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BACKGROUND: Only a small fraction of articles published in the dermatologic literature are cited frequently. Articles cited at least 100 times are known as "citation classics" and have been previously discussed. The nature of dermatologic articles cited fewer than 100 times but still much more frequently cited than average has not been clearly elucidated. OBJECTIVE: To identify the source, authorship, and citation history of original articles published in 24 dermatologic journals that were cited more than 25 times. DESIGN: We analyzed a citation database provided by the Institute for Scientific Information. We identified the journal of publication, authorship, and country of authorship for all original articles cited at least 25 times and published from 1982 to 1996 in 24 dermatologic journals. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Source of most frequently cited dermatologic articles. RESULTS: Only 2139 (6.45%) of all original articles were cited more than 25 times. Articles published in 4 of 24 journals accounted for the most frequently cited articles. Only 18 (0.13%) of more than 13,500 first authors published at least 5 articles that were cited more than 25 times. CONCLUSIONS: Few articles are cited at least 25 times, and few persons are first authors of multiple articles in the dermatologic literature cited at least that frequently.  相似文献   

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a traditional cultural practice, but also a form of violence against girls, which affects their lives as adult women. FGM comprises a wide range of procedures: the excision of the prepuce; the partial or total excision of the clitoris (clitoridectomy) and labia; or the stitching and narrowing of the vaginal orifice (infibulation). The number of girls and women who have been subjected to FGM is estimated at around 137 million worldwide and 2 million girls per year are considered at risk. Most females who have undergone mutilation live in 28 African countries. Globalization and international migration have brought an increased presence of circumcised women in Europe and developed countries. Healthcare specialists need to be made aware and trained in the physical, psychosexual, and cultural aspects and effects of FGM and in the response to the needs of genitally mutilated women. Health education programs targeted at immigrant communities should include information on sexuality, FGM, and reproduction. Moreover, healthcare workers should both discourage women from performing FGM on their daughters and receive information on codes of conduct and existing laws. The aim is the total eradication of all forms of FGM.  相似文献   

Sinus pericranii is a rare disorder characterized by a congenital or acquired epicranial blood-filled nodule of the scalp that is in communication with an intracranial dural sinus through dilated diploic veins of the skull. We describe two patients with sinus pericranii: a 3-year-old boy with a congenital lesion and a 3-year-old girl whose lesion appeared after head trauma. We discuss the clinical presentation, dermatologic manifestations, differential diagnosis, and management as described in the available published literature. Patients with sinus pericranii may be brought to the attention of dermatologists and dermatopathologists because of skin changes in the scalp or forehead. The diagnosis is difficult to make clinically, because the skin manifestations are highly variable and may resemble other disorders of the scalp and cranium. The potentially lethal complications including hemorrhage, infection, and air embolism warrant a high index of suspicion for sinus pericranii.  相似文献   

In the last few years, the field of peptide growth factors has exploded with new knowledge and potential therapeutic applications. We review some of these important aspects of growth factors with regard to the field of dermatology.  相似文献   

This article reviews therapeutic advances reported in the English-language literature during 1991. Readers should review the original article in full before attempting any experimental or controversial therapy.  相似文献   

High molecular pathogenic substances are eliminated from the blood by plasma exchange. Main indications are autoimmune disorders; the experiences with this therapy in dermatological disorders are reviewed. In psoriasis vulgaris immunoglobulins and antigen-antibody-complexes has been discussed as pathogenetic, too; we have therefore treated four patients with psoriasis by plasma exchange. Although we observed a surprising clinical improvement during the initial phase of therapy, the final results are not convincing.  相似文献   

The chemical ingredients can vary between batches of industrial products. That means that the sensitizing capacity is also variable. This should be considered in taking histories, performing patch testing and analyzing chemicals.  相似文献   

《中国性科学》杂志经国家新闻出版总署批准,由中华人民共和国卫生部主管、中国性学会主办,是国家以性科学研究和性教育为重点的唯一权威性刊物,属国家级核心期刊。是我国第一本以“性”为刊名,以“性”为研究对象的专业杂志。我国性医学创建者之一,性学会的名誉理事长吴阶平院士担任本刊的名誉主编并亲笔题写刊名。中国性学会理事长徐天民教授担任主编,由全国数十位性医学、性教育及相关学科的知名专家教授组成编委会,具有很高的权威性。本刊国内外公开发行的综合性性科学高级学术期刊,大16开本,国内刊号为CN 11-4982/R,国际刊号为ISSN 1672-  相似文献   

《中国性科学》杂志经国家新闻出版总署批准,由中华人民共和国卫生部主管、中国性学会主办,是国家以性科学研究和性教育为重点的唯一权威性刊物,属国家级核心期刊。是我国第一本以“性”为刊名,以“性”为研究对象的专业杂志。我国性医学创建者之一,性学会的名誉理事长吴阶平院士担任本刊的名誉主编并亲笔题写刊名。中国性学会理事长徐天民教授担任主编,由全国数十位性医学、性教育及相关学科的知名专家教授组成编委会,具有很高的权威性。  相似文献   

Lyme borreliosis was identified in Czechoslovakia for the first time in 1985. Since then, more cases have gradually been identified. Since 1989, about 1,500 patients per ten million inhabitants have been reported every year. Having summarized the results of the therapy of 371 patients with dermatologic manifestations of lyme borreliosis (erythema migrans in 315, borrelial lymphocytoma in fifteen, and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans in forty-one) we present the antibiotic regimens used by Czechoslovak dermatologists in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), using topical aminolevulinic acid (ALA), has been used for years to treat a variety of dermatologic conditions, including actinic keratosis, superficial basal cell carcinoma, and in situ squamous cell carcinoma. While there is a wide range of neoplastic and non‐neoplastic skin diseases for which ALA‐PDT is used in adults, there is a knowledge gap when it comes to its use in children. This review highlights what is currently known regarding the use and efficacy of this therapy in the pediatric population. A PubMed search was conducted to identify studies including pediatric patients undergoing monotherapy PDT with topical aminolevulinate (published 2005–2016). Twenty pediatric articles were identified. ALA‐PDT has been used successfully in children to reduce the number and size of basal cell tumors, inflammatory acne lesions, plantar warts, and linear porokeratoses. ALA ‐ PDT may be an attractive alternative to surgery for children with basal cell nevus syndrome, or to conventional destructive and/or topical methods used for plantar warts or linear porokeratoses. PDT can be considered for inflammatory acne when topical treatments have failed and systemic medications are not an option. Pain associated with treatment and insurance coverage may be a barrier to use.  相似文献   

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