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Rotavirus infection is responsible for about 500,000 deaths annually, and the disease burden is disproportionately borne by children in low-income countries. Recently the World Health Organization (WHO) has released a global recommendation that all countries include infant rotavirus vaccination in their national immunization programs. Our objective was to provide information on the expected health, economic and financial consequences of rotavirus vaccines in the 72 GAVI support-eligible countries.  相似文献   

Rotavirus is the leading cause of diarrheal disease in children under 5 years of age. It is responsible for more than 450,000 deaths each year, with more than 90% of these deaths occurring in low-resource countries eligible for support by the GAVI Alliance. Significant efforts made by the Alliance and its partners are providing countries with the opportunity to introduce rotavirus vaccines into their national immunization programs, to help prevent childhood illness and death. We projected the cost-effectiveness and health impact of rotavirus vaccines in GAVI-eligible countries, to assist decision makers in prioritizing resources to achieve the greatest health benefits for their populations. A decision-analytic model was used to project the health outcomes and direct costs of a birth cohort in the target population, with and without a rotavirus vaccine. Current data on disease burden, vaccine efficacy, immunization rates, and costs were used in the model. Vaccination in GAVI-eligible countries would prevent 2.46 million childhood deaths and 83 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) from 2011 to 2030, with annual reductions of 180,000 childhood deaths at peak vaccine uptake. The cost per DALY averted is $42 for all GAVI countries combined, over the entire period. Rotavirus vaccination would be considered very cost-effective for the entire cohort of GAVI countries, and in each country individually, as cost-effectiveness ratios are less than the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Vaccination is most cost-effective and has the greatest impact in regions with high rotavirus mortality. Rotavirus vaccination in GAVI-eligible countries is very cost-effective and is projected to substantially reduce childhood mortality in this population.  相似文献   

In this review, we describe plans to monitor the impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine on biologic outcomes in selected international areas (Australia, Canada, Mexico, the Nordic countries, Scotland, and the United States) that have adopted this vaccine. This summary of monitoring plans provides a background for discussing the challenges of vaccine monitoring in settings where resources and capacity may vary. A variety of approaches that depend on existing infrastructure and resources are planned or underway for monitoring HPV vaccine impact. Monitoring HPV vaccine impact on biologic outcomes is a complex and challenging task, but also plays an important role in documenting the benefit of vaccination, monitoring the progress of vaccination programs, and providing data to inform vaccination and disease prevention policies.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is recommended for women aged 9–26 years. The purpose of this study was to examine health beliefs and reasons for HPV vaccination among young adult women (aged 18–26 years), and adult women (aged over 26 years). Women who initiated HPV vaccination were recruited from three hospitals in southern Taiwan. One hundred and eighty-nine subjects completed a questionnaire on health beliefs and reasons for HPV vaccinations. 38% (n = 72) of the women who initiated vaccination were over the age of 26. Health beliefs regarding HPV vaccination differ between young adult women and adult women. Recommendations from others (family, health care providers, etc.) are among the main reasons for young adult women to initiate HPV vaccination; while self-awareness of the risk for HPV infection and personal gynecologic diseases are main reasons for adult women to initiate HPV vaccination. Furthermore, women aged 18–26 are more likely than women aged over 26 to consider the cost and availability of vaccination. Media also plays an important role in a woman's decision to seek HPV vaccination.  相似文献   

目的:通过检测宫颈癌前病变及宫颈癌患者宫颈分泌物HPV16,18的感染情况,探讨其与宫颈癌前病变及宫颈癌的相关性。方法:应用荧光定量PCR(FQ-PCR)技术对宫颈分泌物进行HPV16,18DNA定性检测。以光镜下病理学诊断作为CIN分级标准。CINⅡ及Ⅲ级是宫颈癌的癌前病变。结果:CINⅡ-Ⅲ级患者宫颈分泌物HPV16,18的检出率为67.7%。宫颈癌患者HPV16,18的检出率为91.8%。慢性宫颈炎患者的HPV16,18的检出率为28.6%。结论:HPV16,18感染与宫颈癌及宫颈癌前病变的发生发展密切相关。高危型HPV16,18DNA的检测对预防宫颈癌及宫颈癌的治疗有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

BackgroundWorldwide, Zambia has the highest cervical cancer incidence rates (58.4/100,000 per year) and mortality rates (36.2/100,000 per year). The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine is considered a vital preventative measure against cervical cancer, particularly in sub-Saharan countries, such as Zambia. Past research suggests health professionals’ experiences with HPV vaccination rollout can have practical implications for effective delivery.ObjectiveTo explore health professionals’ perspectives on the HPV vaccination programme in Zambia.MethodsResearcher travelled to Zambia and conducted semi-structured interviews with fifteen health professionals working in private, government, and missionary clinics/hospitals. Observation was conducted for triangulation purposes. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data.FindingsFive main themes emerged; medical misconceptions about the HPV vaccination, particularly with regards to infertility; fear of the unknown, including possible side effects and inadequate empirical research; need for prior desensitisation to resolve cultural barriers prior to vaccination rollout; a rural-urban divide in health awareness, particularly in relation to cancer vaccines; and economic concerns associated with access to the HPV vaccination for most of the Zambian population.ConclusionOverall, the findings indicate that an essential avenue for facilitating HPV vaccination rollout in Zambia is by implementing a pre-rollout community effort that removes or softens cultural barriers, particularly in rural areas. It is also essential to correct erroneous HPV presumptions health professionals may have around infertility. Affordability remains a seemingly intractable hindrance that hampers HPV vaccination rollout in Zambia.  相似文献   



Few studies have studied the association between unintended human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and adverse pregnancy outcomes. This study set out to determine the association between HPV vaccination during pregnancy and subsequent risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and one-year infant mortality.


Population-based study including all pregnancies in Denmark (October 2006–December 2014) among women born 1975–1992. From nationwide health registries using the personal identification numbers, we obtained information on HPV vaccination, pregnancy outcomes, and infant mortality. The exposure window went from four weeks before conception date until 22?weeks of gestation for the outcome spontaneous abortion, and until birth for stillbirth and infant mortality outcomes. In the analyses of spontaneous abortion, we used time to event models, for stillbirth logistic regression models, and for infant mortality Cox regression was applied.


We included 522,705 pregnancies for the outcome spontaneous abortion (7487 exposed to at least one dose during pregnancy); 351,878 births (5262 exposed to at least one dose during pregnancy) for the stillbirth; and 350,739 live births (5245 exposed to at least one dose during pregnancy) for infant mortality. No significantly increased rate of spontaneous abortion among women vaccinated during pregnancy compared with unvaccinated women was found. In addition, we found no association between HPV vaccination during pregnancy and stillbirth (adjusted odds ratio?=?0.96 [95% CI: 0.57–1.61]), or infant mortality (adjusted hazard ratio?=?0.94 [95% CI: 0.53–1.67]). A secondary analysis showed no association between number of doses and timing of administration (i.e. vaccination before or during pregnancy) and an increased risk of spontaneous abortion.


We found no increased risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, or infant mortality following unintended HPV vaccination during pregnancy.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence on the relationship betweenper capita public health expenditure and three measures of healthoutcomes (infant and under-five mortality rates and crude deathrates) using cross-country data from seven Pacific Island countriesfor selected years between 1990 and 2002. The results of thefixed-effects estimation procedure, correcting for AR(1) errors,provide strong evidence that per capita health expenditure isan important factor in determining health outcomes. The elasticityof the infant mortality rate with respect to per capita healthexpenditure is –0.66. Based on this elasticity, a 10%increase in per capita health expenditure means that a countrysuch as Papua New Guinea, with a high infant mortality rate,would see a reduction of 3.6 infant deaths per 1000 live births,with an average reduction of 2.0 infant deaths per 1000 livebirths for the Pacific Island countries. The empirical resultsalso provide strong evidence that per capita incomes and immunizationare additional core factors that determine health outcomes.Some policy implications are drawn.  相似文献   

Baguelin M  Jit M  Miller E  Edmunds WJ 《Vaccine》2012,30(23):3459-3462


The seasonal influenza vaccination programme in England targets individuals over 65 years old and in clinical risk groups.


A model of influenza transmission and disease was fitted to weekly primary care consultations due to influenza in a typical pre-pandemic season (2006/2007). Different scenarios were constructed about influenza severity and how well vaccines match circulating strains to assess the impact and cost-effectiveness of the current vaccination programme.


A well-matched vaccine may reduce the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza illness from 8.2% (95% range 4.3–13%) to 5.9% (95% range 2.9–9.7%), with 56–73% of this due to indirect protection. The programme is likely to be cost-effective unless both low severity and poor matching is assumed.


The current seasonal influenza vaccination programme appears to substantially reduce disease burden and provides good value for money.  相似文献   

目的分析辽阳地区HPV感染亚型分布及HPV疫苗接种意向。方法以2017年11月至2019年12月在辽阳市中心医院妇产科体检进行HPV筛查的辽阳地区女性3612例作为研究对象,分析人群的HPV感染情况,比较不同年龄的HPV感染、多重HPV感染之间的差异,研究HPV疫苗接种意愿的影响因素。结果HPV感染阳性患者576例,感染率为15.95%。不同年龄的HPV感染情况之间的差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.261,P=0.000)。在低危型感染中,主要以HPV55、HPV61、HPV81为主,高危型感染中,主要以HPV16、HPV51、HPV66、HPV53为主。多因素分析中,年龄较低、家庭月收入较少、大学生在读以及所学专业或从事专业为非医药人群的HPV疫苗的意向显著降低。结论辽阳地区的高危型HPV主要为HPV16、HPV51、HPV66、HPV53,建议重点对年龄较小、家庭月收入较少、大学生在读以及所学专业或从事专业为非医药人群进行干预,以降低宫颈癌发病。  相似文献   

BackgroundIn the United States (US), half of new human papillomavirus (HPV) infections occur among young people aged 15–24 years. Despite the effectiveness of HPV vaccination in protecting against HPV-associated cancers, its coverage among adolescents remains suboptimal. This study examined the association of sociodemographic characteristics and HPV vaccination hesitancy with HPV vaccination coverage in five US states with disproportionately low adolescent coverage rates compared to the national average.MethodsResponses to an online Qualtrics survey from 926 parents of children aged 9–17 years in Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Southern Illinois in July 2021 were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression to estimate the association of sociodemographic characteristics and HPV vaccination hesitancy with HPV vaccination coverage.ResultsOf the parents, 78 % were female, 76 % were non-Hispanic White, 61.9 % lived in rural areas, 22 % were classified as HPV vaccine hesitant, and 42 % had vaccinated their oldest child between the ages of 9–17 years against HPV. Children of vaccine hesitant parents were less likely to have received any doses of the HPV vaccine than children of non-vaccine hesitant parents (AOR: 0.17, 95 % CI:0.11–0.27). Male children were less likely to have initiated the HPV vaccine series than female children (AOR: 0.70, 95 % CI:0.50–0.97). Older children (13–17 vs 9–12 years), receiving the meningococcal conjugate or most recent seasonal influenza vaccine were all associated with higher likelihoods of receiving any doses of the HPV vaccine (AOR: 6.01, 95 % CI:3.98–9.08; AOR: 2.24, 95 % CI:1.27–3.95; AOR: 2.41, 95 % CI:1.73–3.36, respectively).ConclusionsAdolescent HPV vaccination coverage remains low in our targeted states. Children’s age, sex, and parental vaccine hesitancy were significantly associated with likelihood of HPV vaccination. These findings offer the opportunity for targeted interventions among parents in regions with low vaccine uptake and underscore the importance of developing and implementing strategies to address parental HPV vaccination hesitancy to improve uptake in the US.  相似文献   

Fagot JP  Boutrelle A  Ricordeau P  Weill A  Allemand H 《Vaccine》2011,29(19):3610-3616


Two vaccines for primary prevention of cervical cancer are available in France, Gardasil® and Cervarix®, since 2007 and 2008 respectively. Currently, the French guidelines indicate vaccination of girls aged 14 with a catch-up program for females from 15 to 23 years old. In France, the reimbursement rate for these vaccines is 65% of the vaccine price, resulting in Gardasil® being the fifth highest drug expenditure of the main scheme of the French National Health Insurance in 2008. The purpose of this study is to provide data on vaccination coverage and costs in France until 31 December 2009. In addition, the current vaccination coverage rate is compared with the coverage rates assumed in cost-effectiveness studies.


Data were extracted from the National Health Insurance Information System (SNIIRAM). The SNIIRAM records all reimbursements of medical costs to patients - including drugs - by the French public Health Insurance Schemes since 2004. The analysis was performed for the period of July 2007 until December 2009 using the data of the general scheme of National Health Insurance covering about 88% of the French population, i.e., 56.5 million people. Vaccination rates for one or three doses were determined for the target and catch-up population using the 2009 reference population from the general health insurance scheme as the denominator.


The cumulative number of doses reached 2,900,000 at the end of 2009. About 1,200,000 girls and young women have been reimbursed for at least one vaccine dose, of these 96.5% females aged 14-23 years. Among the target group, reimbursement for at least one dose remained low, from 50.8% for girls aged 14 years in 2007 to 41.7% and 20.5% for girls aged 14 years in 2008 and 2009 respectively. In terms of complete vaccination, only 33.3% of girls of the age of 14 years in 2007 and 23.7% in 2008 were reimbursed for 3 doses of HPV vaccine. The maximum uptake in the catch-up group for both 1 and 3 doses was observed for women born in 1992 (15 years in 2007) with 52.5% and 35.6% respectively.


Low rates of coverage have been observed both in the target and catch-up groups in France. Considering this, the cost-effectiveness of vaccination in combination with opportunistic screening or organized screening needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Lehtinen M  Herrero R  Mayaud P  Barnabas R  Dillner J  Paavonen J  Smith PG 《Vaccine》2006,24(Z3):S3/233-S3/241
We review studies of the implementation of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programmes in developed and developing countries. The review spans the period from establishment of long-term vaccine efficacy follow-up studies, operational research on issues of vaccine preparedness, and relevant predictive modelling studies during the pre-licensure phase to plans of phase IV effectiveness trials, forms of epidemiological surveillance, and further operational research in the post-licensure phase. Much of the research is already ongoing. Depending on the results of the planned immuno bridging studies among HIV-negative and HIV-positive women, further phase III and/or phase IV trials may be warranted.  相似文献   

Ryan J  Zoellner Y  Gradl B  Palache B  Medema J 《Vaccine》2006,24(47-48):6812-6822
BACKGROUND: In 2003, the World Health Assembly (WHA) issued a resolution for prevention and control of influenza pandemics and annual epidemics, which urges the European Union 25 (EU-25) Member States to (1) establish and implement strategies to increase vaccination coverage of all people at high risk, including the elderly and people with underlying disease, with the goal of attaining vaccination coverage of the elderly population of at least 50% by 2006 and 75% by 2010; (2) to assess the disease burden and economic impact of annual influenza epidemics as a basis for framing and implementing influenza prevention policies. This resolution was reinforced by the European Union (EU), where Member States agreed to make additional efforts to improve uptake on their territory in accordance with their own recommendations and to achieve the World Health Organisation (WHO) target of 75% in high risk groups before 2010. It was also noted that the changing demographic profile of the EU population would result in an increasing number of elderly people falling within the current target groups. OBJECTIVES: To establish the number of people who may be eligible for influenza vaccination in the EU, and estimate the costs and consequences of not vaccinating this population for five EU Member States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK. METHODS: A mathematical model has previously been developed, in which vaccine distribution data are combined with demographic and health economics data to model the public health consequences of influenza and possible intervention strategies. We have extended that model using specific EU-25 demographic data on populations at risk of influenza during the inter-pandemic period. For each country, the total population and age breakdown was calculated to estimate the percentage of the population that falls under the WHA recommendations. Other target groups for influenza vaccination were identified by analysing estimating the proportion of the population with respiratory or cardiovascular related diseases, diabetes, AIDS or transplantation, as well as health care professionals. Target population size and possible vaccination coverage rates across the EU-25 Member States, along with the potential cost and health consequence impact is estimated. RESULTS: For the EU-25, it was estimated that up to 49.1% of the population (or 223.4 million people) should be vaccinated against influenza. This ranged from 41.6% in Cyprus to 56.4% in the UK. There were, on average, 174 vaccine doses distributed per 1000 population within the EU-25, which leads to an average vaccination rate of the target population of 35.4% based on current supply constraints. As a consequence, up to 144.4 million people who could be considered "at risk" may not currently be vaccinated. Implementing a 100% vaccination rate programme for all risk groups across the EU-25 would lead to an estimated reduction of number of influenza cases of 7.22 million, 1.96 million reduced PCP visits for influenza treatment, 796,743 less hospital admissions and 68,537 fewer influenza related deaths for all EU-25 countries. The implementation of a 100% vaccination rate programme for all risk groups in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK would require an additional 1.52 billion Euro. This would result in estimated savings of 39.45 million Euro of reduced primary care visits and further savings of 1.59 billion Euro in reduced hospitalisations respectively in these countries. CONCLUSIONS: There is a gap between current vaccination coverage and the EU recommendations. The public health consequences of low vaccination coverage include increased morbidity, hospitalisations and mortality associated with influenza-related complications. This model is a powerful tool to: (1) support EU public health officials in implementing recommendations; (2) to visualize the need for increased vaccination rates for better influenza control; (3) the consequences of low vaccine coverage.  相似文献   

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