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In addition to nausea and vomiting, motion sickness involves slowing of brain waves, loss of performance, inhibition of gastric motility and the Sopite Syndrome. The therapeutic effects of antimotion sickness drugs on these reactions were evaluated. The subjects were rotated to the M-III end-point of motion sickness. Intramuscular (IM) medications were then administered. Side effects before and after rotation were reported on the Cornell Medical Index. Brain waves were recorded on a Grass Model 6 Electroencephalograph (EEG), and gastric emptying was studied after an oral dose of 1 mCi Technetium 99m DTPA in 10 oz. isotonic saline. An increase in dizziness and drowsiness was reported with placebo after rotation. This was not prevented by IM scopolamine 0.1 mg or ephedrine 25 mg. EEG recordings indicated a slowing of alpha waves with some thea and delta waves from the frontal areas after rotation. IM ephedrine and dimenhydrinate counteracted the slowing while 0.3 mg scopolamine had an additive effect. Alterations of performance on the pursuit meter correlated with the brain wave changes. Gastric emptying was restored by IM metoclopramide. Ephedrine IM but not scopolamine is effective for some of the secondary effects of motion sickness after it is established.  相似文献   

Adaptation to vection-induced symptoms of motion sickness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The visual-vestibular-proprioceptive sensory mismatch of vection provokes motion sickness in approximately 60% of healthy subjects. Approximately 60% of astronauts experience motion sickness in microgravity where vestibular/otolith function is altered. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which symptoms of motion sickness and tachygastria, an abnormal 4-9 cpm rhythm of the stomach, decrease or adapt during three repeated exposures to a rotating circular vection drum. Subjects sat in the drum for 45 min: 15 min baseline, 15 min drum rotation at 60 degrees.s-1, and 15 min recovery. Gastric myoelectric activity was continuously recorded with the electrogastrogram (EGG). Symptom reports were obtained during rotation. In Experiment I, 10 subjects were exposed to the drum 3 times with intersession intervals of 4-24 d. They failed to show adaptation based on subjective reports and all showed tachygastria. In Experiment II, 14 new subjects were exposed to the drum 3 times with intersession intervals of 48 h. The group experienced a reduction in symptoms and tachygastria with repeated exposure to the drum. Thus, symptomatic and physiological improvement occurred after training in subjects susceptible to vection-induced motion sickness. Preflight adaptation to visual-vestibular sensory mismatch may reduce motion sickness experienced in the environment of microgravity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In many environments associated with motion sickness there are low frequency motions in several axes, including roll. Roll motion has often been assumed to be a cause of motion sickness, either alone or in combination with motions in other axes. However, there have been no systematic studies of the effects of roll frequency on sickness. HYPOTHESIS: It was hypothesized that sickness caused by roll oscillation would depend on the frequency of roll. METHOD: There were 100 male subjects (aged 18 to 26 yr) who participated in a laboratory study. Prior to experiencing motion, all subjects completed a motion sickness history questionnaire giving information on travel and motion sickness experience. The seated subjects were exposed within a closed cabin to 30 min of sinusoidal roll motion at one of five frequencies: 0.025 Hz, 0.05 Hz, 0.10 Hz, 0.20 Hz, or 0.40 Hz. At each frequency, the cabin oscillated through +/-8 degrees about a center of rotation located on the seat surface. Ratings of motion sickness were obtained at 1-min intervals. RESULTS: Subject illness ratings were positively correlated with their previous motion sickness, although at each frequency the amount of sickness was small. Overall, there was no significant difference in the sickness ratings produced by the five motions. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency dependence of motion sickness produced by roll oscillation differs from that associated with vertical and horizontal oscillation. Motion sickness associated with pure roll oscillation of a seat will usually be less than the sickness associated with pure translational oscillation of the seat or the sickness associated with combined translation and rotation.  相似文献   

目的 综述不同种类动物运动病模型的制备方法及评价标准.资料来源与选择 国内外该领域的研究论文、综述等相关文献.资料引用 国内外公开发表的研究论文22篇及综述3篇.资料综合运动病是一种常见病,但是其发病机制尚不清楚.制备运动病动物模型对运动病的病理生理学机制的探讨、特效药的筛选显得尤为重要.本文综述了诱发猫、大鼠、小鼠、雪貂、水貂、钱鼠、豚鼠、家兔、犬、猪、猕猴等动物的运动病模型的制备方法及评价标准.结论 选择合适的刺激方式和评价标准可以成功制备不同种类动物的运动病模型.  相似文献   

目的 综述不同种类动物运动病模型的制备方法及评价标准.资料来源与选择 国内外该领域的研究论文、综述等相关文献.资料引用 国内外公开发表的研究论文22篇及综述3篇.资料综合运动病是一种常见病,但是其发病机制尚不清楚.制备运动病动物模型对运动病的病理生理学机制的探讨、特效药的筛选显得尤为重要.本文综述了诱发猫、大鼠、小鼠、雪貂、水貂、钱鼠、豚鼠、家兔、犬、猪、猕猴等动物的运动病模型的制备方法及评价标准.结论 选择合适的刺激方式和评价标准可以成功制备不同种类动物的运动病模型.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many stationary participants who view the patterned interior of a rotating cylinder (optokinetic drum) experience motion sickness (MS) symptoms. Most drum interiors have consisted of black and white patterns. An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of chromaticity on MS onset and severity. METHODS: There were 12 individuals who participated in the experiment (4 men, 8 women, mean age = 25). Keeping rotation speed constant (5 RPM), the color of vertical stripes in an optokinetic drum was manipulated. There were three conditions used: 1) alternating black and white stripes; 2) gray stripes having different luminance values; and 3) chromatic stripes (white, red, yellow, black, green, and blue) that approximately matched the luminance values of the stripes in the gray condition. Every 2 min, eight motion sickness symptoms were assessed (for up to 16 min) using a subjective scale (0 = none, 1 = slight, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe). RESULTS: Overall, MS onset was fastest, and symptoms the most severe, in the chromatic condition. The two major MS symptoms that were significantly affected were headache and dizziness. CONCLUSIONS: Chromaticity may affect how much an observer's visual environment appears to be stationary, perhaps because chromaticity is such a common feature of the stationary environment in which our visual system evolved. In an optokinetic drum, the addition of chromaticity may increase the disparity between visual and vestibular inputs, a factor thought by many to contribute to MS onset and severity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to see if slow deep breathing, a non-pharmacological procedure known to increase parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity, would prevent the development of gastric dysrhythmias and symptoms of motion sickness when subjects were exposed to a rotating optokinetic drum. METHODS: Participating in this study were 46 healthy males and females aged 17-26 who were pre-tested in the rotating drum and found to be susceptible to motion sickness. They were randomly placed into one of the following three conditions: Slow Deep Breathing (n = 18), Counting Breaths (subjects were asked to count their breaths and asked for the count every 3 min, n = 16), and Control (subjects breathed normally, n = 12). Electrogastrograms were recorded from all subjects during a 6-min baseline and a 16-min rotation period. Subjects were asked about their symptoms every 3 min. RESULTS: A significant difference in percent tachygastria from baseline to rotation was found between the three conditions. Percent tachygastria increased during rotation for the Counting Breaths group and the Control group, but remained the same as baseline for the Slow Deep Breathing group. The Slow Deep Breathing group (5.3) reported significantly fewer symptoms than the Counting Breaths group (9.0), but not the Control group (7.8). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, slow deep breathing in a situation previously demonstrated to provoke tachygastria prevented the development of gastric dysrhythmias and decreased symptoms of motion sickness.  相似文献   

目的观察既往运动病易感性水平对科里奥利加速度耐受性是否有影响。方法采用运动病易感量表筛选58名不同运动病易感的健康志愿者,采用垂直轴旋转刺激(每秒钟60°顺时针旋转)使身体旋转,以恶心评定量表、恶心问卷和旋转耐受时间为指标观察不同易感者的症状程度和旋转耐受时间的差异。结果既往运动病易感组童年期运动病易感得分、成年期运动病易感得分、运动病易感总分均高于非易感组(P<0.01)。运动病易感组和非易感组旋转耐受时间差异无显著性意义。易感组旋转前、旋转后即刻、旋转后15 min、30 min恶心评定量表得分均高于非易感组,差异有显著性意义。易感组恶心问卷总分、消化道不适得分、情绪困扰得分高于非易感组,差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01)。既往运动病易感性与旋转耐受时间不相关;与旋转前、旋转后即刻、旋转后15 min3、0 min恶心评定量表得分、恶心问卷总分、躯体不适得分、消化道不适得分和情绪困扰得分呈显著相关。结论既往运动病易感性影响科里奥利加速度耐受性,可作为试验性运动病的预测指标。  相似文献   

该文从运动病病因与发病机制、预测与评估等相关方面评述运动病的研究进展,为运动病的深入研究及采取相应对策,预防其发生、发展提供理论基础。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Low frequency horizontal oscillation can cause motion sickness in some transportation systems, but the influence of the frequency, magnitude, direction, and duration of oscillation are poorly understood. Hypothesis: It was hypothesized that motion sickness was independent of the direction of horizontal oscillation (fore-and-aft or lateral) and that there was no difference in the motion sickness produced by different frequencies of horizontal oscillation (between 0.2 and 0.8 Hz) when subjects were exposed to the same peak velocity of motion at each frequency. METHOD: The 192 subjects were exposed within a closed cabin to sinusoidal oscillation with a velocity of +/- 0.50 ms(-1). Each subject experienced up to 30 min of motion while sitting with eyes open on a seat with a low backrest. The 16 conditions involved either fore-and-aft or lateral oscillation at 8 different frequencies: (i) 0.20 Hz, (ii) 0.25 Hz, (iii) 0.315 Hz, (iv) 0.40 Hz, (v) 0.50 Hz, (vi) 0.63 Hz, (vii) 0.80 Hz, or (viii) a stationary control condition. Subjects provided ratings of their motion sickness symptoms at 1-min intervals during the 30-min exposures. RESULTS: Each frequency of oscillation produced significantly more sickness than the static control conditions. Overall, there were no significant differences in the sickness produced by the seven different frequencies or between the sickness produced by fore-and-aft or lateral oscillation. Self-ratings of motion sickness susceptibility provided by subjects before participating in the experiment were positively correlated with their illness ratings during the experiment. CONCLUSIONS: With horizontal oscillation over the range 0.2 to 0.8 Hz, motion sickness is very approximately dependent on the peak velocity of oscillation. An acceleration frequency weighting having a gain inversely proportional to frequency would provide a convenient simple method of evaluating this type of motion in transport. However, the results suggest that a more complex weighting, reflecting decreased nauseogenicity at higher and lower frequencies would be more accurate. The direction of motion (i.e., fore-and-aft or lateral) had no effect on the sickness experienced.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Various types of motion and visual scene can cause motion sickness, but sickness in land transport seems to be often associated with variations in horizontal acceleration. If horizontal oscillation causes sickness, it seems reasonable to assume that greater amounts of motion (i.e., an increased magnitude of motion or an increased duration of motion) will increase the extent of the sickness. HYPOTHESIS: It was hypothesized that the magnitude, direction, and duration of horizontal oscillation would affect the sickness experienced by subjects. METHOD: The 144 subjects were exposed to horizontal sinusoidal oscillation at a frequency of 0.315 Hz while seated in a closed cabin with their eyes open for up to 30 min. Subjects were exposed to one of 12 conditions with either fore-and-aft or lateral oscillation at magnitudes of either: (i) 0.28 ms(-2) rms, (ii) 0.56 ms(-2) rms, (iii) 0.70 ms(-2) rms, (iv) 0.89 ms(-2) rms, (v) 1.11 ms(-2) rms, or (vi) a stationary control condition. Subjects provided ratings of their motion sickness symptoms at 1-min intervals during the 30-min exposures. RESULTS: At a frequency of 0.315 Hz, an increase in either the magnitude or the duration of horizontal oscillation resulted in increases in the incidence of motion sickness. There were significant positive correlations between self-ratings of motion sickness susceptibility provided by subjects before participating in the experiment and their illness ratings during the experiment. CONCLUSIONS: At a frequency of 0.315 Hz, motion sickness caused by horizontal oscillation increases with increases in the magnitude and duration of horizontal oscillation. For the conditions of this study, the sickness was similar with fore-and-aft and lateral oscillation.  相似文献   

低氧对视动刺激诱发的运动病的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨中度低氧对视动刺激诱发运动病的影响及其特点和规律,20岁18 ̄25岁的健康男性,按照“拉丁方”排列和“自身对照”法,进行了单纯视动刺激和低氧视动刺激试验。主要观察和记录了运动病症状及视动性水平眼震(OKHN)。结果显示:(1)低氧视动刺激(HOS)的运动病症状得分显著高于单纯视动刺激(OS)时的得分(P〈0.001);(2)低氧视动刺激时的视动性水平眼震慢相速度(SPV)显著小于单纯视动刺激  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Space motion sickness affects more than 50% of astronauts. Adaptation to one kind of nauseogenic motion can affect the response to another. We hypothesized that repeated exposure to torso rotation (TR) would diminish motion sickness (MS) due to supine head nodding (HN), a ground-based analogue for space sickness. METHODS: During TR, standing subjects swept their gaze back and forth between two targets located 135 degrees to either side of straight ahead. For HN, the subject lay supine on a platform with his/her head and neck hanging over the edge. The head was pitched back and forth between the horizontal position and rotated back as far as possible. MS was quantified in 5 male and 20 female subjects using numerical estimates of discomfort and a more detailed questionnaire. Susceptibility to TR and HN was determined on three occasions for each stimulus. At least 1 mo separated any two tests. Subjects were exposed to TR once a day for 7 consecutive days 1 mo after the final control session. Within 24 h of the seventh session, and 1 mo later, susceptibility to HN was evaluated again. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in MS susceptibility during repeated exposure to TR (time to stop 17.7 min on Day 1, 31.8 min on Day 7). In contrast, there was a significant increase in MS susceptibility to HN after repeated exposure to TR (mean time to stop 11.7 min before TR, 9.5 min after). Susceptibility to HN was back to normal (time to stop 11.4 min) 1 mo later. DISCUSSION: Subjects can adapt to TR by repeated exposure. At the same time, susceptibility to HN increases. Strategies for pre-adaptation to space motion sickness need to be chosen carefully as they could actually be counterproductive.  相似文献   

The efficacy of transdermally administered scopolamine was compared with the efficacy of oral dimenhydrinate and placebo therapy in the prevention of motion-induced mausea in a vertical oscillator; medications were administered on a double-blind cross-over basis, with the order of treatments counterbalanced. Thirty-five subjects known to be susceptible to the stimulus were utilized. A placebo effect reduced the motion sickness incidence (MSI) from 100% to 59%. Administration of dimenhydrinate reduced the MSI to 32%, and use of the transdermal therapeutic system scopolamine (TTS-scopolamine) further reduced the MSI TO 16%. TTS-scopolamine afforded 73% protection against motion-induced nausea, compared to 46% protection with dimenhydrinate. The TTS-scopolamine is designed to remain in the body for 72 hours, providing advantages over intramuscular or oral administration of scopolamine, which include reduced daily dosage, and an effective alternate to the gastrointestinal tract for administrating medication at times of gastrointestinal distress.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Low frequency horizontal oscillation can cause motion sickness in some forms of transport, but the influence of the characteristics of the motion and the visual and postural conditions of the body on sickness are not known. HYPOTHESES: It was hypothesised that body position, vision and direction of motion will have an effect on motion sickness. METHOD: There were 72 seated subjects who were exposed to horizontal oscillation at 0.25 Hz, 0.7 ms(-2) r.m.s. (peak-to-peak displacement of 0.8 m) for up to 30 min while in 1 of 6 conditions. Three conditions involved fore-and-aft motion and three involved lateral motion. For motion in each axis, subjects sat within a closed cabin with either: a) a high backrest with their eyes open; b) a low backrest with their eyes open; or c) a low backrest with their eyes closed and blindfolded. Subjects provided ratings of their motion sickness symptoms at 1-min intervals during the 30-min exposures. RESULTS: The most nauseogenic stimulus was fore-and-aft motion with a low backrest and the eyes open. Self-ratings of motion sickness susceptibility provided by subjects before participating in the experiment were positively correlated with their illness ratings during the experiment. CONCLUSIONS: Restraint to the upper body during exposure to horizontal acceleration may reduce the susceptibility to motion sickness caused by horizontal oscillation. The relative nauseogenicity of fore-and-aft and lateral oscillation depends on the support given to the upper body. In the conditions of the experiment the effects of the postural support given to the subjects and their prior susceptibility to motion sickness were greater than any effect of the visual conditions.  相似文献   

We subjected 30 female cats to a motion sickness stimulus in three series of tests. A series consisted of five tests given bi-weekly, weekly, or daily. Each test consisted of 30 min of stimulation followed by 1 min of rest, and series were separated by a period of not less than 14 d. Retching was the dependent variable. No habituation (reduction in the incidence of retching) was found with biweekly testing but pronounced habituation was observed with weekly and daily testing. The 30 cats were divided evenly into high and low susceptibility groups based on the results of the biweekly tests. The rate of habituation was the same for the two susceptibility groups in both the weekly and daily series.  相似文献   

This report concerns the use of intramuscular injections of scopolamine, promethazine, and dramamine to treat severely motion sick individuals participating in parabolic flight experiments. The findings indicate that a majority of individuals received benefit from 50-mg injections of promethazine or 0.5mg-injections of scopolamine. By contrast, 50-mg injections of dramamine and 25-mg injections of promethazine were nonbeneficial. The use of antimotion drug injections for treating space motion sickness is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the serotonin (5-HT3) receptor-antagonist antiemetics ondansetron and granisetron on the development of gastric tachyarrhythmia, nausea, and other symptoms of motion sickness. METHODS: In a double-blind, counterbalanced, repeated measures design, 12 motion sickness susceptible college students participated in 3 sessions with an intersession interval of 1 wk. Participants received either 8 mg of ondansetron, 2 mg of granisetron, or placebo 1 h before exposure to a rotating optokinetic drum. Electrogastrograms (EGGs) were recorded during a 6-min baseline period and a subsequent 16-min drum rotation period. Subjective symptoms of motion sickness (SSMS) were obtained every 3 min during drum rotation. RESULTS: During drum rotation, gastric tachyarrhythmia increased significantly more during the placebo condition than during either of the serotonin (5-HT3) receptor antagonist conditions. However, maximum SSMS scores were not different among conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The serotonin (5-HT3) receptor antagonists inhibited the development of tachyarrhythmia, but did not prevent the development of nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness. The antiemetics ondansetron and granisetron may act as gastric anti-dysrhythmics, but their ability to arrest the development of gastric tachyarrhythmia was not sufficient for the prevention of nausea.  相似文献   

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