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The clinical concept of “double depression,” i.e., the superimposition of a major depressive disorder in a patient with dysthymic disorder, implies that there are at least some differences between dysthymia, major depression, and double depression. However, the relationship between these two syndromes remains unclear. The present study uses genetic methodology to explore any possible relationship between minor depression, double depression, and major depression. From 1988–1990, all consecutive unrelated inpatients and outpatients (index cases) presenting to a university-based mood disorders service had detailed family histories taken, using modification of the “family history method.” Diagnoses for index cases and their first-degree relatives were made according to Research Diagnostic Criteria. For all index cases with a diagnosis of minor or intermittent depression, and minor/intermittent depression plus either single or recurrent depression (“double depression”), morbidity risks for mood disorders were calculated for first-degree relatives (parents, siblings, and children) using the maximum likelihood approach. Results showed no significant differences in morbidity risk calculations to first-degree relatives of index cases with minor/intermittent depression, major depression, or double depression. The data from this genetic perspective suggest that single depression, recurrent depression, minor depression, and double depression are indistinguishable. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Limited prior research suggests that depressed women are more likely to experience certain symptoms of depression than are depressed men. The purpose of this study was to examine whether such gender differences in depressive symptoms are present during adolescence. METHODS: The Childhood Version of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia and the Beck Depression Inventory were administered to adolescents presenting for evaluation at an outpatient clinic (n=383; ages 11.9 to 20.0). RESULTS: Depressed girls and boys had similar symptom prevalence and severity ratings for most depressive symptoms. However, depressed girls had more guilt, body image dissatisfaction, self-blame, self-disappointment, feelings of failure, concentration problems, difficulty working, sadness/depressed mood, sleep problems, fatigue, and health worries than depressed boys on some comparisons. In contrast, depressed boys had higher clinician ratings of anhedonia, depressed morning mood, and morning fatigue. LIMITATIONS: Longitudinal research is needed to test whether such relatively gender-specific symptoms play different roles in the onset, maintenance, or remittance of depression for boys and girls. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that, in general, the experience of depression is highly similar for adolescent girls and boys. However, some gender differences previously found among depressed adults appear to be present by adolescence, possibly suggesting somewhat distinct etiologies for depression among males and females.  相似文献   



Since the late 1980s, there has been evidence of an international trend towards more organised primary care. This has taken a number of forms including the emergence of primary care organisations. Underpinning such developments is an inherent belief in evidence that suggests that well-developed primary care is associated with improved health outcomes and greater cost-effectiveness within health systems. In Australia, primary care organisations have emerged as divisions of general practice. These are professionally-led, regionally-based, and largely government-funded voluntary associations of general practitioners that seek to co-ordinate local primary care services, and improve the quality of care and health outcomes for local communities.


In this paper, we examine and debate the development of divisions in the international context, using six roles of primary care organisations outlined in published research. The six roles that are used as the basis for the critique are the ability of primary care organisations to: improve health outcomes; manage demand and control costs; engage primary care physicians; enable greater integration of health services; develop more accessible services in community and primary care settings; and enable greater scrutiny and assurance of quality of primary care services.


We conclude that there has been an evolutionary approach to divisions' development and they now appear embedded as geographically-based planning and development organisations within the Australian primary health care system. The Australian Government has to date been cautious in its approach to intervention in divisions' direction and performance. However, options for the next phase include: making greater use of contracts between government and divisions; introducing and extending proposed national quality targets for divisions, linked with financial or other incentives for performance; government sub-contracting with state-based organisations to act as purchasers of care; pursuing a fund-holding approach within divisions; and developing divisions as a form of health maintenance organisation. The challenge for the Australian Government, should it wish to see divisions' role expand, is to find mechanisms to enable this without compromising the relatively strong GP engagement that increasingly distinguishes divisions of general practice within the international experience of primary care organisations.



This study evaluated variables thought to influence patient's perceptions of patient-centeredness. We also compared results from two coding schemes that purport to evaluate patient-centeredness, the Measure of Patient-Centered Communication (MPCC) and the 4 Habits Coding Scheme (4HCS).


174 videotaped family practice office visits, and patient self-report measures were analyzed.


Patient factors contributing to positive perceptions of patient-centeredness were successful negotiation of decision-making roles and lower post-visit uncertainty. MPCC coding found visits were on average 59% patient-centered (range 12-85%). 4HCS coding showed an average of 83 points (maximum possible 115). However, patients felt their visits were highly patient-centered (mean 3.7, range 1.9-4; maximum possible 4). There was a weak correlation between coding schemes, but no association between coding results and patient variables (number of pre-visit concerns, attainment of desired decision-making role, post-visit uncertainty, patients’ perception of patient-centeredness).


Coder inter-rater reliability was lower than expected; convergent and divergent validity were not supported. The 4HCS and MPCC operationalize patient-centeredness differently, illustrating a lack of conceptual clarity.

Practice implications

The patient's perspective is important. Family practice providers can facilitate a more positive patient perception of patient-centeredness by addressing patient concerns to help reduce patient uncertainty, and by negotiating decision-making roles.  相似文献   

Solid–pseudopapillary neoplasms (SPNs) of the pancreas are uncommon and occur preferentially in young women. The question whether the features of SPNs occurring in men differ from those in women has not yet been studied. For a better understanding of the clinicopathological features of SPNs of both sexes, we studied a series of 14 tumors surgically resected at a Japanese hospital within a period of 14 years. This series was composed of seven men and seven women. All these SPNs demonstrated nuclear and cytoplasmic accumulation of β-catenin protein in immunohistochemistry and 86% of them had activating mutations of β-catenin gene. No pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors showed such immunohistochemical findings and genetic alterations. In our series, most SPNs in women showed encapsulation by thick fibrous tissue and massive degenerative changes. Most SPNs in men exhibited solid components without prominent degenerative changes, even though they were of a similar size to those in women. These findings suggest that SPNs in men tend to be a solid mass with slower progression of degenerative changes during their growth compared to that in women. Nuclear accumulation of β-catenin appears to be a useful marker of SPN, which allows male SPNs to be correctly diagnosed despite their less typical features.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the relation between occupational and nonoccupational conditions and both incident (IBLP) and chronic low back pain (CLBP), aswellasdepression, among women and men. Data from a4-year follow-up of a study group consisting of 420 participants of both genders from the general Swedish population were analysed. Occupational risk indicators were predictors for both ILBP and CLBP. Depression was not found to be a predictor for either IBLP or CLBP among women, but was a predictor for CLBP among men. Among women, depression had some risk indicators in common with ILBP and appeared to be a concurrent outcome rather than a risk indicator. Low back pain in 1993 was not a predictor for depression in 1997 in either women or men. Occupational conditions are of relevance in relation to both incident and CLBP. Nonoccupational conditions were stronger predictors for CLBP than for ILBP but had some predictive value also for ILBP.  相似文献   

《Immunology today》1998,19(3):133-141
Induction of allergic and autoimmune reactions by drugs and other chemicals constitutes a major public health problem. Elucidation of the underlying mechanisms might help improve diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches. Here, Peter Griem and colleagues focus on several aspects of neoantigen formation by xenobiotics: metabolism of xenobiotics into reactive, haptenic metabolites; polymorphisms of metabolizing enzymes; induction of costimulatory signals; and sensitization of T cells.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal superantigens: do they play a role in sepsis?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In Staphylococcus aureus, 19 different superantigens (SAgs) have been described. Their genes are all located on mobile genetic elements, such as pathogenicity islands, plasmids, and phages. SAgs bypass conventional antigen recognition by directly cross-linking major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) molecules on antigen-presenting cells with T cell receptors. This leads to massive T cell proliferation and cytokine release, which may end in toxic shock syndrome. The role of SAgs in other forms of sepsis is less well defined. In animal models, SAgs and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) very efficiently synergize in the induction of lethal shock, and on the basis of these observations a two-hit model of sepsis has been proposed: LPS or another monocyte stimulus hits first, then SAg or another T cell stimulus hits. In clinical studies, however, evidence for an involvement of SAgs in sepsis has been difficult to obtain. This may have a number of reasons: differences between humans and rodents in their response to LPS and SAg, heterogeneity of SAg combinations in S.aureus clinical isolates, lack of tools to analyze SAg effects in patients, blocking anti-SAg serum antibodies, and MHCII polymorphisms.  相似文献   

The natural function of viruses is to deliver their genetic material to cells. Among the most effective of viruses in doing that is Simian Virus-40 (SV40). The properties that make SV40 a successful virus make it an attractive candidate for use as a gene delivery vehicle: high titer replication, infectivity for almost all nucleated cell types whether the cells are dividing or resting, potential for integration into cellular DNA, a peculiar pathway for entering cells that bypasses the cells' antigen processing apparatus, very high stability, and the apparent ability to activate expression of its own capsid genes in trans. Exploiting these and other characteristics of wild type (wt) SV40, increasing numbers of laboratories are studying recombinant (r) SV40-derived vectors. Among the uses to which these vectors have been applied are: delivering therapy to inhibit HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV) and other viruses; correction of inherited hepatic and other protein deficiencies; immunizing against lentiviral and other antigens; treatment of inherited and acquired diseases of the central nervous system; protecting the lung and other organs from free radical-induced injury; and many others. The effectiveness of these vectors is a reflection of the adaptive evolution that produced their parent virus, wt SV40. This article explores how and why these vectors work, their strengths and their limitations, and provides a functional model for their exploitation for experimental and clinical applications.  相似文献   



GPs comply poorly to public health recommendations to routinely assess their patients'' physical activity. The reasons for this disconnect between recommended practice and GPs'' actual practice are unclear.


To investigate GPs'' perceptions of assessing physical activity, and to explore how GPs assess their patients'' physical activity.

Design of the study

Qualitative study.


General practice.


Semi-structured interviews were performed with 15 randomly selected southern Tasmanian GPs, with stratification to include GPs with a range of demographic characteristics. Each interview was recorded, transcribed in full, and analysed using an iterative thematic approach to identify major themes.


GPs recognised the importance of assessing physical activity, but rather than assessing every patient, they target at-risk patients and those with conditions likely to benefit from increased physical activity. Depth of assessment and GPs'' definition of sufficient physical activity varied according to the clinical and social context of each patient. Major barriers were the time needed to perform an adequate assessment and lack of time to deal with physical inactivity in patients once it was identified.


GPs'' assessment of physical activity is a complex and highly individualised process that cannot be divorced from the issue of managing physical inactivity once it is identified. Expectations that GPs will assess physical activity levels in all their patients are unlikely to be met. This must be taken into account when developing strategies to improve physical activity assessment in general practice, and should be considered in policy decisions about approaches to take to improve physical activity levels at a population level.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that infectious agents transmitted by mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) may have a greater connection to cancer then hitherto supposed and that the immune system struggles to recognize and fight some of these infectious agents. One of the claims made is that there is a connection between human malaria and brain cancers in the USA. However, the USA declared itself free of human malaria in the last century, yet cancer incidences remain high, suggesting any overall cancer connection is slight. Two fundamental questions arise from the possible mosquito-cancer connection. Firstly, if mosquitoes are able to vector some pathogens and parasites linked with cancer pathogenesis, why has the fact not been discovered decades ago? Secondly, if there is a connection (other than in relation to Burkett’s lymphoma), what is its extent? The answers may well lie with the various types of malarias known to exist. The discovery in humans of the simian malaria, caused by Plasmodium knowlesi, suggests that other forms of simian or even avian malaria may be capable of survival in humans, albeit at low levels of parasitemia, and humans may be a dead-end host. Other carcinogenic infectious agents transmitted by mosquitoes may also go undetected because either no one is looking for them, or they are looking in wrong anatomical locations and/or with inadequate tools. Research on false negative test results with respect to many infectious agents is sadly lacking, so its extent is unknown. However, electronic and other media provide numerous instances of patients failing to be diagnosed for both human malaria and Lyme’s disease, to take just two examples. This review suggests that to shed light on a potential mosquito-cancer connection, more research is required to establish whether other simian and avian forms of malaria play a part. If so, then they potentially provide unique markers for early cancer detection.  相似文献   

The present study involved 105 German students at the end of their first semester in elementary school in order to explore the stress that students may experience within the school environment, and how the relationship with the teacher buffers or exacerbates the stress. Student-teacher relationships were explored on both classroom and individual interaction levels. Classrooms were described by external observers in terms of teachers' support and classroom organization. Teachers reported on the relationships with their students regarding closeness, conflict, and dependency, which determined four specific patterns of student-teacher relationships. Furthermore, saliva samples were taken on a Monday and a Friday of the same week (four times each day) to display diurnal cortisol profiles. These profiles were later evaluated by means of slopes and intercepts, reflecting students' daily stress regulation. Comparisons between Monday and Friday profiles of the same student served as an estimate for the stress regulation throughout the week. Finally, associations between the profiles and the specific relationship patterns provided information on significant environmental conditions for students' stress. Students in non-supportive, as compared to supportive, classrooms had flatter cortisol profiles, suggesting that classrooms of low quality hindered sufficient down-regulation of cortisol levels at both the beginning and the end of the week. Moreover, students with conflict-loaded relationships with their teachers were less able to appropriately down-regulate stress (especially on Fridays) than students with proximal-balanced relationships, showing the most optimal cortisol profiles.  相似文献   

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