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自 1991年 4月~ 2 0 0 2年 6月 ,共对 5 5 4例声带新生物患者行支撑喉镜下手术摘除或取活检 ,对其中 3例声带病变暴露困难者 ,于术中联合应用纤维喉镜、弯头喉钳顺利摘除。报告如下 :1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料支撑喉镜下声带手术中声门暴露不全患者 3例 ,均为男性 ,年龄为 4 1~ 4 7岁。声嘶明显 ,病程 3个月~ 2年。体态矮胖 ,颈部粗短 ,体格健壮。术前间接喉镜检查声门暴露不清 ,纤维喉镜检查见新生物位于近前联合处。 1例约绿豆大小 ,2例约半粒黄豆大小 ,表面较光滑。术后病检均为息肉。1.2 方法术前经全身体检及有关辅助检查 ,无手…  相似文献   

自2000年1月~2003年2月,共对105例声带病变行全麻气管插管(直径6mm)支撑喉镜下手术。其中5例经助手在颈前压迫甲状软骨病变仍暴露困难,经相应处理后,顺利完成手术,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨支撑喉镜下声门暴露困难病例的手术方式。方法对17例声门暴露困难的声带息肉病例在支撑喉镜联合电子喉镜下进行声带息肉切除术。结果术后随访3~9个月,17例病例中,治愈14例,好转2例,无效1例。术后出现并发症3例。结论支撑喉镜联合电子喉镜下手术是治疗声门暴露困难的声带息肉的有效术式。  相似文献   

翁柏岳 《耳鼻咽喉》2003,10(4):248-248
在气管插管全麻支撑喉镜下行声带息肉、声带小结手术中,常常遇到声门暴露困难的情况,我科根据现有的设备和条件采用了三种不同方法摘除声带息肉或小结,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨嗅物位对支撑喉镜下喉显微手术术野暴露的优势。 方法 选择拟行支撑喉镜下喉显微手术的嗓音疾病患者60例,随机分为嗅物位组(A组)及去枕仰卧位组(B组)2组,每组30例。A组患者予以枕下垫自制头枕,肩背部紧贴于手术台面,再将其头部伸展于寰枕关节;B组患者摆放去枕仰卧位。评价声门暴露情况,根据声带病变范围及性质行喉显微手术。 结果 (1)暴露声门耗时:A组(2.42±1.04)min明显短于B组(3.20±0.95)min,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);(2)手术并发症:A组术后喉部疼痛VAS评分低于B组,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组术后咽喉部黏膜损伤发生率(6.7%)明显低于B组(30.0%),术后舌部麻木及术中术后牙齿损伤情况基本无发生,与B组比较,术后恢复良好、手术并发症少。 结论 嗅物位较去枕仰卧位更有利于支撑喉镜下的声门暴露,耗时更短、手术并发症更少。  相似文献   

目的探讨可视喉镜在声门暴露困难患者喉显微手术中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2016年1月~2016年8月在我院采用可视喉镜辅助喉显微手术治疗的20例声门暴露困难的声带良性病变患者的临床资料,对患者的平均手术时间、术中平均出血量、术中牙齿松动发生率、软腭裂伤发生率以及术后疼痛评分进行分析。结果根据Cormack Lehane(C L)分级方法,20例患者中属于III级声门暴露困难者15例,IV级声门暴露困难者5例。所有患者的平均手术时间、术中平均出血量、术中牙齿松动发生率、软腭裂伤发生率以及术后疼痛平均评分分别为(17.20±3.33)min、(3.30±1.17)ml、0%(0/20)、0%(0/20)及(1.35±0.93)分。术后随访3~6个月,患者均无复发。结论可视喉镜在普通支撑喉镜下声门暴露困难患者的喉显微手术中声门暴露充分,手术时间短且围手术期并发症少,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨支撑喉镜下声门暴露困难的预测方法及处理.方法 对2003年1月~2008年6月施行支撑喉镜手术的586例患者,术前采用间接喉镜检查及Yamamoto分级,3级以上评定为声门暴露困难的危险因素.结果 35例术前评定为3级以上患者中14例术中出现声门暴露困难.结论 间接喉镜下Yamamoto分级可用于术前预测支撑喉镜声门暴露困难,术前评估为3级以上者,术中声门暴露困难发生率高.  相似文献   

目的:探讨支撑喉镜下声门暴露困难患者喉显微外科手术安全有效的方法。方法2012年7月~2015年6月65例术前评估为声门暴露困难的成年患者中有62例(95.38%)在经支撑喉镜行喉显微外科手术中发生声门暴露困难,其中,声带息肉42例,声带囊肿9例,声带淀粉术变5例,声带重度不典型增生4例,声带高分化鳞癌2例;回顾性分析这62例患者的临床资料,对完成喉显微外科手术的方法进行分析。结果62例患者术中使用普通支撑喉镜均声门暴露困难,58例(93.55%,58/62)改用可调式电视支撑喉镜顺利完成手术,其中,10例加深麻醉深度配合30°内镜并按压喉体使声门暴露完全完成手术,但有5例患者术后出现不同程度的咽后壁损伤;1例伴小颌畸形的声带广基息肉患者手术未成功,改为表面麻醉电子喉镜下完成手术;1例牙列不齐并装有烤瓷牙的患者及2例声带癌患者改行无气管切开喉裂开术。结论支撑喉镜下声门暴露困难者大部分可通过带内镜的可调式电视支撑喉镜安全有效地暴露声门,部分患者可同时经支撑喉镜侧通道放入30°内镜辅助暴露声门,以完成各类喉显微外科手术。  相似文献   

摘要:目的探讨影响显微支撑喉镜下声门暴露的相关因素,为术前评估提供参考。方法收集58例行支撑喉镜下喉显微手术患者的可能影响声门暴露的资料,包括年龄、性别、身高、体质指数(BMI)、颈周长、头颈最大仰伸度、张口度(IG)、舌骨-下颌骨颏下角距离(HMD)、胸骨上窝-颏下角距离(SMD)、甲状软骨上切迹-下颌骨颏下角距离(TMD)、上切牙-甲状软骨距离(UITD),上切牙-胸骨距离(UISD)和Friedman 舌根分级(FTP),再根据患者术中声门暴露分级的结果将患者分为声门暴露困难组(试验组6例)和非声门暴露困难组(对照组52例),比较两组患者以上资料是否存在差异,再将有组间差异的指标用Logistic回归分析筛选出可以用于预测声门暴露困难的危险因素。结果经Logistic逐步回归分析,TMD和FTP为声门暴露困难的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论术前测量患者的TMD和FTP,对预测患者是否为支撑喉镜下声门暴露困难有重要临床意义。  相似文献   

支撑喉镜与纤维喉镜在喉部和声带手术中的联合应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 0 1年 1月~ 2 0 0 2年 1月 ,我院共行支撑喉镜下喉部声带手术 2 4例 ,其中 8例因患者肥胖、耐受性差、会厌短而柔软等原因 ,使喉腔术野暴露不良 ,经联合应用纤维喉镜后 ,在纤维喉镜照明直视下 ,用支撑喉镜手术器械顺利完成了手术。现报告如下。1   资料与方法1 .1   临床  相似文献   

目的探讨原发性喉淀粉样变的临床表现及喉内镜下的病变特征。方法回顾性分析2001年3月以来经病理确诊的11例原发性喉淀粉样变患者的临床资料。结果11例中,男4例,女7例,年龄16~64岁,平均(43.6±4.16)岁;病程4个月~10年,平均(2.85±0.87)年;声嘶为主要症状(10例次),4例有不同程度呼吸困难;纤维喉镜下见病变累及喉不同部位频次依次为室带8例次、声带5例次、喉室6例次、声门下3例次、会厌1例次及披裂1例次;病变主要表现为黏膜下弥漫性或结节状隆起,表面光滑,呈暗红色或淡红色,或呈黄色、灰白色腊样斑块状,表面无溃疡及渗出;病变可围绕管壁沉积致管壁增厚导致声门或声门下狭窄。动态喉镜下见病变声带黏膜波及振动消失或减弱。结论喉淀粉样变的主要症状为声嘶,病情进展缓慢,喉内镜下可见病变呈增生性,表面光滑,主要累及室带、喉室、声带及声门下。  相似文献   

喉结核临床表现及喉内镜观察   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的探讨现今喉结核的临床表现及喉内镜下的病变特点。方法回顾性分析1994年以来经病理确诊的36例喉结核患者的临床资料。结果患者年龄19-78岁,中位年龄39,5岁;声嘶为主要症状(83.3%)。纤维喉镜下见病变多累及声带、室带,病变形态以肉芽样或结节样增殖性病变为主;动态喉镜下见病变声带黏膜波及振动消失或减弱;24例喉部多部位病灶者中79,2%(19/24)并发活动性肺结核,12例喉部单一病灶者中75.0%(9/12)肺部正常。全部患者均行系统抗结核治疗,除失访10例外,其余26例均治愈。结论当今喉结核的局部症状不典型,全身症状不明显;可以发生于无肺结核者,其病变可累及喉部多处,以声带、室带多见。  相似文献   

Conclusion: Airtraq® laryngoscope can obviously improve laryngeal visualization and may provide a useful solution to treatment of patients with difficult laryngeal exposure (DLE) under a conventional suspension laryngoscope in phonomicrosurgery.

Objective: In phonomicrosurgery, otolaryngologists may inevitably encounter DLE. Attempts to improve laryngeal exposure have yielded important advances, but the prevalence of DLE yet remains persistent. To overcome this problem, this study applied the Airtraq® laryngoscope to perform phonomicrosurgery combined with a video system. The aim of this study is, thus, to explore the clinical usefulness of the Airtraq® laryngoscope in patients with DLE.

Methods: One hundred and fifty-eight cases who underwent phonomicrosurgery for benign lesions of vocal cord at this hospital were enrolled in this study, of which nine patients were confirmed to be DLE under direct suspension laryngoscope. These nine patients were treated by Airtraq® laryngoscope together with a video system.

Results: In comparison with the traditional suspension laryngoscope, exposure of larynx was remarkably improved by Airtraq® laryngoscope. Under the excellent laryngeal visualization provided by Airtraq®, phonomicrosurgery was successfully accomplished for vocal fold lesions without any severe complications in all cases with DLE.  相似文献   

摘要:目的通过术前颞骨CT测量值径线及角度进行测量和比较,初步预测中耳乳突显微手术中镫骨暴露的难易程度,评价术前影像学评估的准确性与可靠性。方法选取2019年2月—2019年10月行中耳乳突显微外科手术的27例(27耳)慢性中耳炎伴传导性聋或混合性聋住院患者纳入研究,手术均由同一位富有经验的高年资副主任医师主刀。术前利用颞骨薄层CT扫描技术明确患者外耳道、镫骨、砧镫关节、锥隆起、鼓室层面影像,观察和测量外耳道软骨部宽度、峡部宽度、外耳道骨部宽度、镫骨至锥隆起距离、镫骨至鼓室窦距离、与岩锥长轴平行径线和镫骨显影延长线相交之夹角(α),利用软件工作站自带工具对相关监测指标进行数据测量,并与术中探查所见镫骨暴露难易程度为准分为容易暴露组和难暴露组;采用SPSS 17.0软件进行相关数据统计处理。结果镫骨暴露的难易程度与镫骨至锥隆起距离、镫骨至鼓室窦距离、外耳道骨部宽度密切相关,其中与镫骨至锥隆起距离、镫骨至鼓室窦距离具有明显统计学意义(P<0.01),与外耳道骨部宽度具有统计学意义(P<0.05),而与外耳道软骨宽度、峡部宽度、夹角(α)无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论镫骨至锥隆起距离、镫骨至鼓室窦距离对耳显微外科手术中镫骨暴露的难易程度产生显著的影响,外耳道骨部宽度可能会影响手术的难易程度。术前颞骨高分辨率CT测量值可以预测耳显微镫骨暴露的难易程度,具有一定的临床应用指导价值。  相似文献   



In larynx cysts may be localized in different regions: glottis, laryngeal pouch, epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds and subglottic area. It is difficult to estimate if the cyst is acquired or congenital. Symptoms of laryngeal cyst depend on the size and localization of the cyst and include: change in the tone of voice, dysphonia, hoarseness, dysphagia, laryngeal stridor and dyspnoea. Cysts of the larynx in infants are rare but the treatment is easy once the diagnosis is made. If mismanaged, the resulting respiratory obstruction can lead to serious complications.


Analysis of cases of laryngeal cyst in children treated in the Department of Paediatric ENT Medical University of Warsaw.

Materials and methods

A retrospective analysis of 10 cases of laryngeal cyst in children treated in the Department of Paediatric ENT in Warsaw between 2000 and 2008 was made.


The authors analyzed indications to directoscopy, endoscopic presentation, problems with establishing the right diagnosis and management.


Using a direct laryngoscopy as a golden standard in children with stridor will reduce a number of false diagnosis.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to present the various strategies adopted in our center to improve and overcome problems with exposure of the operative field in 48 patients who underwent TORS for the treatment of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer.


We present our operative and preoperative treatment protocols for patients undergoing TORS for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer. In particular, we emphasize the role of preoperative exposure assessment and the usefulness of simple measures to overcome problems with exposure of the operative field.


In 12 patients (25%), we experienced difficult laryngeal–hypopharyngeal exposure. However the correct positioning of the robotic arms, the proper use of the laryngeal and tongue blade and some simple maneuvers, such as the anterior traction of the tongue and the partial epiglottectomy, ensured the feasibility of TORS with negative margins in all patients.


In TORS, the exposure of larynx and hypopharynx can be difficult, but the adoption of certain methods may make it possible in most patients. An accurate preoperative evaluation under general anesthesia is the primary strategy for reducing the number of cases terminated intraoperatively. Currently, TORS is not feasible in all patients, but in our opinion, reductions in the size of robotic equipment and development of new devices will extend the application of TORS to a larger number of patients.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the performance of two glossoptosis airway obstruction classifications in predicting symptom severity and laryngeal exposure difficulty in Robin Sequence (RS) patients.Setting: Public tertiary hospital otolaryngology section (Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - HCPA).PatientsAll RS patients diagnosed at HCPA from October 2012 to February 2015 were enrolled, a total of 58 individuals. They were classified in isolated RS, RS-Plus and syndromic RS.InterventionPatients were submitted to sleep endoscopy and a score was attributed according to Yellon and de Sousa by a blinded researcher. Symptom severity evaluation was performed as defined by Cole classification.Main outcome measureAssociation between endoscopic findings and clinical symptoms severity and laryngeal exposure difficulty.ResultsTwenty four patients were identified as isolated RS (41.4%), 19 patients presented as RS-Plus (32.7%) and 15 patients had well defined diagnosed syndromes (25.9%). Concomitant airway anomalies were found in 18 patients (31%). Specifically 17.4% in isolated RS, 55.6% in RS- Plus and 28.6% in the syndromic group had such anomalies (P = 0,03). Probability of presenting severe clinical symptoms as graded by Cole was higher in grade 3 Yellon classification (68.4%, P = 0.012) and in moderate and severe de Sousa classification (61.5% and 62.5%, respectively, P = 0.015) than in milder grades of obstruction. This findings were considered significant even after controlling for patient age. Laryngeal exposure difficulty was correlated with de Sousa and Yellon (Rho = 0,41 and Rho = 0,43, respectively; P < 0,05).ConclusionPatients with higher degrees of obstruction in sleep endoscopy had a higher probability of presenting a more severe clinical manifestation and a more difficult laryngeal exposure. Since the number of patients included in this study was small for subgroup analyses, it is not clear if this association is restricted to a specific group of RS.  相似文献   

目的 观察支撑喉镜下环咽肌形态.方法 采用普通支撑喉镜系统,观察因咽喉部疾病需做喉显微外科手术且无吞咽困难主诉的患者100例.气管插管全身麻醉,同时使用肌肉松弛药物,喉镜由环后插入,将喉向前抬起,暴露环咽肌.图像采集系统记录环咽肌图像.结果 94例患者环咽肌得到良好暴露,6例因颈椎僵硬或肥胖未能暴露.观察发现支撑喉镜下环咽肌形态分为3型:即下咽后壁无明显隆起,可见整个食管腔的平坦型,下咽后壁黏膜槛突向前方,可见部分食管腔的半槛型,以及下咽后壁凸起接近食管入口前壁,食管窥不见的全槛型.各型例数分别是平坦型14例(14.9%),半槛型59例(62.8%),全槛型21例(22.3%).成年组90例和≥65岁老年组10例患者环咽肌类型差异经卡方检验差异无统计学意义(x2=1.224,P=0.747).反流有关组和反流无关组间环咽肌类型差异也无统计学意义(x2=5.252,P=0.072).结论 支撑喉镜能够很好地暴露大多数患者的环咽肌,为开展内镜下环咽肌切断术提供了实践基础.  相似文献   

目的探讨超声诊断声带麻痹的价值及局限性。方法分析33例声带麻痹的超声表现,并与喉镜对照。结果超声诊断为单侧和双侧声带麻痹者各为30和3例。单侧者声像图表现为单侧声带变形18例,运动和振动减弱或固定27例,声门裂扩大19例,杓状软骨运动减弱或固定30例,伴前移12例,梨状窝扩大25例,环杓后肌变薄、回声增强10例。双侧者声像图均表现为双声带变形、声门裂扩大、杓状软骨运动减弱。喉镜诊断单侧声带麻痹28例,双侧5例。超声诊断声带麻痹的符合率达93.9%。结论超声是诊断声带麻痹的一种无创、便捷、有效的方法,尤其可借助观察杓状软骨的运动来判断声带麻痹。  相似文献   

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