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Dating apps are a novel means of delivering HIV prevention messages. Young black sexual minority men (YBSMM) app users are at high risk for HIV and could benefit from frequent testing. Understanding testing behaviors among YBSMM is critical to inform tailored prevention interventions. We analyzed testing behaviors of 273 YBSMM, comparing typical testing frequency between app users and non-users using odds ratios. Overall, testing rates were high. App users were more likely than non-users to test at least every 12?months. App-using YBSMM exhibit high compliance with testing guidelines, which may indicate future successful uptake of biomedical preventions, such as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined coercive sex and HIV vulnerabilities among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China. The present study seeks to compare individual characteristics between MSM who did and did not experience coercive sex at their MSM sexual debut and to identify HIV risk factors correlated with coercive sex at MSM sexual debut. In 2007, we recruited 167 MSM in Beijing, China by peer-referred social network sampling. Each participant then completed self-administered questionnaires regarding their sexual experiences and practices. Results show that 14% of participants reported coercive sex at MSM sexual debut, of whom 48% reported recent unprotected anal intercourse (UAI). Coercive sex at MSM sexual debut was significantly associated with UAI [adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 5.38, 95% confidence interval: 1.95–14.87] and lifetime number of male sex partners (AOR: 7.25, 95% CI: 2.39–22.01). Coercive sex is harming MSM in China and should be immediately addressed by researchers, public health officials, and MSM community stakeholders.  相似文献   


Expeditious linkage and consistent engagement in medical care is important for people with HIV’s (PWH) health. One theory on fostering linkage and engagement involves HIV status disclosure to mobilize social support. To assess disclosure and social support’s association with linkage and engagement, we conducted a qualitative study sampling black and Latino men who have sex with men (MSM of color) in the U.S. Participants' narratives presented mixed results. For instance, several participants who reported delaying, inconsistent access, or detachment from care also reported disclosing for support purposes, yet sporadic engagement suggests that their disclosure or any subsequent social support have not assisted. The findings contribute to the literature that questions disclosure and social support’s influence on care engagement, especially when decontextualized from circumstances and intentions. Our findings suggest the mechanics of disclosure and social support require planned implementation if intending to affect outcomes, especially among MSM of color. From the findings, we explore steps that may bolster interventions seeking to anchor medical care engagement.  相似文献   

Prior research has provided conflicting evidence about the association between partner awareness of an HIV-seropositive persons serostatus and HIV transmission behavior via unprotected intercourse. The current study examined partner awareness of participant HIV-seropositive status and sexual behavior in a multiethnic sample of HIV-seropositive men who have sex with men. Most HIV-seropositive men reported that their primary partners are aware, and most reported that at least some non-primary partners are aware the participant was HIV-seropositive before first having sex. Partner awareness of participant HIV-serostatus was related to unprotected sexual behavior during the past 3 months in a non-linear fashion, as men with partners who were inconsistently aware had higher rates of unprotected receptive anal intercourse than men with partners who were consistently aware or consistently unaware. Men with partners who were inconsistently aware also had higher rates of insertive oral intercourse than men with partners who were consistently aware. However, there were no differences in HIV transmission risk behavior between men with partners who were consistently aware and men with partners who were consistently unaware a participant was HIV-seropositive.  相似文献   

This study collected data from 362 men who had sex with men at cruising areas in the Netherlands, and measured characteristics of respondents, sexual risk behavior, and risk perceptions. Furthermore, the study assessed whether outreach activities at cruising areas promote safe sex behavior. Almost one in five respondents reported having sex with both men and women, and 18.5% of respondents reported sexual risk behavior at cruising areas. Men who had a conversation about safe sex with a volunteer used condoms more consistently than men who had not spoken with a volunteer. Finally, it was found that behaviorally bisexual men used condoms less frequently at cruising areas. The relatively high levels of risk-taking sex stress the importance of HIV prevention at cruising areas. Furthermore, special attention could be given to cruising area visitors who have sex with both men and women, because they report higher levels of risk behavior and have less access to safer sex information regarding homosexual behavior.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of persons who engage in illicit or illegal activities suffer from methodological difficulties in population definition and specification. Additionally, particularly in the context of HIV research, studies often lack the specificity and validity needed to understand and intervene in the behavioral practices by which viral pathogens such as HIV are transmitted. These limitations are particularly complicated in research among populations of drug-involved, men who have sex with men (DU/MSM), a hidden but internally diverse population which varies in both sexual behavior and drug use patterns across a number of complex and interacting dimensions. The challenges become even more profound when we factor in complexities of sexual identity and identity formation, the debilitating effects of multiple sources of stigma, and the economic imperatives that underpin drug and sexual risk practices among some groups of DU/MSM. This paper describes some of the uses of ethnographic methods, particularly participant-observation, in specifying the nature and interrelationship between risk practices among DU/MSM. We also show how ethnography can contribute to the process of disentangling the independent effects of age, period, and cohort factors, a perennial problem in epidemiological research in out-of-treatment populations.  相似文献   

男男性行为人群HIV感染者感染状态配对研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文综述了国外近年来在男男性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者中,开展"感染状态配对"研究的相关文献,阐述了"感染状态配对"在降低HIV新发感染、促进咨询检测和性伴告知方面的积极意义,分析了在MSM HIV感染者中实施"感染状态配对"干预可能存在的问题,为在我国开展类似工作提供了参考信息。  相似文献   

Intermittent smokers (ITS) have increased health risks compared with non-smokers (NS). Cigarette smoking remains prevalent among men who have sex with men (MSM) and persons living with HIV (PLWH), yet most studies in PLWH do not discriminate between daily smokers (DS) and ITS. In this study, the characteristics and quit intentions of ITS and DS are compared in a sample of heavy-drinking HIV-infected MSM. Of the 185 participants enrolled, 49.2% reported having smoked cigarettes in the past month; among those, 50.5% were DS, and 49.5% were ITS. Compared with DS, ITS were significantly more likely to be White and to have a college degree or higher. DS reported significantly higher average number of drinks per week compared with both ITS and NS. Compared with DS, ITS were significantly more likely to report future quit intentions (i.e., within 6 months or more) compared to no intentions at all; DS were more likely to report immediate quit intentions (i.e., within 30 days) compared to future quit intentions. Among heavy-drinking MSM living with HIV, intermittent smoking was associated with being White, college educated, and having future quit intentions. Considering that smoking in ITS may be less driven by nicotine dependence, tailored approaches to smoking cessation may be needed. Specifically, it may be important for interventions for ITS to address social and situational cues to smoke, including the influence of heavy alcohol use on smoking behaviors, and to provide information regarding the adverse health effects of even low-level smoking.  相似文献   

Acute hepatitis C infection is recognized in HIV‐infected men who have sex with men (MSM), but the risk in HIV‐negative MSM remains unclear. We evaluated a population of MSM with acute hepatitis C. From January 2010 to May 2014, all cases of HCV antibody positive HIV‐negative MSM were identified. European AIDS Network criteria were applied to determine acute infection, and 44 individuals fulfilled the criteria for acute hepatitis C. Ten were RNA negative at baseline and classed as prior spontaneous clearance. 15 (34.1%) had a previously negative HCV antibody within 1 year. 11 (25.0%) had significant elevation in ALT levels, and 18 (40.9%) were clinically diagnosed from risk exposure and history. Median age was 37 years (range 24–75). 41 (93.2%) individuals reported unprotected anal sex, 36 with (87.8%) both insertive and receptive intercourse, 4 (9.8%) with receptive intercourse, 1 (2.4%) with insertive intercourse, and no data were recorded for 3 (7.3%) patients. Individuals had an average of 7.3 reported (median 2, range 1–100) partners. 12 (27.3%) engaged in group sex, 11 (25.0%) practised fisting, 11 (25.0%) admitted using drugs during sexual activity, 16 (36.4%) reported nasal, and 9 (20.5%) reported injection drug use. 14 (31.8)% had unprotected sex whilst under the influence of recreational drugs. 29 individuals were aware of a partner's status. 2 (4.5%) individuals had sexual contact with a known HCV monoinfected partner, 13 (29.5%) with a HIV monoinfected partner and 6 (13.6%) with a HCV/HIV coinfected partner. 9 (20.5%) reported a partner/partners with no known infection. No data were available in 14 (31.8%) individuals. 13 (29.5%) individuals had a coexisting STI at the time of acute HCV diagnosis. 8 (18.2%) received HIV postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) within the 6 months prior to the HCV diagnosis (2 were participants in a HIV pre‐exposure prophylaxis trial). 15 (34.1%) individuals achieved spontaneous clearance of HCV, and 11 patients received HCV treatment. Similar to the ongoing epidemic of acute HCV infection in HIV+ MSM, HIV‐negative MSM remain at risk.  相似文献   

This paper explores the willingness to use and pay for HIV Self-testing (HIVST) among Australian gay and bisexual men (GBM). Bivariate and univariate multinominal logistic regression of data from an online survey was performed. Thirty-one (13%) had never HIV tested and 41.9% (88) were testing sub-optimally by Australian guidelines. Half (58.4%, 136) had never heard of HIVST, however, 56.2% (131) reported willingness to use HIVST, with sub-optimal (OR=2.13; p?<?0.01) and never-testers (OR=2.01; p?<?0.10) significantly more likely to do so than optimal-testers. Most were confident (51.7%, 119) or somewhat confident (29.1%, 67) accessing support following a reactive result, however, never-testers were significantly less confident compared to previous testers (OR=3.47; p<?0.05). Less than a quarter (23.6%, 57) were willing to pay for a kit with AUD$15 (R2 = 0.9882) the estimated preferred price. This research confirms that HIVST is an important and accepted adjunct to established HIV testing modalities, particularly among sub-optimal and never-testers and that online (61.6%, 143) or clinic-based (61.6%, 143) dissemination are preferred. Research examining how best to disseminate HIVST in a range of safe and effective models needs to continue to ensure HIVST is part of a comprehensive strategy that facilitates usage and linkages to care.  相似文献   

HIV-related “cognitive escape” refers to a tendency to avoid thoughts associated with HIV, which may be particularly common among men who have sex with men (MSM) who are often inundated with HIV information, potentially to the point of fatigue. HIV-related cognitive escape is associated with increased sexual risk behaviors, such as condomless sex, and heavier alcohol use patterns. Other studies show that some MSM may use alcohol specifically to facilitate sex. These sexual motives for drinking (SMDs) could be one mechanism whereby cognitive escape leads to health risk behaviors. In this study, we tested models exploring whether cognitive escape was associated with markers of sex risk (condom use, number of sex partners) and alcohol use/problems, and examined whether SMDs mediated these associations. Heavy drinking, HIV-negative men (N?=?196) aged?≥?21 years who self-reported past year condomless anal sex with men completed assessments as part of a larger study. Results suggest that cognitive escape was associated with higher number of anal sex partners (incidence rate ratio [IRR]?=?1.50, SE?=?0.04, p?B?=??0.30, SE?=?0.14, p?=?.028), and increased alcohol-related problems (IRR?=?1.28, SE?=?0.07, p?=?.001) but not with drinking quantity. Sexual motives for drinking appeared to partially mediate the observed relationship between cognitive escape and alcohol-related problems, but other relationships did not show evidence of mediation. Findings suggest that those who tend to avoid HIV-related thoughts may be at increased risk for HIV and alcohol-related problems. Drinking to facilitate sex may partially account for the higher risk for alcohol-related problems conferred by cognitive escape. Alcohol interventions for MSM may be more effective if they address alcohol’s role in coping with HIV threat and in facilitating sex under these circumstances.  相似文献   

We review the history and evolution of blood donor criteria for men who have sex with men (MSM). Deferral policies in many jurisdictions, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Brazil and many western European countries are based on a period of abstinence from MSM, often of 12 months duration. Several countries (Italy, Spain and Portugal) defer donors based on sexual behaviours considered to be at high risk, regardless of whether the partner is same sex or opposite sex. Compliance is a key determinant in the efficacy of any deferral policy. We summarize research themes and strategies discussed at a January 2017 meeting held in Toronto, Canada, to provide an evidence basis for future policy changes.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing is an important global prevention strategy but underutilized by local men who have sex with men (MSM). This study investigated the prevalence of behavioral intention to take up HIV testing (specific or any type), in the next six months among MSM who had not been tested for HIV in the last three years (never-testers) in Hong Kong. The data was based on 141 never-testers of 430 MSM who completed the anonymous baseline telephone survey of an ongoing randomized controlled trial from January 2015 to August 2015. Only 17.7% of them showed strong intention to take up any type of HIV testing in the next six months. Adjusted analysis showed that perceived benefit of HIV testing (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 1.29, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.01, 1.66), perceived psychological barriers of HIV testing (AOR: 0.85, 95%CI: 0.73, 1.00), and perceived self-efficacy in taking up HIV testing (AOR: 1.28, 95%CI: 1.07, 1.52) were significantly associated with behavioral intention to take up any HIV testing. Perceived cue to action from non-governmental organization staff was positively associated with a marginal p-value of 0.077 (AOR: 2.37, 95%CI: 0.97, 5.77). It is warranted to strengthen perceived benefit, remove psychological barriers, and increase perceived self-efficacy related to HIV testing. Innovative and effective health promotions are greatly needed to increase HIV testing coverage among never-testers.  相似文献   

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