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目的:探讨孕期不同时间给予低蛋白饮食致宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)大鼠脑白质细胞凋亡的影响。方法:怀孕wistar大鼠分为对照组(C组)及孕早期(E组)、孕中期(M组)、孕晚期低蛋白饮食组(L组),测量脑重及体重,观察脑组织损伤,脑细胞凋亡及Caspase-3表达情况。结果:出生时体重:E、M组与C组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);脑重:E、M、L组与C组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。E组出生时脑损伤病变较轻,2周时加重。细胞凋亡数量:出生时E、M、L组均明显高于C组,随年龄增加凋亡细胞数量逐渐减少,生后4周仅E组明显高于C组。Caspase-3的表达:出生时E、M、L组均明显高于C组,随年龄增加Caspase-3的表达逐渐减少,生后4周仅E组明显高于C组。结论:低蛋白饮食应用越早,脑白质细胞凋亡率越高,持续时间越长。Caspase-3活性增强参与了IUGR的病理过程,与细胞凋亡密切相关。  相似文献   

目的检测胎儿宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)患者胎盘血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的水平,并探讨其与胎儿宫内发育迟缓发病的关系。方法应用双抗体酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测50例正常晚期妊娠妇女(对照组)和56例胎儿宫内发育迟缓者(IUGR组)的胎盘VEGF水平。结果(1)对照组VEGF为(11737±3328)ng/L,IUGR组VEGF为(6545±2483)ng/L,二组比较差异显著(P<001)。(2)IUGR组胎盘重量〔(465±58)g〕较对照组〔(575±98)g〕显著下降(P<001)。(3)IUGR组新生儿体重为(1987±506)g,较对照组(3176±503)g显著下降(P<005);两组新生儿身长差异无显著性(P>005),胎盘VEGF的表达与胎盘重量和新生儿体重均呈显著正相关(P<001)。结论IUGR患者胎盘VEGF水平下降,可能是胎儿宫内发育迟缓发病机理中的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

目的:苯酚胶浆法建立宫腔粘连动物模型并对其生育力进行评价。方法:将大鼠60只,随机分为造模组(30只)、假手术组(15只)、正常对照组(15只),苯酚胶浆法建立宫腔粘连模型。造模术后10d,取造模组15只、假手术组7只、正常对照组7只处死,肉眼观察其官腔改变,并进行大体分级;各组宫腔标本进行HE和Masson染色对其进行纤维化半定量评分,并对比各组的变化;剩余大鼠自然妊娠,妊娠第10天开腹计数子宫内胚胎数目作为评价生育力的指标。结果:造模侧宫腔狭窄甚至闭塞,宫腔粘连纤维化半定量评分显示:造模组(6.6±0.98分)和正常组(0分)、假手术组(-0.5±1.91分)差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001),假手术组和正常组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);妊娠胚胎数造模组(0.2±0.4个)和假手术组(6.3±2.9个)、正常组(6.3±1.8个)差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001);假手术组和正常组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:苯酚胶浆法可成功建立官腔粘连的动物模型;宫腔粘连的大鼠生育力明显降低。  相似文献   

目的 分析同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)与宫内生长受限(IUGR)大鼠胰岛素抵抗关系,探讨改变早期膳食是否可影响Hcy水平进而影响胰岛素敏感性及可能的分子机制。方法 1)采用孕中晚期低蛋白及限制饮食的方法建立宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)大鼠模型,将新生IUGR仔鼠随机分为饮食干预组和未干预组,其中饮食干预组的哺乳期母鼠饲以高叶酸和维生素B12的饲料,未干预组和对照组饲以普通饲料。三组仔鼠(饮食干预组、未干预组和对照组)均于生后21 d断奶,饲以普通饲料至生后120 d。2)测定三组仔鼠(每组各8只,雌雄各半)生后120 d空腹血浆血糖(FPG)、空腹血清胰岛素(FINS)和Hcy,计算胰岛素抵抗指数(IRI),探讨Hcy与IRI的关系。3)在生后120 d分别留取三组仔鼠的骨骼肌组织,采用Western Blotting法检测三组仔鼠骨骼肌组织骨骼肌磷脂酰肌醇3激酶的蛋白激酶B(PI3K/AKT)胰岛素信号通路中关键分子磷脂酰肌醇3激酶(PI3K)、人第10号染色体缺失的磷酸酶及张力蛋白同源基因(PTEN)蛋白表达情况,探讨Hcy与关键分子蛋白表达的关系。结果 1)生后120 d,饮食干预组仔鼠的FPG、FINS、IRI和Hcy均显著低于未干预组,但均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2)三组仔鼠的Hcy水平与IRI呈高度正相关(r=0.937,P<0.05)。3)生后120 d,Hcy与PI3K蛋白表达呈负相关(r=-0.88),与PTEN蛋白表达呈正相关(r=0.85),均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 母鼠哺乳期可作为生后早期营养干预的一个窗口期,通过补充叶酸和维生素B12,可降低IUGR仔鼠成年后Hcy水平,Hcy水平与胰岛素抵抗高度正相关。PI3K/AKT胰岛素信号通路中关键分子PI3K、PTEN蛋白表达与Hcy的变化也密切相关,提示Hcy可能影响了胰岛素受体后信号传导,进而影响了胰岛素的敏感性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫内发育迟缓儿(IUGR)羊水及脐血中神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)的水平变化及与脑损伤的关系。方法:选择2006年1月~2008年12月间在宜春市人民医院出生的IUGR共83例为研究组,按出生时1min Apgar评分分为2组:窒息IUGR组(1min Apgar≤7分,48例)及非窒息IUGR组(1min Apgar≥8分,35例)。另设40例正常适于胎龄儿(AGA)为健康对照组。各组均在新生儿娩出时立即抽取羊水及脐血,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定NSE水平,并分别与健康对照组比较。结果:与健康对照组羊水NSE(10.3±5.9)μg/L,脐血NSE(13.5±7.4)μg/L相比,非窒息IUGR组羊水NSE水平(12.8±7.7)μg/L,无明显增高(P>0.05),脐血NSE水平(18.4±9.2)μg/L,则有所增高(P<0.05);而窒息IUGR组羊水NSE水平(16.6±8.4)μg/L,有所增高(P<0.05),脐血NSE水平(30.6±13.1)μg/L,则显著升高(P<0.01)。窒息程度越重,NSE水平越高。结论:NSE水平与脑损伤有关,IUGR脐血NSE水平增高明显,脐血水平增高对筛查IUGR脑损伤存在指导意义,若有异常可开展早期干预。  相似文献   

It is well established that bone maintenance and healing is compromised in alcoholics. Adult bone marrow-derived stromal cells (BMSCs) and adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) likely contribute to bone homeostasis and formation. Direct and indirect alcohol exposure inhibits osteoprogenitor cell function through a variety of proposed mechanisms. The goal of this study was to characterize the effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the native number and in vitro growth characteristics and multipotentiality of adult BMSCs and ASCs in a rat model. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats received a liquid diet containing 36% ethanol or an isocaloric substitution of dextramaltose (control). After 4, 8, or 12 weeks of the diet, ASCs were harvested from epididymal adipose tissue and BMSCs from femoral and tibial bone marrow. Cell doublings (CDs) per day and doubling times (DTs) were determined for primary cells (P0) and cell passages 1 through 6 (P1-P6). Fibroblastic (CFU-F), adipogenic (CFU-Ad), and osteogenic (CFU-Ob) colony-forming unit (CFU) frequencies were assessed for P0, P3, and P6. The CDs and DTs were lower and higher, respectively, for ASCs and BMSCs harvested from ethanol versus control rats at all time points. The CFU-F, CFU-Ad, and CFU-Ob were significantly higher in ASCs harvested from control versus ethanol rats for P0, P3, and P6 at all times. Both CFU-Ad and CFU-Ob were significantly higher in P0 BMSCs harvested from control versus ethanol rats after 12 weeks of the diet. The CFU-Ob for P3 BMSCs from control rats was significantly higher than those from ethanol rats after 8 and 12 weeks on the diet. All three CFU frequencies in ASCs from ethanol rats tended to decrease with increasing diet duration. The ASC cell and colony morphology was different between control and ethanol cohorts in culture. These results emphasize the significant detrimental effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the in vitro expansion and multipotentiality of adult mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). Maintenance of the effects through multiple cell passages in vitro suggests cells may be permanently compromised.  相似文献   

This 1-year randomized study was carried out at family-planning clinics of two university hospitals to compare the safety and acceptability of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG IUS) and oral contraceptives (OCs) in young nulliparous women. The study population consisted of 200 women aged 18-25 years seeking contraception. Ninety-four women entered the LNG IUS group and 99 entered the OC group. Continuation rates, reasons leading to discontinuation, adverse events, menstrual questionnaires, subjective well-being and sexual behavior were evaluated. Nineteen women (20%) in the LNG IUS group discontinued the study during the 1-year observation period, and 27 discontinued (27%) in the OC group. The most common reason (31%) for discontinuation in the IUS group was pain. In the OC group, hormonal side effects were the predominant medical reason for study termination. The safety and acceptability of the LNG IUS for contraception was observed to be as good as with OCs, with a high continuation rate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidental finding of casein as a possible new local pharmacological contraceptive prompted us to assess its validity in an experimental rat model. METHODS: The intrauterine injection of 150 microg of bovine alpha-casein dissolved in 150 microL phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was performed on one uterine rat horn on days L(5)-L(7), whereas the contralateral horn was used for injection of 150 microL PBS as a control. Intraperitoneal injection of alpha-casein (5 mg/mL, 2 mL/rat) was performed on day L(5). The rats were killed by cervical dislocation on the day L(14). RESULTS: The effect of an alpha-casein on fetal resorption rate was assessed following the unilateral injection of 150 microL of alpha-casein (1 mg/mL in PBS) and compared with the effect obtained following the contralateral injection of 150 microL PBS. The unilateral injection of alpha-casein on day L(5) caused a significant increase in fetal resorption rate as compared with the contralateral uterine horn injected with PBS (p<.00001). The decrease in alpha-casein concentration from 1 to 0.3 mg/mL caused a reduced, but still significant, effect on fetal resorption rate (p<.0001). The injection on days L(6)-L(7) caused a local effect of resorption near the injection site. There was no effect on fetal resorption rate following the injection of alpha-casein intraperitoneally. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest a new pharmacological approach for contraception, based on local intrauterine effect of alpha-casein in an experimental rat model. The exact mechanism of action related to casein should be further studied.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the physiological weight changes seen in rat dams and their offspring as sequelae of malnutrition during pregnancy and lactation. The dams were killed during lactation period (15th and 30th days postpartum) and the absolute and relative weights of the brain, liver, kidneys, adrenal, glands, hypophysis, and ovaries were recorded. The number and weight of the pups were noted at birth. at 15 days and 30 days, and the absolute and relative weights of the brain, liver, kidneys, hypophysis, adrenals, ovaries, testes and seminal vesicles were measured. Our results indicate a highly significant decrease in body and organ weights in experimental dams, which may be an important determinant of growth retardation in pups whose body and organ weights were significantly smaller than the controls.  相似文献   

Poisson regression is widely used in medical studies, and can be extended to negative binomial regression to allow for heterogeneity. When there is an excess number of zero counts, a useful approach is to used a mixture model with a proportion P of subjects not at risk, and a proportion of 1--P at-risk subjects who take on outcome values following a Poisson or negative binomial distribution. Covariate effects can be incorporated into both components of the models. In child assessment, fine motor development is often measured by test items that involve a process of imitation and a process of fine motor exercise. One such developmental milestone is 'building a tower of cubes'. This study analyses the impact of foetal growth and postnatal somatic growth on this milestone, operationalized as the number of cubes and measured around the age of 22 months. It is shown that the two aspects of early growth may have different implications for imitation and fine motor dexterity. The usual approach of recording and analysing the milestone as a binary outcome, such as whether the child can build a tower of three cubes, may leave out important information.  相似文献   

Maternal malaria and under-nutrition are established risk factors for small-for-gestational-age (SGA) births; however, whether malaria is associated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is unknown. We investigated IUGR risk among 177 HIV-negative pregnant women enrolled in a longitudinal ultrasound study conducted in Democratic Republic of Congo from May 2005 to May 2006. Malaria infection, maternal anthropometrics, and ultrasound estimated fetal weight were measured monthly. All positive malaria cases were treated and intermittent presumptive therapy (IPTp) provided. Log-binomial regression models for IUGR were fitted using generalized estimating equations to account for statistical clustering of repeat IUGR measurements. Twenty-nine percent of fetuses experienced an episode of IUGR with the majority occurring in the third trimester. The risk of IUGR associated with malaria was greatest after three or more cumulative infections (RR 3.3, 95% CI 1.3-8.2) and was two- to eight-fold higher among women with evidence of under-nutrition. Receiving antimalarial treatment in the previous month (for IPTp or treatment) was significantly protective against IUGR (RR 0.5, 95% CI 0.3-0.7). The interaction observed between malaria and under-nutrition suggests that antenatal programmes in malaria endemic areas should incorporate nutritional screening and supplementation in addition to IPTp.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mirena is a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) that provides highly effective and long-acting progestogen-only contraception. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyze the possible effects of using LNG-20 microg IUS on breast-feeding performance, infant growth and infant development during the first postpartum year as compared with the Copper T380A intrauterine device (Cu T380A IUD). DESIGN: This study is a prospective, controlled and randomized trial. SETTING: The study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assiut University Hospital, Egypt. METHODS: Three hundred twenty lactating women asking for initiation of contraception during the early postpartum stage were assigned randomly into two groups, the LNG-20 microg IUS group (n=163) and the Cu T380A group (n=157). The insertions were done 6-8 weeks postpartum. Each participant was followed up at three monthly intervals after insertion and until the first birthday of her baby. During these visits, the breast-feeding pattern was assessed, certain infant physical growth parameters were measured and a set of infant development tests was performed. RESULTS: No pregnancy occurred in both groups. There were no significant differences in the net continuation rates between the two groups (89.3 for LNG-IUS vs. 90.9 for Cu T380A). The LNG-20 microg IUS group had comparable rates of breast-feeding continuation, complete weaning, full breast-feeding and partial breast-feeding, with the Cu-IUD group. No statistically significant differences were found between groups with regard to all infant physical growth parameters and various infant development tests. CONCLUSION: The findings of the current study confirm that the use of LNG-20 microg IUS during the first postpartum year in lactating women provides highly effective and acceptable contraception and does not negatively influence breast-feeding or the growth and development of breast-fed infants.  相似文献   

目的 调查胆道系统肿瘤患者的生存率及其影响因素,并构建预后风险预测模型对生存概率进行预测。方法 选取美国监测、流行病学和结果项目(SEER)收集的2010-2015年诊断的14 005例胆道系统肿瘤(包括胆囊癌、肝外胆管癌和壶腹癌)患者作为观察人群。运用多因素Cox回归模型调查胆道系统肿瘤预后因素,并构建预测列线图对其1、3和5年总生存率进行预测并进行模型预测区分能力和标定能力评价。同时,选取SEER 2004-2009年诊断的11 953例患者作为验证队列对模型的外部预测准确性进行验证。结果 胆道系统肿瘤患者1、3和5年总生存率分别为41.9%、20.4%和15.3%。年龄>50周岁、黑人/印第安/阿拉斯加人种、较高的TNM分期及较差组织学分化程度是患者死亡的危险因素,而已婚状态、亚裔和太平洋岛人种、有医疗保险和原发部位手术是保护因素,性别与预后无关。预测模型C统计量为0.73(95%CI:0.72~0.74),标准曲线显示胆道系统肿瘤患者1、3和5年预测生存概率和实际生存概率交互曲线均与45°对角线接近。验证队列的结果与建模队列相似,预测模型C统计量0.70(95%CI:0.69~0.72),提示该预测模型具有较高的外部适用性。胆囊癌、肝外胆管癌和壶腹癌与总体胆道系统肿瘤结果一致。结论 胆道系统肿瘤患者生存率相对较差,基于预后因素构建的生存预测模型具有较高的预测准确性。未来可将该预测模型应用于临床,指导患者的个体化治疗。  相似文献   

随着早产儿发生率的逐年提高,是否应该促进早产儿早期的追赶生长就成为人们关注的焦点。追赶生长能够补偿早产儿宫内发育的不足,使其体格和神经心理发育向正常儿童靠近。但越来越多的研究发现,早产儿早期体格的追赶生长可能增加其后期患肥胖、高血压和代谢综合症的风险。本研究对早产儿早期追赶生长对后期生理和神经心理发育影响作一综述。  相似文献   

Purpose  The purposes of this study were to apply a bi-factor model for the determination of test dimensionality and a multidimensional CAT using computer simulations of real data for the assessment of a new global physical health measure for children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods  Parent respondents of 306 children with cerebral palsy were recruited from four pediatric rehabilitation hospitals and outpatient clinics. We compared confirmatory factor analysis results across four models: (1) one-factor unidimensional; (2) two-factor multidimensional (MIRT); (3) bi-factor MIRT with fixed slopes; and (4) bi-factor MIRT with varied slopes. We tested whether the general and content (fatigue and pain) person score estimates could discriminate across severity and types of CP, and whether score estimates from a simulated CAT were similar to estimates based on the total item bank, and whether they correlated as expected with external measures. Results  Confirmatory factor analysis suggested separate pain and fatigue sub-factors; all 37 items were retained in the analyses. From the bi-factor MIRT model with fixed slopes, the full item bank scores discriminated across levels of severity and types of CP, and compared favorably to external instruments. CAT scores based on 10- and 15-item versions accurately captured the global physical health scores. Conclusions  The bi-factor MIRT CAT application, especially the 10- and 15-item versions, yielded accurate global physical health scores that discriminated across known severity groups and types of CP, and correlated as expected with concurrent measures. The CATs have potential for collecting complex data on the physical health of children with CP in an efficient manner.  相似文献   

In humans, prenatal alcohol exposure can result in significant impairments in several types of learning and memory, including declarative and spatial memory. Animal models have been useful for confirming that many of the observed effects are the result of alcohol exposure, and not secondary to poor maternal nutrition or adverse home environments. Wagner and Hunt (2006) reported that rats exposed to ethanol during the neonatal period (postnatal days [PDs] 4–9) exhibited impaired trace fear conditioning when trained as adolescents, but were unaffected in delay fear conditioning. The present series of three experiments represent a more detailed analysis of ethanol-induced deficits in trace conditioning. In Experiment 1, the dose of ethanol given to neonates was varied (3.0, 4.0, or 5.0 g/kg/day). There was a dose-dependent reduction in trace conditioning, with the poorest performance observed in animals treated with the highest dose. In Experiment 2, it was found that the impairment in trace conditioning resulting from neonatal ethanol exposure was dependent on the duration of the trace interval used for training; less learning was evident in ethanol-exposed animals trained with longer trace interval durations. These results confirm other reports of delay-dependent memory deficits. Finally, Experiment 3 determined that ethanol exposure limited to the first half of the neonatal period (PDs 4–6) was more detrimental to later trace conditioning than exposure during the second half (PDs 7–9). These results support the hypothesis that trace-conditioning impairments resulting from early ethanol exposure are due to the drug's teratogenic effects on the developing hippocampus, as the findings parallel those observed in animals with discrete hippocampal lesions. Comparisons between delay and trace fear-conditioning performance in animals exposed to ethanol during the brain growth spurt provide a model system to study both selective learning impairments and possible treatment approaches for humans with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We sought to develop and validate a decision-analytic model for the natural history of cervical cancer for the German health care context and to apply it to cervical cancer screening. METHODS: We developed a Markov model for the natural history of cervical cancer and cervical cancer screening in the German health care context. The model reflects current German practice standards for screening, diagnostic follow-up and treatment regarding cervical cancer and its precursors. Data for disease progression and cervical cancer survival were obtained from the literature and German cancer registries. Accuracy of Papanicolaou (Pap) testing was based on meta-analyses. We performed internal and external model validation using observed epidemiological data for unscreened women from different German cancer registries. The model predicts life expectancy, incidence of detected cervical cancer cases, lifetime cervical cancer risks and mortality. RESULTS: The model predicted a lifetime cervical cancer risk of 3.0% and a lifetime cervical cancer mortality of 1.0%, with a peak cancer incidence of 84/100,000 at age 51 years. These results were similar to observed data from German cancer registries, German literature data and results from other international models. Based on our model, annual Pap screening could prevent 98.7% of diagnosed cancer cases and 99.6% of deaths due to cervical cancer in women completely adherent to screening and compliant to treatment. Extending the screening interval from 1 year to 2, 3 or 5 years resulted in reduced screening effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: This model provides a tool for evaluating the long-term effectiveness of different cervical cancer screening tests and strategies.  相似文献   

目的 了解湖南省农村地区低出生体重和巨大儿的发生情况,分析出生体重对6~23月龄婴幼儿体格发育和贫血的影响。 方法 2017年10 — 12月在湖南省农村地区采用多阶段抽样和按乡级规模大小成比例的概率抽样相结合的方法随机抽取3 630名6~23月龄婴幼儿作为研究对象,进行问卷调查并测量其身长、体重和末梢血红蛋白,通过Z评分法评估婴幼儿体格发育状况,并运用logistic回归模型分析出生体重对婴幼儿体格发育和贫血的影响。 结果 湖南省农村地区低出生体重发生率为4.10 %(149/3 630),巨大儿发生率为6.72 %(244/3 630)。低出生体重组婴幼儿生长迟缓率、低体重率和消瘦率分别为22.82 %、14.09 %和6.04 %,明显高于正常出生体重组(4.97 %、2.35 %和2.13 %)和巨大儿组(0.82 %、0.82 %和0.41 %);低出生体重是婴幼儿生长迟缓、低体重和消瘦的危险因素,其OR值分别为7.91、6.25和3.07。巨大儿组婴幼儿超重肥胖率为25.82 %,明显高于低出生体重组(4.70 %)和正常出生体重组(13.04 %),巨大儿是婴幼儿超重肥胖的危险因素,其OR值为2.27。低出生体重组、正常出生体重组和巨大儿组婴幼儿贫血率分别为25.50 %、29.10 %和25.41 %,差异无统计学意义,出生体重与婴幼儿贫血的发生无关。 结论 出生体重与婴幼儿体格发育密切相关,低出生体重将增加婴幼儿营养不良的发生风险,巨大儿将增加婴幼儿超重肥胖的发生风险。  相似文献   

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