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目的:为确保医院除颤监护仪的安全使用,对除颤监护仪进行质量控制。方法:介绍GE公司生产的Cardioserv型除颤监护仪的基本工作原理和维护保养常识,并对常见故障进行分析,掌握该设备的基本维修方法。结果:通过了解该型除颤监护仪的基本原理、使用操作、维护保养及常见故障维修,掌握了该类设备质量控制的方法。结论:对医院除颤监护仪进行质量控制是医疗急救工作的需要,应提高医务人员对其的重视程度,以便更好地完成医疗救护工作。  相似文献   

介绍了预防性维修的内容及目的。以除颤监护仪为例,对除颤监护仪定期进行预防性维修可以降低除颤监护仪的故障率,可以提高临床使用中的安全性和有效性,促进除颤监护仪的临床应用水平和临床医学工程管理水平的提升。并介绍了对除颤监护仪进行预防性维修的理论依据和进行维护、功能测试、性能测试的相关方法。  相似文献   

本文针对除颤监护仪的除颤原理与设计进行简要的阐述与分析,可为除颤监护仪的除颤功能的临床应用及故障维修提供理论帮助。  相似文献   

目的:分析对比两种型号除颤监护仪的性能差异,为临床使用及设备管理提供数据支持.方法:选取医院2016-2020年在用的两种型号除颤监护仪各5台,依据型号的不同将其分别定义为除颤监护仪A(5台)和除颤监护仪B(5台),利用因果分析法分析两种型号除颤监护仪的故障因素及计量检测数据.采用SPSS分析软件对两种型号除颤监护仪2...  相似文献   

除颤监护仪在临床上有着广泛的应用,因此,正确的使用和操作是很有必要的。本文介绍了HP-M1723B型除颤监护仪常见的几种故障和维修,供同行参考。  相似文献   

目的:研究除颤起搏监护仪与心肺复苏器联合使用在提升心搏骤停患者抢救复苏成功率方面的优势价值。方法:从2019年1月~2022年12月在急诊抢救的心搏骤停患者中抽选66例进行分组对照分析,其中对照组33例采用除颤起搏监护仪+人工心肺复苏的方法,实验组33例采用除颤起搏监护仪+心肺复苏器形式抢救,通过分析两组患者血生化指标以及复苏成功率明确两种急救设备联用的临床价值。结果:实验组患者抢救2h后的各项血生化指标均优于对照组,复苏成功率更高。结论:针对心搏骤停患者联合应用除颤起搏监护仪以及心肺复苏器能够显著提升复苏成功率,强化急救质量,相关设备临床应用价值显著。  相似文献   

本文初步介绍了最常用的急救设备之一除颤监护仪的基本构成、性能、工作原理、设备使用的操作流程、注意事项、常见问题及日常维护的基本方法,以满足临床医务工作者特别是急诊医生的需要,更好地完成抢救治疗工作。  相似文献   

例说医学工程技术人员与医护人员的配合与沟通   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵亚舒 《医疗设备信息》2006,21(7):95-95,77
以除颤监护仪的使用为例,探讨了医学工程技术人员与医护人员的沟通问题,强调医学工程技术人员要主动与医护人员沟通并注意沟通的技巧.  相似文献   

由医疗仪器系统时间错误引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1问题的提出 CCU的一位医生凌晨3:00抢救病人,对病人实施电击除颤.抢救获得成功,但除颤监护仪(PHILIPS M4735A HEARTSTARTXL)打印出的记录上显示的时间却是前一天15:00.细心的医生发现了这一点,及时通知仪器维修人员进行了修正.进一步检查发现,不止一台仪器存在这类问题.由此引发了一系列思考.  相似文献   

除颤监护仪作为一种非常重要的急救设备,是疾病急救中心、各医院急诊科、ICU、CCU、手术室等医疗机构及事故抢救现场必不可少的设备。本文详细介绍了我们在使用除颤监护仪时遇到的两例充电故障及维修方法,以起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

心脏除颤器/除颤监护仪的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心脏作颤器/除颤监护仪是医院必备的急救仪器,但目前国内尚无对应的检定规程和检测设备,致使该类仪器长期处于质量失控状态,本文将简单介绍一种心脏除颤器/除颤监护仪的检测方法及相应的检测设备。  相似文献   

除颤监护仪作为一种重要的急救设备,在心脏患者突发事件的抢救过程中,具有不可替代的作用,对于挽救急重病人的生命有着重要的意义。着重介绍医用除颤仪的原理、日常维护及常见故障排除,供医学工程技术人员参考。  相似文献   

除颤监护仪的工作原理与维护保养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
除颤监护仪作为一种重要的急救设备,在心脏患者突发事件的抢救过程中,具有不可替代的作用,对于挽救急重病人的生命有着重要的意义。本文着重介绍医用除颤仪的原理、日常维护及常见故障排除,供医学工程技术人员参考。  相似文献   

目的:研制一种适用于特殊环境的野战救护电瓶车,该电瓶车也可用于平时开展医疗保障服务。方法:采用与整体设计尺寸相近的YK8112型易卡电瓶车,在保留原车底盘结构的基础上进行改装,整车分为驾驶舱和医疗舱2个部分。其中将医疗舱划分出伤病员安置区、医护人员乘坐区及救护操作区,并配有急救呼吸机、除颤监护仪等急救设备。结果:该款电瓶车最大行驶速率为45km/h,整体性能良好,便于在特殊环境展开。结论:该电瓶车是一种军民两用医疗后送工具。可满足特殊环境野战医疗救护需要。  相似文献   

医院计算机机房的安全对保障正常医疗秩序、维护患者权益、保证医院数据安全具有重要意义。本文提出通过加强和完善机房的物理安全措施、网络安全防护措施、机房管理规章制度和人员职责等建立医院信息系统安全保障机制的工作策略与方法。  相似文献   

At the heart of the recommendations to prevent HIV transmission in workers who perform high-risk tasks are the universal blood and body fluid precautions. These precautions are meant to be followed by all health-care workers in the care of all patients and by public safety workers (e.g., firefighters, police officers, and correctional facility personnel) whenever they perform specific tasks that expose them to blood, body fluids, or tissues. Universal precautions apply to blood, semen, vaginal secretions, body tissues, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluids, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, and amniotic fluid. These fluids have either been implicated in HIV transmission or their risk of transmission is unknown. Other fluids or excretions are excluded from universal precautions because epidemiologic studies have failed to implicate them in HIV transmission. These include feces, nasal secretions, sputum, sweat, tears, urine, vomitus, breast milk, and saliva, unless they contain visible blood. However, routine precautions (handwashing, gloves, etc.) to prevent exposure to other diseases transmitted by these media should be followed. Other precautions are directed at health-care workers who perform specialized at-risk procedures, e.g., surgeons, dentists, laboratory workers, etc. In general, recommendations for these workers include the universal precautions plus additional emphasis on the use of barrier measures. Although the risk of environmentally mediated HIV transmission is negligible, it is theoretically possible, and recommendations to kill or inactivate HIV on environmental surfaces should be followed. Fortunately, HIV is easily inactivated in the environment. The cheapest and most convenient method is a 1:10 or 1:100 dilution of household bleach.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

家用血糖仪的正确使用方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐述了家用血糖仪的原理、结果影响因素、使用中的注意事项等问题,探讨了家用血糖仪的正确使用方法,降低监测结果的误差,为有效监测血糖和调整治疗计划提供科学、准确的参考。提出了发明一种快速血糖仪对于糖尿病患者具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Pooling data from multiple studies improves estimation of exposure-disease associations through increased sample size. However, biomarker exposure measurements can vary substantially across laboratories and often require calibration to a reference assay prior to pooling. We develop two statistical methods for aggregating biomarker data from multiple studies: the full calibration method and the internalized method. The full calibration method calibrates all biomarker measurements regardless of the availability of reference laboratory measurements while the internalized method calibrates only non-reference laboratory measurements. We compare the performance of these two aggregation methods to two-stage methods. Furthermore, we compare the aggregated and two-stage methods when estimating the calibration curve from controls only or from a random sample of individuals from the study cohort. Our findings include the following: (1) Under random sampling for calibration, exposure effect estimates from the internalized method have a smaller mean squared error than those from the full calibration method. (2) Under the controls-only calibration design, the full calibration method yields effect estimates with the least bias. (3) The two-stage approaches produce average effect estimates that are similar to the full calibration method under a controls only calibration design and the internalized method under a random sample calibration design. We illustrate the methods in an application evaluating the relationship between circulating vitamin D levels and stroke risk in a pooling project of cohort studies.  相似文献   

A new guideline developed by the Centers for Disease Control suggests that hospitals adopt one of two alternative isolation systems: the category system or the disease-specific system. The older category system has been modified to reflect current knowledge; for example, the category of protective isolation has been deleted, new categories for contact precautions and tuberculosis precautions have been added, the specific precautions indicated in the other categories have been substantially modified, and many infections have been assigned to new categories. The disease-specific system, a newly developed approach, lists the specific isolation precautions indicated for each infectious disease. Whereas the revised category system offers greater simplicity in practice, the disease-specific system minimizes unnecessary precautions. Both systems allow patient-care personnel more decision-making authority in determining which precautions to apply.  相似文献   

Identification of the meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) reservoir by active screening followed by the implementation of contact precautions is one of the major components of MRSA control programmes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of a programme of selective screening in an emergency department (ED) and the appropriateness of the contact precautions implemented. This was estimated by distinguishing necessary and unnecessary days of contact precautions. This estimation was performed for all days of contact precautions and, more specifically, for days of preventive contact precautions implemented before the availability of screening results. During a three-year period, screening of MRSA carriers was performed on 0.95% (N=605) of patients visiting the emergency ward. Among the 193 (31.9%) MRSA carriers identified, 159 were hospitalized in the short-length-hospitalization area (SLHA) of the ED and/or in other wards. Among the 140 patients admitted to the SLHA, 44 were hospitalized for at least 48 h, with a mean length of hospitalization of 5.9 days. The cumulative duration of hospitalization of carriers identified by screening was 1897 days. In total, 2370 days of contact precautions (including 924 days of preventive precautions) were implemented for patients screened in the ED. Considering the whole hospital, the appropriateness of this entire programme of contact precautions for patients screened in the ED was 80.0% (52.1% for the SLHA), whereas the specific appropriateness of preventive isolation days was 48.6% (43.6% for the SLHA). This study underscores the risk of MRSA cross-transmission in the SLHA, and the usefulness of implementing a control programme of screening carriers in the ED.  相似文献   

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