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Pituitary glands taken from intact rats on day 2 of dioestrus and incubated with LHRH show a biphasic pattern of LH and FSH release. Initially the release of the gonadotrophins is low (first-phase or lag-phase response), but increases during further incubation with LHRH (second-phase or primed-state response). Removal of the influence of an unidentified ovarian factor either by ovariectomy or prolonged incubation in medium only leads to an increased (lag-phase) response to LHRH. The development of the increased response after prolonged incubation was prevented by the addition of cycloheximide to the media, implicating that this process is dependent upon the synthesis of protein. Steroid-free material (bovine follicular fluid or rat ovarian extracts) prevented the development of this process. In addition, it was shown that steroid-free rat ovarian extracts were also able to induce the development of a lag phase in pituitary glands from ovariectomized rats. Finally, it was found that steroid-free ovarian extracts reversed the self-priming effect of LHRH. The biological activity which reduced the responsiveness of the pituitary gland towards stimulation by LHRH was eliminated after the use of protein-denaturating techniques such as increased temperature or addition of methanol. The presence of this activity in ovaries, did not vary during the oestrous cycle, contrary to inhibin-like activity. Hence the ovarian factor responsible for the low lag-phase response is a protein which is probably not identical to inhibin. It is concluded that a non-steroidal ovarian factor reduces the responsiveness of the anterior pituitary gland to LHRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study was designed to explore further the functional antagonism between gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and the ovarian factor, gonadotrophin surge-inhibiting factor (GnSIF). In all experiments, pituitary tissue was exposed to various amounts of GnSIF, after which the self-priming action of GnRH was studied. GnSIF was increased in vivo by FSH treatment and increased in vitro by adding various amounts of follicular fluid (FF) to cultured pituitary cells. Treatment with 3 or 10 IU FSH suppressed the initial LH response and delayed the maximally primed LH response to GnRH. Treatment with FSH was only effective in intact rats on days 1 and 2 of dioestrus. There was no difference in the rate of maximal LH release irrespective of treatment with either FSH or saline. Since FSH treatment was ineffective in long-term ovariectomized rats, it was concluded that the initial suppressive effect of FSH on LH release was mediated by GnSIF. Cycloheximide prevented the self-priming action of GnRH by inhibiting GnRH-induced protein synthesis. The initial protein synthesis-independent GnRH-stimulated LH release, which was already suppressed by FSH treatment, remained suppressed in the presence of cycloheximide. Pretreatment with GnRH in vivo increased the protein synthesis-independent GnRH-induced LH release during subsequent incubation of the glands. This increase did not occur after FSH treatment. Pituitary cells, cultured for 20 h in medium only, failed to elicit the self-priming effect of GnRH. Preincubation with FF maintained the self-priming effect. This was independent of the concomitant presence of various amounts of oestradiol. Preincubation with bovine FF suppressed the initial GnRH-stimulated LH release dose-dependently. Porcine FF, human FF and testicular extract suppressed the release of LH in a similar way. It was concluded that GnSIF suppresses the initial LH response to continuous GnRH stimulation. Increased levels of GnSIF caused by FSH treatment also delayed the primed LH release. The mechanism of functional antagonism between GnSIF and GnRH could give rise to the occurrence of the phenomenon of GnRH self-priming.  相似文献   

An episodic secretion of LHRH in pituitary portal blood was observed in ovariectomized and hypophysectomized rats under Saffan anesthesia. This anesthetic did not effect the pulsatile release of LH in ovariectomized rats. Third-ventricular administration of an LHRH agonist, at a concentration which did not cross-react in the LHRH RIA, suppressed both the pulse amplitude and frequency of LHRH release. This inhibitory action of the LHRH agonist on LHRH release was blocked by an LHRH antagonist.  相似文献   

Intact pubertal or young adult male rats release more luteinizing hormone in response to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) if pretreated with LHRH than if pretreated with saline. Castrated male rats do not show this self-priming effect of LHRH. In an attempt to determine the testicular factor responsible for the maintenance of the self-priming effect, pubertal male rats were castrated and implanted subcutaneously with various sizes of testosterone-filled Silastic capsules. Control rats were castrated or sham-operated and implanted with empty capsules. Rats were examined for a self-priming effect 4 days later. All sizes of testosterone capsules used maintained the self-priming effect. Three additional experiments were performed to determine the ability of dihydrotestosterone, estradiol and androstenedione to maintain a self-priming effect. The following groups were included in each experiment: castrated plus empty capsule, castrated plus testosterone-filled capsule, castrated plus one of two sizes of capsule filled with the steroid of interest, and sham-operated plus empty capsule. Dihydrotestosterone and estradiol, but not androstenedione were capable of maintaining a self-priming effect. Since it is generally considered that dihydrotestosterone cannot be aromatized to estrogen, this action of estradiol and dihydrotestosterone is probably accomplished by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in LHRH-induced LH and FSH secretion and LHRH priming. Hemipituitary glands from prooestrous rats were incubated with agents known to affect PKC and with or without LHRH, during which time the secretion of gonadotrophins was measured. Phorbol esters and phospholipase C, activators of PKC, released LH and FSH in a concentration-dependent manner and potentiated the LHRH-induced secretion of gonadotrophins in parallel with their ability to release these hormones alone. Inhibitors of PKC had either no effect on LH release (1-(5-isoquinolinesulphonyl)-2-methylpiperazine hydrochloride) or they augmented LHRH-induced gonadotrophin release (polymyxin B and 8-(N,N-diethylamino) octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate). Neither the activators nor the inhibitors of PKC, when present with LHRH, caused any change in LHRH priming, even though the activators alone produced a release of gonadotrophins that showed a temporal pattern similar to that produced by LHRH priming. The profiles of effects on LH and FSH secretion were always qualitatively similar. These results show that PKC may be involved in general regulation of gonadotrophin release but that it is not important in acute responses to LHRH nor in LHRH self-priming.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine whether changes in pituitary responsiveness to LRH could account for the effect of testosterone propionate (TP) on the gonadotrophic function of the pituitary in 4-day cyclic female rats. Doses of 250, 500 and 1000 ng LRH were injected ip on pro-oestrus at 15.30 h in rats either pre-treated with 5 mg TP on dioestrus II at 10.00 h or injected with 30 mg/kg pentobarbital (PB) at 13.00 h. LH release induced within 30 min by LRH was higher in PB than in TP-treated rats. Even by using 250 ng LRH full ovulation was observed on the morning of oestrus in PB-treated rats. On the other hand, only partial ovulation occurred whatever the dose of LRH used in TP-treated rats; a great number of luteinized follicles was shown to be constantly associated with post-ovulatory corpora lutea. While LRH caused a significant FSH release (30 min later) in TP-treated rats, no FSH release could be shown in PB-treated rats. The pituitary FSH content appeared to be decreased and the pituitary LH content remained unchanged while a sharp increase in both blood FSH and LH concentrations occurred following injection of 1000 ng LRH in TP-treated rats. Concomitantly a sharp decrease in the number of pituitary gonadotrophs (AB-PAS+) was observed. A significant decrease in the number of the small roundshaped PAS positive cells was also observed. The mechanisms whereby TP influences the function of the pituitary-ovarian axis are discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Although estradiol (E2) alone does not increase receptors for FSH in granulosa cells, E2 priming before administration of FSH increases numbers of FSH receptors significantly compared with FSH alone. We hypothesized that if E2 is required for FSH to increase its own receptor, blocking estrogen action should prevent FSH-induced increases in FSH receptors. Five groups of hypophysectomized rats were injected sc with: saline at 0 h; the antiestrogen CI628 (1 mg) at -6 h; human FSH (hFSH, 2 micrograms) at 0 h; CI628 at -6 h, then hFSH at 0 h; and CI628 plus E2 (2 mg) at -6 h, then FSH at 0 h. Animals were decapitated at 0, 6, 12, or 24 h, and granulosa membrane receptors for FSH, LH, and nuclear receptors for E2 were measured. LH receptor levels increased only after administration of E2 before hFSH. Treatment with hFSH for 6 h increased numbers of FSH receptors 3-fold (P less than 0.01) without any increase in numbers of E2 receptors. At 12 and 24 h, hFSH increased numbers of FSH and E2 receptors 6- and 7-fold (P less than 0.01) over controls. CI628 prevented the hFSH-induced increases in FSH receptors at 6, 12, and 24 h. Administration of E2 concomitant with CI628 before hFSH significantly reversed the inhibitory effects of CI628 on hFSH-induced increases in FSH receptors. There were no changes in affinity of FSH or E2 receptors from 0 to 24 h. To determine whether E2 was acting on the adenylate cyclase system, the ability of hFSH to increase the content of cAMP in granulosa cells in each treatment group was determined. After an iv injection of hFSH, cAMP levels were similar in CI628- and saline-treated rats but had increased 6-fold (P less than 0.01) in hFSH or CI628 plus hFSH-treated animals. Thus, blocking hFSH-induced increases in FSH and E2 receptor appeared to have no effect on FSH stimulation of cAMP. In conclusion E2 appears to be required for FSH action, perhaps by acting within granulosa cells distal to the cAMP-adenylate cyclase system.  相似文献   

Platelet factor 4 (PF4) is a negative regulator of megakaryopoiesis in vitro. We have now examined whether PF4 regulates megakaryopoiesis in vivo by studying PF4 knockout mice and transgenic mice that overexpress human (h) PF4. Steady-state platelet count and thrombocrit in these animals was inversely related to platelet PF4 content. Growth of megakaryocyte colonies was also inversely related to platelet PF4 content. Function-blocking anti-PF4 antibody reversed this inhibition of megakaryocyte colony growth, indicating the importance of local PF4 released from developing megakaryocytes. The effect of megakaryocyte damage and release of PF4 on 5-fluorouracil-induced marrow failure was then examined. Severity of thrombocytopenia and time to recovery of platelet counts were inversely related to initial PF4 content. Recovery was faster and more extensive, especially in PF4-overexpressing mice, after treatment with anti-PF4 blocking antibodies, suggesting a means to limit the duration of such a chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia, especially in individuals with high endogenous levels of PF4. We found that approximately 8% of 250 healthy adults have elevated (> 2 times average) platelet PF4 content. These individuals with high levels of platelet PF4 may be especially sensitive to developing thrombocytopenia after bone marrow injury and may benefit from approaches that block the effects of released PF4.  相似文献   

H F Urbanski  S R Ojeda 《Endocrinology》1986,118(3):1187-1193
We have recently disclosed sustained episodes of LH release (minisurges) during the afternoons of the juvenile-peripubertal transition period in the female rat. To determine if these LH minisurges are gonad independent, i.e. develop in the absence of the ovaries, animals were ovariectomized when neonates, and the mode of LH release was examined using a 5-min blood-sampling regimen at one of three ages corresponding to the juvenile, peripubertal, or adult phase of development. In no instance was a minisurge of LH secretion detected. We were concerned, however, that LH minisurges may have been obscured by the exceedingly high level of LH secretion in these long term ovariectomized rats and, therefore, decided to pursue the study employing a short term (48-h) ovariectomy paradigm. Late juvenile rats which had been ovariectomized for 48 h exhibited conspicuous LH pulses, but, again, LH minisurges were not detected, further suggesting that these sustained secretory episodes do not occur in the absence of the ovaries. Next, plasma estradiol (E2) levels were differentially raised in 48-h ovariectomized juvenile rats via sc implantation of Silastic capsules containing the steroid (dissolved in corn oil at various concentrations), and plasma LH was measured at 1-h intervals. The highest E2 concentration elicited a midafternoon LH increase of preovulatory magnitude in all cases, whereas the lowest E2 concentrations consistently suppressed plasma LH. However, intermediate E2 concentrations (producing plasma E2 levels 20-30% greater than those found in intact controls) elicited, in several instances, an increase in LH release of intermediate magnitude. To clarify the nature of these LH responses, we examined, using a 5-min blood-sampling regimen, the afternoon pulsatile pattern of LH release after treatment with appropriate doses of E2. As expected from the results of the infrequent blood-sampling paradigm, the highest E2 dose induced proestrus-like surges of LH secretion, while the lowest dose suppressed pulsatile LH release. Moreover, an intermediate E2 dose which raised plasma E2 levels just above those of intact animals, was again able to cause suppression of LH pulses, a proestrus-like surges of LH secretion, while the lowest dose suppressed pulsatile LH release. Moreover, an intermediate E2 dose which raised plasma E2 levels just above those of intact animals, was again able to cause suppression of LH pulses, a proestrus-like increase in LH output, or, more importantly, a minisurge of LH secretion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Anterior hemi-pituitary glands from intact female and ovariectomized (OVX) rats were incubated with or without a maximally effective dose of LRH. During an 8 h incubation, LRH-stimulated release of FSH by pituitary glands from intact rats was biphasic: an initial slow rate of release and, from 2 to 8 h, an enhanced rate of release. Basal release was low up to 4 h, after which a marked increase of the rate of release was measured: from 6 to 8 h there was no difference between the rates of basal and LRH-stimulated release. Basal and LRH-stimulated release of FSH by pituitary glands from OVX rats were high and approximately constant during an 8 h incubation. Both basal and LRH-stimulated release by glands from intact as well as OVX rats were protein synthesis dependent. During the incubations as LRH-independent synthesis is involved, either directly or indirectly, in increasing the rate of basal release of FSH after 4 h. A comparison of release and synthesis of FSH with those of LH reveals characteristic differences.  相似文献   

The present experiments assessed the effects of central administration of angiotensin II (Ang II) on mean levels of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in the extracellular fluid of the anterior pituitary gland, monitored by in vivo microdialysis. Ovariectomized rats were tested under two conditions: (1) nonhormone-treated where Ang II infusion inhibits luteinizing hormone (LH) release, and (2) ovarian hormone-treated where Ang II stimulates LH secretion. Animals were ovariectomized and chronic guide cannulae were implanted, one into the lateral cerebral ventricle for infusion of Ang II and one directed toward the anterior pituitary gland for the insertion of the microdialysis probe. Approximately 1 week later, the dialysis probe was inserted and cemented into place. The length of the dialysis probe transected the pituitary gland from its dorsal to ventral aspects. Dialysis samples were collected at 15-min intervals. Levels of LHRH were continuously monitored in nonhormone-treated animals, prior to and during intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) infusion of Ang II. The dialysis probe was removed at the end of the experiment. One week later, the same animals were treated with estrogen and progesterone and dialysis of the anterior pituitary gland was performed 3 days later using a protocol identical to the first dialysis sampling session. A separate group of animals was tested to confirm the effects of lateral ventricle infusion of this dose of Ang II on LH release. There were no detectable values of LHRH in dialysis samples from non-hormone-treated animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The acute metabolic actions of insulin-like growth factor I were studied in anaesthetized adult rats and its potency was compared to that of insulin. Following an i. v. bolus injection of insulin-like growth factor I a dose-dependent decrease of blood glucose and serum non-esterified fatty acid concentrations was noted with a potency of about 2% that of insulin. Stimulation of total body glucose disposal during euglycaemic clamping required 50times higher insulin-like growth factor I serum concentrations to achieve an identical half-maximal response. A similar difference in potency was observed for the stimulatory action on 2-de-oxyglucose uptake and on glycogen formation in skeletal muscle. Lipogenesis in epididymal fat pads was increased dose-dependently by both hormones requiring approximately 30 times higher half-maximally effective serum concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I. These data demonstrate that insulin-like growth factor I exerted acute insulin-like metabolic actions in vivo with low potency. These effects were probably mediated via insulin receptors. A preferential stimulation of glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle was not observed.  相似文献   

The dependence of periovulatory gonadotropin secretion on LHRH was assessed with the use of a potent LHRH antagonist [ ALHRH ; (Nac-L- Ala1 ,p-Cl-D-Phe2,D-Trp3,6)LHRH]. Blood samples were collected hourly from 14.00 h proestrus (P) through 09.00 h estrus (E) from intact cycling female rats. ALHRH was administered at 09.00 or 13.00 h P before the proestrous increases in gonadotropins had commenced or at 23.00 h P after the LH and primary FSH surges had occurred but preceding the secondary FSH surge. Antagonist given at 09.00 or 13.00 h P completely blocked the LH release with levels remaining undetectable in most animals (less than 30 ng/ml) throughout the sampling period. However, administration of antagonist at these times failed to block completely the primary FSH surge although peak values were reduced when compared with controls, which displayed normal gonadotropin surges. In addition, ALHRH administered at 23.00 h failed to alter the magnitude or other characteristics of the secondary FSH surge when compared with controls. The present study demonstrates that the estrous surge of FSH in the rat is independent of acute hypothalamic release of LHRH. Furthermore, although the proestrous release of FSH is to a large extent LHRH dependent, our data suggest that some other mechanism may also contribute to this primary FSH surge.  相似文献   

The effects of discontinuation and restoration of ovarian influences on the pituitary LH response to LHRH in vitro were investigated. When female rat pituitary glands taken on day 2 of dioestrus were incubated with LHRH the release of LH was low during the first hour (lag phase response) and afterwards a progressive, protein synthesis-dependent increase took place (second phase response), this being the self-priming action of LHRH. Short-term discontinuation (less than 1 day) of ovarian influences on the rat pituitary gland in vivo (ovariectomy) or in vitro (incubation in medium only) resulted in an increased LHRH-induced LH response during the lag phase. The biphasic LH response or the self-priming action of LHRH disappeared completely after long-term discontinuation of ovarian influences on the pituitary gland, LH release being at its maximum from the start of the incubation. The biphasic response was reinstated when ovaries were implanted under the kidney capsules of ovariectomized rats. Auto-implantation of an ovary into the spleen immediately after bilateral ovariectomy did not, however, prevent the disappearance of the LHRH self-priming action. Ovarian activity responsible for the presence of the low LH response during the lag phase was thus effectively removed by the liver, but inhibin-like activity suppressing serum FSH levels remained present. Silicone elastomer implants (s.c.) containing oestradiol-17 beta, implanted for 4 weeks, did not reverse the loss of the biphasic LH response to LHRH. It is concluded that liver-labile factors released by the ovaries keep the pituitary gland in a state of low responsiveness to LHRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thrombin-induced platelet aggregation was inhibited in vitro by washed human neutrophils. Aggregation was inhibited in a neutrophil concentration dependent manner but glutaraldehyde fixed neutrophils had no significant effect on platelet aggregation. The neutrophil-derived inhibitory factor had the pharmacological profile of nitric oxide. Its action was potentiated by both superoxide dismutase and M&B22, 948, a selective cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cyclic GMP) phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Haemoglobin lessened this inhibitory action of neutrophils. L-Arginine, the substrate for nitric oxide formation, enhanced inhibition, whereas, L-canavanine, a structural analogue of L-arginine, prevented it. Nitric oxide release by neutrophils antagonized platelet ATP secretion and thromboxane B2 release. Inhibition was mediated by nitric oxide activation of guanylate cyclase with a subsequent rise in cyclic GMP. When neutrophils were stimulated with formyl-met-leu-phe, there was a further increase in platelet cyclic GMP. This was enhanced by superoxide dismutase, but lessened by haemoglobin. Leukotriene B4 stimulation of neutrophils promoted inhibition of platelet aggregation. Leukotriene B4 alone had no direct effect on thrombin-induced aggregation of platelets. Platelets, when incubated with neutrophils and stimulated with calcium ionophore A23187, increased leukotriene B4 production by neutrophils in a platelet concentration dependent manner. Platelets alone were unable to release leukotriene B4. The action of platelets in haemostasis is modified as they come into contact with neutrophils. This may be an important physiological mechanism.  相似文献   

It has been shown that adult female rats react to stressors more intensely than adult male rats. Our previous work demonstrated that the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) but not corticosterone (CORT) response to stress is altered by prenatal morphine exposure in adult male rats. Response of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to stress is known to be sex specific and dependent on the hormonal fluctuation of the estrous cycle. Therefore, the present study examined the effect of prenatal morphine exposure on the levels of ACTH and CORT before and after restraint stress in adult female rats. Experiment 1 tested ACTH and CORT plasma levels before and after restraint stress in prenatally morphine- and saline-exposed, adult diestrus and proestrus female rats. Prenatal morphine exposure suppressed the restraint stress-induced ACTH levels in both diestrus and proestrus females, but did not have any effects on the basal or stress-induced CORT levels. Experiment 2 examined the sensitivity of negative feedback using the dexamethasone (DEX) (0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg) suppression test in adult, prenatally morphine- and saline-exposed female rats. In saline-exposed, proestrus but not diestrus females, all doses of DEX were effective in suppressing the restraint stress-induced increase in CORT levels. In both diestrus and proestrus, morphine-exposed females, only the two highest doses of DEX (0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg) were successfully suppressing the stress-induced CORT levels. The stress-induced increase in the ACTH level was suppressed only by the highest dose of DEX (1.0 mg/kg) in both saline- and morphine-exposed, diestrus and proestrus females. Thus, the present study demonstrates that prenatal morphine exposure alters the HPA axis-regulated stress response and the sensitivity of negative feedback that are affected by the fluctuation of ovarian hormones.  相似文献   

Pulsatile release of LHRH and short-term pituitary desensitization to LHRH in the rat are believed to be necessary for the maintenance of LH pulsatility. In contrast, FSH release is partly induced by LHRH release and is partly LHRH-independent. This LHRH-independent release of FSH is subject to inhibitory feedback control by ovarian proteins (probably inhibin), and may obscure an LHRH-induced short-term loss of pituitary FSH responsiveness to LHRH. The object of this study was to establish whether short-term pituitary desensitization to single doses of LHRH results not only in a loss of LH response, but also of FSH response. Ovariectomized rats were used to eliminate the influence of steroid feedback. A group of ovariectomized rats was pretreated with steroid-free bovine follicular fluid (bFF) to suppress LHRH-independent FSH release, and phenobarbital to suppress LHRH-dependent FSH release respectively, 7 and 1 h before administration of LHRH. Another group received phenobarbital only. The animals were injected sequentially with either low or high doses of LHRH (1.25 or 10 ng/100 g body weight at times 0 and at 80, 120 or 180 min, and 6.25 or 50 ng/100 g at 60 min). Blood was taken for FSH measurements before and 5 and 10 min after each injection. Rats pretreated with bFF and phenobarbital showed an acute FSH response related to the dose of injected LHRH. No dose-response curve was seen in animals which had only been pretreated with phenobarbital.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The actions of LH (NIH-LH-B8) and FSH (NIH-FSH-S9) on the cyclic AMP (cAMP) system in ovaries of 23-24 day old rats have been analyzed. An intravenous injection of LH increased ovarian cAMP levels in vivo after only 20 seconds. Maximal cAMP levels were seen after 15 min. Addition of LH or FSH in vitro to the isolated ovaries produced dose dependent increases of cAMP in the tissue as well as in the incubation medium. Low concentrations of LH caused a release of cAMP into the incubation medium without any detectable change in the tissue levels. The levels of cAMP in the incubation media for all concentrations of FSH were lower than the tissue levels, whereas for LH the opposite was found. In time-course experiments where the concentrations of LH (10 mug/ml) and FSH (100 mug/ml) were chosen to give similar tissue levels of cAMP, the release of the cyclic nucleotide into the incubation medium was approximately 2-3 times greater for LH than for FSH at the time periods studied (5-240 min). When LH and FSH were tested together in high concentrations, their effects were additive. When the ovaries were first incubated with FSH for 120 min followed by an incubation with LH, the stimulatory effect of LH was considerably reduced. When the order of the incubations was reversed, however, LH did not change the response to FSH. The results show that both LH and FSH have intrinsic effects on the cAMP system in the prepubertal rat ovary, but that the effects of the two gonadotrophins are not identical.  相似文献   

The mechanisms through which luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone (LHRH) antagonists suppress pituitary gonadotroph functions and LHRH-receptor (LHRH-R) expression are incompletely understood. Consequently, we investigated the direct effect of LHRH antagonist cetrorelix in vitro on the expression of the pituitary LHRH-R gene and its ability to counteract the exogenous LHRH and the agonist triptorelin in the regulation of this gene. We also compared the effects of chronic administration of cetrorelix and triptorelin on the LHRH-R mRNA level and gonadotropin secretion in ovariectomized (OVX) and normal female rats. The exposure of pituitary cells in vitro to 3-min pulses of 1 nM LHRH or 0.1 nM triptorelin for 5 h increased the LHRH-R mRNA level by 77-88%. Continuous perfusion of the cells with 50 nM cetrorelix did not cause any significant changes, but prevented the stimulatory effect of LHRH pulses on the receptor mRNA expression. In OVX rats, 10 days after administration of a depot formulation of cetrorelix, releasing 100 microg of peptide daily, the elevated LHRH-R mRNA level was decreased by 73%, whereas daily injection of 100 microg of triptorelin caused a 41% suppression. In normal female rats, cetrorelix treatment suppressed the LHRH-R mRNA level by 33%, but triptorelin increased it by 150%. The highly elevated serum LH levels in OVX rats and the normal LH concentration of cycling rats were rapidly and completely suppressed by cetrorelix. Triptorelin decreased the serum LH in OVX rats to the precastration level, but had no effect on basal LH in normal rats. Our results confirm that LHRH antagonists, such as cetrorelix, inhibit the gene expression of pituitary LHRH-R indirectly, by counteracting the stimulatory effect of LHRH. A rapid suppression of serum LH by LHRH antagonists would be advantageous in the treatment of sex hormone-dependent tumors and other conditions.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that two forms of von Willebrand factor (vWf) exist in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells: a high molecular weight (HMW) form that is released and can be proteolytically cleaved into a series of plasma-like multimers, and a non-secreted low molecular weight (LMW) form. In this study, the mode of vWf release and the relationship between the two forms were examined. As determined by two-dimensional analysis as well as by immunoreactivity with an antibody to the propolypeptide, the LMW form of endothelial cell vWf consisted of a 260 kD pro-vWf polypeptide, while the HMW form consisted of a 225 kD mature polypeptide. Only the 260 kD polypeptide was susceptible to digestion with endoglycosidase H. Release of the HMW form into the culture media was accompanied by a decrease in cellular vWf. Treatment of endothelial cells with cycloheximide or tunicamycin caused a decrease in the LMW form but did not affect the secretion of the HMW form. These results suggest that two pools of vWf exist in endothelial cells--a LMW form of pro-vWf in the endoplasmic reticulum and a HMW form of mature vWf in the storage compartment. Released vWf derives only from the storage pool.  相似文献   

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