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To evaluate the usefulness of a dipyridamole stress thallium-201 (Tl-201) perfusion scan in detecting myocardial involvement in systemic sclerosis we performed Tl-201 scans, electrocardiograms (ECG), and echocardiograms (UCG) on 24 patients with systemic sclerosis (11 diffuse type, 13 limited type) sequentially selected randomly over an 8-month period, and compared the findings. Cardiac catheterization, coronary angiography (CAG), and right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy were performed as necessary. Of the 24 patients, Tl-201 scans revealed fixed defects (FDs; myocardial fibrosis) and/or reversible defects (RDs; myocardial ischemia) in nine patients, whereas ECG and UCG revealed defects in four and three patients, respectively. Biopsy specimens obtained from the three patients with FDs also showed both ECG and UCG abnormalities indicative of myocardial fibrosis despite their normal appearance with CAG. Autopsy findings on the heart of a patient who died of acute heart failure showed myocardial fibrosis predominantly in the left anteroposterior wall. This was consistent with the FDs area detected using the Tl-201 perfusion scan. In a patient with chronic heart failure, left ventriculography showed a decrease in the anterior wall motion of the left ventricle which coincided with the FDs area in the Tl-201 perfusion scan. In conclusion, dipyridamole stress Tl-201 scanning is useful for evaluating myocardial involvement in systemic sclerosis.  相似文献   

To evaluate the usefulness of a dipyridamole stress thallium-201 (Tl-201) perfusion scan in detecting myocardial involvement in systemic sclerosis we performed Tl-201 scans, electrocardiograms (ECG), and echocardiograms (UCG) on 24 patients with systemic sclerosis (11 diffuse type, 13 limited type) sequentially selected randomly over an 8-month period, and compared the findings. Cardiac catheterization, coronary angiography (CAG), and right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy were performed as necessary. Of the 24 patients, Tl-201 scans revealed fixed defects (FDs; myocardial fibrosis) and/or reversible defects (RDs; myocardial ischemia) in nine patients, whereas ECG and UCG revealed defects in four and three patients, respectively. Biopsy specimens obtained from the three patients with FDs also showed both ECG and UCG abnormalities indicative of myocardial fibrosis despite their normal appearance with CAG. Autopsy findings on the heart of a patient who died of acute heart failure showed myocardial fibrosis predominantly in the left anteroposterior wall. This was consistent with the FDs area detected using the Tl-201 perfusion scan. In a patient with chronic heart failure, left ventriculography showed a decrease in the anterior wall motion of the left ventricle which coincided with the FDs area in the Tl-201 perfusion scan. In conclusion, dipyridamole stress Tl-201 scanning is useful for evaluating myocardial involvement in systemic sclerosis. Received: September 21, 2000 / Accepted: February 26, 2001  相似文献   

Clinical data on 3,911 patients were collected from 64 individual investigators to evaluate the safety of intravenous dipyridamole-thallium imaging as an alternative to exercise thallium imaging for the evaluation of coronary artery disease. There were two deaths because of myocardial infarctions, two nonfatal myocardial infarctions, and six cases of acute bronchospasm. Chest pain occurred in 770 patients (19.7%). Headache and dizziness were reported by 476 patients (12.2%) and 460 patients (11.8%), respectively. ST-T changes on the electrocardiogram were seen in 292 patients (7.5%). Use of parenteral aminophylline to treat adverse events associated with intravenous dipyridamole brought complete relief of symptoms in 439 of 454 patients (96.7%). There is a potential for increased risk for serious ischemic events in patients with a history of unstable angina who are administered intravenous dipyridamole. In patients with acutely unstable angina (i.e., continuing chest pain) or in the acute phase of myocardial infarction, use of intravenous dipyridamole in thallium scintigraphy should be avoided. There is also an increased risk for bronchospasm in patients with a history of asthma; acute bronchospasm can be relieved immediately by administration of aminophylline. These results demonstrate that intravenous dipyridamole-thallium scintigraphy is a relatively safe, noninvasive technique for the evaluation of coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the prognostic significance and electrophysiological characteristics of dobutamine stress echo (DSE)-induced sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT). METHODS: In our department, 3022 DSE studies were carried out on 2688 patients, aged 54.7 +/- 11.8 years, over a 3.5 year period. Patients with DSE-induced VT were studied by means of coronary angiography and electrophysiological testing, and were followed-up for 17.8 +/- 9.3 months. RESULTS: During DSE, nine patients (0.3%) developed sustained monomorphic VT. Four patients had coronary artery disease, one developed spontaneous right coronary artery (RCA) dissection during DSE, one patient had peripartum cardiomyopathy and the remainder had normal coronary arteries. Logistic regression analysis did not identify clinical parameters such as left ventricular ejection fraction, documentation of an ischaemic response or the presence of non-viable myocardial segments during DSE, that could predict the occurrence of DSE-induced VT. Monomorphic VT was inducible by electrophysiological testing in two patients with CAD and reduced LVEF. During follow-up, only these two patients developed VT. CONCLUSION: Sustained monomorphic VT is a rare complication of DSE, with no predictive value for the identification of patients with coronary artery disease and no prognostic significance in patients with normal coronary arteries. No predictors of its occurrence were identified.  相似文献   

Dipyridamole thallium imaging has been proposed for cardiac risk stratification in patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery. The purpose of this study was to define the benefit of this investigation in routine preoperative evaluation of these patients. The outcome of 86 patients undergoing vascular surgery procedures was examined in light of preoperative clinical assessment and dipyridamole SPECT thallium imaging (DST). Fifty-one patients (59%) were considered at high risk on clinical grounds, and 22 patients (26%) had perfusion defects. Ten patients suffered a perioperative coronary event, including unstable angina, myocardial infarction, or cardiac death. Seven of the patients with such events were among the 51 clinically high-risk subjects (14%). Three perioperative events occurred in the group of 19 patients with positive DST images who underwent surgery (16%), but the DST test failed to identify 7 patients who suffered coronary events. The frequency of abnormal thallium imaging was similar to the prevalence of angiographically significant coronary disease reported previously at this center, but considerably less than the rate of abnormal thallium imaging in past studies of vascular surgery patients. The application of the test to a low to moderate risk population is probably responsible for its lower predictive accuracy for coronary events. DST is not an ideal routine noninvasive technique for risk stratification in patients undergoing vascular surgery.  相似文献   

Safety of intravenous dipyridamole for stress testing with thallium imaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cardiac and noncardiac side effects were studied in 293 consecutive patients referred for nonexercise stress thallium imaging with intravenous dipyridamole. Six minutes after the initiation of infusion, there was a mean 9-beat/min increase in heart rate and a mean 12-mm Hg decrease in systolic blood pressure. The largest increase in heart rate exceeded 20 beats/min in only 13% of patients and the largest decrease in systolic blood pressure exceeded 20 mm Hg in 31%. Noncardiac side effects were headache (11%), lightheadedness or dizziness (5%) and nausea (4%). Only 9 patients required intravenous aminophylline for relief of noncardiac side effects: severe headache in 7 and nausea in 2. Cardiac side effects included chest pain in 76 patients (26%), of whom 70% were given aminophylline for relief of symptoms. Sixty patients (20%) had ischemic ST-segment depression and 56 (19%) had arrhythmias (ventricular in 50 and atrial in 6). There were no deaths, myocardial infarctions or sustained arrhythmias due to dipyridamole administration. Among 62 patients also undergoing cardiac catheterization, side effects except for arrhythmias were unrelated to the number of vessels with coronary artery disease. Intravenous dipyridamole is safe for nonexercise stress testing and has few serious side effects. However, the possibility of ischemia requires careful selection of patients and monitoring of vital signs and the electrocardiogram during the test.  相似文献   

Cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a tomographic method of assessing regional ventricular function in any desired plane. It has not been possible to obtain adequate images during dynamic exercise, and this has limited its value in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Therefore, an infusion of dobutamine was used to study 25 patients with exertional chest pain and abnormal exercise electrocardiograms. Areas of abnormal wall motion were compared with areas of abnormal myocardial perfusion imaged by dobutamine thallium emission tomography and with coronary arteriography. Twenty-two patients had significant CAD. Twenty-one (96%) of these patients had reversible myocardial ischemia shown by dobutamine thallium tomography, and 20 (91%) had reversible wall motion abnormalities shown by dobutamine MRI. Comparison of abnormal segments of perfusion and wall motion showed 96% agreement at rest, 90% agreement during stress, and 91% agreement for the assessment of functional reversibility. The normalized magnetic resonance signal intensity of the ischemic segments showed a small but significant reduction when compared with that of normal segments (-67 units [9.2%]; p less than 0.05). Dobutamine infusion was well-tolerated, despite causing chest discomfort in 24 patients (96%). Nine patients (36%) developed a minor dysrhythmia that was usually ventricular premature complexes, but this did not limit infusion, and other side effects were mild. The short plasma half-life of dobutamine makes it ideal as a stress agent for imaging techniques (such as MRI), and these results suggest that it is more effective in the provocation of wall motion abnormalities than is dipyridamole in patients with CAD.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine whether Doppler based myocardial tissue velocity imaging (TVI) or strain rate imaging (SRI) is more accurate in detecting stress-induced ischaemia during dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE). METHODS AND RESULTS: Regional myocardial velocity, displacement, strain rate and strain patterns during DSE were investigated in 44 routine patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease. Simultaneous perfusion scintigraphy defined regional ischaemia. Curves and curved-M-mode patterns were analysed and receiver-operating-characteristics of TVI and SRI parameters were compared by their area under the curve (AUC) in the receiver-operating-characteristics. In non-ischaemic segments, peak systolic velocity and strain rate increased significantly. Unlike SRI, TVI parameters had higher values in basal than in apical segments. In 47 segments of 19 segments DSE-induced ischaemia, which was proven by scintigraphy. In ischaemia, velocity and strain rate increased less. Post-systolic shortening (PSS) was always seen in SRI but not regularly in TVI. Peak systolic velocity and systolic displacement were the best TVI-parameters of stress-induced ischaemia (AUC 0.68 and 0.77, respectively.), in SRI it was the ratio of PSS and maximal segmental deformation (AUC=0.95, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Compared to TVI, SRI parameters showed no major apico-basal gradient and had significantly higher diagnostic accuracy, comparable to conventional reading. SRI thus appears superior to TVI for regional ischaemia detection during DSE and may be preferred to support conventional DSE reading.  相似文献   

Limitation of space and motion artefact make magnetic resonance imaging during dynamic exercise difficult. Pharmacological stress with dipyridamole can be used as an alternative to exercise for thallium scanning. Forty patients with a history of angina and an abnormal exercise electrocardiogram were studied by dipyridamole thallium myocardial perfusion tomography and dipyridamole magnetic resonance wall motion imaging with a cine gradient refocused sequence. Images for both scans were obtained in the oblique horizontal and vertical long axis and short axis planes before and after pharmacological stress with dipyridamole. The myocardium was divided into nine segments for direct comparison of perfusion with wall motion. Segments were assessed visually into grades--normal, hypokinesis or reduced perfusion, and akinesis or very reduced perfusion. After dipyridamole there were reversible wall motion abnormalities in 24 (62%) of 39 patients with coronary artery disease and 24 (67%) of 36 patients with reversible thallium defects. The site of wall motion deterioration was always the site of a reversible thallium defect. Thallium defects affecting more than two segments were always associated with wall motion deterioration but most single segment thallium defects were undetected by magnetic resonance imaging. There was a significant correlation between detection of wall motion abnormality, the angiographic severity of coronary artery disease, and the induction of chest pain by dipyridamole. There were no significant differences in ventricular volume or ejection fraction changes after dipyridamole between the groups with and without detectable reversible wall motion changes but the normalised magnetic resonance signal intensity of the abnormally moving segments was significantly less than the signal intensity of the normal segments. In nine patients the change was apparent visually and it was maximal in the subendocardial region. Magnetic resonance imaging of reversible wall motion abnormalities in patients with coronary artery disease is feasible during pharmacological stress with dipyridamole and may be associated with a reduced magnetic resonance signal. The failure to show wall motion abnormalities in all cases of reversible thallium defects may be because the defect was small or because dipyridamole caused perfusion defects in the absence of myocardial ischaemia.  相似文献   

AIMS: Silent myocardial ischaemia is frequent in diabetic patients. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of thallium-201 single-photon emission computed tomography (201Tl SPECT) coupled with exercise stress testing (EST), and dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) in the detection of asymptomatic coronary artery disease. METHODS: Fifty-six asymptomatic diabetic patients, with a known duration of diabetes > 15 years for Type 1 and > 5 years for Type 2, having at least three added risk factors, but without rest ECG abnormalities, were enrolled in this prospective study. All of them were submitted to DSE with a maximum infusion rate of 40 microg/kg per min dobutamine +/- i.v. atropine, and to 201Tl SPECT coupled with EST. Coronary angiography was performed if at least one test was abnormal. RESULTS: Diabetic patients were 37 males and 19 females, aged mean (sd) 60 +/- 10 years, 10 Type 1 and 46 Type 2, with a known duration of disease of mean (sd) 17 +/- 9 years. Feasibility of DSE was 91%. No serious complication occurred during the test. Coronary angiography was performed in 26 patients (47%); 17 were abnormal (30% of the whole group): six patients had a one-vessel, six a two-vessel and five a three-vessel disease. Predictive positive value was 69% for DSE, 75% for 201Tl SPECT and 60% for EST. DSE was falsely negative in four cases vs. eight for 201Tl SPECT and nine for EST. CONCLUSIONS: Asymptomatic coronary disease is common in diabetes associated with other risk factors. DSE appears useful in its detection and a good alternative to 201Tl SPECT.  相似文献   

Because of numerous reports of false positive results with thallium-201 (Tl-201) stress testing in patients with left bundle branch block, the authors decided to evaluate another mode of coronary vasodilatation, dipyridamole, for the diagnosis of coronary atheromatosis. Nine patients were prospectively studied with stress and dipyridamole Tl-201 scintigraphy; both tests were performed within three to 79 days of one another. Five of the patients also had coronary angiograms (four within one year, one five years earlier). Four of the patients had normal results with both tests (two normal angiograms, two not performed); two had reversible septal defects with stress-induced coronary vasodilatation but normal dipyridamole studies (only one had an angiogram, which was normal); one patient had a fully reversible septal defect with stress and a fixed defect with dipyridamole (normal angiogram); one had a partially reversible septal stress defect which was fixed with dipyridamole; and one had a normal stress study but a reversible septal defect with dipyridamole (an angiogram performed five years earlier showed 30 to 40% stenosis of the anterior descending artery). Because it seems that dipyridamole produces fewer false positive results, it should be used instead of stress testing to induce coronary vasodilatation in patients with left bundle branch block.  相似文献   

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