of medical services were compared with a Danish population-based survey. Eighty-five patients participated; 78% reported restrictions in daily living and 13% also outside of cluster periods; 25% reported a major decrease in their ability to participate in social activities, family life and housework. The disease caused lifestyle changes for 96%, most frequently in sleeping habits and avoidance of alcohol. The absence rate among patients was 30%, which was significantly higher than 12% among the general population (P < 0.001). Use of health services due to headache was also higher among the patients (P < 0.001). Cluster headache, although periodic in most cases, has considerable impact on social functions, quality of life and use of healthcare.  相似文献   

Chronic cluster headache remains refractory to medical therapy in at least 30% of those who suffer from this condition. The lack of alternative medical therapies that are as effective as, or more effective than, lithium carbonate makes new therapies necessary for this highly disabling condition. Based on a previous report, we gave oral anticoagulants to three patients with chronic cluster headache. Two of them remained cluster headachefree while taking warfarin. In the third patient, the use of warfarin for three weeks initially increased the frequency and intensity of cluster headache attacks but subsequently induced a prolonged remission. In spite of the paucity of data available, oral anticoagulation appears to be a promising therapy for chronic cluster headache.  相似文献   

Prevalence of cluster headache in a population-based sample in Germany   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A population-based sample of 6,000 inhabitants of the city of Essen in Germany was screened using a standard questionnaire for possible cluster headache (CH). Fifty-six percent responded (N = 3336, 50.5% of them women, mean age 44.7 +/- 12.7 years). All suspected cases (N = 182) were interviewed by a neurologist. Four subjects with CH (three men) were identified. The 1-year prevalence of CH was estimated to be 119/100,000 (95% confidence interval 3, 238/100,000).  相似文献   

Orbital phlebography in patients with cluster headache   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirteen patients with cluster headache in an active stage were investigated with orbital phlebography. About 60% of the patients showed pathologic changes on the phlebograms, such as changes in the appearance of the superior ophthalmic vein. Five patients had pathologic changes on both sides and three patients on one side only. All patients with unilateral pathologic findings on orbital phlebography had the attacks on the same side. The phlebographic findings in these patients with cluster headache were very similar to those of patients with the Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. There is also some similarity in the symptoms in the two disorders. It has previously been suggested that the Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is caused by venous vasculitis, and the present findings to some extent support the idea that cluster headache may have the same etiology.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty seven patients with cluster headache have been compared with 122 patients with migraine. Twenty of the patients with cluster headache have had migraine attacks but only 2 still have migraine attacks after the onset of cluster headache. No migraine patients had cluster headache. Among the 127 patients with cluster headache, one of the parents suffered from cluster headache in 4.7% of the cases. Among the 122 patients with migraine, 0.8% had a parent with cluster headache. Among the 122 patients with migraine 54.9% had parents with migraine, and in the cluster headache group 23.6% of the patients had one parent with migraine. The coexistence of migraine and cluster headache is rare. The two types of headache, as far as the heredity pattern is concerned, are independent entities.  相似文献   

A case of parasellar meningioma mimicking cluster headache   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A medical history of a 46-year-old male is reported. At 23 years of age, he started having diffuse pain in the left side of his head for up to 30 min once or twice a month. At 28, the pain changed into left-sided cluster headache-like attacks with 2-3 h duration and with ipsilateral conjunctival injection, lacrimation, and rhinnorhea, but with short-lasting free intervals of about two to three weeks. At 36, the pattern of the attacks corresponded to chronic migrainous neuralgia. At 40, the symptoms changed to painful ophthalmoplegia-picture. A left-sided parasellar meningioma was then diagnosed. Removal of the tumor caused complete amelioration. The case history is suggested to support the hypothesis that the cavernous sinus region is involved in cluster headache.  相似文献   

Five hundred and fifty-four patients with episodic cluster headache (ECH) and chronic cluster headache (CCH) were examined between 1963 and 1997. Mean age at onset was significantly higher in women with CCH compared with women with ECH and in men with ECH or CCH. In women with CCH age at onset was evenly distributed from 10 to 69 years, whereas in men with CCH and in both sexes with ECH, there was a peak when they were in their 20s. In women with ECH a second peak of onset occurred in their 50s. Although not statistically significant, primary CCH started later in women (mean 50.8 years) than secondary CCH (mean 35.5 years). There was a significant variation in the male : female ratio with respect to age at onset, being largest between 30 and 49 years of age (ECH 7.2 : 1; CCH 11.0 : 1) and lowest after 50 (ECH 2.3 : 1; CCH 0.6 : 1). During the observation period of more than 30 years there was a trend towards a decreasing male preponderance; the male : female ratio was significantly higher among patients with onset before rather than after 1970. The proportion of episodic vs. chronic CH did not change during the study period. The nature of the sex- and age-related pattern of cluster headache onset remains to be elucidated but mechanisms associated with sex hormone regulation, perhaps of hypothalamic origin, may be involved, as well as environmental factors related to lifestyle.  相似文献   

A 60-year-old woman with secondary chronic cluster headache had increased serum ferritin and serum transferrin saturation and was homozygous for the C282Y mutation in the HFE gene, which is indicative of hereditary haemochromatosis. Treatment with venesection that normalized her iron stores led to a radical improvement of her headache complaints that had been daily for several years. Later, the headache returned to some degree in spite of normal serum ferritin levels. Her cousin, a 33-year-old man who had had episodic cluster headache for several years, also had increased transferrin saturation and was compound heterozygous for two mutations, a genotype known to be associated with a slightly increased frequency of haemochromatosis. This is the first report of a headache disorder in a patient with hereditary haemochromatosis. The coexistence of the two disorders may be a mere coincidence, but the temporary improvement of headache from depletion of iron stores may indicate a causal relation, possibly mediated by iron deposits in pain-modulating centres in the brainstem.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with a typical history of cluster headache for more than 18 years. During the first approximately 10 years of his disease, the pain was right-sided, and pupillometric and evaporimetric measurements indicated a sympathetic deficiency on this same side. However, for the next >6 years, his pain was consistently left-sided, although the signs of sympathetic dysfunction still were more marked on the right side. This was also true for the findings obtained during the interictal period and for the heating test performed within an attack. The implications of this interesting case are discussed. The view that two separate lines of symptom production lead to the pain and the autonomic phenomena seems to be supported by this case history. The cluster headache syndrome may also be a bilateral disorder, with only the weight of balance pointing one way or the other. Finally, the autonomic test results of this patient could reflect an autonomic "scar" in the previous headache side.  相似文献   

The pathophysiological significance of the changes in gonadal function observed in cluster headache is far from clear. Some features of the disease, such as the sex predominance, the lateralization of symptoms and the character of pain itself may be connected to some biological effects of gonadal steroids.  相似文献   

The short- and long-term effects of administration of lithium carbonate in cluster headache (CH) have been investigated. Of the 90 patients treated (78 males and 12 females), 68 had episodic CH and 22 had the chronic form of the disease. The doses used were almost always 900 mg/day. Eleven of the 22 patients with chronic CH showed a definite, constant improvement both short and long term. In 7 of the 22 patients, lithium treatment provided excellent results initially but was later followed by some transient worsening; in the remaining 4 only partial benefits were observed initially and treatment proved still less effective after a few months. The effects of cessation of lithium administration after at least five months of continuous treatment were studied in 9 cases. In 6 of them the attacks re-appeared immediately, whereas in 3 the attacks occurred again only after free intervals of four to six months. Of the 68 patients with episodic CH, 26 proved highly responsive to treatment, 26 only partially responsive, and 16 refractory. In 3 cases, after one to three years of continuous treatment, euthyroid goitre developed, which disappeared after the drug was discontinued.  相似文献   

To investigate the relation between cluster headache (CH) and lifestyle, some lifestyle factors were considered in a population of 374 CH male patients consecutively referred to the same headache center, including 306 with episodic CH, 22 with chronic CH unremitting from onset, 20 with chronic CH evolved from episodic, and 26 with CH periodicity undetermined CH patients had jobs involving greater responsibilities and were more frequently self-employed than controls. In addition, their past medical histories often reported head injury, either with loss of consciousness (13.4%) or without loss of consciousness (23.5% of cases). As regards nonessential consumption habits, both cigarette-smoking and coffee and alcohol intake were more frequently reported in CH patients than in the general population, with a higher prevalence in chronic CH as opposed to episodic CH sufferers. In particular, smokers accounted for 78.9% of episodic CH patients and 87.8% of chronic CH patients--12.9% of episodic CH patients and 19.6% of chronic CH patients smoked over 30 cigarettes a day. Alcohol abuse was reported in 16.2% of episodic and 26.8% of chronic CH patients, while coffee abuse was reported in 6.9% of episodic and in 36.6% of chronic CH patients. Rather than pointing to a single lifestyle factor directly implicated in CH onset, my review suggests a common trend among CH patients to overindulge in certain living habits.  相似文献   

Cluster headache is usually considered to affect young men. We hereby report on new-onset cluster headache in middle-aged and elderly women. We performed a retrospective chart review of female patients diagnosed with cluster headache (IHS criteria), and studied the charts of women in whom the headache started after the age of 50 years. Out of 168 patients (26 women, 15%) diagnosed with cluster headache, the headache started after the age of 50 years in seven women, of whom three reported past tension-type or migraine headaches. The mean age at the beginning of the headache was 61 +/- 8 years (range 52--72 years). In all cases, the pain was severe, strictly unilateral, and accompanied by at least one autonomic symptom. The average duration of the pain was 70 min (range 20 min--3 h), recurring daily for an average period of 7 weeks (range 1--16 weeks). Five patients had 1--2 pain attacks each day, while the other two experienced up to eight episodes of pain in 1 day. In two patients the periodicity of the pain was currently undetermined. In the remainder, the headache periods recurred every 1--4 years. Cluster headache is commonly considered to be a young-male disorder, but middle-aged and elderly women may also be affected. The characteristics of the pain and its manner of occurrence were similar in our cases to those reported in the young-male population.  相似文献   

We present a study of the general-population prevalence of cluster headache in the Republic of Georgia and discuss the advantages and challenges of different methodological approaches. In a community-based survey, specially trained medical residents visited 500 adjacent households in the capital city, Tbilisi, and 300 households in the eastern rural area of Kakheti. They interviewed all ( n  = 1145) biologically unrelated adult occupants using a previously validated questionnaire. The household responses rates were 92% in Tbilisi and 100% in Kakheti. The survey identified 32 persons with possible cluster headache, who were then personally interviewed by one of two headache-experienced neurologists. Cluster headache was confirmed in one subject. The prevalence of cluster headache was therefore estimated to be 87/100 000 (95% confidence interval < 258/100 000). We used a conservative approach, which has an obvious advantage of high-quality data collection, but is very demanding of manpower and time.  相似文献   

Warning symptoms in 150 cluster headache patients were studied by focusing on attacks occurring during waking hours. Warnings were divided into prodromes that started minutes before the pain of individual attacks (122 patients) and premonitory symptoms preceding the onset of cluster periods by days to weeks (12 patients). Pathogenetic and therapeutic implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Some clinical as well as pharmacological indications seem to suggest that a reduction of the noradrenergic tone occurs in cluster headache (CH), during both the active and remission periods. But sharp fluctuations of the sympathetic system may trigger the attacks. Clonidine, an alpha-2-adrenergic presynaptic agonist, regulates the sympathetic tone in the central nervous system. Therefore, a continuous administration of low-dose clonidine could be potentially beneficial in the active phase of CH by antagonizing the variations in noradrenergic tone. After a run-in week, we administered transdermal clonidine (5–7.5 mg) for one week to 13 patients suffering from CH, either episodic (8 cases) or chronic (5 cases). During clonidine treatment, the mean weekly frequency of attacks dropped from 17.7 ±7.0 to 8.7 ±6.6 ( p = 0.0005), the pain intensity of attacks measured on the visual analogue scale from 98.0 ± 7.2 to 41.1 ± 36.1 mm ( p = 0.001), and the duration from 59.3 ± 21.9 to 34.3 ± 24.6 min ( p = 0.02). This open pilot study strongly suggests that transdermal clonidine may be an effective drug in the preventive treatment of CH. Its efficacy is possibly due to its central sympatho-inhibition, which reduces or prevents the occurrence of fluctuations of noradrenaline release that may induce the attacks.  相似文献   

Abstract In most migraine patients acute therapy is needed. Migraine can be treated either with specific drugs, the triptans and ergot alkaloids, or with NSAIDs. Triptans are a major step foreward in migraine therapy. The therapeutic gain for headache relief is 50% for subcutaneous sumatriptan whereas it is 30-40% for most oral triptans. After oral triptans sustained pain free is only 30%. There is thus still ample room for improvement of acute therapy in migraine. For tension-type headache there is no specific therapy and it is treated with NSAIDs. Only 17-32% become pain free after these drugs. For attacks of cluster headache oxygen and subcutaneous sumatriptan can be used. Intranasal triptans can be an alternative.  相似文献   

A fall in nocturnal plasma melatonin occurs in patients with cluster headache, suggesting that melatonin may play a role in the promotion of attacks. During a cluster period, we administered melatonin to 20 cluster headache patients (2 primary chronic, 18 episodic) in a double-blind placebo-controlled study of oral melatonin 10 mg ( n =10) or placebo ( n =10) for 14 days taken in a single evening dose. Headache frequency was significantly reduced (ANOVA, p <0.03) and there were strong trends towards reduced analgesic consumption (ANOVA, p <0.06) in the treatment group. Five of the 10 treated patients were responders whose attack frequency declined 3–5 days after treatment, and they experienced no further attacks until melatonin was discontinued. The chronic cluster patients did not respond. No patient in the placebo group responded. There were no side effects in either group. Although the response rate is low, melatonin may be suitable for cluster headache prophylaxis in some patients, particularly those who cannot tolerate other drugs.  相似文献   

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