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目的:为探讨原发性高血压(EH)患者压力反射敏感性(BRS)与部分内分泌激素之间的相关性。方法:应用无创被动倾斜方法估测43例EH患者及30例正常人在60°被动倾斜前后血压、心率变化,心电图上第30个心动周期与第15个心动周期的卜R间期的比值(30:15比值)及BRS值;同时测定部分患者(20例)及正常人(10例)静息状态下血浆儿茶酚胺(CA)、心钠素(ANP)、内皮素(ET)及一氧化氮(NO)浓度,并与BRS值进行直线相关分析。结果:EH患者BRS明显低于正常人(P<0.01)且与病期、病情相关;BRS与去甲肾上腺素显著负相关(r=-0.56,P<0.01),而与肾上腺素、ANP、ET及NO无相关。结论:EH患者的BRS明显衰减,并与EH的发生发展相平行;交感神经系统的CA参与高血压的压力反射调节;ANP、ET及NO对压力反射功能的影响有待于进一步探讨。  相似文献   

The role of the sympathetic nervous system as it relates to adrenoreceptor-mediated hemodynamic responses was investigated in patients with essential hypertension and in normal subjects of similar age. An age-related increase in plasma norepinephrine (PNE) concentrations observed in 36 recumbent normal subjects (r = 0.623, p less than 0.001) was not found in 56 patients; the latter included some young patients with high values. Sympathetic overactivity in patients (n = 24) as compared with normotensive subjects (n = 20) was suggested by a greater increase in PNE upon standing (242 +/- 34 vs 155 +/- 25 pg/ml (SEM), p less than 0.05) and persistently higher plasma epinephrine (PE) concentrations at rest and during equieffective exercise (p less than 0.05). In patients, PNE was directly related to systolic (r = 0.57, p less than 0.01) and diastolic (r = 0.53, p less than 0.01) blood pressure. Older age was associated with diminished exercise tachycardia and increased blood pressure responses to exercise, which were both more pronounced in hypertensive patients. This higher pressure/lower heart rate pattern was paralleled by an age-related decrease in isoproterenol sensitivity in normal subjects (0.97 +/- 0.15 in six below age 34 years, 1.31 +/- 0.30 in eight between 35--49 years, and 1.82 +/- 0.12 microgra/m2 in six above 50 years), which was also more pronounced (p less than 0.05) in hypertensive patients (1.20 +/- 1.18 in seven below age 34 years, 2.42 +/- 0.30 in nine between 35--49 years, and 6.73 +/- 2.44 micrograms/m2 in eight above 50 years). Thus, an increase in the patients' blood pressure and age is associated with a progressive reduction in beta-adrenoreceptor sensitivity and/or reactivity. Defective beta-adrenoreceptor-mediated responses may result in unopposed alpha-adrenoreceptor-mediated vasoconstriction and thereby contribute to the development of hypertension.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the interrelationships between age, plasma catecholamines, plasma renin activity (PRA) and blood pressure in essential hypertensive (EH) patients. PRA, plasma noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline (A) were measured in 76 consecutive EH patients (WHO stages 1-2, aged 24-66 years) and in 28 normotensive subjects (aged 25-64 years) studied at rest in supine position after 5 days of normal fixed sodium and potassium intake. Both plasma NA and A were slightly but significantly higher in EH patients (p less than 0.05). While no relationship was found between the various parameters in normotensive subjects, in EH patients, particularly those at WHO stage 2, plasma NA was directly related to mean blood pressure (MBP) (p less than 0.001) and PRA (p less than 0.01). Plasma A was weakly related to MBP (p less than 0.05); PRA was inversely related to age (p less than 0.01) but no relationship was found between NA or A and age. Partial correlation analysis confirmed all these relationships. In fact, NA was related to MBP also considering constant PRA (p less than 0.001) or age (p less than 0.001), and NA was related to PRA also considering constant MBP (p less than 0.01) or age (p less than 0.001). Acute pharmacological alpha- and beta-blockade, with labetalol 100 mg i.v., induced a reduction of MBP which was directly related to basal plasma NA (p less than 0.001). These results support the view that in EH the sympathetic nervous system might be in part responsible for PRA levels and for the severity of hypertension.  相似文献   

Sympathetic hyperactivity and parasympathetic withdrawal may cause and sustain hypertension. This autonomic imbalance is in turn related to a reduced or reset arterial baroreflex sensitivity and chemoreflex-induced hyperventilation. Slow breathing at 6 breaths/min increases baroreflex sensitivity and reduces sympathetic activity and chemoreflex activation, suggesting a potentially beneficial effect in hypertension. We tested whether slow breathing was capable of modifying blood pressure in hypertensive and control subjects and improving baroreflex sensitivity. Continuous noninvasive blood pressure, RR interval, respiration, and end-tidal CO2 (CO2-et) were monitored in 20 subjects with essential hypertension (56.4+/-1.9 years) and in 26 controls (52.3+/-1.4 years) in sitting position during spontaneous breathing and controlled breathing at slower (6/min) and faster (15/min) breathing rate. Baroreflex sensitivity was measured by autoregressive spectral analysis and "alpha angle" method. Slow breathing decreased systolic and diastolic pressures in hypertensive subjects (from 149.7+/-3.7 to 141.1+/-4 mm Hg, P<0.05; and from 82.7+/-3 to 77.8+/-3.7 mm Hg, P<0.01, respectively). Controlled breathing (15/min) decreased systolic (to 142.8+/-3.9 mm Hg; P<0.05) but not diastolic blood pressure and decreased RR interval (P<0.05) without altering the baroreflex. Similar findings were seen in controls for RR interval. Slow breathing increased baroreflex sensitivity in hypertensives (from 5.8+/-0.7 to 10.3+/-2.0 ms/mm Hg; P<0.01) and controls (from 10.9+/-1.0 to 16.0+/-1.5 ms/mm Hg; P<0.001) without inducing hyperventilation. During spontaneous breathing, hypertensive subjects showed lower CO2 and faster breathing rate, suggesting hyperventilation and reduced baroreflex sensitivity (P<0.001 versus controls). Slow breathing reduces blood pressure and enhances baroreflex sensitivity in hypertensive patients. These effects appear potentially beneficial in the management of hypertension.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of Na,K-ATPase inhibitor in the enhanced pressor response to infused noradrenaline (NA-R) in patients with benign essential hypertension (EHT), NA-R, plasma noradrenaline concentration (PNA), and blood ionized calcium (Ca2+) were investigated before and after intravenous injection of ouabain in 15 normotensive subjects (NT) and 13 EHT. NA-R was enhanced by ouabain in both NT and EHT. The augmentation of NA-R following ouabain injection (delta NA-R) and % delta NA-R were significantly lower in EHT than in NT. Following ouabain injection, no significant change in PNA and blood Ca2+ was observed in both NT and EHT. NA-R negatively correlated with PNA and blood Ca2+, which were estimated just prior to noradrenaline infusion, before ouabain injection as well as after. After ouabain, the regression line between NA-R and PNA or blood Ca2+ shifted toward higher NA-R level in NT, unlike in EHT. These results suggest that an exogenous Na,K-ATPase inhibitor brings about a blunted enhancement of NA-R in EHT consistent with the presence of an endogenous Na,K-ATPase inhibitor in EHT.  相似文献   

The effects of insulin on pressor responsiveness to alpha agonist (phenylephrine) and angiotensin II, and baroreflex function were studied in fifteen diabetic patients without autonomic neuropathy. The dose of phenylephrine required to increase systolic pressure by 25 mmHg (PD25) was significantly increased from 38 +/- 7 to 62 +/- 9 micrograms (p less than 0.05) after IV injection of 4 U of Actrapid monocomponent insulin. The dose of angiotensin II required to increase systolic pressure by 30 mmHg (AD30) was also increased from 0.29 +/- 0.07 to 0.48 +/- 0.10 micrograms (p less than 0.01). Following insulin administration, the dose-response curves for phenylephrine and angiotensin II were shifted to the right. The baroreflex sensitivity was not affected by insulin. In contrast, there was no significant change in PD25, AD30 or baroreflex sensitivity after the injection of saline. These results suggest that insulin attenuates the pressor responsiveness to alpha agonist and angiotensin II, which may be one of the significant mechanisms in insulin-induced vasodilation.  相似文献   

Clonidine and carotid baroreflex in essential hypertension   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clonidine is believed to reduce blood pressure by a neural action and animal experiments suggest that this consists in potentiation of baroreflexes. In 16 patients with essential hypertension we studied the effects of alterations in carotid sinus baroreceptor activity (neck chamber technique) on arterial blood pressure (catheter measurements) and heart rate, before and after intravenous administration of 150 microgram and 300 microgram of clonidine. The magnitude of the reflex responses was assessed by the slope of the linear regressions relating applied increase and decrease in tissue pressure at the carotid sinus (and therefore applied decrease and increase in carotid sinus transmural pressure) and resulting changes in mean arterial pressure and R-R interval. Clonidine caused a marked reduction in mean arterial pressure (-26 +/- 3 mm Hg) and a slight but significant reduction in heart rate (-5 +/- 1 b/min). There was no evidence for a potentiation of the baroreceptor influence on blood pressure, although a slight potentiation of the baroreceptor influence on heart rate was observed in few instances. We conclude that in man clonidine can exert a pronounced hypotensive effect without potentiating baroreceptor influence on blood pressure. Therefore this mechanism does not play a prominent role in the clinical antihypertensive action of the drug.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that sympathetic overactivity has a pathogeneticrelevance to left ventricular hypertrophic development, evenapart from its effect on and in essential hypertension. To evaluate this possibility by echocardiographic and polygraphicmethods, we studied left ventricular wall thickness and functionand their possible relationship to plasma renin activity andplasma catecholamines in 11 normal subjects, 13 borderline hypertensivesand 11 stable hypertensives without radiological or electrocardiographicsigns of left ventricular hypertrophy. Compared with normal, borderline hypertensives showed an increasein interventricular septum (IVS) thickness (P < 0.01) andIVS/posterior wall (PW) thickness ratio (P < 0.01) togetherwith an increased supine and upright plasma norepinephrine (NE;P < 0.01); there was also a decreased pre-ejection period(PEP; P < 0.01), PEP/left ventricular ejection time ratio(P < 0.01) and total electromechanical systole (P < 0.05). In stable hypertensives, PW thickness was greater than it wasboth in normals (P < 0.01) and in borderline hypertensives(P < 0.01) and IVS thickness was higher than in normals (P< 0.05). Positive correlations between supine (P < 0.001), upright(P < 0.05) NE and both IVS thickness and IVS/PW thicknessratio were found in borderline but not in stable hypertensives. These results support the hypothesis recently put forward thatIVS hypertrophy may represent an early stage of essential hypertension-inducedLVH, which afterwards extends to the left PW; furthermore theresults suggest that the sympathetic overactivity may play arole in the IVS hypertrophy development in borderline hypertensives.  相似文献   

The responses of blood pressure, plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) to infusion of either angiotensin II (10 ng/Kg/min) or norepinephrine (100 ng/Kg/min) were observed in 25 patients with essential hypertension. The difference in modes of response between low renin essential hypertension and normal or high renin essential hypertension was analyzed. For comparison, 5 patients with Conn's syndrome, 4 with renovascular hypertension, and 5 normotensive subjects were also studied. Following infusion of antiotensin II the changes in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were +24+/-3.0 mmHg in low renin essential hypertension and +25+/-3.1 mmHg in normal or high renin essential hypertension in PRA -0.28+/-0.06 ng/ml/h in low renin essential hypertension and -0.69+/-0.02 mg/ml/h in order and in PAC +3.7+/-1.4 and +7.6+/-1.8 ng/100 ml respectively. There was a significant difference in magnitude of response in PRA between the 2 groups of essential hypertension (p less than 0.05). Norepinephrine induced rise in DBP with decreases both in PRA and PAC. The mean changes in DPB were +6+/-1.4 mmHg in low renin essential hypertension and +16+/-2.2 mmHg in another and the pressor response in the later was significantly greater (p less than 0.01). The changes in PRA were -0.14+/-0.07 ng/ml/h in low renin essential hypertension and -0.67+/-0.26 ng/ml/h in normal or high renin essential hypertension, and in PAC -4.9+/-1.3 and -3.3+/-1.9 ng/100 ml respectively. The greater fall in PRA in normal or high renin essential hypertension was observed but the difference between the 2 groups of essential hypertension was not significant. The changes in PAC did not parallel the changes in PRA. Angiotensin II indcued essentially similar effects on blood pressure in both groups but the greater feedback inhibition of PRA was produced by this peptide in normal or high renin essential hypertension than in low renin essential hypertension. Norepinephrine induced significantly greater pressor effect in normal or high renin essential hypertension. The adopted dose of norepinephrine suppressed both PRA and PAC and a tendency to the greater fall in PRA was observed in normal or high renin essential hypertension. There was no difference in responses of PAC to both agents between the 2 groups of essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Diastolic dysfunction and baroreflex sensitivity in hypertension.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The determinants of diastolic dysfunction in patients with systemic hypertension are not completely known. To evaluate the possible role of age, arterial blood pressure, and baroreflex heart rate response impairment in causing diastolic dysfunction, we studied 61 patients (42 male; mean+/-SD age, 43.9+/-12 years) with newly recognized and therefore previously untreated systemic hypertension. Diastolic dysfunction was evaluated by means of Doppler echocardiography (and diagnosed as such when the early to atrial peak velocity ratio corrected to heart rate was <1), arterial blood pressure by 24-hour ambulatory monitoring, and baroreflex heart rate response by means of the spectral technique (alpha index) during paced (0.27 Hz) and spontaneous breathing (in a supine position and during tilt). Nineteen patients had diastolic dysfunction, the most powerful predictor of which was age (r=-0.63, P<0.001). The patients with diastolic dysfunction had significantly lower values for spectral baroreflex gain in the high-frequency band than those without (5.2+/-3 versus 8.4+/-5 ms/mm Hg during paced breathing, P<0.05; 7. 4+/-4 versus 13.3+/-7 ms/mm Hg in a supine position, P<0.05; 4.3+/-4 versus 5+/-2 ms/mm Hg during tilt, P相似文献   

Captopril was given to 15 unselected patients with essential hypertension (WHO II) at a dose range of 300 to 600 mg/day. Hemodynamic indexes (thermodilution) as well as levels of plasma norepinephrine, epinephrine, renin activity and aldosterone were determined simultaneously at the end of 2 weeks of placebo and after 8 weeks of captopril treatment. Systolic and diastolic arterial pressures were reduced significantly by treatment both supine (p less than 0.0025) and standing (p less than 0.0025). The diastolic arterial pressure was normalized (less than 95 mm Hg) in five patients and significantly reduced in four, whereas six patients were considered poor responders (mean arterial pressure decrease 10 mm Hg or less). The decrease in arterial pressure correlated significantly with the reduction in total peripheral resistance (r = 0.71), whereas cardiac index did not change and stroke index increased because of a slight decrease of heart rate. Plasma and urinary norepinephrine and epinephrine did not change during treatment. Moreover, the response of both heart rate and plasma catecholamines to upright posture was not altered by captopril treatment. Plasma renin activity increased and plasma aldosterone concentration decreased during treatment. These results suggest that inhibition of converting enzyme activity by captopril induces a reduction in arterial pressure through a reduction in total peripheral resistance. There was no evidence of an appreciable reduction in sympathetic nervous system activity during therapy.  相似文献   

Plasma catecholamines and cardiovascular responses to upright posture, exogenous noradrenaline (NA), and isoproterenol (IP) were examined in 20 young men with borderline hypertension and in 10 age-matched normotensive volunteers. Resting plasma NA and adrenaline (Ad) levels were higher in the borderline hypertensive patients. Significant correlations were found among plasma NA and mean blood pressure (MBP) or heart rate (HR), and between plasma Ad and HR in all individuals in the supine position. The increases in plasma NA were similar between groups for orthostatic positions. Pressor response to exogenous NA and chronotropic response to exogenous IP were not augmented in borderline hypertensives. A negative correlation was found between plasma NA before infusion and the increases of MBP produced by NA or the increases of HR produced by IP in all the individuals. Our observations suggest that there is hyperactivity of the sympathoadrenal system without enhancement in cardiovascular reactivity to catecholamines in young men with borderline hypertension.  相似文献   

Oral hydrocortisone increases blood pressure and enhances pressor responsiveness in normal human subjects. We studied the effects of 1 week of oral hydrocortisone (200 mg/day) on blood pressure, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, forearm vascular resistance, and norepinephrine spillover to plasma in eight healthy male volunteers. Although diastolic blood pressure remained unchanged, systolic blood pressure increased from 119 to 135 mm Hg (SED +/- 3.4, p less than 0.01), associated with an increased cardiac output (5.85-7.73 l/min, SED +/- 0.46, p less than 0.01). Total peripheral vascular resistance fell from 15.1 to 12.2 mm Hg/l/min (SED +/- 1.03, p less than 0.05). Resting forearm vascular resistance remained unchanged, but the reflex response to the cold pressor test was accentuated, the rise in resistance increasing from 10.5 mm Hg/ml/100 ml/min (R units) before treatment to 32.6 R units after treatment (SED +/- 6.4, p less than 0.025). The rise in forearm vascular resistance accompanying intra-arterial norepinephrine (25, 50, and 100 ng/min) was also significantly greater after hydrocortisone, increasing from an average of 14.9 +/- 2.4 R units before treatment to 35.1 +/- 5.5 R units after hydrocortisone (SED +/- 6.0, p less than 0.05). A shift to the left in the dose-response relation and fall in threshold suggested increased sensitivity to norepinephrine after treatment. Measurement of resting norepinephrine spillover rate to plasma and norepinephrine uptake indicated that overall resting sympathetic nervous system activity was not increased. The rise in resting blood pressure with hydrocortisone is associated with an increased cardiac output (presumably due to increased blood volume).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Interrelations among blood pressure, circulatory volume, plasma renin activity (PRA) and urinary catecholamine excretion rates were studied in normal subjects and in patients with benign essential hypertension. Mean plasma or blood volumes related to lean body mass, products of blood volume and the logarithm of PRA, and catecholamine excretion rates did not differ significantly between normal and hypertensive subjects. In both normal subjects and hypertensive patients, blood pressure levels correlated positively with the noradrenaline excretion rate (r = 0.40 and 0.36, respectively; p < 0.025) but not with adrenaline excretion, circulatory volume or the volume-renin product. The logarithm of PRA correlated inversely with mean Mood pressure in normal subjects (r = −0.40; p < 0.001) but not in hypertensive patients; however, there was no convincing evidence for an inappropriate blood pressure-PRA relationship as a prominent feature in the hypertensive patients. PRA did not correlate with blood volume. Patients with low PRA relative to sodium excretion (21 per cent of hypertensive population) were consistently normovolemic, but they tended to be older and excreted less (p < 0.025) adrenaline than patients with normal or high PRA. The patient subgroup with high PRA relative to sodium excretion (11 per cent of population) was hypovolemic (p < 0.02); despite this, urinary sodium output was high (172 ± 64 meq/24 hours). These data reveal no evidence for major roles of PRA, circulatory volume and free peripheral catecholamines in the maintenance of benign essential hypertension. Essential hypertension with low PRA is usually not a hypervolemic state, but it may reflect diminished adrenergic activity, factors associated with aging and effects of a high systemic pressure. High PRA in benign essential hypertension may be at least partly a consequence of hypovolemia resulting from high blood pressure-induced sodium diuresis.  相似文献   

Hormonal and mean arterial pressure (MAP) responses to posture, isometric handgrip, angiotensin II (AII), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), and metoclopramide (MCP), a dopamine (DA) antagonist, were examined in nine men with essential hypertension and nine age- and weight-matched normotensive men on a constant 100 mEq sodium and 80 mEq potassium intake before and after 4 days of administration of the DA agonist, bromocriptine (BEC; 2.5 mg three times a day). BEC depressed supine basal MAP in the hypertensives, and decreased MAP response to posture and isometric exercise in both groups. Hypertensives displayed greater (p less than 0.01) NE responses to posture and exercise than the normotensives. BEC decreased the NE response to 10 minutes of upright posture and exercise more in hypertensives (p less than 0.01) than in normotensives, but following BEC, the responses were similar. BEC did not affect basal PRA or PRA responses to posture and exercise in the two groups. PA responses to ACTH and MCP were similar in both groups, but the hypertensives displayed greater (p less than 0.01) PA responses to AII. BEC suppressed PA responses to AII (p less than 0.01) and to high dose ACTH (p less than 0.05) to a similar extent in both groups. The prolactin as well as the PA response to DA antagonism with MCP was similar in the two groups. These results suggest that dopaminergic control of NE secretion may be altered in essential hypertension. Blood pressure lowering effects of BEC in patients with essential hypertension may be related, in part, to depression of sympathetic nervous system activity.  相似文献   

Arterial and venous compliance in sustained essential hypertension   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M E Safar  G M London 《Hypertension》1987,10(2):133-139
Arterial and venous compliances are decreased in men with sustained essential hypertension. The reduced arterial compliance acts to maintain systolic pressure and end-systolic stress, thus contributing to the development of cardiac hypertrophy. Since cardiac output remains within the normal range in the hypertrophied hypertensive heart, elevated left ventricular pressures, and therefore increased cardiac filling pressures, are necessary if an adequate stroke volume is to be maintained. In hypertensive persons, reduced venous compliance acts to maintain the filling pressure of the heart in the presence of reduced intravascular volume. In patients with hypertension, even if compliance changes have been initiated by the elevated blood pressure itself, the reduced arterial and venous compliance observed in cross-sectional studies is not simply the mechanical consequence of the elevated blood pressure, but also reflects intrinsic alterations of the vascular wall. Consequently, blood pressure reduction caused by antihypertensive agents is not constantly associated with a reversion of the decreased vascular compliance. Such observations may be of importance in the consideration of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients treated for hypertension.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationship of aldosterone to blood pressure and left ventricular size in black American (n=109) and white French Canadian (n=73) patients with essential hypertension. Measurements were obtained with patients off antihypertensive medications and included 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, plasma renin activity and aldosterone, and an echocardiogram. Compared with the French Canadians, the black Americans had higher body mass indexes, higher systolic blood pressures, attenuated nighttime reduction of blood pressure, and lower serum potassium concentrations (P:<0.01 for each). Left ventricular mass index, posterior wall thickness, interventricular septal thickness, and relative wall thickness were also greater (P:<0.01 for each) in the black American patients. Supine and standing plasma renin activity was lower (P:<0.01 and P:<0.05, respectively) in the black Americans, whereas supine plasma aldosterone concentrations did not differ, and standing plasma aldosterone was greater (P:<0.05) in the black Americans (9.2+/-0.7 ng/dL) than in the French Canadians (7.3+/-0.6 ng/dL). In the black Americans, supine plasma aldosterone was positively correlated with nighttime systolic (r=0.30; P:<0.01) and diastolic (r=0.39; P:<0.001) blood pressures and inversely correlated with the nocturnal decline of systolic (r=-0.29; P:<0.01) and diastolic (r=-0.37; P:<0.001) blood pressures. In the black Americans, standing plasma aldosterone was positively correlated with left ventricular mass index (r=0.36; P:<0.001), posterior wall thickness (r=0.33; P:<0.01), and interventricular septal thickness (r=0.26; P:<0.05). When the black American patients were divided into obese and nonobese groups, significant correlations between plasma aldosterone and both blood pressure and cardiac mass were observed only in the obese. In the French Canadians, overall, plasma aldosterone did not correlate with either blood pressure or any measures of heart size. However, among obese French Canadians, supine plasma aldosterone correlated with nighttime diastolic (r=0.53, P:<0.02) and systolic (r=0.44, P:<0.01) blood pressures but not with cardiac mass. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that aldosterone contributes to elevated arterial pressure in obese black American and obese white French Canadian patients with essential hypertension and to the attenuated nocturnal decline of blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy in obese, hypertensive black Americans.  相似文献   

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