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目的:对Targis/Vectris修复体的疗效进行临床评价。方法:C地102例Targis/Vectris修复体进行随访并分别于术后1、3、6及12个月复查,用改良的USPHS临床评价标准评价。结果:Targis/Vectris修复体的边缘适合性,颜色及表面质地等在12个月内无明显改变,其累计成功率达93.1%。结论:Targis/Vectris修复体的疗效在短期内切实可靠。  相似文献   

目的 对Targis瓷聚体用于后牙嵌体修复进行临床评价。方法 采用口外间接法,用Targis瓷聚体对113例后牙进行嵌体及高嵌体修复,分别于6个月、12个月、18个月进行复查,采用改良的USPHS标准进行临床评价。结果 Targis瓷聚体嵌体修复的边缘密合性、色调协调性1边缘着色、继发龋、表面质地等几项指标在18个月后无显著性改变;患者敏感性在12个月后全部消失,与术后即刻相比有显著性差异。结论 口外间接法使用Targis瓷聚体可作为后牙嵌体修复的一种可行的方法。  相似文献   

目的:比较IPS-Empress Ⅱ铸瓷贴面和Targis树脂贴面修复后3年的临床疗效。方法:选取14名患者制作IPS-Empress Ⅱ铸瓷贴面50个,22名患者制作Targis树脂贴面86个。使用改良CDA/Ryge标准对两种贴面修复后三年的颜色匹配、表面质地、边缘着色和完整性等指标进行评价,比较两者的临床成功率和患者满意度。结果:IPSEmpress II铸瓷贴面3年存留率为94.0%,Targis贴面为90.7%;IPS-Empress Ⅱ铸瓷贴面修复患者主观满意度为92.0%,Targis贴面为88.4%;两者在颜色匹配、边缘着色和边缘完整性方面没有明显差异;在表面质地上IPS-Empress Ⅱ铸瓷贴面优于Targis树脂贴面。结论:IPS-Empress Ⅱ铸瓷贴面和Targis树脂贴面均是良好的修复系统,IPS-Empress Ⅱ铸瓷贴面的表面性能优于Targis树脂贴面。  相似文献   

金瓷修复体(PFM)因其色泽美观、质感逼真、具有良好的机械性能,能很好地恢复缺损/失牙的形态和功能,故在临床上得到广泛地应用。但PFM因其抗张和剪切强度都比较低,有时会产生崩瓷现象。PFM发生崩瓷后最理想的处理办法是重作,但有时因患者的时间、经济及可能对基牙造成损害等原因,不宜重作,此时可考虑予以修补。作者自1994年起开始使用ALL-BOND2配合光敏复合树脂/Dyract复合体修补发生崩瓷之PFM,取得一定临床效果。现就其使用方法、临床疗效及机理等作一初步探讨。材料与方法一、材料美国IBSC…  相似文献   

金瓷修复体因其美观和良好的机械性能而被广泛应用于临床。但是由于瓷材料本身的脆性、牙体预备和修复体技工室制作等原因,一些金瓷修复体在使用中会发生崩瓷。拆除修复体重做花费大,而且拆冠会给患者带来痛苦。在允许范围内,修复体发生崩瓷可以修补。本文就各种瓷修补方法及其临床应用作一综述。  相似文献   

金瓷修复体瓷折裂的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨临床金瓷修复体瓷折裂原因。方法 收集和分析临床 31例金瓷修复体瓷折裂病例。结果和结论 金瓷修复体瓷折裂原因复杂 ,除了技工室制作缺陷外 ,临床医生的设计错误和操作不当也是瓷折裂的重要原因。  相似文献   

瓷聚体嵌体的临床应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
嵌体是口腔修复中的一种常用修复体形式,其常用的材料有复合树脂、金属(包括贵金属和贱金属)和陶瓷.瓷聚体是一种新型的牙科材料,可应用于各种修复体.本文就瓷聚体的特点及近年来对瓷聚体.嵌体所做的研究作了综述.  相似文献   

面积对陶瓷修复体体瓷色度学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨陶瓷修复体的色彩与其面积的关系。方法:分别制作厚度为2mm,直径为8mm、12mm、16mm、20mm的圆盘状B3色体瓷试件,在D65光源条件下,以分光光度计分别测试各组试件在黑色背景和在白色背景条件下的混合色。结果:随陶瓷试件直径由8mm增加至20mm,试件中心的色度值变化表现为:①彩度增加,色调趋向红色。②明度在黑色底板下增加,在白色底板下减小。②陶瓷试件直径由16mm增加至20mm时,试件色度值变化不明显。结论:陶瓷试件色度值随直径增大而趋向稳定。  相似文献   

金瓷修复体瓷折裂的临床修补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Solidex瓷聚体嵌体修复后牙Ⅱ类窝洞的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :评价Solidex瓷聚体制作嵌体修复后牙Ⅱ类窝洞的临床观察。方法 :60个Solidex瓷聚体嵌体修复后牙Ⅱ类窝洞 ,在修复后 1周、6个月、1年、2年时应用改良USPHS标准 ,对其解剖外形、边缘适合性、颜色匹配性、表面光洁度进行临床评价。结果 :所有嵌体都达到临床可接受范围。结论 :Solidex瓷聚体嵌体用于后牙Ⅱ类窝洞修复效果良好  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The authors evaluated the clinical performance of Prodigy Condensable (Kerr, Orange, Calif.) composite placed and cured in increments up to 5 millimeters thick. METHODS: The authors placed 57 Class II restorations in 32 patients in composite increments up to 5 mm thick. Using this technique, they placed the majority of restorations in one increment and then carved the occlusal and proximal anatomy before light curing. The authors evaluated the restorations at three, six, 12, 24 and 36 months. RESULTS: No restorations required replacement; however, 11 developed a defect requiring repair or continued observation. Of these 11, nine restorations developed defects on the margins of the restorations and two developed secondary caries. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of probability that a restoration would develop a defect during 36 months that would require immediate repair was 0.13. Postoperative sensitivity was not significantly different from preoperative sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: The authors found that no restorations required replacement and no increased postoperative sensitivity occurred. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The authors suggest that this composite material can be placed in a single increment up to 5 mm thick for Class II restorations.  相似文献   

目的探讨超瓷材纤维嵌体修复后牙牙体缺损的效果。方法选择牙体缺损较大,经完善根管治疗的后牙158颗,随机分为两组,试验组制作超瓷材纤维嵌体,对照组制作瓷嵌体,追踪现察3年,采用美国公共卫生署修复体临床评价标准对嵌体进行疗效评价。结果修复后1年,试验组和对照组嵌体修复成功率分别为91.25%和91.03%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.405,P〉0.05)。修复后3年,试验组的成功率为88.61%,对照组的成功率为72.37%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.283,P〈0.05)。结论对后牙牙体缺损,超瓷材纤维嵌体是保护牙体较理想的修复方法。  相似文献   

目的:对超瓷材/复合纤维(Targis/Vectris)材料应用于儿童及青少年恒牙牙体缺损修复的疗效进行评价。方法:对78例88件Targis/Vectris修复体进行综合性复查。复查时参照Ryge标准及改良USPHS标准对修复体的边缘密合性、边缘着色、表面质地、颜色、牙髓反应进行质量评价,并对修复体对对颌牙釉质的磨耗情况及基牙的根尖周状况进行质量评价,同时对84件修复体采用龈出血指数和菌斑指数评价治疗前后的牙周状况。结果:经过3年的临床观察,除修复体的颜色及质地有不同程度的下降,但仍在临床可接受的范围内,其余观察项目均表现为优良,84件修复体与其对照牙相比,牙龈指数无显著性差异(c2=2.462,P>0.05);菌斑指数较低(c2=22.837, P<0.05)。结论:Targis/Vectris修复体是适合儿童及青少年患者的固定修复材料,值得在临床推广使用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to clinically examine the efficacy of tunnel preparations in primary molars restored with glass-ionomer cement during a 36-month observation period. METHODS: A total of 233 tunnel restorations were placed in primary molars of 203 patients aged 6-10 years. Restorations were evaluated after 12, 24 and 36 months using the modified USPHS criteria for secondary caries, marginal discolouration, marginal adaptation and anatomic form. The Alpha+Bravo score (except for caries) and absence of clinical signs of endodontic complications was considered as a clinical success. RESULTS: At the end of the 36-month experimental period, the cumulative survival rate of tunnel restorations in primary molars was 72 per cent. The main reasons for failure were endodontic complications (46 per cent of the failures), secondary caries (31 per cent of the failures) and marginal ridge fractures (19 per cent of the failures). CONCLUSIONS: The tunnel preparation filled with reinforced restorative glass-ionomer cement is a suitable treatment for minimal proximal caries lesions in primary molars.  相似文献   

Acid-etching and bonding of composite resin to bevelled enamel margins has been reported to produce a reliable seal. However, achieving a seal with dentine and cementum margins is more difficult. Four different dentine bonding systems were used in combination with Silux composite resin to restore cervical cavities in vitro. None of the bonding systems used completely sealed either the occlusal or gingival margins. Of the four systems, GLUMA provided the best seal at both the occlusal and gingival margins.  相似文献   

Abstract In a clinical trial. 1544 Class II amalgam restorations were inserted. In this study 1213 restorations were evaluated after 15 years and the reasons for replacement were registered. Attention was also paid to patient drop-out and patients' variables such as gender, filling degree, type of tooth (premolar vs molar), type of restoration (MO or DO vs MOD), jaw (upper vs lower) and the patients' operator. Furthermore, replacement rates of three alloys applied in comparable circumstances (n=394) are reported. Of the restorations, 214 (17.6%) were replaced during the trial period. Factors influencing the replacement rates are gender, type of restoration and operator. Factors such as type of tooth and type of alloy seemed to have no influence on the replacement rates in this study.  相似文献   

良好的暂时修复体有利于永久修复,但临床医生常因其使用时间短而忽略其制作。本文在回顾暂时修复体临床应用的基础上,总结其在口腔治疗中的临床意义及两种常用的暂时修复材料。  相似文献   

目的 评价聚合瓷纤维桩核与玻璃纤维桩核的抗折强度。方法 选择2012年1月至2013年1月广东医学院附属深圳南山医院口腔科门诊因牙周病拔除的20颗根长相似的上颌中切牙,随机分为聚合瓷纤维桩组和玻璃纤维桩组,每组各10颗。根管治疗后切除牙冠,聚合瓷纤维桩组采用牙周固位纤维增强的Adoro聚合瓷纤维桩核修复,玻璃纤维桩组采用Para Post Taper Lux玻璃纤维桩核修复。两组样本进行抗折强度测试,记录折断模式及所加载的最大负荷。结果 聚合瓷纤维桩组牙齿折裂时负荷为(593.0±71.01)N,玻璃纤维桩组为(645.4±63.63)N,两组差异无统计学意义(t=1.737,P>0.05)。两组的折裂位置大部分发生于牙根颈1/3处,分布差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.25,P>0.05)。结论 聚合瓷纤维桩核系统与玻璃纤维桩核系统的抗折强度和折裂位置分布相似,聚合瓷纤维桩核系统应用于临床的修复效果尚有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

Use of the optimum finishing technique for an amalgam restoration may enhance the marginal integrity of the restoration and discourage its unnecessary early replacement. Two hundred and twenty-eight high copper amalgam restorations in 56 patients were evaluated, using clinical assessment criteria, up to three years after placement. Each patient had received at least one carved-only amalgam, at least one immediately finished restoration, and at least one amalgam that was polished at a subsequent appointment. Regardless of the finishing technique, the restorations exhibited similar marginal integrity up to three years after placement. Polished restorations were found to have substantially superior surface texture and less likelihood of surface discoloration. No evidence was found to support the use of immediate finishing techniques. The clinical significance of these findings, with respect to the need to polish amalgam restorations, is discussed.  相似文献   

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